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CHAPTER 1I1 The Principal Chords and Primary Modal Genres of the Lydian Chromatic Scale Introduction: The Definition of “Chordmode” A musician on the level of Vertical Tonal Gravity relates tothe chord of the ‘moment (he pxevaitiNe coup) and its parent scale co derive a melody chat expresses the chord’s harmonic sound {its nansoste ceyas). The chord and its parent seale are an inseparable entty-the reciprocal sound of one another. "The root ofa chord ists monat-roxte within the parent seale. The aetual sound ofthe chord is that mode ofthe parent scale which begins on the chord’ ‘modal tone: Exanrug nin Amin minor—Moce Voftne ‘Allan Parent Seale ‘chore Tose wh are eager to begin working may a this point proceed ‘Chapier¥ whickstsedacen the student wo the yan Cheomati Conoeesepethadaogy. However, becatse ofthe unusual ercumstanessurounding the Concep's discovery ad leveloptent ax wll sits jusifeadon ofthe cn oF evonb/sas ony, te anda ‘mental principle upon which cis ounded, ici unlikely chat ome could have a chorough Jnowiedge othe Lydian Chromati Concept of onal Organization °LGCTO") without an understanding of Chapter M LYDIAN MODE II Seventh—Principal Chord Family ‘The Lydian Seale sounds a unity with its mode II seventh Principal Chord Family structured on its second degree modal tonic, Din this ease cwommmooen: HM av vo Mvmt Dew GABE ‘oRos prooucee:C iysan Mode! seventh Principal Chord Family [ eroronooe r ecm cotos —— 1 # — ° . | o ° sans 3h "The D thirteenth Principal Chordmode produced by the C Lydian Seale ‘on ts second modal tonie degree isthe first and consequently most ingoing Principal Chordmode of an extensive eategory consisting of variously altered mode TT seventh/altered seventh chords. These are listed above roman numeral I oftheir corresponding parent principal seale on Chart. ‘The entire category of seventh chords listed over roman numeral IL of various principal seales on Chart A forms the i SE¥ENTH/ALTERED SEVENTH rPanaxy MODAL GENKE OF tHE Le scaLE. Included in this category are chords produced by the auxiliary diminished blues scale, a scale which, although lacking PMT IL, produces highly altered chords ofthe seventh type when its Principal Chord is superimposed on PMT I! of the LC Seale. This wall be ‘explained in detail ater in this chapter.

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