Nick Robinson - The Origami Bible - A Practical Guide To The Art of Paper Folding (1581805179)

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—————————— ea A Practical Guide to yy ihe Art of Paper Folding : With color photographs and step-by- step illustrations and text, The Origami Bible will enable readers, whatever their level of skill, to fold almost any design, traditional or contemporary. The emphasis is on encouraging the reader to combine and extend existing techniques to produce new origami works. Author Nick Robinson offers both practical guidance and inspirational ideas. Key to symbols vl fot in ‘direction of rmauntain fold SN the paper vena fold and untokd ‘Basin to leave trising ease pet ne paper io > ‘out fa Ieee existing crease re Bx e| from ese $20 OP i tum me paper over ‘row and back rotate gape 30 degrees in direction of | armas apaly pressure fold with feeling eS seale oats bigger fr Key io folds rabtits ear viside reverse inside: reverse insige: Tavarse 2 Pra’ etal fl dELIS , hicden fale ving x-ray ‘view Me The Origami Bible Origami Bible Nick Robinson With a short history by David Lister qi oem! UGHT REO F First published in 2004 by (Collin fe Beavet Lineat ‘The Chrysalis Bullding Bromicy Bone London, W10 65F An imprint of Cheysall¥ Sooks Group ple Disuibuved 1 the uade markers in North Ametiea by North Light books, an imprint of F&W Publications, Inc. £700 Tass Galbraith roa, Cinta, OFT 45236 t8un) 2e9 098 (Cupyriphe Colles & Blown Liruited, 2008 ‘Tees comyrinht © Neck Robinson, 2003 “Text for History copyright © David Lister. 2004 ‘The night of Nick Robinson to be identified as the author of, tiswork has boen asserted by iim in scemrdance with the Copyrighe, Designs and Patents Act 188 All rights reserved, {No pact of this publication amy be neprecace reuleval system, or wansmlited in any formar by any means, clectronte, mechanical, photecopying. cevonding. oz otherwise. vwithour che prior writen permission of the publishers and i hudder, oper ISN: |-SIB0-5)7-8 Designed by Roger Tartana Eaived by Hilary Manclalbeng lustrations by Nick Robiasas ‘how graphy by sell Suthesband gRTeS4a21 Caloc sepraduction by Classiescan, Singapore Printed by Kyodo Printing Co Limited, Singxpore Contents Foreword 7 Introduction 9 A Short History of Paper Folding 10 Essentials 22 Bases 25 Creativity 38 Technique 41 Practice 57 Practical Folds 75 Decorative Folds 91 Wet Folding 106 Complex Folding 119 Gallery 134 Resources 141 Index 142 Acknowledgments 144 Foreword miracles held within a simple square of paper soon become apparent when, egin to fold it. Edges nearly match up with creases as the paper dances a ¢ careless, yet perfect ballet. Parterns of folds, seemingly stolen from a palace, enable the paper to collapse elegantly into a new geometric se. a recognizable animal, a neat container, ar a simple toy that performs an ected movement. & Robinson preaches the gospel of this new world of origami, aided by ; collection of his own designs and a few by ather notable folders. The rosity and friendship of origami enthusiasts everywhere demonstrate that universal language andi tell us that the world of paper folding is arkably small. At the same time, emerging ideas and cancepts show us that boundless. The limitations imposed by the square that is neither to “= cut, nar decarated nor glued, merely folded, ofien mean that the creator ames apparently insuperable problems with elegant and economic ions, Restriction stimulates richness. ou find that yeu have been converted by origami, make a point of joining f the many organizations devoted to the spread of its knowledge = enwhere, Exchanging ideas with others whp share chis passion will expand ur skill and knowledge rapidly, and is the best way to learn and progress. iwvish you good luck on your origand pilgrimage! — ave Brill [a3 OF TEE BHSHLSH ORUGAD! SOCIETY Introduction mi ig @ Japanese word meaning “paper folding.” For many years tially a traditional artform, paper folding has seen an unprecedented wth in bath the diversity af subject matter and the range of techniques: Jable to (he creative folder, This book presents a wide range of lating and previously unpublished designs, carefully chosen (6 ‘ate both techniques and concepts in origami intention of this baok, however, is to offer more than just another ction of designs, I'd like readers to feel they can create their own designs ve included tips end hints with meny of the designs so that you can ove the fun pf creating origaml as well as folding it. 1 firmly believe char one is born with a talent and that given the right environment, it will In may be thar your talent isn’t in creating origami, but it's fun to wry! © also like to share with you the fun that you can have as part of the vide origami community, There are thousands of folders around the who are happy ta exchange diagrams and folds with you. might he through the Internet or by mare nal means. | have made many, many ends through origami and their ship is every bit as important as the we fald. “ME GRIGAMI BIBLE A Short History of Paper FOIING wyosvietister OY Lu WwoRD oigand! is an accepted part ag English and! of many other lenguages Iris the Japanese word fer “paper folding,” but paper is not he only material to have bee folded, Cloth and leather ane obvious eltematives. Despite is stiffness, i tseven possible to fold papyrus and the ceriiest per foldingwe have is of an Lgypliaca ¥ deting from Hellenistic times and now exemple fp map. probaby liv @ tmuseurt mn hlilan, Tt shows @ Nubian gull sine and is folded! jus like a modern zaad map, Ee vo Use material sient suitable ga fo ns 4s paper. We cannot precisely dare wh 1 paper was: ded, baer we can at Least, be sure that it eould ot hart ippened before paper hecame [ney eveilable in diferent wountries. luis populacly assumed thatthe japanese “invented” paper folding, but despite many confident assertions, nobody can he sure. the first people mn fold paper may well have heen, the Chinese. Paper wes invented in China, end fact, ood paper suitable for writing, and presumubly for folding, wes being snade by AD 100. nowledge af paper making was vaken with Buddhism from China wy Korea and trom there 10 Japan, where it arrived annund AL 350, The Arabs leaned how 10 make paper trom Chinese prisoners they took in Samarkand i Central Asia in AD 751, By 1896 papermaking reached Cordobs in Mourist Spain, It reached Francein 1 in 1480. Despite this, however, we do not hive any fiem evidence of Germany ia 1988, and England ccrealional paper folding in Puarope 19 hefore 1600, Perhaps surprisingly, the same applics to Japan, where the first evidence of recratinnel paper folding, as opposed w cesemaniel paper folding, dugs not appear until afier 1600. Was the skill diseu+ened in one country spread from there, or was it diseuvered Independenily in dilferemt places? [rs usteally assumed chet paper folding was first practiced in rr the Fast, either in Ching or lapan, and tha a wes taken from there along the land ar s20 ioutes tu Europe, tour itis equally possible that it was disrovered inatependtemtly in Europe, Or, unlike! itmey y S0em, it may’ be hal St was first discovered! in the West and taken to the Est. Themis ny evidence one way or the uthes, The Japanese tradition. We have no tore than a thw seattered glimpses uf vcazly paper folding in laps used! in many ways, utilitarian, religions, ane ‘seremonial, During the Hefen perind (AD 74-1185; she culkivared classes tong pleasure in letter writing where paper was and It was considered discoerteous co send a leur unless it was folded int precise manner, & culcured man would usually carry 3 fra, which was a simply folded paper wallet in hold hentkkerchiefs or papers Toc writing, In his perind paper wus also wsed a5.6 material for wrapping medicines and spices, with din sin Tappan, 1500), soclery becamy governed by rigid calles af edquects the serappers becoming rather farm: ie Formalization eal 8 a tenden incl (1383-1 ann the Muromaehi per cd by sehuel i such ats thee sosiwara School. Tn pan was Closely eurcumscribed, etiquette snding that every gift, espetially of fleavers have its own special kind ef paper wrapper. “se wrappers, known as trvfsuneé, were orately pleated fan shapes, The use of suits? ~ ued daougiour the Ed perkod (2600-1868) + oven tadiay, although thelr use has declined Soutyin modern Japan. they are sull used ia wrap are sometimes exchanged by Japanese al beiruihal ceremonies, “ing formal gift, which would be given, ous aceasion, wes of ebalone. This ned flesh wi a shellfish kawwn as #. The wrapper was called a nosh the abvelone was replaced by a “sip of yellone paper, and the nash sc teelf became a mene symbol, with its ened tn neshi. Miniature soshe are still y attached to gifts in Japan today. much = Se West, we might amach a gift tg. ise of paper in Japan was in the aper streamers known as O-Sheda and fy sill decorate Shinto shrines and other . They are made bya cut-and-fold O-Shenta usually hang fran # shdnvenene rope marking the houndary of the sacred ‘were probably derived lrom strips of isnt fkely thar they originated in the i A Gohl is e smeller, double zigeag ached toa short rod. It starts ina seco: Sarge oF small, where Ir denotes the the deity honored there, early ceremonial use of paper was very was used to prorect the mouth af flasks rice wine or seke. The paper was down armund the neck ofthe flask and vd. The smoothing dean made & ast cadiating frum the center of the Ler, the giving.of ASHONT HISTORY OF BAPER FOLDING, paper and it has been suggested thal the discarded ‘covers were Jancifully hought to resemble anertlies, The paper cavers were then formalized andl iv became customary tu decorate flasks and other containers used fur sake with pairs of folded paper butterflies, knw as Octo (mialel and Mecho female) bunveriles, ‘Ata traditional Lipanese wedding sake is sipped bby the lire and growm to seal the sonmaet and che Udecho and Octe butterflies are still associated swith weddings today. They are the nesrest kind of ancient [apanese paper falding we can find to sogern recreational folding ancl we cam see sdlimpses in he burteriies of madern origami models faded from the Waterbomb base (see page 20). Tapanese commentators find i difficule to put a ‘date on the origin of the butterflies. Same suggest the Muromachi perind, bt they may dave fram the Hoien povind. Whatever the date, we kriow thar the butterflies have been folded fne many cenruries, “Althotigh paper folding for play’ or reereattion ray have begun to evolve earlier, it is onls in the Edo. period that we bein to find any information about it. In the 17th century, che first illustrations of recreational folds begin fo appear an! some nf them nccaslonally appear in the decoration of the owing robes of the wealthier classes af the time, We find such familise folds as the Chinese junk, the classic crane, simple boats end the wandering flute: player, known as Komose, All these falls are fai simple and are of dhe kind thar are usually associated with children, In fact, himwweves, the illustratinns we have usually show them being folded ny young ladtes from the wealthier classes, It isnot until the 19th century that pletures uf children folding become frequent. ‘We have many Japancea prints and woodcuts illustrating folded Sgures frorn the P7th andl Lith centuries, One important wondeut of 1934 shows uw TH ORIGAME BIBL Komoso with same Lype of boats and cranes ary soen on the robes af the earlier Edo peeriead, This woodcut alse shows 2 cubic box, which was apparently the first unsdhalar model and a sanbo. ar ‘somrainer om legs that is Ue ‘conclusion is that urigami for play wes welll established hy the 1th cennuny. In 1797, we heve our first glimpse of a new, more complicated kinul uf folding. whieh was cleerly ‘work of adults and moti ren. The yuur 1797 saw the publicerian of Senbaziery on classic crane, not singly but in gaups, as well as il fale vos ee for ed fam, # book with insieuctiuns for folding the es linked Lugeliter. The initial square, strong white paper, is cur into a seis uf smaller squares joined ar the comers. Seme of an iro oF adn ur more linked ct nbazurte Qrikata oviginared fron the Che snple in whet is now the Mia prefeerure, Also fam the same source and dated 1797 are nwo. LIE ielniedd sheets Sowa as the Gitustiingera Orfkans. (One shows illustrations from the famous bapanies lay, Chuesiingerme the other has diagrams for folding the characters uf the play. Anote on one af the sheets announces that there will be a publications in the same series, buy so far none has come te light, Nevertheless, we kaw hat this Kind of “adult” paper tMding was quite extensively practiced in usa “agg Origin fate 2960 Ly Tats Miyawnets peut ofa st rch and 28 ate devoted te paper Tulding, ls moclels ineluete the Geto and Mecko burterfikes as well as formal ismtsten wrappers for spices and several kinds of flowers. In addition. there ave insteuetiy folding lie characteristic sitting human figures of the Kin still fok rs for four the tract inal display of Golls on Girls’ Ds In fapan, [By eontcast with these, the rest of the folds illusceated ane complex wec1 cls, and amas them heginninng with sce ¢ splendid dragonth espe yous, It seems that these folds may-have come ira folals of ‘animals rah, several af fom the sane sunce as the Senbxzceras Orisa perhaps trom ane of the promised, andl as yet uundiseas ered, lnuoks, When Une light in the mid 1984s, Kasho Uchiyama, the youngest ofa family of distinguished folders, ieealled that his granclmuther had folded models ir jest this style, Sadly, all of them baal been destroyed ‘nan earthquake and during bamthing in the Second World Was, Other evilence of similar advanced folding, has came tu acame to usu wean be AI asthe simpler “ehildren’s" folding, chore was also a mate compiles style of Jolding that wes practiced by adults thas been suggested that paper folding for “play” was passed daughter as practice ‘or mone serianas Formal ‘eding. ‘This appraach te paper folding was changed bby the introduction ideieh. Frobel im 800. Already an invariable ‘he Fréihel ens in Europe, paper ves braughs 10 Japan obel teachers. It Sed the Japanese af per fo jertlizatton the nwo scadinons resulted. Paper as then introduced Into the ‘cnullional lapunese school and the folding 2 formerly been passed dows in families chaol activin. bout elaldren’s fading began ta he lopan aba 1890, and the word ‘ich had hitherta heen accasionally ‘formal paper folding, was applied to ding fo the first tine, As a result, paper folding underwent a-general aii Japan. ‘uonal childwen's models began te be sesdiecoed together and preserved. Tivo callects Ws andl 140s were Isao Hones and. they were inspired ditional Japanese folds avellable to “Soe in series of hanks in European sess However, the origaml scene changed SScoacically with the cising of anewstarof ami, the most famous paper-feleler Soe, Akin Yoshizawa, Western tradition we go backin time and trace the early paper folding im Kurape, Apart tom tine spss Sap, already memiioned, the eadllest siding in Barope ane in the trequent A SHONT HISTORY OF PAPER COLDING yams Masieg si ie. pictures that hare come down ur us from Egypt, Greece, Rome, sit Byzenium which show thaw pleating was, from the earliest ‘times, a popular wey of decorating clotting. While pleated claching nay seem zemote ftom paper folding, the folding of dinner napkins is considered to be clasely related. The vogue fur foluling nuplkins began in the 18h century, when princely tables came tu he decorated with nepkins ‘oldie in the form of fruits, animes, Birds, sad salling ships, Mustrations of these have survived sn ‘books writen in aly in 1624 and Germany in 16 ‘Mast ofthe creations ate mede from large, starched ‘napkins that have been pleated and eross-pleared 30 that the resulting ouble-pleated cloths can be ‘mulded into the chosen fantasies. It seems a long ‘way fam modern origami, but the Kalian and German books also illustrate a few simple Individual napkin foals, Significantly, both illustrate the folds chat ave sell funiliar to ws widay anu is kaon as the Waterbomb base and the Blinta. base, Anyone who holils a plece af paper instinctively plays sri it. Folding the sicies mr the corners Ingether is one obvious thing to do, Cambine lath the diegnnel creases and the horizontal creases ‘and its easy to arrive at wharwe Kam as tte Preliminary hase and its clase reletive, the Weterbamb hase. These sre nwo of today’s most signilicamt starting falds ar beses, Another way of playing with a paper square is by folding the four 1 wes lu the center, cn This cam be repeated & second andl even a third sime in the techmuque ang” Ue syrere. One i ppkin ts the a suaire terlily. Neither the Hakan nor th refers to the Warerlily, buat itis mentioned tn con culinary arts eeted 1582 by Rese. He called i Ihe “double blintang” technique is alsa used 10 Getmas book hows Englistiman, Giles bese which is anuth mse of paper folding and may be hebine! what is sometimes called the “Astralogie n used lr several cennuries fk preparing horoscopes. ‘The Asgrulugical Square erada Cremone. a Italian co im ue L2ch cen was fast devised by she lived in ssplicable to a saute design should bbe used for representing the pnsi caren bodies and thelr imtary mutton. yet this Kind of y. IL seems horoscope persisted mid-1uh eemtury. ‘Alater use nf the Double Blints suggests 1h Astrological Square m folded. In the 16 ventral Europe of preparing "paten-brieves” or ha Europe until the fave been 5 rigineely eentu there was a traslitiun in Kismial certificates, wh ' ch avery given by sgodparenes (w abies on their baptism, Inscribed with pious picmes, messages, and che date ul the Jupuism, they were foldesl into a Double Bllare The (oltled paton-brief of Friedrich Friel is still eshiiced in the Eribel Museums at Bad Blanktsaberg in Ciermang: Ie has heen vonjectured that during the Reformation, as astualogy fell into disfavor with the Church, baptismal brie Used instead of simi s were tly folded huroseopes, which nay have boen drawn up for the bicth of child curing the Mheidle Ages In Euro will & radial crease pattern, such as the Pxeliam oly a few traditional folds used bases 4 aun Weterbomb Feasts, azul reiuber the 1 Ines ur the Frog hase was know, Te inflates mi as a Fly The i is in Hohn Webster chess of Malfi. in which Webster refers, ‘which small boys trap fies ode is known tuday int Egypt, Chine and lapan. Qiher models related ta the Water bomb are the Keitle andi the Bellows, while the ‘Waterfommh is also key mentioned in 14 viliar Swellow or Glider als begins with che ‘Waterlonenlh mise dhe Wetecbombs ba: a, Wi Much more comminss th fs the Windmill base celeted ra the BI asl dhe Windmill self. Hobert Hardin (se called the Windmill Base the Mulilurss page Gne of the best-knuwn European folds is the curious angular bird resembling a tangram tig generally known by its Spanish name of Pagart but in France is known as Curate. while in Japan is known ag fe or dog, Despite intensiv itis no: known when or where the Pajarsta onginated. althoug)i the Symarush tenaciously elain researc fas thetrown, Models folded from the Double Blints at Multiform ene common ins 19tb-century Europe. Friedrich Frébel recollected! how; as a child, be folded the Mi known as the Suit af Clothes. The simple but a two-piece figure someuimes slong box known in bapa as a Mase hox, is alsin a Muldturm Zale, Dating from 1805 we haves Durch print, whith hes a pietie nf the moce complicated ‘Chinese junk. The fark too, is ful of the Mull Nothezlandis femm che Fast by the eastern tale cm family. It is possible char fr eame ce the routes, bur we are mot sure Other imparcant early European folds closely related (o the Pagar and mounted soldiers with their hmses, which dace are the German fvot soldiers hereon 181 and 1820. These ate today | oited in museums in Dresden andl Nuremberg ow how sophisticated paper folding enuld be uughnut the 19th ceatary, references 19 -oe? folding in Europe hecome very frequent. As already heen stated, Eréteel adapted paper in his system of child eelucation, first as a far childsen to discover geumetey, He used ditional folels ww gute chitkinen sown ~ sshomatical folding, Then he perceived that sper tuldling could be erencive activiry end he - on encauuraged te folding of paper patterns from ustes of papery fins “blinrzing® them. Frivbel = od in IB52, bur his sureessnrs continued ta teach per folding and rhelr etany hanks shaw hew nsive was the repertoire vf traditional madels in Europe in the 1th century. vi 1454, Japan remained a closed and isolated stey: Ay a mast of the: qunibees diplomacy somodore Marthew Perry in that year, Japan ened her borders te the West. Ameng the many, ~ changes thar fullowedl, Japanese magicians hegen cour Purape and che United States. Itis — ounted how in he 1870s, they wauld astonish usienees by producing # large square of er With a few deft tips, the maagieiae tal a bend > soja in is hands, The sever vais thar the re bal been pre-creased, but in the glare of the light this wes nat evident, The duction af the = opping, Bice caeformed Western Sing. Las firs Pape model making 4 SENRE HISTERY BE PAPER FOLIING ‘published in the Hays Quy Papa in fiane 1RB and ‘ivsnon made frequent appearances in Eacopean honks of parinr science and chilerens recreations. “The lumping Frog sean followed and with these: tivo folds the Bind base and the Frog hase were nirodluved to the West, “Toward the endl af the 1th cesmury, intevest in ‘paper folding was invigorated by Nfiguel de ‘Unanmuno, the Spanish philosopher and poet whe “was the rector af Salamanca University until bis death ar the end of 1936, He delighted in the playdulness of paper folding and when he wrote Inks novel Avior y Perlagegta in 192, he appended to it bs “Tottings for a Treatise on Cocotiology." This was a mock-serious treatise on the Pejariea in whieh he poked fun at she pseuda-seientific “eatises common at ther time. In the same yeen, he wrote a short article about paper folding far tre Argentinian journel, Gaeas y Carenas. This article ‘was Mlustrated with a somewhat angular standing “bird, which he hid crested using the itd bese. “whieh he may have derived from the fapanese conjuirors. Unamuno’ bitd alse. made use of the “Sideways Turn,” which was [ater ww he sed independency and to even greeter elfect by Akira Yoshizawa in Japan, Unamunos fresh approach inspired a lively interest itt paper folding among the students ef tne (University of Salama ancl ic sptead 10 the rest of Spain during the test halt ofthe 20th century, 8 fe led by Dr. Vicente Soloreann Sagrede. brought the new ideas to Argentina where they wok ruot nal where & sew group of paper- folders Nourished Among the ness 15, Argentinian fntdders was, Ligie had been a student itt Salem developed her oun delicate style, Another was Ailolfo Catreda, 3 former, who left Arg jantoye, who and who = variety ut Wo travel the ‘world with his knifle throwing act. He later became une of the folders associated with the Osigami Center in New York, Meare wope and North da nar ar ica, eonjurors continued 1 use paper falling, Js Britain Will Blythe wate tn hooks of Paper

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