Towards Differential Query Services in

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Towards Differential Query Services in

Cost-Efcient Clouds
Qin Liu, Chiu C. Tan, Member, IEEE, Jie Wu, Fellow, IEEE and Guojun Wang, Member, IEEE

AbstractCloud computing as an emerging technology trend is expected to reshape the advances in information technology. In a cost-
efcient cloud environment, a user can tolerate a certain degree of delay while retrieving information from the cloud to reduce costs. In
this paper, we address two fundamental issues in such an environment: privacy and efciency. We rst review a private keyword-based
le retrieval scheme that was originally proposed by Ostrovsky. Their scheme allows a user to retrieve les of interest from an untrusted
server without leaking any information. The main drawback is that it will cause a heavy querying overhead incurred on the cloud, and
thus goes against the original intention of cost efciency. In this paper, we present a scheme, termed efcient information retrieval for
ranked query (EIRQ), based on an aggregation and distribution layer (ADL), to reduce querying overhead incurred on the cloud. In
EIRQ, queries are classied into multiple ranks, where a higher ranked query can retrieve a higher percentage of matched les. A user
can retrieve les on demand by choosing queries of different ranks. This feature is useful when there are a large number of matched
les, but the user only needs a small subset of them. Under different parameter settings, extensive evaluations have been conducted
on both analytical models and on a real cloud environment, in order to examine the effectiveness of our schemes.

Index TermsCloud computing, cost efciency, differential query services, privacy.

1 I NTRODUCTION Private searching was proposed by Ostrovsky et al. [3],

[4] (referred to as the Ostrovsky scheme in this paper),
Cloud computing as an emerging technology is expected
which allows a user to retrieve les of interest from an
to reshape information technology processes in the near
untrusted server without leaking any information. How-
future [1]. Due to the overwhelming merits of cloud com-
ever, the Ostrovsky scheme has a high computational
puting, e.g., cost-effectiveness, exibility and scalability,
cost, since it requires the cloud to process the query
more and more organizations choose to outsource their
(perform homomorphic encryption) on every le in a
data for sharing in the cloud. As a typical cloud ap-
collection. Otherwise, the cloud will learn that certain
plication, an organization subscribes the cloud services
les, without processing, are of no interest to the user.
and authorizes its staff to share les in the cloud. Each
It will quickly become a performance bottleneck when
le is described by a set of keywords, and the staff, as
the cloud needs to process thousands of queries over a
authorized users, can retrieve les of their interests by
collection of hundreds of thousands of les. We argue
querying the cloud with certain keywords. In such an
that subsequently proposed improvements, like [5], [6],
environment, how to protect user privacy from the cloud,
also have the same drawback. Commercial clouds follow
which is a third party outside the security boundary of
a pay-as-you-go model, where the customer is billed for
the organization, becomes a key problem.
different operations such as bandwidth, CPU time, and
User privacy can be classied into search privacy and
so on. Solutions that incur excessive computation and
access privacy [2]. Search privacy means that the cloud
communication costs are unacceptable to customers.
knows nothing about what the user is searching for,
To make private searching applicable in a cloud en-
and access privacy means that the cloud knows nothing
vironment, our previous work [7] designed a cooperate
about which les are returned to the user. When the les
private searching protocol (COPS), where a proxy server,
are stored in the clear forms, a nave solution to protect
called the aggregation and distribution layer (ADL), is
user privacy is for the user to request all of the les from
introduced between the users and the cloud. The ADL
the cloud; this way, the cloud cannot know which les
deployed inside an organization has two main function-
the user is really interested in. While this does provide
alities: aggregating user queries and distributing search
the necessary privacy, the communication cost is high.
results. Under the ADL, the computation cost incurred
on the cloud can be largely reduced, since the cloud
Qin Liu and Guojun Wang are with the School of Information
Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan
only needs to execute a combined query once, no matter
Province, P. R. China, 410083. E-mail:, how many users are executing queries. Furthermore, the communication cost incurred on the cloud will also
Chiu C. Tan and Jie Wu are with the Department of Computer and
be reduced, since les shared by the users need to be
Information Sciences, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122, USA. returned only once. Most importantly, by using a series
E-mail: {cctan, jiewu} of secure functions, COPS can protect user privacy from
the ADL, the cloud, and other users.

In this paper, we introduce a novel concept, differential research that is similar to ours can be found in the areas
query services, to COPS, where the users are allowed of private searching [3][11].
to personally decide how many matched les will be Unlike searchable encryption [2], [12], where the user
returned. This is motivated by the fact that under certain conducts searches on encrypted data, private searching
cases, there are a lot of les matching a users query, performs keyword-based searches on unencrypted data.
but the user is interested in only a certain percentage Private searching was rst proposed in [3], [4], which
of matched les. To illustrate, let us assume that Alice allows a server to lter streaming data without compro-
wants to retrieve 2% of the les that contain keywords mising user privacy. Their solution requires the server
A, B, and Bob wants to retrieve 20% of the les that to return a buffer of size O(f log(f )) when f les match
contain keywords A, C. The cloud holds 1,000 les, a users query. Each le is associated with a survival
where {F1 , . . . , F500 } and {F501 , . . . , F1000 } are described rate, which denotes the probability of this le being
by keywords A, B and A, C, respectively. In the successfully recovered by the user. Based on the Paillier
Ostrovsky scheme, the cloud will have to return 2, 000 cryptosystem [13], the les that mismatch a query will
les. In the COPS scheme, the cloud will have to return not survive in the buffer, but the matched les enjoy a
1, 000 les. In our scheme, the cloud only needs to return high survival rate.
200 les. Therefore, by allowing the users to retrieve Among various extensions, Refs. [5], [6] further re-
matched les on demand, the bandwidth consumed in duced the communication cost from O(f log(f )) to O(f )
the cloud can be largely reduced. by solving a set of linear equations to recover f matched
Motivated by this goal, we propose a scheme, termed les. However, their scheme requires the decryption of
Efcient Information retrieval for Ranked Query (EIRQ), one more buffer, thus the computation cost is higher than
in which each user can choose the rank of his query the Ostrovsky scheme. Ref. [8] presented an efcient de-
to determine the percentage of matched les to be re- coding mechanism which allows the recovery of les that
turned. The basic idea of EIRQ is to construct a privacy- collide in a buffer position. Ref. [9] proposed a recursive
preserving mask matrix that allows the cloud to lter out extraction mechanism, which requires a buffer of size
a certain percentage of matched les before returning to O(f ) when f les match a users query. Ref. [10] pro-
the ADL. This is not a trivial work, since the cloud needs posed two new communication-optimal constructions;
to correctly lter out les according to the rank of queries one uses Reed-Solomon codes and allows for a zero-
without knowing anything about user privacy. Focusing error, and the other is based on irregular LDPC codes
on different design goals, we provide two extensions: and allows for lower computation cost at the server. The
the rst extension emphasizes simplicity by requiring above private searching schemes only support searching
the least amount of modications from the Ostrovsky for OR of keywords or AND of two sets of keywords.
scheme, and the second extension emphasizes privacy by Ref. [11] extended the types of queries to support dis-
leaking the least amount of information to the cloud. junctive normal forms (DNF) of keywords. The main
Our key contributions are as follows: drawback of existing private searching schemes is that
1) We propose three EIRQ schemes based on the both the computation and communication costs grow
ADL to provide a cost-efcient solution for private linearly with the number of users executing queries.
searching in cloud computing. Thus, when applying these schemes to a large-scale
2) The EIRQ schemes can protect user privacy while cloud environment, querying costs will be extensive.
providing a differential query service that allows Our previous work [7] was the rst to make private
each user to retrieve matched les on demand. searching techniques applicable to a cloud environment.
3) We provide two solutions to adjust related param- However, Ref. [7] requires the cloud to return all of the
eters; one is based on the Ostrovsky scheme, and matched les, which may cause a waste of bandwidth
the other is based on Bloom lters. when only a small percentage of les are of interest.
4) Extensive experiments were performed using a To alleviate the problem, we introduced the concept of
combination of simulations and real cloud deploy- differential query services in [14]. The main difference
ments to validate our schemes. between this work and [14] is that we provide two
extensions to address different aspects of the problem,
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
and we conduct extensive experiments on a real cloud
We introduce related work in Section 2 before presenting
to verify the effectiveness of the proposed schemes.
preliminaries in Section 3. We describe EIRQ schemes in
Section 4 and adjust the parameters in Section 5. After 3 BACKGROUND
analyzing the performance and security of the proposed
schemes in Section 6, we conduct evaluations in Section 3.1 System Model
7. Finally, we conclude this paper in Section 8. The system mainly consists of three entities1 : the aggre-
gation and distribution layer (ADL), many users, and the
2 R ELATED WORK 1. The users inside an organization share data in the cloud. Thus, we
assume that a management server maintained by the organization is
Our work aims to provide differential query services in charge of managing the authorized users and related keys. Limited
while protecting user privacy from the cloud. Existing by the space, we do not detail this entity here.

Fig. 1. System model.

cloud, as shown in Fig. 1. For ease of explanation, we Fig. 2. Working process.

only use a single ADL in this paper, but multiple ADLs
can be deployed as necessary. An ADL is deployed in is chosen by the user. Rank privacy can be classied into
an organization that authorizes its staff to share data in basic level and high level, where basic level will hide the
the cloud. The staff members, as the authorized users, rank of each query from the cloud, and the high level
send their queries to the ADL, which will aggregate user will further hide the number of ranks from the cloud.
queries and send a combined query to the cloud. Then, Our design goal can be subdivided as follows:
the cloud processes the combined query on the le col- Cost efciency. The users can retrieve matched les
lection and returns a buffer that contains all of matched on demand to further reduce the communication
les to the ADL, which will distribute the search re- costs incurred on the cloud.
sults to each user. To aggregate sufcient queries, the User privacy. The cloud cannot know anything
organization may require the ADL to wait for a period about the users search privacy, access privacy, and
of time before running our schemes, which may incur at least the basic level of rank privacy.
a certain querying delay. In the supplementary le, we
will discuss the computation and communication costs
3.3 Overview of the Ostrovsky Scheme
as well as the querying delay incurred on the ADL.
To further reduce the communication cost, a differ- We briey introduce the Ostrovsky scheme [3], [4], which
ential query service is provided by allowing each user relies on a public key cryptosystem, the Paillier cryptosys-
to retrieve matched les on demand. Specically, a user tem [13]. Let Epk (m) denote the encryption of plaintext
selects a particular rank for his query to determine the m under public key pk. The Paillier cryptosystem has
percentage of matched les to be returned. This feature the following homomorphic properties:
is useful when there are a lot of les that match a users Epk (a) Epk (b) = Epk (a + b)
query, but the user only needs a small subset of them. Epk (a) = Epk (a b)
The Paillier cryptosystem allows the performance of
certain operations, such as multiplication and exponenti-
3.2 Security Model and Design Goals ation, on ciphertext directly. Given the resultant cipher-
The ADL is deployed inside the security boundary of an text, the user can obtain the corresponding plaintext that
organization, and thus it is assumed to be trusted by all of processes addition and multiplication operations.
the users. In the supplementary le, we will discuss how The Ostrovsky scheme consists of three algorithms, the
the EIRQ schemes work without such an assumption. working process of which is shown in Fig. 2-(a). Two
The communication channels are assumed to be secured assumptions are used in their scheme: rst, a dictionary
under existing security protocols, such as SSL, during that consists of the universal keywords is assumed to be
information transfer. With these assumptions, as long publicly available; second, the users are assumed to have
as the ADL obeys our schemes, a user cannot know the ability to estimate the number of les that match
anything about other users interests, and thus the cloud their queries. To better illustrate its working process, we
is the only attacker in our security model. As in existing provide an example in the supplementary le.
work [15], [16], the cloud is assumed to be honest but Step 1. The user runs the GenerateQuery algorithm to
curious. That is, it will obey our schemes, but still wants send an encrypted query to the cloud. The query is a bit
to know some additional information about user privacy. string encrypted under the users public key, where each
Ref. [2] classied user privacy into search privacy and bit is an encryption of 1, if the keyword in the dictionary
access privacy. In our work, user queries are classied into is chosen; otherwise, it is an encryption of 0.
multiple ranks, and thus a new kind of user privacy, Step 2. The cloud runs the PrivateSearch algorithm
rank privacy, also needs to be protected against the to return an encrypted buffer to the user. Generally
cloud. Rank privacy entails hiding the rank of each user speaking, the cloud processes the encrypted query on
query from the cloud, i.e., the cloud provides differential every le in the collection to generate an encrypted c-
query services without knowing which level of service e pair, and maps it to multiple entries of an encrypted

buffer. For le Fj , the corresponding c-e pair, denoted Algorithm 1 The EIRQ-Efcient scheme
as (cj , ej ), is generated as follows: the bits in query Q MatrixConstruct (run by the ADL with public key pk)
corresponding  to keywords in Fj are multiplied together for i = 1 to d do
to form cj = Dic[i]Fj Q[i], where Dic[i] denotes the set l to be the highest rank of queries choosing Dic[i]
i-th keyword in the dictionary, and le content |Fj | is for j = 1 to r do
|F |
powered to cj to form ej = cj j . if j r l then
Then, the cloud constructs a buffer of size . Let B M [i, j] = Epk (1)
denote the buffer, where the i-th entry, denoted as B[i], else
consists of two parts, denoted as B[i, 1] and B[i, 2], both M [i, j] = Epk (0)
of which are initialized with an encryption of 0 under adjust and so that le survival rate is 1
the users public key. To map (cj , ej ) to the buffer, the FileFilter (run by the cloud)
cloud randomly chooses an entry, say p , and multiplies for each le Fj stored in the cloud do
(cj , ej ) to this entry by performing B[p , 1] = B[p , 1] cj for i = 1 to d do  |F |
and B[p , 2] = B[p , 2] ej . The mapping operation will k = j mod r; cj = Dic[i]Fj M [i, k]; ej = cj j
be performed times. After mapping all pairs to the map (cj , ej ) times to a buffer of size
buffer, each buffer entry has one of the three statuses:
survival, collision, and mismatch. If only one matched le
is mapped, the entry state is survival; if more than one
returned. Suppose that queries are classied into 0 r
matched le is mapped, the entry state is collision; if no
ranks. Rank-0 queries have the highest rank and Rank-r
matched les are mapped, the entry state is mismatch.
queries have the lowest rank. In this paper, we simply
Step 3. The user runs the FileRecover algorithm to
determine this relationship by allowing Rank-i queries
recover les. The user decrypts the buffer, entry by entry,
to retrieve (1 i/r) percent of matched les. Therefore,
to obtain the plaintext c-e pairs. For the entries in the
Rank-0 queries can retrieve 100% of matched les, and
survival state, le content can be recovered by dividing
Rank-r queries cannot retrieve any les.
the plaintext e value by the plaintext c value.
Secondly, we should determine which matched les
The security of the Ostrovsky scheme derives from the
will be returned and which will not. In this paper, we
semantic security of the Paillier cryptosystem. The key
simply determine the probability of a le being returned
technique of their scheme is that the les mismatching a
by the highest rank of queries matching this le. Specif-
users query are processed to encrypted 0s, which have
ically, we rst rank each keyword by the highest rank
no impact on the matched les, even if they are mapped
of queries choosing it, and then rank each le by the
in the same entry. Thus, the buffer size only depends on
highest rank of its keywords. If the le rank is i, then the
the number of matched les, which is much smaller than
probability of being ltered out is i/r. Therefore, Rank-0
the number of les stored in the cloud.
les will be mapped into a buffer with probability 1, and
Rank-r les will not be mapped at all. Since unneeded
4 S CHEME D ESCRIPTION les have been ltered out before mapping, the mapped
In this section, we will describe the original EIQR scheme les should survive in the buffer with probability 1. In
and its two extensions. To distinguish the three EIRQ Section 5, we will illustrate how to adjust the buffer size
schemes, we name the original EIRQ scheme as EIRQ- and mapping times to achieve this goal.
Efcient, the rst extension as EIRQ-Simple, and the EIRQ-Efcient mainly consists of four algorithms, with
second extension as EIRQ-Privacy, in this paper. its working process being shown in Fig. 2-(b). Since algo-
The basic idea of EIQR-Efcient is to construct a rithms QueryGen and ResultDivide are easily understood,
privacy-preserving mask matrix with which the cloud can we only provide the details of algorithms MatrixCon-
lter out a certain percentage of matched les before struct and FileFilter in Alg. 1.
mapping them to a buffer. As proven in the Ostrovsky Step 1. The user runs the QueryGen algorithm to send
scheme, the le survival rate is determined by the buffer keywords and the rank of the query to the ADL. Since
size and mapping times . Therefore, the basic idea of the ADL is assumed to be a trusted third party, this query
two extensions is that, for each rank i {0, . . . , r}, the will be sent without encryption.
ADL adjusts the buffer size i and the mapping times i
Step 2. After aggregating enough user queries, the
to make the le survival rate qi approach 1i/r. To better
ADL runs the MatrixConstruct algorithm to send a mask
illustrate the working process of the EIRQ schemes, we
matrix to the cloud. The mask matrix M is a d-row and
provide examples in the supplementary le.
r-column matrix, where d is the number of keywords
in the dictionary, and r is the lowest query rank. Let
4.1 The EIRQ-Efcient Scheme M [i, j] denote the element in the i-th row and the j-
Before illustrating EIQR-Efcient, two fundamental th column, and let l be the highest rank of queries
problems should be resolved: that choose the i-th keyword Dic[i] in the dictionary.
Firstly, we should determine the relationship between M is constructed as follows: for the i-th row of M that
query rank and the percentage of matched les to be corresponds to Dic[i], M [i, 1], . . . , M [i, r l] are set to

Algorithm 2 The EIRQ-Simple scheme Algorithm 3 The EIRQ-Privacy scheme

MatrixConstruct (run by the ADL with public key pk) MatrixConstruct (run by the ADL with public key pk)
for i = 0 to r 1 do for i = 0 to r 1 do
for j = 1 to d do adjust i and so that survival rate of Rank-i les
if Dic[j] is in Rank-i queries then is qi = 1 i/r
Qi [j] = Epk (1) for i = 1 to d do
else set l to be the highest rank of queries choosing Dic[i]
Qi [j] = Epk (0) for j = 1 to max i do
adjust i and i so that survival rate of Rank-i les if j l then
is qi = 1 i/r M [i, j] = Epk (1)
FileFilter (run by the cloud) else
for i = 0 to r 1 do M [i, j] = Epk (0)
for each le F in the cloud do FileFilter(run by the cloud)
for j =1 to d do for each le Fj in the cloud do
c = Dic[j]F Qi [j]; e = c|F | for k = 1 to max i do
map (c, e) i times to Bi of size i for i = 1 to d do
|F |
cj,k = Dic[i]Fj M [i, k]; ej,k = cj,kj
map (cj,k , ej,k ) once to a buffer of size
1, and M [i, r l + 1], . . . , M [i, r] are set to 0, then each
element is encrypted under the ADLs public key pk.
For the rows that correspond to Rank-l keywords, the and the buffer size i so that the survival rate of les in
ADL sets the rst r l elements, rather than random Bi is qi = 1 i/r, where 0 i r 1.
r l elements, to 1. The reason is to ensure that, given The main drawback of EIRQ-simple is that it returns
any Rank-l le Fj , when we choose a random number redundant les when there are les satisfying more than
k, the probability of all of the k-th elements of the rows one ranked query. For example, if Fi is of interest by
that correspond Fj s keywords being 0 is l/r, which is Rank-0 and Rank-1 queries, it will be returned twice (in
determined by the highest rank of Fj s keywords. Rank-0 buffer and Rank-1 buffer, respectively), which
Step 3. The cloud runs the FileFilter algorithm to return wastes the network bandwidth. Therefore, the best case
a buffer that contains a certain percentage of matched scenario is when there are no les of interest to different
les to the ADL. Specically, the cloud multiplies the k- ranked queries, and the worst case scenario is when
th elements of the rows that correspond to Fj s keywords queries of different ranks query the same les.
together to form cj , where k = j mod r. Then, it powers
|Fj | to cj to obtain ej , and maps the c-e pair into multiple
entries of a buffer, as in the Ostrovsky scheme. Note 4.3 The EIRQ-Privacy Scheme
that, with Step 2, we can make sure that, for a Rank-
The working process of EIRQ-Privacy is similar to Fig. 2-
l le Fj , the probability of cj being 0 is l/r, and thus the
(b). The main differences lie in the MatrixConstruct
probability of Fj being ltered out is l/r.
and FileFilter algorithms (see Alg. 3). Intuitively, EIRQ-
Step 4. The ADL runs the ResultDivide algorithm to
Privacy adopts one buffer, with different mapping times
distribute search results to each user. File contents are
for les of different ranks. Let i denote the mapping
recovered as the FileRecover algorithm in the Ostrovsky
times for a Rank-i query, and let l be the highest rank
scheme. To allow the ADL to distribute les correctly, we
of queries that choose the i-th keyword Dic[i] in the
require the cloud to attach keywords to the le content.
dictionary. The mask matrix M is a d-row and m-
Thus, the ADL can nd out all of the les that match
column matrix, where d is the number of keywords in
users queries by executing keyword searches.
the dictionary, and m = max i . The MatrixConstruct
algorithm constructs M in the following way: for the
4.2 The EIRQ-Simple Scheme i-th row of M that corresponds to Dic[i], the ADL sets
The working process of EIRQ-Simple is similar to Fig. 2- M [i, 1], . . . , M [i, l ] to 1, and M [i, l + 1], . . . , M [i, m] to
(b). The main differences lie in the MatrixConstruct 0, and then encrypts each element under its public
and FileFilter algorithms (see Alg. 2). Intuitively, given key. Note that for a row that corresponds to a Rank-
queries that are classied into 0 r ranks, ADL sends r l keyword, the ADL sets the rst l elements, rather
combined queries, denoted as Q0 , . . . , Qr1 , to the cloud, than random l elements, to 1. The reason is to ensure
each with a different rank. Specically, for Qi , the ADL that, given any Rank-l le, when we multiply the rows
sets the j-th bit to an encryption of 1 if the j-th keyword that correspond to le keywords together in a element-
Dic[j] in the dictionary is chosen by at least one Rank-i by-element way, the resulting row contains l elements
query. The cloud then will generate r buffers, denoted whose values are larger than 0.
as B0 , . . . , Br1 , each with a different le survival rate. In the FileFilter algorithm, for each le Fj , the cloud
Specically, for Bi , the ADL adjusts the mapping time i multiplies the rows that correspond to le keywords,

element by element, to form a resulting row. Each el- an array of m bits, all of which are initially set to 0. It
ement in the resulting row corresponds to a c value. Let uses k independent random hash functions h1 , . . . , hk ,
cj,1 , . . . , cj,m denote Fj s c values, where m = max i . The with range 0, . . . , m 1, to map each member in U to
cloud powers the le content |Fj | to cj,k to form ej,k , and random k bits. For each member s U , the bits hi (s)
maps (cj,k , ej,k ) to the buffer once, where 1 k m. are set to 1 if s S; otherwise, they are set to 0, for
Note that with the MatrixConstruct algorithm, we can 1 i k. A location can be set to 1 multiple times, but
make sure that, for a Rank-l le, the number of c values only the rst change has an effect. To check if a member
larger than 0 is l . Therefore, although m c-e pairs will s is in S, we check whether all hi (s) are set to 1. If not,
be mapped, only l of them will take effect, which is then clearly s is not a member of S. Otherwise, there is
equal to mapping c-e pairs l times to a buffer. still a certain probability (false positive) that s is not in
S, since k bits may be set to 1 by other members.
The false positive is calculated as follows [17]: after all
members of S are hashed, the probability for a specic
5.1 Ostrovsky Parameter Setting bit to be 0 is (1 1/m)kn e(kn/m) . A false positive
The Ostrovsky scheme has proven that, given f les that occurs when each of k locations of one non-member are
match a query, when each le is randomly mapped set to 1, which is (1(11/m)kn )k (1e(kn/m) )k . Let
times into a buffer of 2 f entries, the le failure rate g = k ln(1 e(kn/m) ). Minimizing the false positive is
will be lower than f /2 , i.e., the le survival rate will be equivalent to minimizing k, which in turn is equivalent
higher than 1f /2 . Therefore, given a threshold failure to minimizing g. When k = ln 2 (m/n), we have
rate p > 0, if we map each le log(f /p ) times2 into a dg/dk = 0. In this case, the false positive is minimized to
buffer of size 2 f log(f /p ), then the real failure rate p (0.6185)m/n . That is to say, given the number of members
is smaller than p , and the real le survival rate q will n and the threshold false positive p , we can make the
be higher than 1 p . Furthermore, we know that, given real false positive approximate p when each member
the estimated number of the matched les, two factors is hashed log0.6185 (p ) ln 2 times to a Bloom lter of
have an impact on le survival rate: the buffer size and log0.6185 (p ) n bits. Recall that the le failure rate in
the mapping times. EIRQ schemes denotes the probability of a missing le,
Suppose that queries are classied into 0 r ranks, i.e., the probability that all mappings of each le collide.
where fi les match Rank-i query but mismatch higher In a sense, the failure rate is equivalent to the false
ranked queries, and fi les match Rank-i query. The probability in Bloom lters. Therefore, we let the number
Ostrovsky parameter setting is as follows: the ADL of members n, the threshold false positive p , and the
determines a threshold value > 0, and then adjusts number of bits m in Bloom lters represent the number
parameters with Eq. 1-3. EIRQ-Efciency lters out a of les that match the query f , threshold failure rate p ,
certain percentage of matched les before mapping them and buffer size in EIRQ schemes, respectively.
into the buffer, and thus all remaining les should be The Bloom lter parameter setting is as follows: the
returned. EIRQ-Efciency adopts one buffer, where the ADL determines a threshold value > 0, and then
le survival rate is 100%. EIRQ-Simple returns multiple adjusts parameters with Eq. 4-6. Here, EIRQ-Efcient
buffers with different le survival rates, one for each will use Eq. 4, EIRQ-Simple will use Eq. 5, and EIRQ-
rank. EIRQ-Privacy still adopts one buffer, but with Privacy will use Eq. 6 to adjust the parameters under the
different mapping times for les of different ranks. Bloom lter parameter setting.
Therefore, EIRQ-Efcient will use Eq. 1, EIRQ-Simple r
will use Eq. 2, and EIRQ-Privacy will use Eq. 3 to adjust = log0.6185 () ln 2, = ( fi (1 )) (4)
the parameters under the Ostrovsky parameter setting. i=0
ln 2 r
r r i i
f  (1 ri )  i i = log0.6185 ( + ) ln 2, i = fi (5)
= log( i=0 i ), = 2 fi (1 ) (1) r ln 2
r r
i=0 i i
i = log0.6185 ( + ) ln 2, = ( f ) (6)
i = log(fi /( + )), i = 2 i fi (2) r i=0
ln 2 i
i r Note that, in Eqs. 1 and 4, p = , and thus, all of the
i = log(fi /( + )), = 2 i fi (3) les that are mapped into the buffer will survive with a
r i=0 rate higher than 1 ; in Eqs. 2, 3, 5, and 6, pi = i/r + ,
and thus the les that match Rank-i queries will survive
5.2 Bloom Filter Parameter Setting in the buffer with a rate higher than 1 i/r .
An alternative solution is to use Bloom lters [17], [18]
to adjust the parameters in our schemes. Bloom lter is 6 A NALYSIS
a technique that is used to represent a subset S of n 6.1 Security Analysis
members from a universe U . A Bloom lter consists of
We will show that EIRQ schemes can provide search
2. log is the abbreviation of log2 privacy, access privacy, and rank privacy as follows.

No Rank vs. Three EIRQ schemes

Scheme Computation Communication under Ostrovsky setting Communication under Bloom lter setting 2

No Rank O(t) O(d + f log(f /)) O(d + f log0.6185 ())

EIRQ-Simple O(r t) O(r d + ri=0 (fi log(fi /( + i/r)))) O( ri=0 (r d + fi log0.6185 (i/r + )))
EIRQ-Privacy O(max(i ) t) O(max(i ) d + ri=0 (fi log(fi /( + i/r)))) O(max(i ) d + ri=0 (fi log0.6185 (i/r + )))
 f  (1i/r) 
EIRQ-Efcient O(t) O(r d + ri=0 (fi (1 i/r)) log( i=0 i )) O(r d + ri=0 (fi (1 i/r)) log0.6185 ())

Search privacy. In the three schemes, the combined higher ranked queries. Furthermore, in No Rank and
query sent to the cloud is encrypted under the ADLs EIRQ-Efcient, the threshold le survival rate p is set to
public key with the Paillier cryptosystem. The query is a ; in EIRQ-Simple and EIRQ-Privacy, pi is set to i/r + .
matrix of encrypted 0s and 1s. The Paillier cryptosystem Computational cost. We only consider the cost of the
is semantically secure, and the ciphertext of every 1 or exponential operation, which is the most expensive. In
0 is different from other 1s or 0s. Therefore, the cloud both parameter settings, the results are the same. In
cannot deduce what each user is searching for from the EIRQ-Simple, the computational cost is r times more
encrypted query. than No Rank since, for each ranked query, the cloud
Access privacy. In the three schemes, the cloud pro- needs to process it on the le collection once. In EIRQ-
cesses the encrypted query on each le in a collection, Privacy, the computational cost is max(i ) times more
and maps the processing result into a buffer, which is than No Rank since, for each le, the cloud needs to ex-
encrypted with the ADLs public key. The cloud conducts ecute max(i ) exponentiations with the matrix elements.
this process for all les in the same way. Therefore, In EIRQ-Efcient, the computational cost is much the
the cloud cannot know which les are actually returned same as in No Rank, since the cloud needs to execute
from the encrypted buffer. exponentiation once for each le.
Rank privacy. In EIRQ-Simple, the messages from the Communication cost. Under the Ostrovsky parame-
ADL to the cloud are r encrypted queries, the buffer ter setting, for EIRQ-Simple, the ADL sends r queries,
size, and the mapping times, where r is the information, each of which is of size O(d), to the cloud, which
which we leak more than [3]. Given r, the cloud only will return r buffers to the ADL, each of which is
knows the number of query ranks without knowing of size O(fi log(fi /(i/r + ))); for EIRQ-Privacy, the
how many users are in each rank, nor which users are ADL sends a mask matrix of size O(max i  d) to the
in which ranks. Therefore, EIRQ-Simple can protect the cloud, which will return a buffer of size O( i=0 (fi
basic level of rank privacy for a user. In EIRQ-Privacy, 
log(fi /(i/r + )))) to the ADL; for EIRQ-Efcient, the
the message from the ADL to the cloud is a d-row and m- ADL sends a mask matrix of size O(r r d) to 
the cloud,
column mask matrix, where d is the number of keywords whichr
will return a buffer of size O( i=0 (f i (1 i/r))
in the dictionary, and m = max i is the maximal value f  (1i/r)
log( i=0 i )) to the ADL. Under the Bloom lter
of mapping times. Here, no extra information is leaked parameter setting, the query sizes are the same as those
more than [3]. Therefore, EIRQ-Privacy provides a high under the Ostrovsky parameter setting. The buffer sizes
level of user rank privacy. In EIRQ-Efcient, the message returned from the cloud in EIRQ-Simple, EIRQ-Privacy,
from the ADL to the cloud is a d-row and r-column r
andr EIRQ-Efcient are O( i=0 (fi log
r0.6185 (i/r + ))),
mask matrix, where d is the number of keywords in O( i=0 (fi log0.6185 (i/r +))), and O( i=0 (fi (1i/r))

the dictionary, and r is the lowest rank of user queries. log0.0.6185 ()), respectively.
Here, r is the information that we leak more than [3].
Therefore, EIRQ-Efcient can protect the basic level of
rank privacy for a user. 7 E VALUATION
In this section, we will compare three EIRQ schemes
6.2 Performance Analysis from the following aspects: le survival rate and compu-
tation/communication cost incurred on the cloud. Then,
We compare the performance between No Rank and the based on the simulation results, we deploy our program
three EIRQ schemes under different parameter settings in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) to test the
(see Table 1). In No Rank, the ADL only combines user transfer-in and transfer-out time incurred on the cloud
queries, but does not provide differential query services. when executing private searches. Note that the energy-
In the supplementary le, we also provide a comparison performance trade-off is crucial to the success of cloud
of performance between No Rank and the work in [3], computing, and existing energy-saving techniques are
[6]. Suppose that queries are classied into 0 r ranks,
t les stored in the cloud whose keywords constitute log(x)
2. O(log0.6185 (x)) = O(log(x)), as log0.6185 (x) = log(0.6185) , where
a dictionary of size d, fi les matching Rank-i queries, 1/ log(0.6185) is a constant. We keep log0.6185 (x) in the complexity
and fi les matching Rank-i queries but mismatching analysis for the ease of comparison.

TABLE 2 200 200

No Rank
Parameters EIRQSimple
150 EIRQPrivacy No Rank
Notation Description Value EIRQEfficient EIRQSimple
100 100 EIRQPrivacy
|F | File content 1KB EIRQEfficient
|w| Keyword content 1KB
50 50
n The number of users 1-100
d The number of keywords in Dic 100
k The number of keywords in each query 1-5 0 0
5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25
w The number of keywords in each le 1-5 (a) Bloom filter parameter setting (b) Ostrovsky parameter setting
t The number of les stored in the cloud 1, 000
r The lowest user rank 4 Fig. 5. Comparison of computational cost at the cloud.
Threshold value 0.1 The x-axis denotes the number of queries in each rank,
and the y-axis denotes the computation time (s).

different schemes. In practice, and must be integers.

Thus, we use  and  to replace the corresponding
values. Using these parameters, the le survival rates
for different ranks are shown in Fig. 4, where three
EIRQ schemes can provide differential query services,
and no bandwidth is wasted in each EIRQ scheme.
Therefore, in terms of le survival rate, the Bloom lter
parameter setting can achieve better performance than
the Ostrovsky parameter setting.
Fig. 3. File survival rate under Ostrovsky setting.

7.2 Computational Cost

As described in Section 6-(B), the computational cost is
mainly determined by the number of exponentiations
performed by the cloud, which is almost the same under
the Bloom lter and the Ostrovsky parameter settings.
In order to justify the analyses, we will compare the
computational cost between No Rank and three EIRQ
The comparisons of computational cost on the cloud
Fig. 4. File survival rate under Bloom lter setting. are shown in Fig. 5, where the number of queries in
each rank ranges from 1 to 25. In Fig. 5-(a), under the
hard to directly extend to a cloud environment [19], [20]. Bloom lter parameter setting, the computational cost
As part of our future extensions, we will evaluate the is approximately 14.807s in No Rank, 59.274s in EIRQ-
consumed energy overhead in the cloud to verify the Simple, 101.075s in EIRQ-Privacy, and 14.861s in EIRQ-
effectiveness of our schemes. We use No Rank to denote Efcient. In Fig. 5-(b), under the Ostrovsky parameter
unranked queries under the ADL. The summary of the setting, the computational cost approximately ranges
experiment parameters are shown in Table 2. from 14.8270s to 14.8788s in No Rank, from 59.1671s to
59.3838s in EIRQ-Simple, from 114.0475s to 176.5107s in
7.1 File Survival Rate EIRQ-Privacy, and from 14.8664s to 14.9269s in EIRQ-
Efcient. In both settings, EIRQ-Privacy consumes the
Since queries are classied into 0 4 ranks, queries
most computation cost, and EIRQ-Efcient, like No
in Rank-0, Rank-1, Rank-2, Rank-3, and Rank-4 should
Rank, consumes the least computation cost.
retrieve 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, 0% of matched les, re-
spectively. However, in Fig. 3, the real failure rate in
EIRQ-Simple and EIRQ-Privacy under the Ostrovsky 7.3 Communication Cost
parameter setting is much lower than i/r, and thus, the As described in Section 6-(B), the communication cost
real le survival rate is higher than the desired value mainly depends on the buffer size generated by the
of 1 i/r (about 25% and 50% of les are redundantly cloud, which is calculated in different ways under d-
returned to users); Only EIRQ-Efcient, which lters a ifferent parameter settings. Furthermore, the buffer size
certain percentage of matched les before mapping them depends on the number of les that match the queries,
to a buffer, provides differential query services. which is different when users have different common
Under the Bloom lter parameter setting, we rst interests, i.e., the average number of common keywords
obtain corresponding mapping times. Specically, for le among user queries. Therefore, in different parameter
survival rate 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, we have the optimal settings, we will analyze the buffer size under differ-
mapping times 7, 2, 1, 0.4, respectively. Based on these ent common interests. In the following experiments, 1
values, the buffer size can be calculated with Eqs. 4-6 for common keyword, 2 common keywords, and 4 common

2000 5000 6000 8000

No Rank No Rank No Rank No Rank
EIRQSimple 4000 EIRQSimple EIRQSimple EIRQSimple
1500 EIRQPrivacy 6000 EIRQPrivate
EIRQPrivacy EIRQPrivacy
EIRQEfficient 3000 EIRQEfficient EIRQEfficient EIRQEfficient
1000 4000
2000 2000
500 2000
0 0 5 10 15 20 25 0
5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 (c) 1 common keyword 5 10 15 20 25
(a) 4 common keywords (b) 2 common keywords (d) Random keywords

Fig. 6. Comparison of communication cost under the Bloom lter setting. The x-axis denotes the number of queries
in each rank, and the y-axis denotes the buffer size (KB).
4 4 4
6000 x 10 x 10 x 10
No Rank 2 2.5 2.5
No Rank No Rank No Rank
EIRQSimiple 2 EIRQSimiple 2 EIRQSimple
4000 EIRQPrivate 1.5
EIRQPrivacy EIRQPrivacy EIRQPrivacy
EIRQEfficient 1.5
EIRQEfficient EIRQEfficient 1.5 EIRQEfficient
2000 1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0 0 0
5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25
(a) 4 common keywords (b) 2 common keywords (c) 1 common keyword (d) Random keywords

Fig. 7. Comparison of communication cost under the Ostrovsky setting. The x-axis denotes the number of queries in
each rank, and the y-axis denotes the buffer size (KB).

keywords denote that the average common keywords

among user queries are 1, 2, and 4, respectively; random
keywords denote that each user randomly chooses key-
words for its query.
From Figs. 6 and 7, we know that the EIRQ schemes
perform better under the Bloom lter setting compared
to under the Ostrovsky setting. Under the Bloom lter
setting, all of the EIRQ schemes consume less commu-
nication costs than No Rank, e.g., EIRQ-Efcient, EIRQ- Fig. 8. Comparison of transfer-in time.
600 1500
Privacy, and EIRQ-Simple can further reduce communi- No Rank No Rank
EIRQSimple EIRQSimple
cation costs by about 50%, 35%, and 30% compared to 400 EIRQPrivacy EIRQPrivacy
No Rank, respectively, when the queries share 4 common EIRQEfficient EIRQEfficient

keywords. Under the Ostrovsky setting, EIRQ-Simple 200 500

always consumes more bandwidth than No Rank, and
EIRQ-Privacy only performs better than No Rank under 0 0
5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25
certain conditions. In both settings, the EIRQ schemes (a) 4 Common keywords (b) 1 comon keyword
consume less bandwidth as the common interests among
users increase. For example, when there are 25 users in Fig. 9. Transfer-out time in real cloud under the Bloom
each rank under the Bloom lter setting, EIRQ-Efcient lter setting. The x-axis denotes the number of users, and
only generates a 1M B buffer under 4 common keyword- the y-axis denotes transferring time (s).
s, but 3M B under 1 common keyword.
Notice that in both settings, EIRQ-Efcient always has erates a buffer of size 3194KB, under the Ostrovsky
the best performance, the next is EIRQ-Privacy, and the setting.
last is EIRQ-Simple. Furthermore, EIRQ-Efcient works
better than No Rank when only a few users are con- 7.4 Transfer Time in a Real Cloud
ducting searches. For example, when there are 5 queries To verify the feasibility of our schemes, we deploy our
with 4 common keywords, EIRQ-Efcient generates a program in Amazon EC2, to test the transfer-in (receiv-
buffer of size 274KB, but No Rank generates a buffer ing query) and transfer-out (sending buffer) time at the
of size 467KB, under the Bloom lter setting; EIRQ- cloud. The local machine has an Intel Core 2 Duo E8400
Efcient generates a buffer of size 439KB, but No Rank 3.0 GHz CPU and 8 GB Linux RAM. We subscribe EC2
generates a buffer of size 834KB under the Ostrovsky amzn-ami-2011.02.1.i386-ebs (ami-8c1fece5) AMI and a
setting. When there are 5 queries in each rank with 1 small type instance with the following specications:
common keyword, EIRQ-Efcient generates a buffer of 32-bit platform, a single virtual core equivalent to 1
size 687KB, but No Rank generates a buffer of size compute unit CPU, and 1.7 GB RAM. The average
1513KB, under the Bloom lter setting; EIRQ-Efcient bandwidth from EC2 to the local machine is 33.43 MB/s,
generates a buffer of size 1309KB, but No Rank gen- and from the local machine to EC2 is 42.98 MB/s.

2000 6000
No Rank No Rank specifying queries of different ranks. By further reducing
EIRQSimple EIRQSimple
EIRQPrivacy EIRQPrivacy
the communication cost incurred on the cloud, the EIRQ
EIRQEfficient EIRQEfficient schemes make the private searching technique more ap-
plicable to a cost-efcient cloud environment. However,
500 in the EIRQ schemes, we simply determine the rank of
0 0
each le by the highest rank of queries it matches. For
5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
(a) 4 Common keywords (a) 1 Common keyword
our future work, we will try to design a exible ranking
mechanism for the EIRQ schemes.
Fig. 10. Transfer-out time in real cloud under the Ostro-
vsky setting. The x-axis denotes the number of users, and
the y-axis denotes the transferring time (s). This research was supported in part by NSF grants ECCS
1231461, ECCS 1128209, CNS 1138963, CNS 1065444,
and CCF 1028167; NSFC grants 61272151 and 61073037,
First, we test the transfer-in time in the real cloud, ISTCP grant 2013DFB10070, the China Hunan Provin-
which is mainly incurred by receiving queries from the cial Science & Technology Program under Grant Num-
ADL. Under both parameter settings, the query size ber 2012GK4106, and the Mobile Health Ministry of
for No Rank, EIRQ-Simple, EIRQ-Privacy, and EIRQ- Education-China Mobile Joint Laboratory (MOE-DST
Efcient can be calculated with O(d), O(r d), O(max i No. [2012]311).
d), and O(r d), respectively. Given d = 100, r = 4, and
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Qin Liu received her B.Sc. in Computer Sci-

ence in 2004 from Hunan Normal University,
China, received her M.Sc. in Computer Science
in 2007, and received her Ph.D. in Computer Sci-
ence in 2012 from Central South University, Chi-
na. She has been a Visiting Student at Temple
University, USA. Her research interests include
security and privacy issues in cloud computing.
She is a student member of IEEE and ACM.

Chiu C. Tan is a Research Assistant Profes-

sor in the Computer and Information Sciences
Department at Temple University. He received
his PhD. in Computer Science from the Col-
lege of William and Mary. His research inter-
ests include wireless security (802.11, vehicular,
RFID), cloud computing security, and security
for mobile health (mHealth) systems. He is a
member of IEEE.

Jie Wu is the chair and a Laura H. Carnell

Professor in the Department of Computer and
Information Sciences at Temple University. Prior
to joining Temple University, he was a program
director at the National Science Foundation and
Distinguished Professor at Florida Atlantic U-
niversity. His current research interests include
mobile computing and wireless networks, rout-
ing protocols, cloud and green computing, net-
work trust and security, and social network appli-
cations. Dr. Wu regularly published in scholarly
journals, conference proceedings, and books. He serves on several ed-
itorial boards, including IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Trans-
actions on Service Computing, and Journal of Parallel and Distributed
Computing. Dr. Wu was general co-chair/chair for IEEE MASS 2006 and
IEEE IPDPS 2008 and was the program co-chair for IEEE INFOCOM
2011. Currently, he is serving as general chair for IEEE ICDCS 2013 and
program chair for CCF CNCC 2013. He was an IEEE Computer Society
Distinguished Visitor and the chair for the IEEE Technical Committee
on Distributed Processing (TCDP). Dr. Wu is an ACM Distinguished
Speaker and a Fellow of the IEEE. He is the recipient of the 2011
China Computer Federation (CCF) Overseas Outstanding Achievement

Guojun Wang received his B.Sc. in Geophysics,

M.Sc. in Computer Science, and Ph.D. in Com-
puter Science, from Central South University,
China. He is now Chair and Professor of the De-
partment of Computer Science at Central South
University. He is also Director of Trusted Com-
puting Institute of the University. He has been
an Adjunct Professor at Temple University, USA;
a Visiting Scholar at Florida Atlantic University,
USA; a Visiting Researcher at the University of
Aizu, Japan; and a Research Fellow at the Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. His research interests include network and
information security, Internet of things, and cloud computing. He is a
senior member of CCF, and a member of IEEE, ACM, and IEICE.

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