True-False Questions (15m) : O Level Chemistry Topical Quiz

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Topics covered: Redox, Metals, Electrolysis, Energy Change and Ammonia

True-False Questions (15m)

1. To test for reducing agents, add acidified potassium dichromate solution. If orange
solution turns green, the substance is a reducing agent.
2. To test for reducing agents, add acidified potassium manganate solution. If purple
solution turns pink, the substance is a reducing agent.
3. The reactive the metal, the stable is its carbonate towards heat, and the more difficult it is
to decompose the carbonates. [T/F]
4. Magnesium reacts rapidly with cold water to form magnesium hydroxide and hydrogen
gas. [T/F]
5. In blast furnace, iron(III) oxide in haematite is reduced by carbon to form iron. [T/F]
6. Zinc cannot react with Iron(II) chloride solution. [T/F]
7. In a solution containing chloride and bromide ions, chloride ions will be discharge instead
of bromide ions. [T/F]
8. At anode, reduction occurs. [T/F]
9. At cathode, oxidation occurs. [T/F]
10. The concentration of dilute sodium chloride solution will increase gradually as
electrolysis proceeds.
11. Respiration is an endothermic reaction. [T/F]
12. Reaction is exothermic if energy absorbed in bond breaking is more than the energy
released in bond formation. [T/F]
13. The manufacture of ammonia by Haber process is irreversible. [T/F]
14. Finely divided copper is used as a catalyst for the production of Ammonia. [T/F]
15. The higher the temperature, the better the production of Ammonia as it increases the
speed of reaction. [T/F]

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