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Alexandria Engineering Journal 2016) xxx, waxxe Alexandria University Alexandria Engincering Journal won elsevier comilocat/aej Analysis of The arching phenomenon of bored piles in sand Zahraa A. Kamal“, Mohamed G. Arab, Adel Dif Department of Structural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Egypt Received 10 November 2015; revised 26 January 2016; accepted 4 June 2016 KEYWORDS, Abstract Several bored pile field-esting observations showed the arching phenomena and its effect ‘Numerical modeling: fn side shear resistance. Finite element numerical mode! is developed in this paper to study the Bored pile; arching phenomena of bored pile and the effect on the overall compression capacity of single board Pile bearing capacity: piles, The numerical models developed apply a hardening(softening model (multi-surfses) constitu- Limit shaft resistance; tive made! to account for sandy soil nonlinear behavior. 2D-axisymmetric Finite Elements single Arcing phenomenon pile model has been developed and validated using several feld-testngs available inthe literature Te numerical study has been conducted to investigate the efect of arching cise to the single pile shaft on pile bearing capacity considering three major influence Factors: pile length, pile diameter and sand relative density ‘The numerical analyses conducted show the importance of the arching phenomenon on the over all behavior of piles and on the prediction of Bored piles bearing eapacty © 2016 Production and hosting by Eevier BV. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Ths is an open soces article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (tp icensesby-no-nd/40) sna vertical effete sts, the ition angle Mobic slong the vera sha wa, a Aste trl Pile foundation has gained popularity lately in Egypt espe- _carth pressure coefficient at limit shaft resistance conditions. ean uiaces Popaaets tt Je FREE SP oe anit lding of the ple, the sol acound pcs shears tance is an important source of pile resistance, especially for and @s @ result the normal effective stress acting on the shaft long board piles, Several analytical methods have been devel. cvoINes ftom its intial (geostati) value to an ultimate value. EE ee ee The new vals for the steve novel ses wll ey Ah Tn dai pect the unit shaft estan (gy) son Ast the prediction for tesa restanse of pis calculated as percentage of vertical effective stress as follows: Terzaghi [| proved experimentally using trapped door experiment tht sess inthe sl fody hangs abe pce Ghring sol steang and tee cans are ds fo shearing __ teste long te toundans Btwn the moving ant [SPREE aoe spmaitcon ZA. Kaman, {OMHEY MSS of sand. Similacy, ypon axial loading of pl Eihglninsencs UG. Amb, salmon schceA'Dy,” hd seg of sal aound he hal we he ol ing Tinney, Ur responsi of Faculty ofFarinesing, Alssaatis oF the stresses along the pile shaft from initial stresses devel fu = Kolgtans 0 hp /dx do or10, 1016) ae) 2016.06.035 1110-0168 © 2016 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Enginering, Alexandria University This is an open aoa article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (ip crestivecarmons ni icenss/bsen=- 4.0) Fes i irs ins os ZA. Kanal ay Ant of The ating inom obo in tn, Alan ag J (80 ido 06] 2 ZA. Kamal etal oped before shearing. Two distinet zones are developed around, the tip of the pile as a result of the downward movement of the pile, these zones are the flow zone and the arching zone as ilus- trated in Fig. | [3] ‘This paper studies the arching effect in bored piles in sandy soils and possible effect on pile bearing capacity using numer- ical modeling and advanced constitutive model 2. Experimental data from single pile loading The Center for Highway Research (CFHR) has conducted a research program (0 investigate the behavior of drilled shafts, installed in @ variety of soils located in Houston. One site ‘named (G1) was chosen in this research to calibrate the numer~ ical model to investigate the suitability of the constitutive model used for soil clements to reproduce pile behavior. Soil profile and soil properties in this site are shown in Fig. 2 The properties of the pile based on Touma and Reese [3] installed in this ste areas follows: 18 m length, 0.95 m average diameter, the Young's modus of the pile shaft is 33 GPa, the Poisson’s ratio is 0.2 and the specific weight ofthe pile shaft is, 23 kNjm’, Touma and Reese [3] showed that the soil profile in the site isa 9.5-m thick clay stratum with an average undrained shear strength of about 86 kPa overlaying sand layer of med- jum density of an average standard penetration number (biol) = 22. 3. Numerical analysis For the work described herein, in order to capture the behav= jor of single bored piles in sandy soils a fnive clement model is, developed using the commercial software ABAQUS 6.10 (6) The proposed model is able to realistically capture the most important aspects of pile loading, 1 Detarmation Stippage Between = Pattern of o Pite ond Sei! Concentration ot —4 ‘Stress dueto Arching Zone of Compression igure 1 Former Plone Number of Blows/tt s 6 © 100 200 x0 opm (tt) 8 ye 2 Standard penetration test of selected Site-Gl [3 3.1. Constituive model The constitutive model used in this paper to predict sand non- linear behavior is Drucker-Prager model (DP) available in ABAQUS 6.10. The DP is noncircular yield surface inthe devi- Pressure Horizontal / Pressure Deformation Pattern of a Former Plane Through Pile Tip Schematic of the stresses around the pile in the case ofa pile loaded axially in compression [3 Please cie his rice in press: 7A, Kamal et al, Anas of The arching phenomenon of Dred pes in sand, Alexanda Bag J (2016), iy os eo va l0 10) [iesieaenss Analysis of The arching phenomenon of bored piles in sand toric plane to match different yield values in triaxial tension and compression. Input data parameters define the shape of the yield and flow surfaces in the meridional and deviatoric planes. The Drucker-Prager criterion is used which can be re resented by equation: Fe a f pian where P is the equivalent pressure stress, ris the Mises equiv- alent stress, f isthe slope of the linear yield surface in the pt sess plane and is commonly referred to the friction angle of ‘the material, dis the cohesion of the material and Kis the ratio, of the yield stress in triaxial tension to the yield stress in triax= ial compression, where f and d could be expressed in terms of olumn parameters ¢ and @ as follows: 6sing a) tang = @ I8ce0s ¢ 4 ing 4 The model is referred to as an isotropic “hardening” and the evolution of the yield surface with plastic deformation is, described in terms of the equivalent stress (¢,) and plastic strain (2"4), 3.2. Calibration of constitutive model Analyses were performed to simulate laboratory triaxial tests conducted on Toyoura and Ottawa sand in the literature. The backbone curve for the sandy soil was used to develop model parameters for hardening yield surface, The input ‘model parameters are listed in Tablo 1. Analyses were p formed using ABAQUS 6.10 to simulate triaxial behavior of Toyoura and Ottawa sand, The single element illustrated in Fig, 3 was used to simulate the laboratory tests. Confining pressure equal to 3 is applied to the sides of the element, ‘and a vertical displacement 4 is applied to upper boundary of the single element, The results of the numerical analyses are shown in Fig. 4 along with the triaxial results from drained triaxial compression tests on Toyoura sand |!) and clean Ottawa send [1] measured in the laboratory be 1 Soil data using presented Drucker-Prager model Figure 3. Single clement used for simulation 4, Finite element model Analyses were performed to simulate single pile test presented. earlier in the Center for Highway Research (CFHR) at the University of Texas at Houston, site named Gl. A finite ele- ‘ment mode! is developed to simulate single bored pile loaded axially. The finite clement program ABAQUS 6.10 is used in the simulation of pile behavior. Fig. 5 presents the finite cle- ‘ment (FE) mesh and boundary conditions of base model in this, analysis, The pile and soil are moéeled using &-noded axisym- ‘metric elements; the radius of the soil domain is 150m, and, the depth is 30.0 m, An clastic mode is used for the 18 m long, pile restod in sand. Soil is divided into two layers, the upper layer represents clay layer with thickness 9.5m modeled as ‘Mokr-Coloumb model and the lower layer of the soil is a sand layer modeled by Drucker-Prager mode! illustrated earlier. Fine mesh is used near the pile-soil interface, and it becomes coarser further from the pile. The interface between the pile and the sot is defined using an interface element available in ABAQUS as “penalty” behavior. Tangentially, the properties Macerial Relative density (%) Void ratio) laste properties | Toyour Ouawesand 78 ses a 0.699 E 0 oom E vrais B= 14MPs p= 50.2 v=os a5 MPa vrais TEMPa 0.126 0x2 0.058 0.288 00 82 0.0958 0.1605 0282 as sole oss fleas cite this artic in press ZA, Kamalet al, Analysis of The aching phenomenon ofbored pies in sand, Aexanda Bg J. (2016, ips doi ow 0 100) ZA. Kamal etal Deviatorte Stress q(KPa) Axial Strain o1% Figure 4 Fitting drained triaxial compression tests of Toyoura sand and clean Ottawa sand, osde | etiam ele ror smmey ose | k-— 18d. ———> i Figure 5 Typical finite element mesh and boundary conditions in ful pte simulation of the interface are specified by an interface friction coefficient, p= tand = 06, = 0.980, as g¢ is the true friction angle at, critical state [5] and tangential stiffness K, where K, = Git where G is the shear modulus and f, is the thickness of interface layer taken 2mm. Analysis is divided into two steps; first the overburden pressure is defined in geostatic options as unit, \weight of soil part = 20kN/m’ and initial coefficient of earth pressure K,, = 0.5, In the second step a vertical displacement is, applied on the surface of the pile 4.1. Comparison with experimental field data ‘The calculated load-settlement curve of the numerical model of the test loading, together with the measured response of the tested pile using 2D nonlinear analysis is shown in Fis. 6. ‘The results presented in the figure are the following: the pile total resistance (Q), pile shaft resistance (Q,) and pile tip Resis- tance (Q,) duc to 20 mm settlement. Results presented in Fig. 6 show that the numerical models calculate accurately the fric~ tional behavior of the single pile testing in this case while a slight difference exists between the calculated tip resistant and the measured tip resistant especialy at high settlement val- tues (near failure). 4.2. Critical depth of sand mass Vesic [8] was among the first theoreticians to present the con- cept of limiting average unit shaft resistance. Vesic reported that shaft resistance does not increase infinitely with depth, bbut reaches a constant value at some evitical depth (D,). The calculated shear stress along pile shaft from numerical model presented earlier shows a reduction in shear stress at specific ‘depth (critical depth) (3m) beneath sand layer surface in a good agreement with field result as presented in Fig. 7. 43. Comparison with the Egyptian code for soll and foundation design (2) The ultimate bearing capacity of bored piles according to Egyptian code (FG-Code) using field test results can be caleu- lated by the equation: 2, where Cy is the adhesion of pile in clay soil taken equal 10 0.35Cuy a8 Gy is the average undrained cohesion of clay (Ist layer), L isthe length of pile in clay layer, Kye isthe coef ficient of earth pressure, P, isthe effective sires, 5 is the fr tion angle between pile shaft and sand layer taken here according to Egyptian code as 0.75 soil friction angle, Py is the effective eurth pressure at pile toe, N, is the bearing eapac- ity factor related to the internal angle of friction of sand par ticles, R is the radius of the pile Load:MN Settlementaam and numerical 6 simulations of the load-settlement curve (Site ~GI [iestieoenss Please cie his rice in press: ZA. Kamal et al, Analysis of The arching phenomenon of bored piks in sand, Aletandra Bag. (2016) Hex do oreo 1018 Analysis of The arching phenomenon of bored piles in sand 5 Shear Stress:KPa so 100 150200 Depttem Figure 7 Field test result of shear stress along pile’s shaft compared with numerical result, ss Loose Sand zu | sie . Bol oi a gu 4 7 1s Pile Depth in Sand LayerLs:m, Figure 8 Values of ultimate bearing capacity in (MN) of ‘Shear Stress: Nim? Depth am (a) 6 ‘Note: Eifective pressure according to EG-Code calculated assuming a critical depth (D,) at which arching will occur at 20R in Loose sand and 40R in dense sand. A parametrie study js conducted to compare the pile capacity results from the base ‘numerical model developed earlier with the calculated values, from the EG-Code predictions. In the parametric study, only ‘one parameter in the base model is the pile length; is varied while keeping the other variables constant. The resulls of the comparison are shown in Fig. 8. The results show that EG- Code predicted values for ultimate bearing eapacity are overall, conservative especially in loose sand, 44, Critical depth (D.) in muletayer soil profile Parametric study was conducted to examine the effect of changing soil profile on the eritical depth calculated. Three typical soil profiles from three different cities in Egypt's Delta were used in ths study. For each soil profile a numerical model was developed. To illustrate the influence of clay layers on the evelopment of the critical depth for sand, parametric study was comparing numerical results from the multi-layer sol pro- Dense Sand Pile Depth in Sand LayerLs:m le modeled pile in different cases compared with Egyptian Code. Shear Stress:KNim! ee = 5 el 20. ‘ tate _[s (b) Figure 9 Shear stress along pile's shaft of analyzed Mansoura (Site I & 2) vs a sand soil profil assole oss fleas cite this aricie in press: ZA, Kamalet al, Analysis of The aching phenomenon of bored pies in sand, Aexnda Bg J. (2016, pds doi ow 0 100) ZA. Kamal etal Shear Stress: KN/m! : Figure 10 Shear stress along pilk’s shaft of analyzed New Damietta vs a sand soil profile file with a numerieal analyses for a pile in a sand soil only. The results are calculated and drawn next to cach soil profile (Figs. 9 and 10), 8s shown each soil profile result is compared, with a sand soil profile. Typical soil profile in Mansoura is, shown in Fig. 9, with properties summarized in Table 2. The numerical mode! developed for the soil profile typically encountered in Mansoura has the properties shown in Tabic 3 Typical New Damictta soil profile with soft clay underlying ‘a medium dense sand layer is shown in Fig, 10, with properties, summarized in Table 4, Also a numerical model was developed with properties illustrated in Table 5 Fig, 9a shows results ofthe first numerical model of the typ- ical soil profile in Site 1 in Mansoura. The shear stress calcu~ lated along pile’s shaft is constant along clay layer and then at the beginning of sand layer it increases gradually up to a ‘maximum value close to pile tip. In the same figure the shear stress ofa sand soil profiles drawn showing a gradual increase in shear stress up to the end of pile also, knowing that the length of the pile is only 15 m in both cases. The critical depth, was not developed in this case due to the length of the pile is, not long enough. Fig. 9b shows results of a numerical model calculated for typical soil profile encountered in Mansoura, city. The shear stress calculated along piles shat in clay is con sant and then increases in sand, until reaches the second clay layer the shear stress continues constantly again and finaly it increases again in the final sand layer teaching 2 constant value at the end of pile. Another model was developed with the same ‘Table 2 Properties of typical soil profile in Mansoura Depth Sell pe mo Sel 013 Medium bard day 100KPa_— 13LBd of boring, Coarse sand s0kPa 42° Stel 07 Medium clay SOKPa = m2 Coarse sand ss a 12-20 Medium clay SOKPa = End of boring Coarse sand a ‘Table 3 Soil data used in numerical model (Mansoura) Sol ope Used model Elastic prop. Inelastic Br0P. Medium hard day Mohr B= S0MPS Gu = SOKPS Coloums y= 02 Coarse sand ——-Drucker=- Ottawa Loose Sand (Fable |) Prager Medium clay Mohr B= 30MPa Cu = 254Pa Coloumb =02 ‘Table 4 Properties of soil profile in Damicta Bem SG on Fine sand = 02 1232 Soft clay 30kPa = 32nd of boring Coarse sand a ‘Table § Soil data used in numerical model (Damietta). Seilgpe Used model Blasio prop. Inelastic prop Fine sand Drucker-Prager Ottawa Dense Sand (Tuble 1) Soft clay Mohr-Coloumb EF = SOMPa Cg = 15 KPa v= 02 Coarse sand__Drucker-Prager Ottawa Loose Sand (Table 1) pile properties but in dense sand. Shear stress calculated inthis, case shows development of a critical depth of about 15m at, Which shear stress along pile shaft is constant. Also comparing shear stress calculated along pile shaft in mult+-layer profile to the only sand soil is equal at depth of 22m, Similarly, Fig, 10 shows numerical analysis conducted for the typical soil profile encountered in New Damietta City. The shear stress calculated increases with depth in the frst sand layer until it reaches the soft clay layer. Caleulated Shear stress decreases and becomes constant through the whole clay layer. Comparing with the results ofa sand soil profile, D, can be notived and its value is higher in case of dense sand than loose sand. 5. Summary and conclusions (1) The field testing for a single augured pile in deep sand deposits was reproduced numerically (2) The sand relative density was modeled numerically by changing hardening behavior in Drucker-Prager consti- tive model (3) The arching phenomenon around pile shaft was caleu- Iated successfully using numerical modeling. (4) There is evidence from the field and from numerical ‘modeling that the shear stress along pile shaft does not increase linearly for infinity rather reaches a constant value at a critical depth (5) The Egyptian code equation for predicting single pile capacity in sandy soils is overall conservative and gives ‘comparable results with the numerical simulations pre- sented in this paper. Please cie his rice in press: 7A, Kamal et al, Anas of The arching phenomenon of Dred pes in sand, Alexanda Bag J (2016), iy os eo va l0 10) [iesieaenss ARTICLE IN PRESS Analysis of The arching phenomenon of bored piles in sand. 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