Konspekt Writing

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Level: Steps 3
Age: 11-12
No. of students: 14
Time: 45 min

Main aim: to practice writing skills while focusing on the structure and the
content of a review to focus on genre/product writing

Subsidiary aims: -to develop reading skills- reading for gist (understanding the
general meaning of the text and differentiating between a
positive and negative review) and for specific information are
you sure its not skimming??? (matching headings with the
-to practice writing- note taking
-to practice speaking- exchanging ideas with partners
-to pre-teach/ revise/ practise/ consolidate the vocabulary
items related to the types of films
(action/animated/crime/disaster/science fiction film, historical
drama, musical, romantic comedy) via discovery (matching
the names with the film trailers)
-to practise the Present Simple Tense for describing the plot

Assumed knowledge:

-adjectives necessary for writing a review such as: exciting,

interesting+ adjectives describing a person
-Present Simple- describing the plot
-expressing opinions (I think... I like...)

Anticipated problems:

1) Writing task may be too difficult- problems with the proper

structure of a film review may appear
2) Lack of interest in the lesson and the purpose for writing
3) Problems connected with the pair work may appear: ss
overuse Polish and are not willing to communicate


1) The teacher provides ss with the model text and analyses

it together with them focusing both on the content and the
2) The teacher shows ss several film trailers the chosen
films are popular amongst children and should activate
them. Also, the teacher asks personal questions that are
connected with ss daily life such as e.g. do you like
watching films?
3) The teacher monitors students when they work together.
S/he encourages them to check the unknown words in a

Stage Procedure Aims Tim I.P.

The teacher greets ss and -to introduce the 5 t-ss
checks the register and topic of the lesson min
Warm-up+ homework. and to create ss
assigning The T. Asks ss general expectations
homework questions about films e.g. Do - to provide a
you like watching films?, familiar context (ss
What is your favourite film? preferences)
etc. The teacher announces -to reduce worries
that the task will be to write a concerning the
film review. S/he informs that homework
the first step to write a review assignment
is to introduce a genre.

The teacher writes different -to prepare ss for the 15 t-ss

types of films on the board and writing task to min s-t
(Pre- asks ss to watch short trailers teach them how to
writing) and match them with the differentiate
Pre-reading genres. The last trailer would between different
be Twilight (to create the link genres and name
with the following exercise) them (via discovery)
-to activate ss
- to generate ss
interest thanks to
the choice of films
all of them are
popular amongst ss
The ss are asked to read the -to practise reading 8 s-t
review of Twilight from p. 81 for for a gist (grasping min
the first time to find out the general message
(Pre- whether the review is positive of the text)
writing) or negative. A volunteer -to check ss general
Reading answers. Then, the ss are asked understanding of the
to read the text again and do text
exercise 6. - to analyse the
content and
structure of the text
-to practise reading
for specific
(matching headings
with the
The teacher asks ss to discuss -to practice speaking 7 s-s
their favourite film with their skills- exchanging min s-ss
partners . The ss are asked to ideas with partners
explain what film it is and why - to practice
(Pre they like it. Some ss are asked notetaking
writing) to share with the rest of the -to facilitate writing 10
class what their partners said. homework min
Then, the ss work individually assignment
on making notes for a film
review on the basis of ex. 7.
The teacher monitors their work
and distributes dictionaries.
At the end of the class the
teacher reminds ss about their
homework (they should write a
review on the basis of their
Paulina Kwatera, Wiktoria Pacut, Gabriela Pociecha, Kamil Raski

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