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Technology Plan Evaluation

Coffee County School System

Visionary Leadership in Instructional Technology

Kimberly Fleming, Jonathon King, K. Meghan Lewis, Baziel Pearce

September 18, 2016

Annotated Bibliography

Anderson, L. (2002). Guidebook for developing an effective instructional technology plan [3.5].

Retrieved September 8, 2016, from

This publication is a thorough explanation of what a technology should be and how to create it.

The authors of this guidebook start by giving a broad look at the steps for creating a technology

plan. Once the broad concepts are established, the authors begin to explain in detail all the steps

and the process needed to create a technology plan.

Coffee county school system three-year technology plan (Rep.). (2012). Retrieved September 2, 2016,



This is the technology plan for the Coffee County School System for 2012-2015. This is the plan

our group chose to evaluate.

Georgia department of education technology planning and infrastructure. (n.d.). Retrieved September

11, 2016, from

The Georgia Department of Education website provides information on budgeting, specifically

with the E-Rate program and the complexities of ensuring that money is available for system use.

This website also links to a three-year Technology Plan template that Georgia schools must have

in place to receive crucial E-Rate funding.

Glazer, E., Hannafin, M. J., & Song, L. (2005). Promoting technology integration through collaborative

apprenticeship. Educational Technology Research and Development, 53(4), 57-67. Retrieved

September 13, 2016.

This article expressed how teachers often participate in intensive professional learning seminars

to learn technology skills and integration strategies. When designing technology plans, its

important to consider a timeline for implementing each phrase of the plan. The authors suggest

that when offering technology enhancement, that its important to provide ongoing support so

that teachers can practice, reflect, and modify their practices.

Guiding questions for technology plan core requirements. (n.d.). Retrieved September 13, 2016, from:


This document is from Model Schools and provides a guide of what questions to answer while

building a technology plan. Each area of a technology plan is introduced with prompts that those

who are constructing the plan should consider. The purpose of the document is to help the plan

designers consider each facet of the plan, and answer the appropriate questions for each topic. It

provides an overview of everything the plan should include, through questions.

Gwinett county public schools three-year technology plan (Rep.). (2012). Retrieved September 1, 2016,



This technology plan was used as a reference to compare and contrast information included in

different system technology plans. It was used to help guide the recommendations for the Coffee

County Technology Plan that our group evaluated.

Mayo, D., & Nelson, S. S. (1999). Wired for the future: Developing your library technology plan.

Chicago: American Library Association.

This is a guidebook to creating a technology plan for a library. It is divided into sections, each

focusing on a topic in the creation process from planning to implementation.

Murray county school system three-year technology plan (Rep.). (2012). Retrieved September 3, 2016,



This technology plan was used as a reference to compare and contrast information included in

different system technology plans. It was used to help guide the recommendations for the Coffee

County Technology Plan that our group evaluated.

Newton county school system three-year technology plan (Rep.). (2012). Retrieved September 2, 2016,



This technology plan was used as a reference to compare and contrast information included in

different system technology plans. It was used to help guide the recommendations for the Coffee

County Technology Plan that our group evaluated.

Norton, S. K. (2013). Technology planning: Designing the direction to get there. Knowledge Quest,

Imagining the Future, 43, 65-69. Retrieved September 13, 2016.

The author of this article shared the importance of designing a technology plan. She shared how

the school library program should be reflected in any technology plan. Since most school

librarian also serve as a media and technology specialist for some districts, its important to

ensure that the all plans are gear around a common objective.

Six-step process in creating a technology plan. (2014, April 11). Retrieved September 11, 2016, from:

This article simplifies the process for creating a technology plan into a concise but effective six

step plan. The article focuses on the five technology expertise that should be represented in the

group formed to create the technology plan. In addition to guidance of forming a group of

experts, this article also supplies a list of important questions that should be answered as the

technology plan is being created.

Technology planning toolkit. (n.d.). Retrieved September 11, 2016, from

This website gives a step by step guide for developing a district or school technology plan by

committee. The website is very easy to navigate. The home page offers an easy to follow, basic

technology plan. The website also has additional pages that go in depth on each section of the

technology plan. This was helpful in organizing the information needed for each section of the

rubric. (2014). Retrieved September 10, 2016, from:

This is an example rubric for a technology plan. It is broken down into the same basic categories

we are assessing. This rubric was clear and concise. The rubric gave us a good foundation in how

to organize our group rubric.

Technology Plan Rubric

Category Ineffective Needs Proficient Exemplary
+0 Development +2 +3

Vision Vision statement Vision statement is Vision statement is Vision statement is clear
is missing. unclear or vague. Vision and concise, Vision
incomplete. Vision statement does not fully statement focuses on
statement focuses address instructional instructional objectives
on how technology outcomes along with with instructional
will be used to aid improved learning from outcomes and technology
students and technology. outcomes fully stated.
teachers. No Vision aligns to some Vision statement fully
instructional of the goals and aligns with the goals and
outcomes are strategies presented in strategies in the
mentioned. Vision the technology plan. technology plan.
does not align with
the goals and
strategies presented
in the technology

Goals Goals are Goals are broad or Most goals are clearly Goals are clearly stated
missing. unclear. Goals are stated. Most goals are and meet the needs of the
unmeasurable or addressed with school system. Each goal
unsupported by the strategies to help meet includes a step by step
technology plan. the goals. Most goals strategies for meeting that
Goals are are measurable and goal. Goals are
unattainable. attainable. measurable, achievable,
and realistic for the
school district.

Professional Professional Some Professional A Professional A Professional

Development Development Development is Development plan is Development plan is
information is offered, but details outlined, including a clearly outlined.
missing or not are vague. timeline for Professional
funded. Funding for training/implementation Development programs
Professional of new technologies. are focused on using
Development is Some funding sources technology to impact
minimal or are provided. instructional outcomes.
unallocated. Programs are available to
staff in a variety of
formats. Funding sources
for Professional
Development are

Assessment of Missing Unclear or Assessment of Assessment of

Services assessment of incomplete telecommunication telecommunication
telecommunicatio assessment of services, hardware, services, hardware,
n services, telecommunication software, and other software, and other
hardware, services, hardware, needed services is needed services is
software, and software, and other complete. Some detailed and
other needed needed services. evaluation strategies are comprehensive. Clear
services. No evaluation included in the plan. strategies are in place for
strategy is in place. Assessment of services evaluation and future
Assessment of does align with plans are in place.
services does not technology and Assessment of services
align with instructional goals. clearly aligns with
technology or technology and
instructional goals. instructional goals.

Accessibility Missing Plan includes few Plan includes some Plan includes clear goals
of Technology information on specific goals and goals and strategies to and strategies to address
Resources assistive strategies to address accessibility for accessibility for all
(Americans technology or the address all students. Assistive students. Assistive
with accessibility of accessibility. Plan technology is included technology is included in
Disabilities technology includes few in the plan along with the plan along with
Act) resources for all specifics about some funding funding sources and
students. assistive information. strategies for
technology and sustainability.
funding sources.

Budget Missing budget Plan includes Plan includes a budget Plan includes a detailed
information budget for most and funding sources for budget and funding
strategies, but the all strategies. sources for all strategies.
funding is Budget includes all years
unidentified or not covered by the plan.
clearly defines. Budget is consistent with
the plan goals and

Ongoing Missing A plan for A plan for evaluation is Evaluation plan is clear
Evaluation evaluation evaluation is in in place. The plan is and ongoing. Plans are in
process place, but is detailed and clear. place to monitor progress
incomplete or lacks Plans are in place to and success of each
detail. monitor progress and strategy. A plan is in
success of each place to allow changes to
strategy. the plan as needed.

Stakeholder Missing Plans for sharing Plans for sharing Plan includes a detailed
Involvement stakeholder information with information with description of stakeholder
involvement stakeholders is stakeholders is involvement. Stakeholder
unclear. Plans for included. Plans for involvement is aligned
stakeholder stakeholder with instructional
involvement in involvement are outcomes.
unclear or missing. unspecific.

Coffee County School System Technology Plan Evaluation and Recommendations

Category Ineffective Needs Proficient Exemplary

+0 Development +2 +3
Vision Vision statement is Vision statement is Vision statement is Vision statement is clear
missing. unclear or vague. Vision and concise, Vision
incomplete. Vision statement does not fully statement focuses on
statement focuses address instructional instructional objectives
on how technology outcomes along with with instructional
will be used to aid improved learning from outcomes and technology
students and technology. outcomes fully stated.
teachers. No Vision aligns to some Vision statement fully
instructional of the goals and aligns with the goals and
outcomes are strategies presented in strategies in the
mentioned. Vision the technology plan. technology plan.
does not align with
the goals and
strategies presented
in the technology

The vision statement reflects the mission statement of the school district. The vision statement focuses on how
technology will make learning easier/better, but does not address instructional outcomes.

This vision statement should include more specific instructional outcomes.

Goals Goals are missing. Goals are broad or Most goals are clearly Goals are clearly stated
unclear. Goals are stated. Most goals are and meet the needs of the
unmeasurable or addressed with school system. Each goal
unsupported by the strategies to help meet includes a step by step
technology plan. the goals. Most goals strategies for meeting that
Goals are are measurable and goal. Goals are
unattainable. attainable. measurable, achievable,
and realistic for the
school district.

Most goals are clearly stated, however some remain broad and unclear. Some goals mentioned in the vision are
not represented in the actual goals portion of the plan (e.g. Professional Development). There are strategies in
place to measure and meet the goals listed, but a timeline is not included.

Goals should be more detailed. There should be more specific details about how each goal will be met and
measured. Each goal should include a timeline to ensure the goal is met within a timely manner.

Professional Professional Some Professional A Professional A Professional

Development Development Development is Development plan is Development plan is
information is offered, but details outlined, including a clearly outlined.
missing or not are vague. timeline for Professional
funded. Funding for training/implementation Development programs
Professional of new technologies. are focused on using
Development is Some funding sources technology to impact
minimal or are provided. instructional outcomes.
unallocated. Programs are available to
staff in a variety of
formats. Funding sources
for Professional
Development are

Professional Development is mentioned in the plan, but the details and goals are vague or do not exists. Without
specific professional development opportunities detailed, the funding sources are limited.

There should be a clear plan for selecting and implementing professional development (PD) opportunities for all
staff. Research needs to be done to include specific PD for the technology and programs adopted by this system,
including an accountability of how PD translates to classroom use and the stated instructional outcomes.

Assessment Missing Unclear or Assessment of Assessment of

of Services assessment of incomplete telecommunication telecommunication
telecommunication assessment of services, hardware, services, hardware,
services, telecommunication software, and other software, and other
hardware, services, hardware, needed services is needed services is
software, and software, and other complete. Some detailed and
other needed needed services. evaluation strategies are comprehensive. Clear
services. No evaluation included in the plan. strategies are in place for
strategy is in place. Assessment of services evaluation and future
Assessment of does align with plans are in place.
services does not technology and Assessment of services
align with instructional goals. clearly aligns with
technology or technology and
instructional goals. instructional goals.

Assessment of telecommunication services, hardware, software, and other needed services is detailed and
comprehensive. There are some evaluation strategies included in the plan and the assessment of services does
align with the goals. There is not a detailed plan in place for ongoing evaluation of the services. The plan is also
missing a plan for how additional (unknown) service might be implemented in the future.

The plan has done a good job of assessing the services, but there needs to be more attention on evaluating the
services for effectiveness and ongoing need. There should be a clear timeline in place for these evaluations. The
plan should also include a plan for incorporating new services as they become known or available to the district.

Accessibility Missing Plan includes few Plan includes some Plan includes clear goals
of information on specific goals and goals and strategies to and strategies to address
Technology assistive strategies to address accessibility for accessibility for all
Resources technology or the address all students. Assistive students. Assistive
(Americans accessibility of accessibility. Plan technology is included technology is included in
with technology includes few in the plan along with the plan along with
Disabilities resources for all specifics about some funding funding sources and
Act) students. assistive information. strategies for
technology and sustainability.
funding sources.

The plan does not include any plan for assistive technology. All students are covered under a blanket statement of

The plan should include specialized goals and strategies that explain how and why technology is chosen for
students and other stakeholders covered by ADA. The plan should also include a plan for implementation and
ongoing effectiveness evaluation of any assistive technology included.

Budget Missing budget Plan includes Plan includes a budget Plan includes a detailed
information budget for most and funding sources for budget and funding
strategies, but the all strategies. sources for all strategies.
funding is Budget includes all years
unidentified or not covered by the plan.
clearly defines. Budget is consistent with
the plan goals and

Some budget information is included in the plan. Very few goals indicate actual cost. In some cases, funding
sources are indicated, but the actual cost or even an estimate is not included.

A budget estimate should be included for all strategies. The budget should include all of the years covered by the

Ongoing Missing evaluation A plan for A plan for evaluation is Evaluation plan is clear
Evaluation process evaluation is in in place. The plan is and ongoing. Plans are in
place, but is detailed and clear. place to monitor progress
incomplete or lacks Plans are in place to and success of each
detail. monitor progress and strategy. A plan is in
success of each place to allow changes to
strategy. the plan as needed.

The current plan for evaluation lacks a timeline, methods of evaluation in some cases, and plans for what to do if
the strategy is not effective.

There should be a definitive schedule in which benchmarks can be given to show an accurate evaluation of how
each service is working. Plans should be in place to determine how to proceed if the service is not effective/no
longer effective. The plan should be clear on who is responsible for each ongoing evaluation.

Stakeholder Missing Plans for sharing Plans for sharing Plan includes a detailed
Involvement stakeholder information with information with description of stakeholder
involvement stakeholders is stakeholders is involvement. Stakeholder
unclear. Plans for included. Plans for involvement is aligned
stakeholder stakeholder with instructional
involvement in involvement are outcomes.
unclear or missing. unspecific.
The plan thoroughly explains stakeholder involvement and communication. The plan also includes information
about stakeholder involvement in instructional goals and outcomes.

When the plan is updated, it should include more modern communication services such as Remind, ClassDojo,
and similar programs. The plan could also mention communication points such as iParent/ParentPortal and
ShoutPoint that are currently available in the school district.

Total Score: 12 / 24

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