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Learning new language helpsyou to growyour vocabulary and become more fluent.The best wayto learn
vocabulary is to do a little revision regula rly.That's whatthe Outcomes Vocabulary Builder (OVB) will help you with.
Consonant Sounds Vowel

lpl pet / pet/ li l see lsi:l

What each entry contains
tbt bed lbedl Itl win lwnl
Itl time llatm I lil very I'vetil . Aftereachentrythereisaspace.Writethetranslationoftheentryinyourlanguage.
tdt dog ldosl lel every I'evtil . Thereisthenalistofuptosixtypical collocationsandphrasesthatthewordisusedwith.
tkt king lkrtl lal cat lk@tl . Regularwordbuildingboxesgiveextrainformationoncommonverbs,forexample,do,make,giveandgo.
lsl garden I go.danl lo.I farm lfo:m/
Itt fox, leaf lfoksl,llif I lo I clock /klok/
van lvanl lt. I wall lwt) I
lsl same /sell"r,l lul book lbukl
lzl zebra, is I zebral,lrzl lu'.l moon /mu:n/ capital
ttt lig ht llaftl lnl cup lknpl
lml mat lma-tl 13 l world lwildl
name I netm I lal letter /'leta/
tht hot lhotl Modrid is the capital of Spain.
red lredl
you ng (two vowels together)
I irrr) I
What's the - of Cermany? /
what lwotl letl wait /wert/ /
bath lbo 0l from the - / I live in the -
l'm the ^
t0t laal phone lfeanl
tbt weather /we6a/ mine
latl lmanl **--d*-f-=#J
ilt fashion l'falanl laal house /haus/ -d*--d
ltl television / , telr'vBan/ l>tl noise lnttzl
t{t cheap, catch l{i pl, lka{l lDl near lntal
tBt jumper I'B,^mpal hair
leal lheol
l\l spring lsprr4l laa I pu re lpiao I How the OVB is organised

It is organised to make it quick and easyto use in class and to revise at home.

Remember! . EachunitintheOVBcontainsthemostimportantnewwordsfromexercises,textsandlisteningsintheunlt
Sound is not the same as spelling, for exam ple, the word 'r'finishes with the letter 's' but the soond is lzl ofthe 5tudent's Book.
lzl iL . TheunitsarethendividedaccordingtoeachdoublepageoftheStudent'sBookandthewordswithinthose
pages are written in alphabetlcal order.

When writing the sound of a word (its phonemic transcription), always put lines like these //on either
. At the end ofeach unit there are exercises to do.

side of the word:

. There is an answer key at the back ofthe book.
lva-nl m
Ways you can use the OVB
Stress is shown with marks like these '
'showstheprimarystress inaword.Forexample, l' qo danl ghz Read theword listbeforeyou studythe unit in the book.
. shows the secondary stress. For example, / . tell'vBan/ bbdLkw Translate all the wordsyou don't know based on the explanation. Check the collocations for each word. Do
they make sense? Are any different to your language?
ln ciass, if you have forgotten a word, look it up again.Write out the collocation list and add one of your own
Cover words in the list and say or write phrases with the word.Then compare with the collocation list.
Choose five to ten words from the list to learn each day.
Put eight new words in a story using the collocations listed.
Do the exercises at the end of each u n it some lime after you've done it ln class. Then check the a nswers
in the key.
Write a list of the wordsyou find difficult to remember and write sentences usingthe words.
middle :1 live in the middte of the church There's a church in my town. / on safe :The city isn't saJe.There's a lot of crime
country. / the - af Paris / in the - ofthe night / old - / go to - / look round the - / a - service / it isn't - at night / a very - place to live / I dontfeel -
my - nome cinema -............................_: What's on at the cinema today? shopping _: I often go shopping at the
need _: I need some help. / I - d job / I - to / go to the -
to see a film / there are two -s in the weekends. / there are some great places to go -
learn English /l- a drink / I don't - it town / meet at the - / a small - / a biq - / I need to go - / I love -! / I hate -! / spend all day -
n t(e Nice to meet you. / it's a - city / ctty _: Paris is a beautiful cily. / a big - / a small - small ................................_: Romney is a small town. / a - hotel
some - shops /hotel / a - beach / a - place
a - / travel round the - / work in the - centre / the capital - / a - caJd / a - house / a - building / a - school.
north ............-'.'.--......"...-: I live in the north of Brazil. / in the compare .........................-: Compare the photos - are they The opposite isbig: a biq city / a big house

--east of the country / the - west / I come from the same or dtfJerent? / - your ideas with a partner station ...........................-: Do you want to meet at the truin
the - The opposite is south: it's in South America / - yaur answers station? / the bus - / the police -
pair _: Work in pairs. / repeat the crime .....................-:There's o lot oJ crime in some parts town _: I live in a small town near Prague. /
conversation in -s / a - of shoes / a - of glasses ofthe city. / not much - here / the problem of - / a very nice - / a - in the north / go shopping in -
parente .-..........................._: I live with my parents. / where a lot ofviolent - / see o - /Jight - traffic _:There's /
a lot of tralfic in the city.
areyour -from? / my - arefrom Cosablanca / factory ..........................""._: I work in a factory. / a job in a -/ heovy - / stop at the - lights
Lame cnd meet my' / my - are very nit e a big - / a small - / an old - / a modern - / a car - fhere are a lot oftrees in the park. /
/ a clothes - / apen a new - / close the - some very big -s / tall -s / an old - / sit under a - t
part _: Which part of Slovakia are you
from? peaplefrom dffirent -s oJthe world / the
famous _: lt's a very Jamous building. / climb -s / plant some -s / cut down a -
- people / a - actor / a - singer / the city is -for its
first - ofthefilm
pf ace ...'..-......................._: Describe the place where you live. / palace/aworld-hotel Pacss 20-21
Bern is a very nice - / it's a great - to live great lt's a great place to live! / some -

Paces 16-tl say ........................."......_:5ay the names of everyone in your shops / a - beach / a -film / I like him - he's -! / - angry_tSometimes lget angry with the
class. / - that again / how do you - that in English? Jun! / you look -! kids. / lfeel - / l'm - with him / I'm very - about
capital _: Madrid is the capital of Spoin. / / the newspaper -s the fllm s good
fhere's a hotel near the qallery. / a boring _: I don't enjoy my job. lt's boring. / a
af Aermany? / l'm from the - / I live in / do you want ta cheap - / afive-star - / a big - / a small - / stay in -Jilm / a - book / he's - / a - class.Iheopposite is
what s the - sit ..................'.."......-: Come in. Sit down.
the-/the-city -down? / - on thefloor / - near the windaw / a - / arrive at the - / check in at the - interestingl rn interesting baok
idea lhat's a qood idea! / a qreat - / boss _: lf I don't do my work. my boss gets
class _: Miguel is in my class. / the people - next to yau
some interesting -s / a bad - / I have qn - / I don't angry. / a good - / a nice - / I need to askthe - /
in my - / everyone in my - / study after each -/ student ' : l'm a student. / talk ta the other

what timc is the - tomorrow? -s / a - at Manchester University / live in a -Jlat agree with the - / compare your -s have a meeting with the - / you're the -!
come ."........"".........'"....."_: Come in and sit down. / please - try ...............................-' Try to say his name. / - to learn / - to information ................................_: I want some infurmation brother _: I have two btother' and a sister. /

in / doyou wantto - in? / - and sit next to me / /

help - to wcrk / do you want to - this cake? aboutthe city./ askfor more - / I need more - / an older - / a younger - / a twin - / a baby -.fhe
- here / - and see me after the class useful - / lookfor - on the lnternet / the - desk opposite is sister
country ...-......................-: Brazil is a great country. / which Pacrs 18-19 iob _' There are a lot of jobs at thefactory. bus _r / usually walk to work or get the bus. /
part ofthe - are you from? / I live in the north ofthe / a -
in a restaurdnt / a very boring - / a good - / miss the - / get on the - / get ofJ the - / wait at the

- / a big - / a small - / travel to dffirent countries art gallery ...........''..--: There's an att gallery in the have a - / lookfor a - / get a new - - stop / there's a good - service
/ live in the east of Hungary. / it's in city centre. / visit an - / go to an - / there are two near .....-'.............--...-......_:The hotel is near the beach. / a city clea ner l'm a cleaner in a hotel. / work as
east _: / a - / a hospital - / a school - / an ofJice -
- London / in the north-- ofthe country / in the ort galleries in the city / o modern - - the sea / I live - the park / it's quite - the river
south --. The opposite is west: ltt west ofTokyo beach It's a nice sandy beach. / go ta myflat is - the station / I live - here clinir I m a ndrsP in a (linic. / go lo a . /

everyone ......."...............-:Say the names of everyone in the the- for the day / there are some lovely -es / sit on nice _: There's a nice beach. / some - shops an appotntment at a - / a private -
class. / talk to - / - enjoys working here / where is -? the - / a day at the - / swim at the - / he's very -/a- / -food / - weather /
place to live clothes _: I enjoy buying new clothes. / go

family ...........".-......"........_: My family name3 Hernandez. / beautiful ............"...-......"..-.._:There's a beauttful old church. have a - day / you look - today / he seems very - / shopping Jor - / old - / designer - / a - shop
there arefour people in my - / I comeJrom a big - / / a - building / a - woman / o - city / - music / the soup tastes - (ompany ...".........".........-: Microsoft is a big company. / a
o small - / they are a nice - / meet her - some - countryside / a - park / it looks - old _: My grandparents are very old now. / small - / a multi-national - / workfor a -
first _: My first nome's Maria. / what's your best : I love New York! lt's the best place to some beautiful - buildings / - people / an - car / construction _: I workfor a - company /
- name? / my - day at school / the - ofJanuary / live! / the - beaches are in the south / my - friend an -film / - clothes / how - are you? the - ofa new hotel / a new school is under -,/
win - prize / who's -? / who wants to go -? / where's the - place to go? The opposite is worst: palace ......."".".............."..._:The king lives in a palace in the department _: lworkfor a government
the worst job in the world! capitcl. / a beautiful old - / visit the - department. / the traffic - / the - of Education
grandparents _: I live with my
grandparents. / visit my - at the weekend / where building _:The cathedral is o very big park Theres a nice park in the town. department store _.....-t l'm a shop assistant in
are your - from? / I don't see my - very oJten building. / same beoutiful old -s / new - / a tall - / take the kids tothe - / some lovely -s / a big - / c /
a big department store. work in a - / go to o -
interview .......-.--: Miguel has an interview at a what's that -? / lwork in that - / go tnto the - small - / go to the - / have a picnic in the - designer
---: I want to work as a designer. / a
/ partner .-'............-'....-'......_: Work with a partner. / compare fashion - / a clothes - / a qorden - / - clothes
language school. / listen to the - / an - for a job caf _: Let's go to a cafdfor a drink. / a
a lab - / an - with a fomous person. lnterview is small - / a nice - / meet afriend in a - / sit in a - answers with a - / my tennis - / I live with my - different _: Are the photos the same or
also a verb: interview someone for a job / - me cathedral ...-:There's a cathedral in the city. / people ..............................-tThere are 75 people in my class. / a dffirent? / I want a -job / I workJor a - company
/ a lovely old - / visit the - / go to the - lot of - / meet some interesting - / old - / young - naw / it's very - here / we go to - schools
live _: / live in Lisbon. / where do you -? a setvice in
l- in aflat / l- l-
with myfamlly / an my awn / the - / look round the - / sit in the - restaurant _: We sometimes go to a doctor .."-......."'..."".--.....- | He\ a doctor in the hospital. / o
I - near ttte river / I don't - far from here cheap -...........-....-..-.."....-:
lt hotelfor students. / a
is a cheap restaurantfor lunch. / have a meal in a - / an very good - / go to the - / call the -
meet ......................--.....*: Nice ta meet yau. / I - lots of - restauront / - clothes / a - cafd / a - place to live. Italian - / a cheap - / an expensive - / a nice - early .......".".........""...."...._: I don't want to get up - it's too
interesting people / - me at the cinema / - me in The opposite is expensive: an expensive rcstaurant river ...................................: The river goes through the city. / a early! / start - in the morning / leave - / get an -
ten minutes / what time do you want to -? / expensive shops beautiful - / ga across the - / swim in the - Ua i n. f he opposite is late: a r rive I ate


engineer _: He wants to be an engineer. / night _: lfinish work at eight at night. / EXERCISES Complete the sentences with the nouns in the
work as an - / qet a job as an - / an electrical - work all - / on Saturday - / good -! box. Look up the nouns if you need help,
g postttolv
enjoy _: Do you enjoy your job? / I don't - nothing _:There's nothing to do in this town. Pn s
working here / l- sport / l-watchingfilms / l- / there's - in thefridge / there's - to eat / do - all day mother office address costume
shopping / - your meal / - your holiday play _, Do you ploy football? / - tennis / - Complete the sentences with the correct job manager help meal
football _: Football's my favourite sport. / ruqby / - the piono / - the guitar / - well preposition.
he loves - / play - / have a game of - / o - shirt police _: The police flght crime. / a - olficer 1 l'm ..... the north of ltaly. 1 He has a nine-to-five
free _: My class finishes at three, so l'm / go to the - station t call the - 2 Paris is the capital ..... France. 2 I here's a letter from the tax ......................... ..
read ............................._: I love reading magazines. / - the 3 I live ..... my two daughters. 3 I need a new swimming
free then. / are you - this evening? / l'm - this
afternoon / what do you do in your - time? newspaper / learn to - / I want to - that book 4 I meet lots ..... interesting people in my job 4 5he's a sing1e............................
get up ."..............-............_t I get up at seven in the morning. / school -..-....-.-..'............_: My mother is a teacher. She works 5 How many students are.....your class? 5 He's a bank
whot time do you -? / - early / - late in a school in Brussels. / a language - / a big - / a 6 Do you want to go ..... an art gallery? 6 What's your home ........................... ?

government .--....-: I workfor the government. / small - / a very good - / go to - / leave - / work 7 There's a good film ..... the cinema. 7 Doyou need some........................... ?

the local - / elect a new - / I don't agree with the - hard at - / learn English at - 8 You have the best job ..... the world! 8 Enjoy your ........
help _: I sometimes help him with his I work long hours, so I don't see my
homework. / I'll - you with your work. / can you - Choose the co[ect preposition. Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the
Jamily very ofien. / - you tomor{ow / - some
L l have a job in / oyfa resta u ra nt. box. Look up the adjectives if you need help.
me? Help ts also a noun: do you need some help? friends in the park / go and - a film at the cinema
home .."".....""........"............_: Some people work at home. / live shop""."..".."....""..."."...-: I work in a shop. / a - assistant / a 2 \Ne goto /forlhe park on Sundays.
at - with yaur parents / go - / stay at - / leave - / clothes - / a shoe - / aJood - / same great -s in 3 I leave lhe office on / al Sp.m. free first nice electrical
your - address the city / go to the -s / go into the - 4 I want to go away Jor / in the weekend. middle violent star
five best
hospital l'm a nurse and I work at the shout ........................".""._: Sometimes he gets angry and 5 I h;s street isn t safe in / ot night.
hospital. / she's in - / goto - / take him to - shouts at me. / stop -ing! / -Jor help 6 She goes to school on r by train. 1 Congratulationsl You win ........................... p(ize
hours ............................._: What hours do you work? / I wark speak _: I speak French and English. / do 7 I work from 83o of / to S:3o. 2 Eden is my........................... name.

long-/lworkstrange- you - English? / sorry, I don't - Spanish / - slowly 3 She's very You'll like her
/-quietly/-toSara 4 He's my ........................... friend
important ..........-: A doctor is a very important
Wono Farvrnres
job. / this is very - / an - letter / an - meeting / The film starts at 8.40. / the classes 5 What do you do in your ........ time?
some very - people / it's - to listen carefully -tomorrow / what time does the film -? / - work 6 There's a lot of ....................... ... crime in this area.
Look at the underlined words. Are they verbs 7 We're staying in a ........................... hotel.
interesting _: I enjoy my job. lt's interesting. at eight.Start is also a noun: the start ofthe race
/ meet some - people / an - idea / an - book / an strange ............"."..."."...".._: I don't work from nine to five or nouns? 8 He's an engineer.
- magazine / it's really - / this looks - / it sounds -. every day - I work sirange hours. / she has some - 1 I have a job interview on Friday.
The opposite is boring: a boring 1ob /
ideas sametimes that's a bit - / he seems very - 2 We don't interview people on the phone. Match the two halves of the sentences.
journalist _: He's a journalist Jor the Times studio ................."..........._: He works in a studio. / a design - / 1 I love a) long hours
Newspaper. / work as a - / wont to be a - / a a television - / a film - / go -
to my 3 Can I help you? 2 How old b) strange.
newspaper - / a sports - / a television - swimming .............."......".....""_, t oJlen go >wimming on 4 You can always ask for hej. ........................... 3 You're c) the boss!
Saturdays. / I love - / - in the sea / areyou good 5 We have an early 5QIL tomorrow. ....................... 4 That's a bit d) areyou?
kid _: They are married ond they've got two
6 I start work at 8:3o a.m............................
-s / he's a great - / I don't want -s / I love -s at -? / a - costume / a - pool / a - race 5 | work e) youl
leave ."...-..........-............_: I leave the house at eight every take ...........-................._: I usually walk or take the bus. / - 6 He's a f) police.
morning / the train -s at 9.15 / it's time to - / - the train to work / - a plane from Landon / - a taxi 7 See you g) tomorrow.
work at six o'clock / - home / - school tax office ............................._: She works in the tax office. / ga Cor.r.ocarrorus 8 Call the h) great kid.
local _: The kids go to the local school. / a - to the - / write to the - / a letter from the -
newspaper / my - shops / the - people /
teach ........-...'.-.........'--..-: l'm a teacher. I teoch English. Complete the sentences with the correct form
what do you -? / where do you -? / - French / - in of the verbs in the box. Look up the verbs if you
Iong _: lt's a long film -four hours! / a
need heIp.
- holidoy / wait a - time / work - hours.Ihe a language school / - young kids to swim
opposite is shoft: a short journey / o short fllm train ...."........................_:You can get a train at the station. /
love _: i /ove my job. / he -s his kids / I - take the - to work / go by - / travel by - / get on go start miss meet
shopping! / I - that book / I - ltalianfood / I - you! 7L, - t geL olf lhe - / a long - purney loof liyg so need
The opposite is hate: I hate shopping! university .....-: I want to go to university
when I leave school. / a biq - / a small - / a good - 1 Do you want to ........................... first?
magazine _: I enjoy reading fashion
2 Ni.eto
magazines. / a women's - / a gardening - / a travel / study Enqlish ot - / leave - / a - student
-/reada-/buya- weekend ...'-.......'.."..'....-: I don't work at the weekend. / 3 I think he........................... a drinkl
4 What tlrne do you ........................... work?
manager _: I'm a manager for a see you at the - / hove a nice - / meet friends at -s
5 You ........................... greatl
construction company. / work as a - / the - of the wife _: He's got a wife and three kids. / this
restaurant / a bank - / the department - is Sara, my - / his - is o doctor 6 ........................... a nice day.
morning ................................_: I start work at eight in the work .............................-.1 wark in a haspital. / - in a shop / - 7 I don't want to........................... the bus.
morning. / good -! / what a lovely -! / work all - / from nine to five / - at weekends / - long hours / - 8 lt's time to ........... ............... home.
spend the - shopping / see you tomorrow - / on Sundays / - hard / -for a small company.Work
mother _: I live with my mother and father. is also a noun: start work at eight / go to -
/ my - is a doctor / a single - / she's a very good -


study _: Do you study Englishl / - for two get _r I get home atJour o'clock. / - to work
hours / usually - ot the weekend / - for an exom / - to the cinemo at eight / how do I - to the mean different things Look at the / like -ing station?
exarnples below. Translate them. How rnany tennis : gome of -
/ like playing tennis. / have a homework ..................-: When do you usually do your
different verbs in your language do you use? / wotch the - on TV / o - ball / o - racket / o - ployer homework? / do exercise three for - / we get a lot
walk _: Do you like walking? / go -ing / - of - / he gives us a lot of - / English - / maths -
game / sport: home / - to school / - through the park / - to the
do you ploy tennis? / I like playing Jootball / I ploy
keep _: I go to the gym to keepfit. / - warm

cinemo.Walkis also a noun:gofor a walk / a lonq - / - busy / try to - awake / - the childrcn happy /
watch _: / like watching TV. / - a Jaotboll - your room tidy
match / - o film / - a movie / - the news on TV / life _. I hove a veryr busy liJe. / a busy sociol -
- o rock concert / - TV shows in English / daily - / your privote - /family - / your love - /
lht: kids ploy in the park / plo.y nicely / sirt cioesn t
wLtnt lo play / ploy outside / he ployt lty lttrnself
the hoppiest days of your -
Pacts 24-25 lunch ....'......-....-.."."_: I have lunch at one o'clock. / go out
Jor hours
for - / go to a restaurant for - / have d sandwich
afternoon _: I sometimes have a sleep in the for - / what s for -? / eat - / cook - / meet alter -
I ploy the piona / he plays the guitor rcolly well / I
oJtemoon. / ot three in the - / on Fridoy - / do you news .....-'......-.-........._r / u suolly watch the news on TV. /
wont to go shopping this -? / see you tomorrow - listen to the - on the rodio / the ten o'clock - / a
run ltlay the woirn a bit / ldon'l play dnylhntg bed _: I usuolly go to bed ot 11 o'clock. / go to ^ piece of - / some good - / some bad -
eorly / gato - late / be in - / lie in - / get out of - in novel .........""......"...._: i /ike reading novels. / o gaod - / d
musi(/CD/record: the morning / a single - / a double - / rnukeyour - great - / write a - / a - by Charles Dickens / a -
Paars 22-23 can I ploy o CD? / ploy o record / play some music beer _, I never drink beer. / a drink oJ - / o about liJe in China
glass oJ - / a bottle of - / a pint of - / two -s, own _: / have my own business. / have your -
busy ......."..."......-..._: 5o rry, l'm busy. / l'm alwoys - on act / pretend: please / do you want a -? home / earn your - money / use your - ideas
Mondoys / hove a - life / o - doy / a - week / it's - [ont Ctuise plays tltt: ht,ro in the film / wlro plays big _: I work in a big department store. / a - piano _: Do you play the piono? / play music
in town today / a - shop / o - restauront the old womon in the Jtln)? / ploy dead TV / ahouse / o - city / o -family / o - drink / a
- on the - / - music / - lessons / aJamous - player
chat _: Do you like chatting on the lnternet? /
- breakfast.f he opposite ts small:a small house / quiet ."".."""........."...._: Be quiet! / she seems very - / d -
- to friends / - about music / - for two hours. Chat a smallfamily child / a - park / a - street / the shops are - today
is also a noun: have a chat / o little- / a long - get We want to get a seat at the cinema. / -
..'......."............._: breakfast ....................-"_: I have breakfast at seven o'clack. / a - restautant / a - day / a - week
computer _: Do you like ploying computer o new phone / - a job / - some money / - on email / what doyou usually hovefor -? / have a big * / a relax ............................., llstening to music helps me relox. / -
gomes? / ploy on the - / work on the - / be on /- some information / go ond - help quick - / a full English - / - cereal ot the weekend / sit down and - / try to -
the - oll doy / - software / o - progrom need o / go out We sometimes go outJor dinner. / - I want to buy a new car. / a biq - / an
new -
withfriends / - dancing / - / often -
shopping centre _: We sometimes meet in the
to the cinemo expensive - / a sm0ll - / drive a - / get into the - / shopping centre in town. / o big - / on out of town
dance I like dancing, / - to the music / at the weekend get out afthe - / go by - - / buy clothes at the - / the shops in the -
- together / want to - / have a */ be good at like _: you like wotching TV? / - playing
Do coffee _, / usually have a coffee afier my short I hove a \hort sleep in the afiernoon:
dancing / go out dancing computer games / - dancing / - this hotel / - ltalian lunch. / a black - / o white - / o cup of - / twa -s, / o - conversotion / a -film / a - novel / a -
dinner ........"......-.."..._: Do you wont to go outfor dinner? food.The opposite is hatet I hate shopping! please / do you wont a -? / drink a lot of - meeting / a - walk to the station.fhe opposite is
/ have - ot eight o'clock / have - in o restauront / listen _: / like listening to music. / - to rock concert _: lsometimes go to concerts. / get long:a long sleep / a longflm
have - with friends / cook - / a - porty / whot'sJor music / - to a radio programme / - to the news on / be at a - / o rock - / a pop - / a -
ticketsJor a - shower ......................_: I olways have o shower in the
-? / the - table / go for a wolk afier - the radia / - to songs in English / - to the teqcher / hall/o-tour morning. / o hot - / a cold' / a quick - / be in the
each other ........"..__: A,sk each ather questions. / tdlk - carefully / a listening exercise countryside _: I like going for walks in the -/a-cubicle
ta - / listen to - / look at - I like listeninq to music. / rock - / countryside. / live in the - / beautiful - / the - sleep _: I sleepfor eight hours a night. / - late
expensive .-.....-'.-.......-: I like expensive clothes. / buy - clossical - / doyou like this -? / play some - / put some around Cambridge on Sundoys / - well.Sleep is also a noun:go fo
things / on - restauront / an - hotel / going out is - on the CD ployer / donce tothe - / write - / read - drink ........,'............_: / never drink beer. / - tea / - coffee / sleep / have a short - / hove a good night's - / get
- / the food's really - there.fhe opposite is cheap: outside We usuolly meet outside the train hove something to - . Drink is also a nout do you some -/ tolk in your -
a cheap hotel / cheap tickets station. / - the cinema / sit - / eat - / go - to smoke want a drink? / have o - / a - oJ whisky social I hdve o busy social liJe. / o - event
film _r I like watching films on TV. / a good - seat ................"...._: We need to get there early ta get a seat. earn ............'.-"'-"......_: I have a job to earn money. / how spend _: How do you spend your lree time? / -
/ a greot - / a long - / a really boring - / o horror / getgood -s / a - bythewindow / isthis -free? / much do you -? / - fn
an haur / - a lot / work two hours watching TV / - the afternoon reading /
- / a love - / the - starts at seven / the -rtnishes come in and toke a - / thefront - oJ a car / the bock - hard to - your living - all day in bed / - money / - f100 on clothes
at ten shopping _: Do you want to go shopping? / exercise .''.'................._: I do exercise every day. / do regular ticket _: I wont to buy a ticketfor the concert.
food _: Doyou like ltalianfood? / Chinese - / like - / love - / hate - / go - for dothes / a - trip - / get a lot oJ - / walking is very good - / a good / get -sfor a show / o - to see Lady Gogo / book the
nice - / lovely - / buy some - / cook - / eot - / have into town / do my - at the supermorket / o - centre
form of - -s online / get cheap -s / o cinemo - / a bus / a -
some - /a-bag finish _: What time does the film Jinish? / trdln - ta London / the - ofJice
lun _: Dancing is goodfun. / it's really good - sound _: That sounds nice. / it -s good / it -s school -es atJour o'clock / - your homework / - tired _: l'm always tired in the eveninqs. /
/ it's gredt - / have - with friends / have a lot of - interesting / it -s likefun / it -s like a great idea / e ati n g d n n e r. f he opposite is starl: t h e
fi m sto rts
I I'm really - / l'm a bit - /Jeel very - / you look -
together / play computer gamesJor - she -s like o nice girl of seven o'clock / school starts at nine / he seems - / walking mokes me - / lfeel - after
game _: Do you like playing computer gomes? sport _: you like doing sporl/ / watch - on
Do fit I do a lot of exercise to keep fit. / be very oll that
/ o - oJfootboll / o - oJ tennis / have o - of cards / TV / love - / hote - / be good ot - / be very bad at
- / be physically - / swimming keeps you -.Fhe wine ........................_: / n ever drink wine. / hove some - / red
win the - / lose the - - / o -s progromme on TV / a -s centre opposite rs unfit: I'm so unfitl - / white - / French - / a glass of - / a bottle of -

Paces 26-27 pencil _: i don't like writing in pencil. /
coloured -s / use a - / sharpen a - /
answer ............."........_: What's the answer to this picture ......--....".-.."""..-: Match the words to the pictures. / a PREPosrfloN5 CottocarroNs
question? / checkyour -s / compateyour -s with beautiful - / a - oJa house / some -s onthe wall /
a parlnet t Lhe tighl - / the wrong -. Answer is dtawa-/painta- A Complete the sentences with the correct A Complete the sentences with the correct form
also a verb: try to answer all the questions / - your practise _: I practise the piano every day. / preposition. of the verbs in the box. Look up the verbs if you
mobile phone - your pronunciation / - yaur English / -Jor a 1 I chat......friends on the lnternet. need help.
blind _: i want to buy a new blind for the concert.The noun is practice: do a lot oJ practice / 2 Do you play games ......your computer?
window. / a window - / open the - / close the - two hours of music practice 3 My sisler's good ...... swimming. make try get have get keep sit listen
board ......................_: Write the words on the board. / a programme _: I usually watch that 4 I usually have breakfast ......7 otlock.
black- / a white- / a notice- / cleanthe - / lookat programmeeveryweek./aTV - / a radio - / a - on 5 I like going to movies ......friends. 1 We have a problem. Please go and
the- / can't see the - TV / a qood - / an interestinq - / a - about Mexico 6 5he likes listening...... classical music. hel p.
check -........................_:
Check your answers. / - your rubber........................._: Do you have a rubber? / use a -/ 7 Igo to the gym ...... the afternoon. 2 This is im portant so ........................... careful ly.
passport/ -thetirket:/- lhel;meoflhslrsin /- buya - /borrowa - 8 Do you want t a glass ...... water? 3 lt's a nice day to ........................... outside.
iJyou're right ruler ...-..'-...-...-.-...._: Do you have a 3)-centimetre ruler? / 4 Co early ifyou want to good seats.
coloured _:lsometimes usecoloured pencils./ a long - /ashart- / a new- / useo -/ measure 5 She always her bed in the morning
- pens / - paper it with a - B Choose the correct preposition 6 I ........................... some good news.
dictionary.....'.'."".......".-:Lookinthedictionarytofind scissors_:Doyouhavesomescissorstocutthe 1 She works ln ,/ on a clothing store. 7 I play sport to ........................... fit.
new words. / an English - / an English-French - / a paper? / a pairoJ- / doyou have any - ? / sharp- 2 I have tickets/or / withthefootball game. 8 relax. Everything will be OK.
bilingual - / look in your - / that word isn't in my - song _: / sometimes listen to songs in Fnglish. 3 Do you wantlo gofor / in a walk?
exercise _. Da exercise A. on page 22. / a / sing a - / write a - / it's a great - / myfavourite 4II eot/in Barcelona. B Complete the sentences with the nouns in the
listening - / a grammar - / a dilficult - /flnish - / a pap - / a love - / hear a greot - on the radio 5 My cou rse is a lot of / from work. box. Look up the nouns if you need help.
sorry ..........-..........._:sorry lh late. / |m - / lh really - / 6 I usually have cerealJor / on breakfast.
find Look in the dictionary tofind new
: busy / -,I don't understand
-,\'m / -,what's your 7 There's a programme with / about Chile onfY programme life board centre
words./ - -thestation
a bag inthe park/ - ojob / name?/ say -forbeing late 8 I usually study ot / in the evening. work radio paper
/ - a cheaphotel / - a good restaurantfor lunch tissue_:Haveyou gotatissue? / a packof -s
late _il'msorryl'mlate./tenminutes- /bea /aboxoJ-s/cleanitwitha- /blowyournose 1 I always listen to the news on the
bit - / be -for school / -forwork. The opposite is on a -/ use a - WoRD FAMTUES ) who wants to be a millionoire is my
early be Jive minutes early Jor the meeting toilet _: Can I go to the toilet? / I need to go favourite TV
lined _: / usually write on lined paper.Ihe to the - / he's in the - / can I use your -? / the A Look at the underlined words. Are they verbs 3 Excuse me. Do you have a piece of ...........................?
opposite is plain: a sheet of plain paper men's - / the ladies' - / a public - / - poper or nouns? 4 I don't want to be lale for ......................... . .

match -...................-...._: M atch the words to the ptctures. / - tu rn off _: Turn off your mobile phone, please 1 We had a g[4! on the lnternet......... 5 The class times are on the notice ............................
the cities with the countries / your clothes don't - / -theTV / -the rcdio / -your computer.Ihe 2 I often chat to my parents on the phone. 6 He has an interesting socia1............................
rnean ........................_: What does that word mean? / it -5 opposite is turn on:turn on the lights / turn on 7 There's a post office at the shopping
very happy your mobile phone 3 I drink lots oftea every day.....
nrobile phone ................-..-tlsometimes speakto him on understand _:Sorry, ldon't understand. / I 4 Do you want to go for a drink;.......................... C Match the two halves of the sentences.
my mobile phone../ haveyou gota -/ / geto new don't-thisword / doyou -? / - howa mobile 5 I have a !93p in the afternoon. .......... ... ........... l Afull a) take a seat.
- /talktoheronyour- / call himon my - / usea phoneworks / my parents don't - me 6 I sleep late on Sundays. 2 That sounds like b) ofcoffee?
- / chargeyour - / have credit onyour - /turn on window _:lliketo sit by the window. / look / I can'l ans\ryel that question........ 3 Come in and c) dinner?
your - / turn offyour - out ofthe - / see someone through the - / open 8 What'stheanswertonumberthree? 4 Doyoufeel like d) Englishbreakfast
paper _r Do you have any paper? / lined - the - / close the - / a car - / a shop - 5 What's for e) earn a living.
/ plain - / a pieceoJ- / a sheetof - / writeyour 'ruord _: Lookinthe dictionarytoJind new 6 Doyou want a cup f) a good idea
name on the piece of - / toilet - / wrapping - words. / match the -s to the pictures / what does Wono Burr"oltrtc 7 We work to g) a game oftennis
partner __ _t Compare your answers with o this - mean? / the Fnglish - for 'madre' / how do 8 She reads to keep h) busy.
partner. / workwith a - / atennis - / a business - you pronouncethis -? / a big - / a comman - A We use the wod,playindifferent ways. Complete
pen .-..''-...-'.--....-'.*: Do you have a black pen? / a red - / a workbook _: Do exercise A in your workbook. / the sentences below with your own ideas.
coloured - / a ballpoint - / write your name in - an English - / a maths - /finish your - 1 I like games. I play .......
2 The actor ....... plays ....... in the fi1m...... .
3 When I relax, I usually play ...... CDs.
4 My friend is in a band. He plays the.......
5 ln the afternoons, my little brother plays .......


ma? _, Can you Jind Berlin an the mop? / a - toothpaste -.....-..........-tYou can buy toathpaste at the f ridge _: Put the milk back in thefridge,
ofthe world / a - of / a street - of London /
France chemist's. / I always use this - / a tube oJ - / put please. there's some meat in the - / it s in the -
/ /
a tourist -/ look at the - / read a - / draw a - some - on yaur toothbrush / run out of - get the milk out ofthe - / there's nothing in the'!
museum _:There's a good museum in the wine _; Do you want some wine with your / the - is empty
town / go ta the -/ visit the - / look round the - / dinner? / a glass of - / a bottle oJ - / I never drink - go back _:We go backto ourJamily house at
the - of Modern Art / where's the -? / red - / white - / cheap - / expensive - / nice - the weekend. / - to your flat / - home / - to your
newsagent's _: You can buy them of the own country / - later / - next week
newsagent's. / go to the - / is there a - near here? / Paces 32-33 hair ...............-.--..-_: / n eed to wash my hair / brush your - /
work in a - / the local - cut your - / have long - / have short - / brown - /
package ........."...""""...."_: lt's expensive to send a big alarm clock ................-: I usually wake up when the blonde - / lovely - / a girl with long dark -
package. / send a - to him / a big - / a small - / a alarm clock goes off. / do you have an -?/ set the - house ................."."....._: We live in a big house. / my - is near
- for you / get a - / open the - / what's in the -? Jor seven / hear the - / the - isn't very loud the river / come to my - for dinner / a small - / a
post office _: I want to go to the post olfice to annoy _: My brother annoys me! / it -s me new - / an old - / a nice - / yourfamily - / buy a
send a package. / buy stamps at the - / is there a - when the trains are late / that really -s me - / share a - with Jriends / go back to my - / my -
near here? / go to the - away _, My hause is ten minutes away Jrom isn'tJarfrom the park
road _: I live on this road. / at the end of this here. / it's notJar - / only afew kilometres - / walk kitchen _, We usually have breakJast in the
- / go down this - / cross the - / on the other side - / run - / go - for the weekend / go - on holiday / kitchen. / he's in the - / a big - / a small - / a
ofthe - / a big - / a small - / a busy - / the - to bathroom ..................-.-: Can I use your bathroom?/ I need modern - / spend a lot oftime in the - / clean the
Birmingham/a-map to go to the - / my bedroom has its own small - / - / the - cupboards / the - table / the - sink
salad ....-"'--".-..-.......*: / sometimes have a salad for lunch. / a big - / the - is upstairs / there's a - downstairs / make-up ....."........".""-: I olways put on make up before
Plces 30-31 eat a - / a small - / a big - / afresh - / a green - / lhe - only ho: a showeu the mtrrot I go out. / I never wear - / put on her - / take olf
afruit - / a nice -/ a lovely - bedroom _: lt's a big house with Jive your - / eye - / the - department
area _: There are some nice places ta eat in sandwich I usually have a sandwich for bedrooms. / share a - with my sister / have my mersy .........""...".........._: Hisflat's really messy. / a - bedroom
this area of the city. / the -you live in / work in lunch. / make a - / buy a - / have a quick - / a awn - / he's in hts - / o big - / a small - / have a / the kitchens really - / our house is always - / my
this - / move intothe - my local - / a nice - / an / cheese - TV in your - / sleep in the spare - / the - cupboard room\ d bit
expensive - / a historic - send ......................_r I want to go to the post office to send bolh _: My parents are both doctors. / they - minute The dasses are 45 minutes lonq. /
aspirin .".""."".............._: Take an aspirin if you've got a package. / - a package to your porents / - o letter speak English / I like them - / they're - very nice -s / talk ta you in a - / I live ten -s
see you in five
a headoche. / have an - / buy some - at the / - a postcord / - an emoil / - a text brush _: I always brush my teeth at night./ away / a ten- drive into tawn / it takes Jive -s to
chemist's / have you got any -? / give someone shampoo .."......".".........._: You can buy shampoo at the I just need to - my hair / - my teeth / - the dog. get there / sit down for a - / wait d -
an-/acoupleof-(two) chemist's. / need to get some - / use - Brush is a lso a noun. give your teeth a good brush mirror _: / don't like looking at myselJ in the
bank ........................._, ls there a bank near here? / go ta the /
shirt ....-......-.'.-."".........: / u sually wear a white shirt to work. t buy a new a loolh- / a hait- mirrcr. / seeyourself in the - / have a small - / o -
-to get some money / there's a - on this street / buy a new - / put on a - / take off your - / a nice - / clean _: -
Yo u need to clean your bedroom. / on the wall / the bathroom -
take money out ofthe - / borrow moneyJrom the a smort - / I likeyour - / changeyour - / a - and tie the toble after dtnner / - the hause / - thefloor / - mountain ....--:They
have a house in the
- / work in a - / my - account I need some new shoes. / buy some -s the windows / - your teeth / - your shoes / - the car mountains. / go walking in the -s / climb a - / go
bookshop ..............".""...._: They have some good books in at the shae shap / wear brown -s / put on your -s Clean is also an adjediveta clean towel / - clothes up a - / qo to the top ofthe - / a high - / a big -
that bookshop. / is there a - near here? / ga to the / take offyour -s / nice -s / expensive -s / smart -s cupboard _: Put things back in the cupboard. / - roads
- / work in a - /Jind a - / a big - / a small - / clean your -s / I like your -s put the things in the - / its in the - / put it back in photo _: That's o photo oJ myfamily. / that's a
boots buy some new boots. / wear - / show ......................_: Show me your photos. / - me the the - / the kitchen - / the bedroom - / a big - / a nice -/ can you take a - far us? / find some old -s
put on your - / take offyour - / leather - station on the mop / - your photos to the class / - small - t lhe - under lhe sinl / show you my -s
change .."..................._: change maney at the bank. / - your me where you live / - us where to sit / - us round I cut my finger- / - yourself / - some plate The plates are in the cupboard. / wash
shoes / - jobs / - classes / - the music / - troins. stamp --.......-.-.-.........-: / need ta buy some stamps at the vegetables / I can't - it / need some scissors to - it the -s afier lunch / the dirty -s / put thefood on
Change is also a noun: a change of clothes post office. / put a - on / afirst class - / collect -s / - my hoir / - it with a kniJe / - some brcad / - it the -s / a big - / a small - / the -'s broken
chemist's ....................._: A et som e a spi ri n Jrom th e ch e m i st's. I sometime hcve a steak for dinner. / into pieces / - it in half prefer ............"....".._: Do you prefer small shops or big
/ there's a - on the corner / is there a - near here? / caok - / - and chips / a nice - / a big - dressed : I have a shower and then get shops? / - colfee to tea / - soul music to jazz / -
go ta the - /Jind a - / work in a - / ask in the - supermarket .............-: I need to go to the supermarket. dressed. / get - in the morning / don't came in - walking to driving / which one do you -?
cup ............"....."..._: Do you want a cup of tea? / have a - oJ / buyfood at the - / do your shopping ot the - / work l'm not - / a man - in a jacket and trousers / she's put on _: lget up and put on my clothes in
coffee / make a - aJtea / twa -s ofcoffee, please / at the - / a big - / the local - / a - trolley alwoys well - the morning. / - a jacket / - your shoes / - my
o small -/ a big - / the -'s broken talk He nevc, Loll' abottt his fomily. . drive ........................._: lwant to learn to drive a car. / - a bus boots /- some make-up / - a coat when you go
I dan't eat meat. / find a qood place to abaut yaur job / - to friends / - to your teacher / / - a taxi / I can't - / it takes an hour to - there / - out. The opposite islake off:take offyour shoes
- / - in a restaurant / go out to - / get something want to - to you / we need to - / - to you later. to Paris / - into town / - toofast / - careJully Our house is next to the sea. / live by
to - / need to - something / - a sandwich / Talk is also a nount give a tolk to your class email ..'-.-.................._: I need to check my emails. / read your the - / go to the beach ond swim in the - / go out
- together / what time do you usually -? tea "''.....-................_: Do you want a cup of tea? / drink - -s./ get an -from afriend / send on - / toyour on the - in a boat / the - is lovely and warm / the
facilities _:Whotfacilities are there in your / have -Jor breakJast / moke some - two -s, / porents / write on - / a short - / your - address. - is really cold! / the Mediterranean -
area? / use the local - / have good - / sports - / please / the -'s cold / I dan't like - / black - / have Email is also a verb: lcan emailyou later / - me share _: I share a flat with friends. / - a
shower - / the - atthe hotel / no -for kids milkinyour-/a-bag ff at _: I live in a flat. / share a - with Jriends flat with two other people / - a room with my
jacket _: I usually wear a jacket to work. / buy think _: lthink he lives in Boston. / I - it's a / have your own - / move into a - / have a - in sister / - a sandwich / - a pizza / - your things /
a new - / put an your - / take ofr your - / a nice - great film / yes. I - so / - about your family / - Budapest / a small - / a big - / a - in the city we - everything / - thefood between us / - my
/ an expensive - / a smart - / a - and trousers bejore you answer / - carefully centre / a block of -s / go back to your - sandwich with you / - a pizza


sink ......................_: You can wash your hands in the concentrate .........."..........._:furn the TV down. I con't EXERCISES 7 Canyou.......-...-............. the milk out of the
sink. / the kitchen - / wash your hands in the - concentrote. / I need to - / it's hard to - / try to - / fridge, please?
/leove the dirty plotes in the -/ the cupboord music helps me - / - on rny work Pnrposrrrors 8 ........................... a minute. I forgot something inside.
under the - dirty _: your turn to wash the dirty plates /
sofa _: There s a big sofo in the living room. / some - clothes / a - towel / take offyour - shoes / A Complete the sentences with the correct Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the
sit on the- / a small - / an old - / buy a new - / o the car's - / get - / don't get your clothes - PrePosition. box. Look up the adjectives if you need help.
comfortable - / lie on the - / relax on the - dry _: I need a towel to dry myself. / - my hair i
1 I live in the old part ...... the city.
spend .............-: I spend two hours o day / - the plates / put the clothes outside to - / leave { 2 I need to get some things ..... the supermarket well red brown green high spare Jining
doing homework. / - all doy shopping / - the it to -. Oty is also an adjective: a dry towel. Ihe I 3 The post office is ..... the corner
weekend with my family / - the morning working opposite is w el: the Jl oor's wet 4 I don't wear a tie ..... work. 1 He's not feeling well and he has a ...,.......................
/ - the afternoon at home / - the evening f loor Don't leave your dirty clothes on the 5 Do you want to go..... the museum? temperature.
with Jriends floor! / sit on the - / clean the - / there's some 6 Our office is at the end ..... the street. 2 We eat together at the........................... table.
table _: There are four plates on the table. / water on the - / the - s ditty / the kitchen - / the 7 I live five minutes ..... here. 3 My boss is always .................,......... dressed.
it's on the - /
the kitchen - / set the -Jor dinner / bathroom - 8 I share a flat ..... my brother. 4 My flat has a ........................... bedroom.
clean the -/ a big - / a small - / a dining - hand _: I olways wash my honds beJore 5 Can I have a ........................... salad, please?
teeth _: / olwoys btush my teeth before I go dinner. / use my lefi - to write / my right - / have a choose the correct preposition. 5 There's some ........................... wine in the kitchen.
to bed. / cleon your - / hove big - / have beautiful book in your - / hold his - / shake -s 1 I spend a lot to / o/time working. 7 Do you want white or........................... bread with
- / I ov e ly w h ite -. The si n gu la r ts tooth: fa I a nd I hear _,Con you turn the TV up? I cdn't heor it. / 2 I can't find the key to / on my cat. your breakfast?
break a tooth lcan't - you / can't - the music / can't - very well / 3 lt's hot ln / at here.
tidy _: My room is nice and tidy. / the house - a car outside / - a noise / - your mobile phone / - 4 Can you help me on / with my homework? Match the two halves of the collocations.
isn't very - / it looks very - / keep your bedroom - the alarm clock / - what he soys 5 Your bag is in / onthetable. 1- set the a) teeth
/ get the kitchen nice ond -.Tidy is also a verb:tidy hol _: Con you open the window? I'm hot! / 6 I usually spend Sundaysfor / with friends. 2 a tube of b) butter
your room / - the house it's - in here! / the house is quite - / it's - outside 7 The plates are at / in the dishwasher 3 brush your c) towel
towel ......................_: There's o clean towel in the / - water / a lovely - shower / the food\ - I feel / 8 lt! a small housefrom / with one bedroom. 4 dnv d) table
bothroom. need a - to dry myself / hove d clean - / it gets - here in summer. The opposite is cold: 5 a block of e) toothpaste

- / the -'s wet / leove your - on thefloor aJter you cold water 6 a beach f) flats
use it / a beach / can I use this -? key _: This is the key to my flat. / I con't find Wono Famrtrrs 7 bread and g) d ishes
turn ..-'........-..-.-".-"*: We take turns to cook. / we take it in - my -s / my cot -s / my house - / lock the door with
to clean theflot / it'syour - next / my - to cleon / the - / forget my -s / a bunch of -s Look at the underlined words. Are they verbs
wait till it's your - Don't leove your towel on theJloor! / or nouns? PHnasar Vrnes
vegetables _:
I eat a lot of vegetobles. / fresh - the dirTy dishes in the sink / - your kqls ot home 1 I forgot to bring a chanee of clothes. ....
- / green - / wash the - / cut the - / cook the - / / - your bag in the restauront / - your coat on / - 2 Doyou want me to change the music? Choose the correct word to complete the
hove meat and - for dinner / grow your own - the TV on / - the door open phrasal verb,
wash _: /t's your turn to wash the plates afier put _: Put the plates on the table, please. / 3 People sometimes give talks in the library 1 I need to take some money out qfl on my
dinner. / I need to - my hands / - some dirty clothes - the dirty plates in the sink / - on your shoes / - bank account.
/ - my hair / - the plates / - the car.Wash is also a things bock in the cupboard / - sugor in your coffee 4 I need to talttoyou......................... 2 Doyou wanttotakeoff/ upyour coall
nouni have o wosh in the morning / give this dress o - / - a mirror on the wall / - some photos on your 5 Can you email that to me? ........................... 3 I usually go on / out on Friday nights.
washing-up _t
lt's your turn to do the computer / - some music on yaur iPod 6 I can send you an emq!]. 4 I sometimes run out / offof money before the end
woshing-up after dinner. / help with the - / leove reach ..."."...........".."._: / con't reach the cupboord. / con you 7 My car needs a ry45[. of the month.
the - until later - the lop shelf? / it can - 40o in summer 8 I never ry4$ my car............................ 5 Can you turn the sound up / in, please?
sel _: Con you set the table for dinner? / - 6 Come ot / in and take a seat.
Paces 34-35 your alarm clock / - the olarm for seven-thirty / -
the oir-conditioning ot 20o CotLocATtoNs
air-conditioning .-.-'.-: The house has oir- temperature ...................._: The temperoture is 32"
conditioning. / is the - on?/ turn the - on / turn outside, / whot - is the air-conditioning on? / the A Complete the sentences with the correct form
up the - / turn down the - / turn offthe -/ whot - goes up during the day / the - falls at night / she of the verbs in the box. Look uP the vetbs if you
temperature is the - on? hos a high - / keep it at a low - need help.
bread _: / need to buy some bread at the turn down .....................-: Can you turn down the air-
supermorket. / need to get some - / do you want conditioning? / - theTV / - the music / turn the collect need draw set
some -? / hove - with your meol / - ond butter / sound down.fhe opposite is turn up:turn up the show get wait send
white - / brown - / a piece oJ - / a loaf of - TV / turn up the sound
break _:8e corqulyou don't breok it. / - o use _tcon I -your bathroom? / - a towel I can ........................... you a map of the way to
gloss / - the window / - your leg / - your orm.f he to dry yourself / - your mobile phone / - the my house.
adjective is brcket the TV's broken computer / - a dictionory / - oll your money 2 me a text when you're ready to go.
cold _: l'm cold! / it's - in herel / my Jlat's - / yourself _: Be careful you don't cut yourse$ 3 Do you want me to ......................... you round the town?

it's - outside / wosh in - water / the sea is really - / introduce - to other people / buy some new 4 I ........................... stamps in my free time.
/ I feel - / it gets - here in winter / my coffee's gone clothes for - / cook o meal for - / cleon the house 5 Are you busy? We to talk.
-. The opposite ishot: a nice hot shower -/doit-/ 6 The alarm is........................... for 6 a.m


ill _: I stoyed at home because lwas ill. /Jeel - whether _: I can't decide whether to go to the next _: Who has o birthday next? / I want to
/ you look - / somefoods moke me - / feel really - party or not. / discuss - you like staying ot home or go there - week / - yeor / do it -
/ he's seriously - in hospital / slightly - going out / soy - you enjoy it or not present ......................_: They gove me a presentfor my
lake ......".........,'.._: We went out on the lake in a boot- birthdoy. / buy someone a - / send someone a - /
/ a big - / o small - / a beautiful - / go soiling Pacrs fg-fg I got o lot of -s / some lovely -s / open the - / o
on the - / swim in the - / o hotel by the - / Lake birthdoy -
Victoria annoyed ...,'..'^,'-t My parent's were annoyed public ...................."._: There's no school on Monday - it's
last _: I went out last night. / I saw that film - because lwas lote. / don't get - / lwas a bit - a public holiday. / a - toilet / meet in o - place / -
week/-year/-time autumn start school in autumn. / o lovely
....................*: I buildings / - transport
lovely _: lt was lovely. Really nice. /a- day / - - doy / it's still quite warm in - sad _: lt was sod.l cried. / a - film / a - story
weather/hovea-time birthday _: When is your birthday? / my - : /o-day
market We went to the market to buy in May / my 21't - / it's my - today / hoppy -! / sea50n Summer is myJovourite season
some clothes. / o street - / a Sunday - / a fish - hove a nice - / o - potty / a - coke /a- cord / o / thefour -s / the rainy - / the holiday - / the
match _: I wotched a good football motch on - present footboll -
TV. / o tennis - / play a - / win the - / losethe - / clear ......................_: /t was very clear ond sunny. / a lovely sing _: let's sing a song. / - the national
a good - / an exciting - / a - between Manchester - day / a - sky / the photo isn't very - / what he anthem / she -s really well / she -s beautifully /
United and Arsenal said wasn't very - I can't - / hear the birds -ing.fhe past tense is
party ."...................._: Everyone went to Paul's porty. / a
cloud _: There wasn't a cloud in the sky. / sang: we all sang songs
good ploce to have a - / go to a - ot the weekend some thick -s / dork -s / black -s / rain -s / a - aJ snow .........."..........._: There's a lot oJ snow in the winter.
/ can you come to the - on Soturdoy?/ come to my block smoke / deep - / thitk - / fresh - / 20 centimetres of - /
Pacrs 36-37 - / it wos o great - / a birthday - / o student - date _: Whot's the dote todoy? / write the - / ploy in the - / - started to fall / make a snowmon
past _: Talk about things you did in the past. - ofthe next meeting
the / throw snowballs. Snow is also a verbt it storted
arrange ..."................."_t I phoned you to arrange to play / tolk about your - / remember the - / someone dead _: My grondporents are both dead. / we to snow
tennis. / - to meet / - an appointment at the doctor from her - / I know nothing obout his - / it's all in don't know iJ he s - or alive / the Day oJ the Dead / summer .''s very hot in summer / go on
band __: We saw lots of bands. / they're my the - now / they re a thing ofthe - now a-body/o-tree holiday in - / the - holiday / it's - there now
favourite - / a great - / a rock - picnic _: We wentfot 0 picnic in the park. / famous .........'....,.'.'_:1 hat s a vcry Iamods old buildir,g. sunny _: it is a lovely sunny day. / it's hot and
boat ...................._: Yau can rent a boat and go on the have a - on the beach / we run take a - with us / a /- people / o - writer / a -film star / he's very - / - / w0rm and - / it's very clear and - / a - garden
lake. / a big - / a small - / go across the loke in a lovely-/o-lunch want to become - one day / a - place ta sit
-/ take people out in a - / get onto the - / get rain _: lt rained all doy yesterdoy. / it -ed few There ore o Jew good restourants.
-......."............._: spring _: Spring is the best time of year / - s
olfthe - / go by - / a rowing - / afshing - / a every doy / - heovily / staft -ing / stop -ing.Rain is / invite o - friends / go away for o - doys / see you coming/alovely-doy
motor - also o noun: we had a lot of roin / o bit of - / a few in a - minutes / only a - people were there time ..........."....."..-."_: We had a great time on holidoy.
cold _: I have a bod cold. / get o - / catch o - drops of - / some heavy - fire _: We mode a flre on lhe beach. / light a / did you have a good -? / have a nice - / a
/be in bed with a - / be offworkwith a - / ldon't rent ....................-: We rented a boot and went on the - / start a - / a big - / a lovely warm - / sit round Jantastic -
want ta give you my - lake. /- a car / - a flat / - a house / - a room the - / put outthe - / be careJul your clothes don't treat ......................_: They always treat us very well. / he -s
concert There's a Jree concett in town. / a
...................._: rock ......................_: / went to a rockfestival last summer. / catch - her badly / - everyone fotrly / they - their animals
rock a - / get ticketsfor a
- / go to - a - concert / doyou like - music? / play - music / flower _: I got some flowers for my birthday. well / don't - me like o child
cook I con cook lunchfor everyone. / - listen to - music / o - singer / a - stor / o - band / lovely -s /
some beautiful -s / grow -s in your unfriendly ...................-:\ome oJ the other students
dinner / - a meal / - meot / - vegetobles / enjoy / - ond roll gorden / pick some -s from the garden / buy -s for were unJriendly. / don't be - / they're a bit - / -
-ing / learn to - / we take turns to - / - a meal show _: / showed them the city. / - you someone / give her some -s neighbours / some people were - towards me.fhe
forfriends round the town / - you round the house / - you get in _, / broke a window to get in. / they gol opposite is ftiendly : eve ryo ne's re a I ly frie n d ly
documentary ....-.......-: I like watching documentaries to your room / - you my photos / - you my new in through the window / you need a key to - / he view ......-....".."-..........-: There's o great view from the hotel
on TV / see o - / a - about crime / an interesting - jacket / - you where t he bathroom is opened the cot door and I got in window. / we had lovely -sJrom our room /
/aTV-/makea- stay .-'...-'."'...''.,.*: lt's expensive to stay in hotels. / - in a holiday
'..,,___: I usually go to France on holiday. beautiful -s / a - of the mauntains / a room with a
else _: Who else did you see? / what - did you bed and breakfast / - with friends / - near the city / go on - in August / tell us aboutyour - / did sea - / have a good - of the cancert
do? / who - wos there? / do something - centre / where did you -? / how long did you -? / - you hove a good -? / a greot - / a lovely - / a I he seo was quite wa, m. - wotet

exam _: I need to studyfor my English exom. for ofew doys / -for a week / -for dinner / - the long - / o short - / a summer - / have a two- / it wosn't very - / a lovely - room / a - fire /
/ have an -/ take on - / pass an - night. Stay is also a noun: enjoy your stay week - we1r - clothes / weor o coot to keep - / keep your
festival ..................-._t I went to o rockfestivol last together _: We ploy tennis together. / wolk - laugh ..................'._: Everyone laughed. / lwanted to - / food -
summer. / o music - / a jazz - / afilm - / a big - / go to the cinema - / work - I started -ing / I tried notto - / can't stop -ing / winter Winter is very cold here.
........"............._: / a long - /
/ go to a rock - / get ticketsfor a music - / a - of usual I do all the usual things like watch suddenly burst out -ing / we can - about it now o - s day / it can be minus 20 in -
American music TV. / let's meet in the -
place / have lunch in the - / - ot hisjokes / stop -ing at me.Laugh is also a women _: Most of our customers are women.
free ...........".."".""".._: The tickets arefree. / a - concert / a restaurant / get up at seven as - / Tam's late as -. raunt have o gaod laugh together / men give / -'s clothes / the -'stoilet
- presents /
- meal / do the workJor - / it's - to get into the The adverb is usually, we usually meet after wark / mrSs I was lote so I missed my train. / - the o -'s mogaTine. I ne singular is womant a Voung
museum / children get in - / children travel - on the restourant is usually busy bus / - your plane / I was out last night sa I -ed waman / an old womon / a beoutiful woman / a
the trains visit ..-"'..'........-..._:5omefriends come to visit me. / - yout the programme / I -ed the first port of the film woman do.tor
headache _: I hove a headache. / I get o - iJ I grondporents / - the cathedrol / - the museum / neighbour _: We get on well with our
drink coffee / colJee gives me a - / get o lot of -s / - o website / go and - friends in New York.Visil is neighbours. / talk to the -s / our next-door -s /
a bad - / a slight - / toke on aspirin for a - also a noun: , shorl visil / enjoy yout - hove good -s / nice -s / friendly -s


Pacrs 40-41 EXERCISES Complete the sentences with the nouns in the
box, Look up the nouns if you need help.
bed and breakfast _, We stayed in o bed and Io*e can mean different things. Look at the Pnrpostrtolus
breakJast. / find o - for the night / a - in the town examples below. Translate them. How many headache
centre / a - near the station / a small - / a cheap - different verbs in your language do you use? A Complete the sentences with the correct neigh bou rs
/averynice-/alovely- PrePosition.
everything _:Tell me everything about it. / transport: 1 She's in bed ..... a cold. 1 We stayed in a ...............-.-.-... and breakfast.
see - / eat - / my mum does - in the house it's best to toke the bus there / I usuolly toke the 2 Most..... my classmates are Asian. 2 The children made a snow........................... in
fantastic _: We had a Jontastic time. / it wos train to wotk / 3 We went ,.... a film last night. the garden.
-/ a concert / a - meal / a -Jilm / o really -
- I don't wont to take the cat / take o toxi from the 4 | often stay..... work late. 3 The French have a beautiful national
holiday / you look -! / feel - afier your holiday airport 5 He likes talking ..... books.
first class _: We always fly first class. / fly to 6 | have family..... Australia. 4 I don't drive. I take public
NewYork - / travel - / a - ticket / - seats / sit in - do: 7 What did you get.....your birthday? 5 Our next-door. make a lot of noise.
llal _: I rent a flat in London. / stay in a - / I want to take o course in cookinq / you toke on 8 Tell me.....your holiday. 6 Did you buy lohn a birthday ...........................?
shore o - withfriends / a small - / a big - / a very exom at the end of the course / can you take o 7 My favourite music is rock and
nite - / a lovely - / a holiday - photo of us? / take o seat B Choose the corect preposition 8 l've got a bad ............................
fly_, canflyfrom Manchesterto Helsinki.
You 1 How much doyoupayfor / aboutataxi?
/ - from Poris to Rome / -Jrom Heathrow / - into move / carry to a place: 2 | drink a lot of / in water. C Match the two halves of the sentences.
Schiphol airport / - first class / - with British Airways my dad tokes us to school in the cot / I con take 3 We stayed in New York on /Fr a few days. 1 lt's all in a) clear.
fruit _: / eat a lot of fruit. / eat lots of - and you to the station / toke my bog to the room 4 You can take thetain by/from London to Paris 2 There wasn't a b) like a child.
vegetables /fresh - / lovely - / o piece oJ - / buy - 5 | want a rcom with / on a view. 3 lt wasn't very c) drops of rain.
at the market / drink - juice / a - yoghurt how long: 6 Some in / of my classmates are from Japan. 4 Don't treat me d) the past now.
fun _: / iike swimming it'sJun. / it s good - / It tokes three houts to get there from here / the 7 Are you laughtng on / at me? 5 lfeltafew e) cloud in the sky
it's greot - / have - with yourfriends / have a lot of coke tokes jo minutes to cook / it tokes o long 8 I bought some chocolate to / for you. 6 Enjoy f) your stay.
- / do it just fo( - / it's a - city time to speak English well
hot _: /t was really hot and sunny. / a - day /
- weather / it's - in the sun / stay out oJthe - sun remove: Wono Burlouuc Pxnasar Venss
/ a - shower / a nice - bath / -Jood / a - meal / a can you take your papers olf the table? / don't
cup oJ - coffee take anything without asking / take your coot off The word take can mean different things. A Choose the correct word to complete the
nightlife _: lt's a great city - the nightlife is Complete the sentences below with your phrasal verb.
Jantastic. / the -'s great / we went thereforthe - / hold: own ideas. 1 I get awoy / off the bus at the next stop.
really enjoyed the - / the city isfamousfor its - / o can you toke my coat fot o second? / toke the 1 How doyou get to school? I usuallytake....... 2 I usually get up / over at around 7 a.m.
small town with no - umbrello / toke my hond 2 Before you leave, don't forget to ta ke your ..... . 3 Do you get in / on well with your classmates?
quiet _: /t was lovely and quiet in the 3 I finish school thisyear. Nextyear I wanttotake...... 4 Don't forget to ?uttheflre oIf / out.
mountoins. / o - weekend / a - evening / the drugs: 4 How long does it take to... ? 5 fhey went awoy / obout fot the weekend.
village is very - / my room's nice and - / she's very toke an aspirin fot you headoche / toke two of 5 lfelt sick so I took ..... 6 We didn't go in / on holiday last year.
- / you're - today / he seems - today / be -! these with yow meol / never take drugs 6 Excuse me, sir, can I take your .... ?

quite _: Ih e hotel was quite cheap. / - expensive

/ get up - eaily / it s - hot today / - cold / - big / -
small / itwos - nice / the people are -friendly Cor.r.oclttolus
rice _: They eat a lot of rice. / I like - / cook
some - / meat with - / boiled - / fried - A Complete the sentences with the correct form
sightseeing _: We went sightseeing every day. of the verbs in the box. Look up the verbs if you
/ go - in Berlin / do some - / spend the doy - need help.
taxi ......."............_: We can take a taxi to the station.
/ get a - home / qo by - / call a - / phonefor a -
/ pay for the -
tell _: I don't tell my parents everything I do. /
Itold you before / - me about it later
weather ......................_. The weather was lovely. / hove 1 We always ........................... turns to wash the dishes
good - / bad - / what's the - like there? 2 ...............-..-...... you soon. Take care.
whole _: The whole holiday was great. / it
,I woke up late and ........................... the bus.

rained the - time / can't see the - city in a few 4 Did you ., ........ a good time?
doys / drink o - bottle oJwater / discuss it with 5 L.......................... some flowers and put them in
the - closs a vase.
o We often a fire in the winter.
7 l'm not well. I think I ....-...................... a cold.


how many How mony apples would you
/ - brothers and sister doyou
top _: Write your name ot the top of the page window -.f he opposite is closed: / m aJraid we're
like? have? / - hours / the bathroom's at the - of the stairs / climb to closed on Sundays / the shop's closed today
a day do you study? / - people were there? the - ofthe mountain.Topis also an adjective:
how much -"...................._: How much coke would you like?
opportunity _: There are lots oJ opportunities
it's on the top shelf / our flot is on the - floor.f he for work. / a lot ofjob opportunities / it's a greot -
/ - milk do we need? / - money do you haveT / - opposite is bottom: the bottom ofthe poge / on - to travel / get the - to go to lapon
does it cost? / - arethe opples? / - is it? window How much are those shoes in the reduced ......................_t The price was reduced from 60
jeans ...-.-..-.-.........*: He's wearing jeans and a T-shirt. / I window? / the shop - / the bakefs - euros to 30. / prices are - by 15% / this jacket wos
like those - / how much are those -? / where did -
ls this floor reol wood? / a piece of - to {55 / all tickets ore now - to [25
you get your-? / a pair of - / need o new pair oJ - / cut some - / put -
on they're. The adjective
some retire _: My granddad retired when he was 65.
kilo _: A kilo of apples, pleose. / two -s / holf a is wooden: a wooden table / o wooden floor / - from work / - from teaching / - at 50 / - eorly
- of tomatoes / they're f2 o - / need a - ond a holJ wool _: /s it made of wool? / pure - / it's sale _: The shop's having o sole this week. /
lady _: / think this lady is next. / who's thot - 100% - / I can't wear -.Ihe adjective is woollen: o go to the -s / there's a - on at the department
over there? / the - in the red dress / talk to the - at woollen coat / a woollen jocket store / buy clothes in the -s / the summer -s / the
the information desk / the ladies'toilet yellow Yellow is my favourite colour. / a - winter -s
leather _: I wont to buy a leother jocket. / o - dress / o - shirt / bright - / point the wall - slay _:The shop is stoying open lote tonight. /
bag / o - belt / it's mode of - try ond - calm / - owake all night / - where you are
little_: I speak a ltltle English. r I have very - Paces 46-47
money / just 0 - milk in my cofree, please
thousand _: There were more than a
thousand people there. / twa - pounds / -s of
made of ...................."._:These shoes ore mode oJ leather. / close They're closing the shop. / the shop people / hove -s in the bank
- wood / - paper / - glass / - cotton / whot's it -? -s at six / whot time does the chemist\ -? / con
Prces A+-+S material .."..................._: Wood is quite a strong moteriol. / you - the door? / - the window / - yout eyes Prces 48-49
we use dffirent -s / a new - / natural - s / - your book
apple ........................._: ( on I hov? \ome apples. plca\e? / meat ......................_: I dan t eat rneat. / eot a lot of - / has lt s the job of o shop assistant to
how much are the -s? / this -'s nice / o kilo of -s /
customer _: basement _: Children's clothes are in the
it got - in it? / cook the - slowly help customers. / serve o - / tty to sell things that basement. / go down to the - / o - room / o - flat
red -s / qreen -s / fresh -s / o tosty - / eot an - / medium .................._:We've got them in smoll, medium -s like / our regulor -s bottom _: lt's on the bottom shelJ. / the
bread ....'.,','.......-: I need to buy some bread at the and large. / con I hove one in -? / lh a - / the - was
supermarket. / this - tastes great / do you wont
future _: What do you want to do in the - floor of the building / the - half ofthe poge.
too big / a --sized house / a --sized car / he's --height
future? / I'd like to go to China in the - / what are Bottom is also a nou n: Write your name at the
some -? / hsve some * and butter / brown - / newspaper .....--..'..,,....._: I read the newspaper every day. your plansfor the -? / no one can see into the - bottom ofthe page / therc's a door ot the - pJ.the
sliced - / o loof of - / a slice of - / make - / which - doyou reod/ / buy a - / pass methe - / give _: He's giving o talk on Canada. /-o 5t irs. The oppositeislopzthetop oJthe stairs /
brown ...,'................._: He3 wearing brown shoes. / dressed o notional - / the local - / today\ - / the - soid / - a presentotion / -
speech o lecture.Ihe past the top of o mountain / the top loor
in - / - hoir / look very - afier your holiday Pass _: Can you poss me the newspoper? ,/ ran tense is gavei he gave a very interesting talk cable I need o computer cable to connect il
cake ..........."............_: Can I have some coke, please? / what's yau - me the water? / can you - the salt, please? / grow _: The company is growing. / the / an electricity - / a telephone - / connect the - to
this - made of? / those -s look nice / have a piece - on the information to the police economy is -ing / this problem is -ing / some trees your computer / plug in the -
of - / o slice oJ - / chocolote - / make a - piece _: Would you like a piece of cake? / a - very slowly / babies - quickly changing room ..-.--.'.............._: Where ore the chonging
cheese Do you want some cheese? / can smoll - / a big - / o - oJ cheese / a - oJ chocolote
I have some ofthat -, please? / buy some - / this
happy _: I'm always happy when lfnd a borgain. rooms, pleose? / the - is over there / toke it into the
/ a - of bread / cut the cake into -s / a - of paper / yau seem - todoy / you look - / l'm very - with my - / try it on in the - / the men's - / the ladies'-
- tastes nice / bread and - / they have a lot of / a - of land / a - oJ inJarmation exam results / - about getting a job / try to make her continue ...........-......."........: I want to continue living here. / -
dffirent -s / strong - / a piece oJ - / this - is nice plastic _: Put your dirty clothes in a plostic - .The opposite is unhappy:she looks unhappy to work / - talking / we can - for a few more hours
colour _: Red's myJavourite colour / what - is it? / bog. / o - cup / it's made of - hard _: I'm working really hard ot the / - with you( studies / - our journey tomorrow
what - ore your eyes/ / a lot of dffirent -s / t like that red ..,'.................._: Those red apples look nice. / "-'s my moment. / try - / hit it - / push - on the door /
- / it's a nice - / o lovely - / bright - / dark - / light
cream _: I'm looking for some sun creom.
- fovourite colour / wearing o - dress / you look nice improve _: lwant to improve my English. / face - / hand - / the doctor gove me some -
cotton ..".-.........-: ls thot shitL coltan? / it \ mode of - in - / it's - and blue / bright - / dark - to - my tennis / practise a lot to - / l'm improving / She's playing with her dolls. / buy her a
/ 140% - / itJeels like - round ......................._: He's got a round face. / a - tdble / a we want to - the school / a plon to - the city - as a present / a little - / a plastic - / a wooden -
dress ......................_:5he's wearing a blue dress. / a red - / - mirror / big - eyes leave ......................_, / wc nt to leave my job and get o new /ochina-/obaby-
a cotton - / buy o - / need a new - / put on o - / shape _: What shape is it? / it's round in - / one. / - the compony / - college / - home.fhe entrance ........"..........-....._: through the main
You can go in
that'sa nice - / a lovely - it's square in - / o cake in the - of o boat / people past tense is lefl: I lefi home when I was 19 entrance. / thefront - / the back - / meet you at
especially _:Those apples look ni(e, e,peciolly oJ all -s and sizes look for _: |m looking for Tom do you know the - / the - to the cinema
the red ones. / I like cheese, - strong cheese / I weor size .......,........"...._; Whdt size are those shoes? / what - do where he is? / help me - my keys / look everywhere escalator ......................_: Oo up the escalator to theflrst
a lot of dark colours, - black you take? / what - are you? / what - do you wont? / formypassport/-ajob floor. / go down the - / where's the -? / ot the
fish _: I don't eot meat, but I eot fish. / have - they dont have one in my - / need a dffirent - / big lose ......................_: The company is losing money. / - your top ofthe - / ot the bottom ofthe - / the - isnt
for dinner /fresh - / cook - / I don't like - / it has - -s / smoll -s / the - ofthe building job / don't - your ticket / I want to - five kilos. working
in/-andchips square ,...............".."""_: The roams are all small and square. The past tense is lost: I lost my job / we lost the
green Those green apples laok nice. /d- / a -table / it's - in shape.Square is also a noun:a
face _: 5h e has a beautiful face. / a lovely - / a
..,..,,,.,,..........._: match 3-0 thin - / o round - / hdve o smile on your - / wash
dress / hove - eyes / a - shirt / dork - / light - / square of wood / o small - of gross manage ......................_: Who manoges the shop? / - the yout - / - cream / meet - to -
you look nice in - taste _: This cake tastes greot. / iL -s lovely / company / - o deportment store / - the business / fashion _: I'm quite interested in foshion. / the
half _: I'd like half a kilo of apples, pleose. / - nice / - Jontastic / whot does it - like? / it -s like - a restouront / - thef7ctory latest -s / short hoir is in - atthe moment / long
meet at - past seven / seeyou in - an hour / an / it -s of apple / do you wont to taste it? Taste ls the shop open? / the librory stays
hour and a - / only see - theJilm / cut it in -
Jish open _r dresses are out of - / a - campany / a - mogazine
is a so a noun: it's got a lovelytaste / a really nice - - until eiqht / come in - the door's - / leave the /a-show

EXERC!SES Complete the sentences $rith the adjectives in the
fitness centre _: The hotel has its own f,tness pleasure .......".............._:'Thankyou."My pleasure.'/ it's a -
box. Look up the adjectives if you need help.
centrc. / go to the - / visit the - / spend a lot of / it's a - working with you Pneposrrrons
time in the - / work at the - radio _: I like listening to the radio. / hear the
floor Ladies'clothes are on theJirstfloor. / news on the - / listen to music on the - / a good
grou nd pu re plastic

the ground - / the second - / the top - / which - programme on the - / a - progromme / a - show /
Complete the sentences with the correct great lea Lher ma in
is it on? / go up the escalator to the second - / the buy a new - / do you sell -s?
1 Can I have a ki1o....... bananas, please? 1 My companywants me to moveto NewYork. lt's a
- manager : I can't reach the top shelf. / it's
2 We're having lasagne....... dinner. opportu n ity.
followed .-..-.....-....".".."._: We opened one store in L998, dfficult to - / try to - it / - across the table / -for
3 We have them ....... medium and large. 2 lt's made of ........................... wool.
Jollowed by three mare. / a meeting - by lunch / your mobile phone / - up to get it offthe shelJ
4 What's this skirt made.......? 3 The Sports Department is on the
we had meat and vegetables - by cake ring .............."......._: He wears a gold ring on onefinger. / a
5 Writeyour name.......the bottom of the page ........................... floor.
furniture ....................._: Furniture is on the toploor. / they gold - / a silver - / a beautiJul - / an expensive - / 6 We open .......8 o'clock. 4 I got a D grade but I didn't fail. That's the
don't sell - / buy some new - / a - shop / a - store / a awedding-/buya- 7 The post office is closed .......5undays. ........................... thing.
piece oJ / old - / modern - / expensive - / cheap -
- sales They make a lot of money Jrom online
8 Electronics are ....... the basement. 5 I 1ikeyour........................... jacket.
go down ......................_: ao down to the basement. / - sales. / I work in - / - of computers grew last year
6 My shopping is in that ......................... bag.
the escalator / - the stairs / - into the kitchen / - / we had good - last month / the - deportment / Choose the correct preposition.
to the bottom of the mountain / is this lifi going the - manager
L You pay at / on the till. Complete the sentences with the nouns in the
down? Ihe past tense is wenl down: we went sell_: Do you sell televisions? /-
a lot oJ
2 I can't wear jeans in / towotk. box. Look up the nouns if you need help.
down to the basement.The oppostte is go up. go things online / - a lot of radios / these shoes aren't
3 I m issed lhe start oJ / Jor the movie.
up to the second floor -ing very well / - your car.The past tense is sold: i 4 Ihe sugar's at / on the top shelf manager
go in .....".........-: You can go in thrcugh the main Jeans speech desk
sold my old bike to a friend
/ 5 He works in / to sales. momenl sizes cream slice
entrance. / open the door and - / go into the shop shelf _: /f 's on the top shelJ / the bottom -
6 How much didyoupay obout /forlhall
/ go into the room. The past tense is went in: uve put it on the - / I can't reach the - / take it down
7 The shoe shop is at,/ on the left. 1 Doyou want a ........................... of bread?
went in through the main entrance.fhe opposite from the - / a book -.Ihe plural is shelves: put up I lwork of / with her. 2 l'm looking [or a pair of............................
is go out: go out through the back door some shelves / a sel o[ shelve,
I Ihe man at the informatron
go up _: Co up to the second floor. / - the slowly ......................*: Ca n you speak slowly, please? / drive
help you.
escalator / - the stairs / - a mountain / - to the - / walk - / the company grew - CortocattoHs 4 Our hats come in all shapes and
top of the mountain / is this liJt going up? Ihe past stairs _: / went up the stairs to the first floor. / 5 he president is giving a
tense is went up. we went up to the second floor. go down the - / the - are over there / take the hfi
Complete the sentences with the correct form 6 She's working really hard at the ..........................
The opposite is go down: go down the stairs or use the - / a flight oJ - / it's at the top ofthe - / of the verbs in the box. Look up the verbs ifyou 7 Can I use some of your sun ........................... ?
ground .".................."._:We all sat on the ground. / the the bottom ofthe -
need help. 8 He's working as a sales
basement is below - / most of the building is above start The fllm starts at eight o'clock. /

-/the-floal what time does school -? / the company -ed

stay ose
cl ose D Match the two halves of the collocations.
lift _: Take theltft to the third floor. / use the in Helsinki / lwant to - my own company / give pass

a flight of a) ring
- / go up in the - / go down in the - / get into everyone -ed laughing / - work / it -ed to rain.
a book b) fashion
the - / get out ofthe - / the -'s going up / this - s Start is also a nouftthe start of thefilm / be there
l the newspaper every mornlng.
I ........................... make a c) to face
going down from the - 2 Can you ........................... me the salt, please? out of d) stairs
main _: We went in through the main strange _: What's that strange noise? / he's a
3 I have a surprise foryou............................ your eyes. a wedding e) chips
entrance. / the - door / we have our - meal in the very - man / it's - he didn't phone / it seems a bit
evening / what's your - subject at college? / the -
4 I ........................... a presentation at our sales meeting 6 meet face f) shelf
- / that's - yesterday. 7 bread and g) living
problem / the - road to Manchester / everyane's stupid _: That was a really stupid thing to
5 How old were you when you .......................... home? 8 fish and h) butter
safe that s the - thinq do! / don't be -! / it was - of me / a - mbtake / a
6 I don't want to ... ........... my job.
make The shop makes a lot oJ money. / - - question 7 The supermarket ............... open until 1o p.m.
f500,000 ayeat / he -s $4,000 a month / - a profit suit _: Do you wear a suit to work? / wear a -
PxnlsaL Vrnss
/ he -s a living by selling his art.Ihe past tense is and tie / a smart - / an expensive - / a dark -
made: the company made two millian last year The ,un s shininq. / the - s hot today /
A Choose the correct word to complete the
online _: /t's easy to buy things online. / I got sit in the - / stay out ofthe - / this room gets a lot
phrasal verb.
it - / I like shopping - / sell things - / - sales / an - of- / - cream / -burn
1 I passed the informatlon up / on to my boss.
bank / an - bookshop / an - friend suppose ............."........_: He's a student here, I suppose. / 2 When ca n you pay me over / back?
Who owns the company? / he -s a I - he can come with us / I - you're right / yes,I - so
3 My husband put some shelves on / upin
restaurant in Lisbon / do you - your house or rent till_: Please pay at the till. / they're over there,
the kitchen.
it?/ldon't-acar by the - / where's the -? / work on the -s ot a 4 You can lry tt on / overin the changing room.
past _: I walked post the bank. / go straight supermarket / put the money in the - 5 Wear a hat and try to stay lway / out of the
on - the shoe shop / it's on the right,- the post tuy on _: I always try on clothes beJore I buy
offlce / drive -
the school them. / try it on in the changing roams / try this
6 I'm looking obout / Jor the newspa per. Do you
pay _: Where do you pay? / it's oK I can - / - jacket on / can I try it on? / can I - the next size?
have it?
Jor the coffees / how much did you -Jor those shoes? weights _t I go running and lift weights to
/ - cosh / - by cheque / how much do they - you? / keep fit. / do some - at the gym / buy a set oJ - /
- you back on Saturday / - 70 eurosJor o shirt do weight troining / weight lifiing

lurk -..........'........"._: Cood luck with your exam tomorrow! Paces 52-53 preparation .........."....-...-: Teachers do a lot of
/ - / she takes it with her because she
I wish you
preparation before their classes. / it needs a lot of
thinks it brings her - / with a bit af- I can passthe attend Which school do yau ottend? / -
-.....'..'.......-...._: - / -sfor the party / begin the -s for the wedding
exam / have some good - / bod - classes evety day / - college / - church / sorry, I pre-school ..'.-'.................._: Children underfive go to
5(tence l'm goad al \c!?n(e sublet ls. / 5l udy can't - the meeting pre school classes. / o - teocher / - education /
- at school / - / hate - / be goad at - / a
love - break .......-......."........._: We get one break in the morning. / children of - age
degree / a - teacher / - lessons / a - exom a short - / a ten minute - / let's hove a - / take a special _. vau ton go Lo a:pernl rollege Lo
subject -"."..'-................._: Maths was myJavourite subject at quick - / the morning - / the afternoon - / see you learn a trade. / a - offer at the supermarket / cook
school. / a dilficult - / an easy - / an interesting - in my lunch - a - meal for your birthdoy / do something - / buy
/ a boring - / arts -s / stience -s / what -s are you classmate -.'...'..."---...........-: I get on well with my classmates. something - to wear / a - day in your life
taking? / what -s do you do? / do well in some -s / my -s are very friendly / one of my -s / meet a trade ..............-: / want ta ga to college to learn a
work ..........".'..."'..........: /'ve got a lot oJ work to do. / some
few -s after class trade. / practise your - / he's a plumber by -
subjects are a lot oJ - / it's hard - / dtfficult - / college .............-. I m ttq4ylng hi\lory of t olleqe. / varied ........................_: The work is interesting and varied.
hove a lot of - / get a lot oJ - / do some - / he's at he's at - in London / goto - / start - / leave - / a - / it's very - / the music they play it quite - / the
- / go to -. Work is also averb.watk hard every course/a-degree course looks quite - / it seems quite - / have a -
day/- inoshop course _: /'m doing a maths course at college. diet
wrong _: |m saty, that
s the wrong answer. / / take a - / start a new - / finish your - / a - in
I'm aJraid you've got the - number / go the - way engineering / a two-year - / pass your - / fail your - Pnces 54-55
on the motorway / no, you'rc - / maths was the depend ....."............"..._: What Jilms you can see depends
- subjectfor me / what's -? / there's something - on yaur age. / Are you coming to the party?"lL -s.' affect _: Personal problems can affect
Pacrs 50-51 with the car.f he opposite is right:the right answer / thot -s / it -s how much homework t have / it -s your exam results. / smoking can - yaur
/ yes, you're right on how well I do in my exams heolth / bad expetienrcs con - how kids learn
arts l'm good at arts subjects. / do well favourite _: Who's your lavourtte singer? / my at school / this con - thildren quite badly / it
ot - subjects / do you like - ar sciences? / an -
- subject / my - colour / my - ploce / my - shop / doesn't - me at all.Ihe noun is effe(t: smoking
deg ree my - restaurant / my -food / my -film can have a bad effect on your health / it had no
degree ............-: l'm doing a degree in histary. / l've .,l.ri li, foreign ....-...'........."."._: I l,ke leat n;nq Jore'gn language" effect on me
got a - in literature ,/ a maths - / an arts' / a l '..,rrl,i(,, Irtl|t,, lr:rrrslrle tlr,,rrI Ill)y,, 0).Irv / speak with a - accent / ga to a - country / a - agree t Lhink ,l t a gaod idpa. Do you agrce?
s(ience - / study for a - / qet a - / a university - / rlrlfr'r|il1,,'r r1,.,,r \,'Lrr l.Irilri,rllr _:
holiday / - students / Yes, I -/
No,l don't - / I - with you / I - thot it's
a college - half .....................-_r The lessons last an hour and a haf / too expensive / we - about mast things / can't -
difficult _: Maths is a dtfficult subject. / o - receive: meet in - on hour / seeyou ot - pasttwo / two on the price.fhe opposite is disagree: I disagree
course / a - iob / a - question / some - homework ond a - years old / - the students in my class / with you
/ it's quite - / rcally - /find it very - / it's - to get a the second - of the film / the first - of the game / article _ / read an tnteresling atLk te in the
job / it was - for us to see.Ihe opposite is easy: an spend - the money / eat - the cake newspaper. / a newspopet - / o magazine - / a
easy subject /Jind it easy buy: helpful ......"..-..'........._: thanl Vou that was vett hetpJul. really good - / a long - / o short - / an - about
The Jirst exam was quite easy. / an - (rilr)(,lirrr1 ,/(/lrrri!,'r' i\tittlt :: ',, 't;1,1"i / she was very - / really - / it was - talkinq to her Moscow / an - on the enviranment / write an - Jar
subject / quite an - caurse / really - /find maths titLl rt t1 itt I iitt.\,li|' tl ili( ) I tlol ,,1 rttr tit't'rtr i / same - advice the local newspaper
quite - / it looks - / the cinema is vety - toJind / last _: lhp te,topt la't lorty minufes. how cause _: I sometimes caused problems at
a car that's - to drive.Ihe opposite is difficult: a long does the film -? / my course -s Jor three years schoal. / this.on - mote crime / cors - a lot of
difficult exam / find it difficult find and bring: / the meeting didn't - very long / it -ed all day / it noise and pollution / - ofire / - an accident /
exam ___: I've got o maths exam ,,t \ ,) ttlti,
-ed until Jour o'clock - damage to buildinqs / bod weather -d us to
tamorrow. / on English - / a science - / a very lazy tame and help - don t be tazy! / he \
_. be lote.Cause is also a noun: the cduse afthe
difficult - / have -s next week / da an - / sit on a rrive: very - / o - /
boy a - afternoon watching TV / have problems / the - ofthe occident
- / studyfor -s / revise;for on - / poss all my -s Itlt)l llit tI tttit . ^,'irLt! i tt'1 1: i'tt' t tlt: lt,',ttr' a-day creative _:She's a very ueuUve persan. / |m
/ fail an - t),1r,i'r,tlL! ll: modern It's a modern building. / a - hotel / very - / a very - artist / a - job / hove the chance
lind _: lfind French easier than maths. / - -furniture / - machines / /
- technalogy /- music to be - in your work
it quite dfficult / I - that very surprising / - it change to:
- ideas / the - world / it looks very - culture _: Each country has its own ulture. /
boring / - it dtfficult ta understand.Ihe past tense ,i(),, ' r, i rr, r/,i patient --...'............"..._:She's very patient with her ttudents people from many dfferent -s / share the same - /
is found: I found the Jilm very funny / I found it / she's very quiet and - / try and be,. The opposite try to understand their - / the dtfferenes between
interesting is impatient: he! very impotient / don't be so the two -s / American - / Brazilian - /Western - /
f riendly
Everyone here is very liendly. / impatient! street - /youth -
everyane was - towards me / really - / quite - / transport: popular ."."".......-.."'....._: lt's a very popular university. / die _: Mv qtandlathet d,ed ta)L year . - d
he seems very - / give a - smile / a - wave.The ,i. i,tlt;!',tri
opposite is unfriendly: some people were a bit
English is a - subject / a - teacher / a - hobby / - ot the age of 96 / -d suddenly ldst week / -d oJ
music / a -film / this restaurant is - with students caner / a lot of people - from this disease / -
unriendly /he's very - / she isn't very -.The opposite is yaunq / - for yaur country
important .................-: lt's important thot we get there results: unpopular: maths is an unpopular subject emotional I'm a very emotional person
an time. / an - exam / an - qame Jor out team / possibly ................-''-..There were 50 people there / get very - when I hear this music / hove -
an - meeting / my job is very - to me / it's - not
to be late
possibly more. / Are you coming to the party?' problems / need - support / an - meeting /
'Possibly.' an - speech

The Jirst film wos good, and the opinion ........................_: What's your opinion on marriage? EXERCISES B Complete the sentences with the nouns in the
second one was even better. / things got - worse / give your - of the book / in my - it's very good / box. Look up the nouns if you neecl help.
in the afiernoon / this house is - bigger than their have a high - oJ her / have a low - oJ politicians / Pneposrrtorus
old one / new csrs can go -faster / it's always cold have o dffirence of - luck culture break article
here, -
in summer positive _: lfeel very positive about school. / A Complete the sentences with the correct trade accident opinion degree
experience _...-:
Some children have bad be - about the futurc / have a - attitude to your preposition.
experiences at school. / it was a good - / had a work / try to think - 1 My sister is good ........ sport. 1 5he's doing an arts............................
stronge - / on interesting - / myJirst - of living in primary .'.'-......-'............_: She teaches in o primary school. / a 2 He's studying ........ an engineering degree. 2 I need a bit of .....................1o pass myexam.
another country / I really enjoyed the - / talk about - teocher / - education / the - years 3 You must get to your exam ........ time. 3 She's not here. She's on her lunch
your -s problem Crime is o serious problem here. / 4 She's not ........ work today. 4 We're doing a study of street
film _: Wefilmed the whale concert. / - the trafflc -s in the city centre / a big - / a dfficult - 5 There's something wrong........ my computer 5 He's a builder by ............................
show / - the students talking to each other / the / drugs cause a lot of -s / talk to someone iJ you 6 Maths is one ........ my favourite subjects. 6 I read an interesting newspaper ............................
police -ed him leaving the bonk / - the movie in have a - / have a lot of -s / talk about your -s / 7 He speaks........ an A,ustralian accent. 7 We had a difference of .....
)apan how can we solve this -? / the - of unemployment 8 I nccd to talk ........ my teacher. 8 The driver in front of me nearly caused
flexible _: I can beflexible about what time /
sensitive .....-................_: She's a very sensitive person. an ............................
we meet. / a very - person / need to be - / have to she's very - / - about her weight / - to other Choose the couect preposition.
be - in this job / - working hours.The opposite is people's needs.Ihe opposite is insensitive: don't be 1 He looks old for / obout his age. C Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the
inflexible: he3 very inflexible so insensitive! 2 Iell me to / obout your holiday. box. Look up the adjectives ifyou need help.
grade _: I olways got high grades ot sclnol. / slow _: My computeis quite slow. / o - runner 3 lt's not necessary on / fot you to join us.
low -s / good -s / bod -s / try to improve your -s / a - driver / the trafftc\ very - todoy / o - jou rney 4 There are students ln / ftom many countries in wrong modern flexible emotional
/onA- / the - lane on the motorway.f he opposite is fast: my class. second primary special 6ad
grow up Where did you grow up? / - on o
........"........-...._: a fast computer / o Jast driver 5 ldon't agree with / of you.
farm / - in a city / - in a bigfamily / some children solve _: l'm good at solving problems. / try to 6 I studied hard on / for my exam. 1 Some people think the number 1j is
- bilingual.fhe past tense is gtew u?: I grew up - the problem / - the crime / - the murder / - the 7 The courseyou choose depends on / about ,,.,,,.....'......''...'... luck.
in Prague mystery / a problem that's difficult to - your grades. 2 We're lost. I went the .. ............... .. ... way.
high _: I always got high grades at school. tall _: I'm 7.64 metres tall. / how - are you? / 8 History is a difficult subjectto /Jorme. 3 My team played well in the ........................... half.
/ travel at - speed / - prices / the rent is quite - he s quite - / very - / my brother's -er than me / a 4 ........................... technology is changing the world.
/ - temperotures / - -quolity work / a time of - -tree/a-building 5 There's a ........................... offer on TVs in the
unemployment / - levels of crime in the area / true She says she's nineteen but I don't Wono Burr.orlrrc Electronics Department.
have a - opinion of her. The opposite is low: /ow think it's true. / is that -? / that's not -! / is it - 6 He's very unhappy. He needs........................... support
grades / low prices thot you're leaving this school? / o - story / are We use the word get in different ways. Complete 7 My job has very........................... working hours.
fhat's a good idea! / a greot - / an the sentences - or folse? fhe opposite is untrue: the sentences below with your own ideas. 8 She's a school teacher.
interesting - / I have an - / rm sorry, I have no - / everything he says is untrue / that's untrue! 1 l'm almost ready. ljust need to get ......
no - whatyou're talking about / on -Jor a novel / war ......................_: War broke out in L939. / the - between 2 I don't drive much. I usually get ...... D Match the two halves of the collocations.
your ideas on the government / compare your -s / lran and lraq / the Second World - / they were at 3 The weather's changing. lt's getting ....... 1 the Second World a) degree
discuss your -s - with Cermany / they declared - on the United 4 I saw my exam results. I got ....... 2 youth b) la ne
necessa ry _: Aood Jood is necessary for good States / during the - / the end ofthe - 5 There's no food at home. Can you get some...... 3 a college c) opinion
health. /
it's not -Jar you to come / no,that's not worry _: A lot of parents wofty about their 6 Yesterday was my birthday. I got ...... 4 Cood d) War
- / I can help if - / give you all the - information. children. / - obout money / it's OK- don't - / don't 7 I usually get home at ....... 5 inmy e) attitude
The opposite is unnecetsary: don't moke ony - about me / -that l'm not sofe / there's nothing 6 a positive f) culture
unnecessaty mess to - about 7 the slow g) luck!
normal ........................._: Speoking two languages is young _: 5 he's Jorty five, but she looks very Cor.locartolvs
normalfor o lot of people. / it's - toJeel angry young. / - people / a - mon / o - woman / -
/ its perfectly - / have o - life / seeyou atthe - children / a - student / my -er brother / she's -er A Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
time / my - working hours / liJe is getting back to than me / seem quite - / seems -Jor his age / verbs in the box. Look up the verbs if you need he1p.
- now leorn while you're -
have worry get talk take die

1 My friend's grandma suddenly

yesterday. The funeral is on Frlday.
2 l'm just ........................... a quick break.
3 I have no idea what you're ........................... about.
4 We were really busy but things are..........................
back to normal now.
5 He .........................,. a very high opinion of you.
6 Relax. There's nothinS to ........................... about


Plces 60-61 joke _: l'm no good at telling jokes. / a good -
/ aJunny - / an old - / laugh at the - / didn't get
Do can mean different things. Look at the admire ...."..".-.-.........._: I really admire him. /- her a lot /- the - (didn't understand it) / share a - together
examples below Translate them. How many her for being honest / what do about himl
you - look after ......................_: I can stay here and look afier the
different verbs in your language do you use? affect _: Does it alfect children when both children. / - the baby / she looks aJter them very
parents work? / an illness that -s old people / well / the nanny looks afierthem / can you - my
Srammar: smoking can -your health / it -ed him quite badly baq for a few minutes?
do you tike it? / I don't know / where did he go? / I bedtime .......".-................-: Come on, kids, it's bedtimel / read a matter -..".".-...-".-..-...._: lt doesn't matter if both parents
didn't see it / I wotk o lot, but my wiJe doesn't story at - / a - story / it's nea rly my - / it's past my - work. / it doesn't - if it's raining / it daesn't - if
cards ................"........_: We often play cards in the evenings. yau're a bit late / it -s a lot to me / does it -?
activity: / a game oJ - / a pack of - / deal out the - / don't nanny ...................-: 5he works as a nanny. / employ her
I doyogo / I do korate / con you do the woshing- show anyone your - as a - / they have a - / a -for their kids / the -
up? / I usually do the cleoning in our house / do dishwasher _t Can you put the dirty plates looks aJter them
the woshing / whot ate you doingl in the dishwasher? / do you have a -? / fill the - i nursery _: We take her to the nursery at nine. /
load the - / empty the - / can I put this in the -/ a day - / go to the - every day / stay at the - all day
job / study: / is it - saJe? / collect him from the - / pick him up from the -
what do you do? / we do o lot of business in dog _, Don'tforget toJeed the dog. / do you pick up _: I usually pick the children up Jrom
Cetmony / l'm doing engineeting ot univesity / have a -? / a pet - / walkthe - / a Jriendly - / school. / pick her upfrom the nursery / I can pick
we do French ond Spanish ot school good -l / afierce - / I don't like -s you up at the station /- somefood on the way
employ ..........-.............-: They employ a cleaner. / - a nanny home
Paces 58-59 cook / make: / - a gardener / - her as a teacher / the school -s private _:Their kids go ta a private schoal. /
I'm doing the dinner now / thot cafd does nice over 100 people a - hospital / a - doctor / a - company / it's on -
alive _: My grandparents are still alive. / he sandwiches / they do some nice rice dishes / I did empty _: / have to empty the dishwasher. / land/--keepoutl
tvas still - when they gat him to the hospital / posto lor lunch - all the cupboards / -your pockets / - the bath repair ...........".........._: The TV's broken can you repair it?
theyfound three people - in the building / it s / - the building / - your glass. Empty is also an / - the cor / - the dishwasher / - the light switch
dtfJicult to stay - in these conditions / doctors hope howwell: adjeclive:the house is empty / an - glass .Ihe / sorry, I can't - it / try to - it / @st a lot to - / it's
they can keep him -.fhe opposite is dead: my the business is doing bodly / she's doing vety well opposite is fill:fill the dishwasher / fill the glass in need of -
grandJather is dead now at school / I'm doing OK on my coutse with water rule _: They set a lot of rulesJor their kids. /
aunt ......................_: i went ta visit my aunt Ruth. / stay essential _: ls a dishwasher essential? / which -s about what you can and can't do / a few simple
with my - / my - and uncle. Also auntie. my auntie have an affect: things are -? / it's absolutely - / an - job / it s - -s / the school -s /follow the -s / break the -s /
Jen ny I took some aspitinfor my heodache but they that you arrive on time / it s - to book tickets early that's against the -s
boyfriend _: Do you have a boyJriend? / my - didn't do onything / the govemment did o lot to / it's -for good health send .."..'............-: They send their kids to a private school.
/ meet her - / my new - / an old - of mine / my ex- help feed _: Re member to feed the dog. / - it / - the kids to bed / - them home / - him to prison
- / live with your - regularly / - the baby / - yourJamily / - bread to set _: They set a lot of rules for their kids. / -
cloudy _____: lt's a bit cloudy today. / very - / married _: Are yau married? / are you - or the birds / - them on bread and water a datefor the wedding /- a time /- a new world
stay - all day / become - later / a - day / a - single? / she's - to my brother / they're - / they fill_r lfilled the glass with water. / - the record
sky / - weather.f he opposite is clear: a lovely got - lastyear / we're getting - soon / happily - / dishwasher / - the kettle / - your suitcose soriety _:This is a big problemfacing British
clear day o - couple with clothes.Ihe opposite is empty: empty the society. / American- / a modern - /feel like an
couqin fhis is my causin Jim. / my - Sara / member Are you a member of the tennis dishwasher impartant part of - / members of - / problems in
visit my -s / stay with my -s / we're -s / a - on my club? myfamily / yourfamily -s / a - of
/a- oJ full _: The dishwasher's full. / the cupboards our -
mother's side the team / my team -s / a - of staff at the school are - / my bag's - oJ papers / what's your - name? switch _: The light switch is by the door. / an
debate ....___: We're having a debate on / -s oJ society / go at - speed / have a - life electric - / the on-off - / press the - / turn the - on
working parents. / a - about the environment / similar ..-...........-..-...._: lh very similar to my brother. / your full-time _: I work full-time. / have a - job / a / turn the - olf / the - Jor the centrol heating
speak in the - / take part in the - / a long - / a shoes are - to mine / we're very - / they look - / I - teacher / a - nanny / a - student.The opposite ls together ........"......."....-: We usually eat together as a
lively - have a - problem / have - conversations with other part-time: work part-time / a part-time job Jamily. / work - / go to school - / spend a lot of
express A lot of people expressed surprise at students guilty _: He s guilty of murder. / - of stealing time - / we grew up - / share a house -
the news. / - anger / - yourfears / - yourfeelings still _: |m
still only 27. / l'm - very close to my the money / the courtJound him - /feel - about wake up .......".."........._: What time do you usually wake
/ - your opinion / dfficult to - myfeelings / can't sister / do you - live at homel / is he - alive? / are leavinq the children alone up in the morning? / does she still - at night? / -
- how I Jeel you - looking for a job? housework ...............-: Who does the housework? / at six o'clock / - early / - late / - in the morning / I
girlfriend _: Do you have a girlfriend? / my - / surprise ....."................_: A lot of peaple expressed surprise spend the morning doing - / help with the - / canl -.fhe pasi tense is woke up: i woke up early
meet her - / my new - / an old - oJ mine / my ex' - at the news. / tried to hide my - / looked at him in sharethe-/lhate- this morning
/ live with your - - / it came as no - / it was a complete -
husband ........................_: Come and meet my husband. / her uncle _: This is my uncle Bill. / visit my - /
future - / a good - / a loving - / a wonderful - / stay with my - / my aunt and -
leave your - / my ex- - wedding ......................_:Their wedding is next manth. / go
Iuckily _: Luckily, no one was hurt in the totheir - / hold a - / arrange the - plan the - / /
accident. / -,the weather was goad / -, I had some a traditional - / a church - / a white - / their - day
money on me / her - dress / send out - invitatians / a - rinq

Pacrs 62-63 to London when I was three / friendships - into the EXERCISES Complete the sentences with the nouns in the
real world box. Look up the nouns ifyou need help.
al all _: I don't know him at all. / it's no particular _t I want to see that particulorJilm. Pneposrrrorus
trouble - / Idon't like him - / l'm not hungry - / / at that - time / did itJor - reasons / there's no - [rU
didn't seem - interested / no, not - reason to worry / it's of - interest to students Complete the sentences with the correct member cards
clever He's very clever / quite - / really - / a in person _: We talk online, but ld like to meet preposition.
- man / a - idea / a - plan / that was very - ofyou her in person. / you can buy tickets by phone or 1 I 1ive...... my girlfriend. 1 The law protects our human ............................
close _, My sister and I are very close. /
very - from the ticket office / go there - / collect the 2 He's a member ...... the chess club. 2 He has a part-time
- to my brother / they seem very -/ we became packaqe - / you have to siqn for it - 3 l'm very close ...... my brother. 3 Do you have a pack of...........................?
quite-/a-friend quiet ......................_: 5he's a very quiet person. / yau seem 4 There is so much ladmire...... her. 4 Every night I read my daughter a bedtime
confident She's very strong and confident. / very -todoy / it'svery - here / be -! / itwas - in 5 Do you want to play a game ...... cards?
a - woman / he seems very - / get more - / grow town today / just keep - about it.T he opposite is 6 Please put the plates ...... the dishwasher 5 He is my uncle on my father's .............,..............
more - /feel - about thefuture loud:a loud person t a loud noise 7 Canyou help me...,., my homework? 6 She's a of staff at the university.
contact I stay in contact with my old friends rea I : I have a lot ofJriendships online ond in 8 I have to collect my daughter...... school. 7 The police asked her to empty her...........................
from college. / keep in - with them / l'm still in - the real world. / things like that don't happen in - 8 Teachers are important members of .......................
with him / want to get back in - with her / lost - life / see a - elephant at the zoo / a bag made of - Choose the corect preposition.
with him when he left college leather / - flowers / not have many - Jriends / not 1 I like mychildren to be home on / by 1 p.m. Match the two halves ofthe collocations.
correct ........"..."."..".._: Read it through and correct the her - name 2 I have a lot of respect in / for him. 1 a white a) information
mistakes. / - my English / - me iJ l'm wrong. reliable He's very reliable. / a - worker / a
- 3 You kept very quietobout / overlhat. 2 Cood b) lifetlme experience
Correct is also an adjective: the corrcct answer / bus service / the trains aren't
very -. The opposite 4 When did you move ot / to your new house? 3 useful c) record
the - amount is unreliable: he's so unreliable! / the buses are a 5 I took the wronglrain by / of mistake. 4a d) quiet!
rrazy _: He has some crazy ideas. / everyone bit unrcliahlc 6 She's a studenlfor / ot university. 5Be e) summary
thinks |m - / she's - about cats /feel like |m going respect _: I really respect him Jor telling the 7 I sometimes talkto / by her on the phone. 6 a brief f) wedding
- / it's driving me - truth. / do you - your parents? / - her opinions / - 8 That wasn't very clever on / ofyou. 7 aworld g) dogl
cty _: I cried when they said goodbye. / started human rights.Respect is also a noun. have a lot oJ
to - / made her - / what ore you -ing for / don't respect for her / show him some -
waste time -ing over him shared _: We have a lot oJ shared history. / Wono Butt onrrc Pxnasar Vrnss
describe Can you describe himl / - her to some - experiences / - opinions / these ideas are
us / -d him as toll and thin / - everything in detail widely - We use the word do in different ways. Complete Choose the correct word to complete the
/ can you - what you saw? / can't - how lfelt siricl _: My parents are quite strict. / they're the sentences below with your own ideas. phrasal verb.
face-to-face _: We talked on the phone, but very - with their children / a - teacher / the school 1 What did you ..... 1 l'm on the phone. Can you turn the music
we never metface to face. / come - with him / talk is very - about what the students wear / have - 2 There's a restaurant up the road that does .... on / down,please?
tohim-/o-meeting instructions to be home by ten / under - orders 3 5he's always busy. She does ... 2 I get up / on well with my neighbours. They're
get on _: get on very well with my parents.
I / from the doctor to rest 4 He's a student. He's doing ... very friend ly.
we - reolly well together / don't - with them / we strong _: I'm not strong enough to lifi that. 5 I got my exam results. I did ... 3 She's an old friend. We grew up / offtogether.
don't - at all / how do you - with him? / a - man / his - drms / a - door / a - country / 6
president's speech didn't.... 4 | have to pick on / up my ca r from the garage.
history _: |m studying history at university. / a - and confident woman / a - charucter / a - 5 Come off/ on, it's time to go.
the - oJ computers / study your family - / we have personality.f he opposite is weak: h e's small and 6 Can you turn the light over/ on,please?
a shared - weak/aweakchoracter Cor.r.ocarrors 7 I looked afier / down her dog while she
lifetime _:Some friends last a liJetime. / summary ......................_t Write a summary of the text. / was away.
things that hoppen during your - / in my - / a - a - of my ideas / read the - / write a - / a short - A Complete the sentences with the correct form
experience / a brief - of the verbs in the box. Look up the verbs if you
loud He was talking in a loud voice. /
......................_: - trust ......-..............._: i k now I can trust you. / - her need help"
music / have the radio on - / a - noise / a - bang completely / don't - him at all / - you to look
on the door / turn the TV down it's too -.The afier my money / - him with my car.Trust is also put express
opposite is quiet a quiet person / a quiet voice a noun: an agreement based on trust / put my - d rive set
mistake There are olwoys spelling mistakes in him
in my work. / l'm sorry,I made a - / try to correct useful ......................_: Jound some very useful
/ 1 The leaders are........................... part in a debate
your -s / learnfrom your -s / a big - / a serious - / informotion. / a - book / it was ve(y - to me / 2 Everybody is free to ........................... an opinion.
take the wrong suitcase by - it's - for keeping things in / I found it - / it's - to 3 The news that he left a5 no Surpilse
move ......................_: M ove away from the window. / - make a listfirst / a - meeting / a very - website. 4 l'm.just going to ........................... the dog.
closer to the fire / - quickly / - slowly / - the chair The opposite is useless, useless information / it's 5 You can't win if you ........................... the rules.
to the side ofthe room / - to a new house / we -d useless talkinq to him 6 Did you a date for the meeting?
7 This music is ........................... me ctazy.
I .... my trust in someone
I don't know.


grow We growfruit and vegetables in the
fishing _: We decided to go fishing in the river. ....-."-"."..-.'........_:

/ enjoy - / spend the day - / come home from an garden. /- carrots / - tomatoes / - flowers / -
afiernoon's - / a - boat / salmon - / deep sea - your ownJaod / some plants - very quickly / they - Cive Gn mean different things. l-ook at the
flight _: / booked a flight to New York. / to over three metres high examples below. Translate them. How many
catch a - to Paris / check the details of my - / guitar ............-...""".-.._: Can you play the guitar? / learn how different verbs ln your language do you use?
nearly missed my - / a return - / a one-way - to play the - / an electric - / an acoustic - / a bass
/ my - leaves at seven o'clock / our - arrives at - / - music / a good - player present / money:
four thirty iazz _: Do you like jazz? / prefer - and soul my parents gove me a computer Jor my birthday /
letter ......................_: / got a letterJrom my ount. / send a / listen to - / play - / - music / a - musician / I wos given t 50 / I often give money to chority
a - club
-/ write a - / post the - / open the - / read the -
/ - / a short- / an urgent - / aformal - /
a long a They own a lot oJ land. / have a small pais to / put into hand:
business-/alove- piece oJ- / buy a plot of- / goodforming - / the - can you give me thot bag? / give me yout coot /
library _: /'m going to study in the library. / go here is very lat give him o glass
ta the - / use the - a lot / borrow a bookfrom the less _: l'm trying to eat less meat. / spend -
- / the school - / the college - / the university - money / earn - than 52 a day / waste - energy / do:
meeting ...........'-....'..".*: I have a meeting at ten o'clock. / have - time than befure I hove to give o tolk to the class / I gove d
we have regular -s / a - with some colleagues / a - He plays tennis at quite a hiqh level presentotion at work / l'm giving o closs lotet /
between students and teachers / go to a - / hold a / students at advanced - / l'd like to take it to the give a lecture
- / arranqe a - / an important - / talk about it in next - / a high - oJ unemployment / a low - of
thP - / sce him at the - crime in the area / the - of inflation say something:
Paces 64-65 perfect ......................_: Yes. PerJect. / that's - / speaks - look forward to _: |m looking forward to she gove me some advice / con you give me
English / the car's in - condition / a - holiday / my holiday. / really lookingforward to it / looking directions therc? / give on example
arrange _: We arranged to meet at eight she's in - health / you look -! forward to seeing you / lookingJorward to working
o'clock. / - where to meet / - a meeting / - to see plan : What are your plansfor thefuture? with you wait / time:
/ holiday -s / make -s for the future / have -s to part-time I work part time. / have a - job / can you give me o minute? / give me ten minutes
some friends later / - to go swimming / - for a taxi
to pick us up move abroad / we need a - / a good - / a - to a - teachet / a - student.fhe opposite is full-time: to get reody /
the teacher only gove us 20 minutes
baseball _: Do you like playing baseball? / a build our own house / a change of - / it all went workJull time / afull-time job to onswer oll the questions
according to - save ....-."--.".".."........._: You can save money tf you buy the
game of - / a - game / watch the - on TV / like -/
goodat-/a-player presentation ....."....""-t |m giving o presentation at tickets online. / turn the heating down to - money
Can you call me later? / - you this the meeting. / a short - / a good - / a - on the / want to - some money and buy a car / - f50 a attract ..................-: The town attracts a lot of tourists.
evening / can I - you back later? / just -ed to see company's plons month / the council wants to - f1.5 million a year / trying to - business to the area / need to - new
how you are / - you on your mobile phone / - the romantic ......................_: We had a romantic dinner for / go by bus to - time customers / the programme -s a lot oJ viewers
police/-anambulance two. / a - novel / a -film / - music / he's very - / Do you like soul musir ? . listen to jazz / - more students to the univesity
check-up ......................_: I need to go to the doctor'sfor how -! and - / a - singer,/ a - musician car park ...................-: We can park in the car park./
a check-up. / have a - / a - at the dentist's / a run ........................._: I usually gofor a run beJore breakfast. star ..........".."."......_: 5h e's a fa mous film star. / a movie the supermarket - / it has its own - /the -'s
routine - / a long - / a short - / a quick - / enjoy a - in the - / a pop - / a rock - / some big Hollywood -s full / no spaces in the - / want to build a new -
client ......................_: i have a meeting with a client later. mornings. Run is also avetb: run every day / go / wants to be a - / become a - / looks like a - / o multi storey - / afree -
/ meet some -s later today / an important - / running / she's got - quality community .............-: The sports centre provides
reqular -s / attract new -s square _: We can meet in the main square successful _:5he's a successJul business person. a service to the local community. / help the
clock ........."..............._: we can meet under the clock at the at eight o'clock. / the town - / the market - / / a highly - businesswoman / a very - actor / a - locol - / work in the - / a small - / a - praject
statian. / a - on the wall / look atthe - / the - soys Trafolgar - in London / Times - in New York band / a - meeting / it wasvery - / hope you're - / a - centre
/ in getting job create ...".................._: The newfactory will create a lot of
half postten / a 24-hour - / an alarm - / a digital tourist _: A lot of tourists visit the city. a
jobs. / it will - a lot of problems / - unemployment
- / the -'s fost / the .''s ten minutes slow attracts a lot oJ-s / we get a lot of -s here / it's weight ...............-........._: lwant to lose some weight. / keep
colleague ....................-: I have a meeting with some popular with -s /Joreign -s / American -s / a - your - down / have to watch my - / put on - / / - a new work oJ art / - a new file on the
colleagues this afiernoon. / a male - / a Jemale - resort / a - hotel / the - season gain - / your ideal - computer
/ his business -s / one of my senior -s / my -s in cut ...................".._: The government promised to cut
the offlce Paces 66-67 Plces 68*69 taxes. / - services for young people / - jobs / -
date _: Are you going on a date with her? / gavernment spending / - their prices / trying ta
ask her out on a - / have a - with him tomorrow apartment I live in an apartment. / a small
advice He gave me some good advice. / - crime in the area. Cut is also a noun: tax cuts /
night / ourfirst - - / a big - / an - in the city centre / I'd like to get gave me bad -/
let me give you some - / they spending -s / price -s
I need to check the details of my my own -/ rent an - / buy an - / share an - with provide -for children with problems / - on dangerous .......-.............._: The council says the old
like same more - about the trip / gave me staying healthy / need to get some - / think you buildings are dangercu9 / - animals / - criminals
flight. / friends
all the - / call this numberforfurther - /forfull - classical .............."......._: Do you like classical music? / a - should take legal - / askJor - / turn to herJor - / a - job / they arrested him Jor - driving / it's - to
visit our website / pleosefill in your personal - musician / a - composer,/ a - concert / a - album / a piece oJ - walk around on your own ot night
exercise _: ltry to do some exercise every day gardening -...........-...........-: Do you enjoy gardening? / love
/ - is good for you / don't get enough - / need to - / hate - / spend a lot af time - / do a lot oJ -
do more - / ten minutes ofgentle - / take regular / who does the -? / organic - / a - magazine /
- / physical - / a daily - routine a-expert/-gloves

develop council wants to develop the
limit Whal s Lhe speed ltmit hPre? / don t EXERCISES
area. / - the site / - the land for housing / want exceed the speed - / a time - / an age - / set a -
permission to - the land on how much we can spend / increase the - / lowet PREPostfloNs Cor.r.ocarrors
development -.-...-..............._:They're planning a new the -/ driving over the speed - / below the -.Limit
housing development. / a major new - near the is a lso a verb: /imlt the number of new students Complete the sentences with the coEect Complete the sentences with the correct form
city centre / for or aqainst the - / suppart the - / low Ptices are lawer now than they preposition. of the verbs in the box. Look up the verbs if you
oppose the - were last year. / - temperatures / an area oJ - 1 He's watching the football ...... TV need help.
environment _....-: Using your car all the time unemployment / cook it on a - heat / workfor 2 I have a meeting..... my boss this afternoon.
is bad for the environment. / good Jor the - / - wages.Ihe opposite ishigh:high prices / high 3 Do you want to meet ..... the station? Save break
the amount oJ chemicals in the - / harm the - / temperatures 4 ljust arrived home ..... the office. hold miss
damage the - / protect the - / the natural - pollution _: Cars cause a lot oJ pollution. / 5 l'm on a three o'clock flight from London ..... Paris.
expand _: They want to expand the oirport. need to reduce - / prevent - / limit - / the problem 6 I got an email ..... my sister. 1 l'm in a meeting. Can I ........................... you back ?

/ - the company / the school is planning to - next af - / air - / river - / - levels / - controls 7 The Tower of London is popular..... tourists. 2 I have to go. I don't want 1o...........................
year / the company wants to - into Europe / the protest ...................-: People are going to protest 8 lown a small plece..... land. my flight.
industry is -ing / the population is -ing rapidly / against the plans. / - against the war / - against 3 We're going to a meeting to discuss
water -s when itfreezes unemployment / marching to - about the job cuts Choose the couect preposition. the problem.
health _: 5moking is bad for your health. / / - peacefully. Protest is alsoanaun:a protest 1 The company is increasing the number in / oJ 4 | do my shopping online to .......................... time.
good foryour - / hes in good - / in excellent - / in againstthewar / a student - / a peaceful - staff. 5 You look different. Did you ........................... weight?
poar - / enjoy good - i look afier your - provide .--.........."........_:The centre provides sports octivities 2 Planting trees is goodfor / on the environment. 6 lt's important to ........................... after your health.
high _: /t's faster now with the high-speed forchildren. / - them with Jood / - meols / - 3 I like listening with / to classical mustc. 7 lf you drink and drive you ........................... the law.
train. / - prices / - temperatures / - winds / an entertainment / - accommodation / - a service to 4 Thisisan areaof /otlowclme. 8 I can always ........................... to my boss for advice.
area oJ - unemployment.l he opposite is low: low the community 5 I share an apartment with / overlwo students.
prices / low temperatures safety _: We need to improve safety in the 6 Did you read the story about / for lhe earlhquake? Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the
historic _: I live in the historic area of the city. factory. / - at work / road - / worried about the 7 I have to wear a helmetJor / to safety reasons. box. Look up the adjectives if you need he1p.
/ - buildings / a - monument / a - site - oJ the new drugs / stay inside for your own - / 8 lt's safe to walk here by / on your own.
imagine _: I can't imagine life without can't go in the buildingfor - reasons / o - helmet lrlv'iirr classical perfect bass
computers. / - yau win the lottery / - you live in a service ."...................._:They provide a service to the deep legal foreign mobile
dffirent place / try to - the scene / - them lying community. / a good - / a useful - / the police - / Wono Famnres
on the beach / - him as an old man the ambulance - / the emergency -s / the postal - 1 I sent a message to your ........................... phone.
increase _: The government wants to increase / improve publtc -s Look at the underlined words. Are they verbs 2 I don't do much........................... exercise.
taxes. / - the number offlights / the number of speed .....-.."-.".........._: Reduce your speed as you come inta or nouns? 3 This city gets a lot of........................... tourists.
students -d last year / the population is increasing the village. / increase your - / travelling ot a - oJ 1 Do you want to join me for a 1q4? 4 He has a big music collection.
/ prices -d by 15%. lncrease is also a noun: an 30 miles per hour / driving at high -s / low -s / 2 We usuallyl!! about'rS ki1ometres........................ 5 l? really like to go sea fishing.
increase in taxes / an - in the price of oil at an average - oJ 50 miles per hour / the - limit 3 The bank is going to cut interest rates. 6 He's not sick. He's in ........................... health.
introduce The government wants to /- cameras 7 He plays the guitar in a rock band
introduce a law to stop people smoking. / - a new story What's the main story in the news
..........."..."...._: 4 Everybody is worrying about job cuts 8 I went to a lawyer for some .. advice
system / - identity cards / - new rules / - a new today? / a - in the newspaper / today's top - / an
school uniform exclusive - (only in one newspaper) ./ the big - of 5 I didn't get a salary increase. C Match the turo halves of the collocations.
knock down .....".......'..-:They want to knock down the the day / read theJull - on pagefive / a - about a 6 They're going to increase the number of an alarm a) of plan
old houses. / - the building / - the old factory / - bank robbery / the - of his arrest staff. ........................... a love b) guitar
the woll / have plans to knock it down / knock it work The old TV doesn't work. / it isn't -ing 7 The students are going to protest a change c) clock
down to make roomfor more houses / it stopped -ing / doesn't - very well / get it -ing tomorrow. ............-... ....... . an electric d) of art
law It's against the law for children to work again / it still -s quite well / -s perfectly well 8 They organised a peaceful political protest a movie e) letter
/ the - on drink driving / a - against smoking in 6 a piece of f) limit
public places / introduce a new - / pass a new - / 7 the speed g) star
break the - / obey the - / work within the - 8 a work h) advice
Wono Burrouuc

We use the word give in different ways. Complete

the sentences below with your own ideas.
I can't join you today. I have to give ......
I need more time. Can you give me......
Yesterday was my father's birthday. I gave him .....
You look very hot. Can I give you .. ...
I don't know this city. I need someone to
give me......


where these plotes go? / it goes on the top shelf
Paces 74-75 guard .................-...._: There are guards outside the prison. /
armed -s / a prison - / a security -
I abroad .""......."..........._: We're going abroad Jor our holiday happen _: What happened last night? / when
<hange to: this year. / travel - / work - / live - / study - did the accident -? / how did it -? / where did it -?
the opples went bod / he goes really red when he bars ."...................._: There were bars on all the windows. / / it all -ed very quickly
spends time in the sun / lwent blue with cold / metal - / iron - / he should be behind - (in prison) high _: The building is 50 metres high. / how
everyone went crozy bike ......................_: / n ever learnt to ride a bike. / get on a - is it? / a - building / a - wall / - mountains
- / get off your - / fell ofJ my - / go there on my - in public _: I never cry in public. / criticised
how good: t go by - r \omeone stole my - me - / don't want to talk obout it - / it all
how s it going? / How did the exam go? / lt went bone _,lfell and broke a bone in my arm. / hanncncrl -
reolly well / my job's goinq badly / I hope it goes f ne cracked a - in my wrist /froctured a - in myfoot / fet _: Their parents don't let them play
the -s in your leg / your hip - / your back- outside. / - him go out on his own / reJused to -
disappar: born ................."...._: He was born in 1978. / Iwas - in me smoke in the house. The past tense and past
where has my pen qone? / he wos qone when I qot Scotlond / where were you -? / when were you -/ pa rticiple is let: they let me climb trees when I was
back / o lot oftrees have gone in the area boss I vc goL a new bo>: at wot k. / gel on young / they've never - me use their car
well with my - / criticised my - / OK,you're the -! limit _: We need ta limit the number oJ
break _: i don't want to fall and break my leg. people we invite. / - the amount af traffic in the
horror .'...'..'-.'.-".-...-: / don't like horrorJilms. / a - movie / / - my orm / drop the glass and - it / - the TV.f he town / - pollution / - the amount of damage.
a - story / the idea filled me with - past tense is broke and the past participle is broken; Limit is also a noun: d limit on the number of
line .......".......".".".._, There was a long line of people waiting I broke my arm / the washing machine's broken students in each class / the speed -
Paces 72-73 Jor tickets. / a long - oJ vehicles / standing in a - cat _: I have two cats. / a pet - / love -s / lock _, lforgot to lockthe door. / - the car /
The museum is quite near here. / is don't like -s / hate -s / don'tforgettofeed the - - all the windows / - the money in a drawer / the
arrive ......................_: When did you arrive in Madrid? / -d there a bank - here? / an apartment - the stotion / climb ......................_: i loved climbing trees when lwas door was -ed / I was -ed out oJthe house.Lockis
last night / -d at the hotel / due to - at ten o'clock / live - Amsterdam / it's quite - to the beach young. / - a mountain / thef,rst woman to - also a noun: change the lock on the door
-late/-early/-ontime opinion _: What's your opinion of the band? / Mount Everest / - up the ladder / go -ing in the lose Moke sure you don't lose your ticket
fact _: I learnt some interestingJacts about my - an marriage / in my - it's a goad idea / don't Alps.climb is also a noun: the long climb to thetop / l'm always losing my keys! / - your job.Ihe
him. / some important -s / a well known - / don't agree with his - / give your - / share the same -s criticise _:You shouldn't criticise people all past tense and past participle is lost: / /ost
have all the -s yet / need to look at the -s / I know repeat ......."......."...".._: Ca n you repeat that, please? / please the time / I -d my boss / -d mefar arriving late my passport last year. / l've last my wallet.;Ihe
this for a - don't - this to anyone / change roles and - the cycle ...".'....-..'.-''.........-: You should always wear a cycle opposite is find: trying to find my keys
go up _: Did you go up the 1alata Tower? exercise / don't want to - the same mistake helmet. / ride in the - lane. Cycle is also a verb: / marry _: He's asked her to marry him. / they're
/ - to the top floor / - the stairs.fhe past tense role ,.............'..'.......-: Change roles and repeat the exercise. / usually cycle to work getting married / he's married to my sister
is went upr we went up to the third floor.Ihe my - in the company / the - oJthe sales manager _, My cat died last month. / -d at the age
die matter _: /t doesn't mat'ter if you\e a bit
opposite is go downrqo down to the qround floor / play an impartant - in government of72 / -d ofcancer / -d in her sleep / -d peacefully late. / don't worry - it doesn't - / it doesn't - what you
round ...........................-: We went round the market. / go - / people are dying of hunger do / that's the only thing that -s / does it really -?
the shops / walk - the city / travel - Europe divorce ........'.....'-..'..-.-_: I got divorced last year. / they're mistake _: l've made a big mistake. / think
share ........................._: We share the same opinion. / dan't - getting -d / my parents are -d / I'm -d / wants to you've made a - / a serious - / a terrible - / learn
your point ofview / - the sameJeelings about this - her husband. Divorce is also a noun, wants to get from your -s / don't repeat your -s
60 can mean different things. Look at the / we all - your anger / - your concerns a - / the number of morriages that end in - pass _: I passed all my exams. / l've -ed my
examples below. Translate them. How many sightseeing _: We spent the morning fail _: lfailed all my exams. / -ed my driving drivingtest / it -ed all the safety checks / I -ed with
different verbs in your language do you use? sightseeing in Rome. / go - / do some - / enjoy - test / -ed quite badly.Ihe opposite is pass: I passed flying colours (passed verywell).The opposite is
spend .............-r Weie going to spend a week in San all my exams / just passed my driving test tail: lJailed one of my exams / failed my driving test
Frcncisco. / spend two days travelling / - hours fall off Be carefulyou don'tfall offthe wall. politician _t He's a politician. / a good - / a
I went to Hong KongJor my holidoy / go to the watching TV / - more time with yourfamily / - / - your bike / - the ladder.Ihe past tense is fell clever - / government -s / a right-wing -
potk / I need to go to the shops / I want to go home too much time on the computer. The past tense is off a nd the past partici ple is fallen off: fell ofr my I possibility_:There is a possibilitythat lcan
spent: I spent two months travelling round Europe bike / he'sfallen off his chair work abroad. / the - ofa terrorist attack / a small -
leave: I was very tired by the end of the day. / find _:l'm trying tofind my passport. / can't - / a strong - / a real - / some exciting possibilities /
I need to go / let's go / the lost troin goes ot 11.2) really - / quite - / a bit - / feel - / yau look - / too my keys / need to - an answer to this problem. discuss all the possibilities
- to go out The pasttense and past particlple isfound:lJound race ....-..-................_: Who won the race? / taok part in the
attend / be at: 'l m tired. 'Me too. / are you hungry
-? / them in my bag / have you found your keys yet? - / a ten kilametre - / a cycle - / a hotse - came /
he goes to university you ever go to chutch? /
/ do ld like to come - / thefood's nice,and it's cheap - flight _: fl:ght to New York. / a
l've booked a Jirst in the - / came second in the - / lost the -.
I need to - to 0 meeting / - to the motch / I don't visitor _: The city gets a lot of visitors. / it return - / a one-way - / a cheap - / a two-hour - / Race is also averb, racing against some afthe best
go to work everyday attracts a lot of -s / -s to the museum / -s to lost the ticket for my - / my - leaves at ten o'clock runners in the world
Budapest / regular -s / -sfrom England forget _: Don't forget to lock the door. / range .........".....""....._: They offer a whole range of services. /
doing activities: word ..".-................._' What does this word mean? / I sometimes - people's names / trying to - about it. study a wide - oJ subjects / a new - of products
I go swimming o lot / I like going walking / go don't know the EnglBh - for it / look up -s in The past tense is forgot and the past participle is remember _: 50rry, I con't remember your
running / gofishing a dictionary / pronounce a - carrectly / don't forgotten: I forgot to shut the door / l'm sorry, l've name. / suddenly -ed thst I had a meeting /
understand this - / can speak o few -s o;f Cerman forgotten your name. The opposite is remember: can't - where I met him / - to lock the door.f he
sorry, I can't remember your name opposite is forget: I forgot to post that letter


repair ."""......-.........-._: He says he can repair the corJar us. / dark _, lt was dark at eight o'clock. / it was EXERCISES Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the
- the TV / - the washing machine / cost a lot to - completely - / whattime does it get -? / a very - box. Look up the adjectives if you need help.
It. Repair ls also a noun: lt needs a few repairs night / don't go aut afier - / get home beJore -. PREPostrtoNs
serious ......................_: lt's OK - her injuries aren't serious. The opposite is lighl: get home while it's still light behind western driving
/ a - illness / a - accident / a very - problem / a - embarrassing ..."--"-: lt was really embarrassing! Complete the sentences with the correct great security safety
situation / made a - mistake / a - crime / you're so -! / an - moment / an - silence preposition.
I don't smoke. / da you -? / -s 30 / - behaviour 1 There was Iine ...... people waiting for tickets. 1 The police caught him and put him
cigarettes o day / want to give up smoking exciting _: lt was really exciting! / it's so -! / 2 What's your job ..... the company? bars.
society ......................_: There are a lot of problems in our an -film / an - book / it looks really - / on - idea 3 Do you feel the same way..... him? 2 Did your old car pass its ........................... check?
society. / British - / Ameican - / in western - gun _.One oJthem had a gun. / a hand- / a 4 Over Christmas I spend time ..... my family. 3 He works at the bank as a ........................... guard.
steal _: 5omeone tried to steal my bike.Ihe machine - / a loaded - / a tay - / they all carry -s 5 Do you usually go home at the end ..... the day? 4 They have a ........................... range of products.
past tense is stole and the past participle is hill _: We climbed to the top of the hill. / 6 We walked ..... the top of the hill. 5 l'm studying the history of........................... society.
stolen: someone stole my car / they stole nearly went up the - / live on the side of a - / a high - / 7 Her father died ..... a heart attack. 6 Thanks for inviting us. We had a ...........................
{50 million / someone's stolen my wallet a steep - 8 Try to forget ..... it. time.
success _: The show was a great success. / the iump _: / jumped olJthe woll. / -ed into the 7 l'm practicing for my ........................... test.
- oJtheJilm / her - in theJashion industry / his water / -ed overtheJence / -ed into my car / - up Choose the correct preposition.
- os a teacher / achieved great - as an actor.Ihe and down / can - quite high 1 lt's cold here on / in the winter. Match the two halves of the collocations.
opposite is failure: it was a cornplete failure lucky _, We were very lucky with the weather. 2 That car didn't sto? about / otthe traffic light. 1 a well-known a) attack
support ....-'.--............-: My parents have alvtays supported / it was - I had my phone with me / that wos -! / 3 He suff'ers of / from slrcss. 2 a return b) towel
me. / - the governrnent / don't - the war. Suppo* you're - to be alive / the - winner / my - number. 4 Do you want to have a swim l, / on the river? 3 a terrorist c) machine
is also a noun: they gave me a lot of support The opposite is unlucky: a bit unlucky to lose 5 | want to rent flat of / for six monlhs.
a 4 a bath d) flight
thank _: /'d like to thank everyoneJor coming outside ....................._: We sat outside and chdtted. / sat - in 6 I didn't have my phone with / ot me. 5 a cash e) mistake
tonight. / forgot to - you Jor the flowers / need to the garden / wait - / go - / Iet children play - / hes -. 7 One oJ / from my brothers is an actor. 6 a serious f) gun
- himfor helpinq us / he -ed usfor aur support The opposite is inside: lt's warmer inside 8 We stopped to / Jor a quick break. 7 a hand g) fact
ticket _: i bought some ticketsfor the concert. poor _: They live in a poor part of town. / -
/ need to book my -s / the -Jor myflight / got children / a - country / herfamilysvery -.fhe
cheap -s online / a train - / a bus - / a cinema - opposite is rich:they're very rich / a rich part oJtown Wono Burr.ouuc PxnlsaL vtnas
unfortunately _: Unfortunately, it rained relaxing ..."......""....."...._: lt was really relaxing! / it s so -! / a
all day. / -,they cancelled the show / I didn't get - day at the beach / a very - holiday / a - both We use the word go in different ways. Complete Choose the correct word to complete the
tickets, -. f he opposite ts loftunalelyfortu nately, rent ......................_: i rented a house for a week. / - an the sentences below with your own ideas, phrasal verb.
no one was hurt apartment / - a car / -ed a roomfrom afriend. 1 For our next holiday, why don't we go ..... 1 She fell out / offher bike by accident.
wall : There's a high wall around the garden Rent is also a noun: pa)t f500 rent each month 2 Cood luckl I hope your ..... goes well. 2 I usually go off / out on Friday nights.
/ fell off the - / climbed over the - / the kitchen -s scary......................_: /t was really scaryl / it was so -l / a 3 On Saturday afternoons I usually go ..... 3 Climb up / outthe ladder to reach the top shelf.
/ a mirrar an the - / put some pictures on the - very - movie / a - Iilfi / a - experience 4 I love classical music. I like going..... 4 She can't find her keys. She's locked out / away
win ......................_: We want to win this match. / - the We wenl swimming in Lhe sea. / live by 5 I feel much better. My..... has gone. of her house.
race / - the campetitian / - rtrst prize.Ihe past the - / the Mediterranean Sea / the North Sea / the 6 You don't have to leave now. You can go ..... 5 You can look difficult words over / up inthe
tense and past participle iswon:wewonthe - was very calm / the -'s cold / the -'s quite warm 7 There's a bad smell. lthink...... has gone bad. dictionary
match.Ihe opposite is lose; we lost that game / go out to - in a boat / spend six weeks at - 8 Those ...... go in the cupboard. 6 We visited Paris and went up / on the Eiffel Tower
worst ..................."......-: What's the worst mistake you've ever shoot ......................_: Please - don't shoot me! / Don't
made? / the -food I've ever tasted -! / - animalsJorfood.fhe past tense and past
participle is shol: he shot me in the arm CoLLocattorus
Pacts76-77 stress _: I get a lot of stress at work. / suffer

- Complete the sentences with the correct fom

alive _: Are your grandporents still alive?
doctors are keeping him - / eat anything just to
stay - / they found him - afier two nteeks.Ihe
from - / ways of dealing with - / under a lot oJ
at work / the -es of daily life
stressful ..."............"....._: lt was really stressful! / it was so
-l / a - job / a very - time / a -Jew weeks
of the verbs in Ure box. Look up the verbs if you
neerl help.

opposite is dead: my grandfather's dead now time _: We had a lovely time. / had a great - / I a r rive book change come
annoying _: My little brother is so annoying! a good - / a fantastic - / a terrible - get ha ppen have give
/ it's really - / he's got some - habits / it's - when traffic light _: I stopped at a tralflc light. / the
people are lote / it's - that he didn't tell me - was on red / the - changed 1 Theyaredueto tomorrowafternoon.
bath _: I had a nice hot bath. / I need a - / I warm _: /t's nice and warm here in the 2 I can't say because I don't........................... all
can run your -for you / a - towel / a - mat summer. / the evenings were - / a lovely - day the facts.
break ......................_: / had a three-hour lesson without a / - weather / the sea's nice and - / have a - bath 3 | really want you to ........................... up smoking.
break! / have a short - / stopfor a - / our morning wonderful We had a wonderful holiday! / a 4 My brother and his wife are divorced.
- / the afrernoon - / a tea - / the lunch - -film / some - music / a - surprise / that's - news! 5 I can't remember lt all ........................... very quickly.
cash -.....-"-"..'.'''.-: /'ve got my bank cards, but I haven't 6 I ........................... the locks after the burglary
gat any cash. / pay in - / pay -Jor it / they stole all 7 I ...........................first in the ten kilometre race.
my - / l've qot f15 in - / a - machine 8 I haven't my ticket yet.


hall lt takes obout holf on hour. / two and o wait _: We woited half an hour at the bus edge _: They see someone woiting ot the edge
- hours / on hour ond a - / meet at - past three / stop. / -Ior o bus / -for o train / - on the platform oftheroad. / the - ofthe loke / sitting on the - of
spent - my money / ate - the cake / - outside / - in the -ing room / - for my Jriends. my choir / live on the - of town
last _,
-: The rain lastedJor three hours. / Wait is also a nounwe had a lono wait flight _: /'ve booked o flight to Voncouver
Return tickets only - o doy / how long does thefilm / got a cheap - / need to hurry to cotch my - /
-? / it doesn't - long / it -ed for houts!
Pacrs 80-81 missed my - / the -'s delayed / woiting for them to
line rh e tuain wos delayed because of snow announce my - / get on the next - to Rome
on the line. / on animol on the - / the railway - / airline _: Whot airline do you usually use? further : lt's twenty milesfurther to the next
the - from London to Edinburgh / - / one of the big -s / a good - / ltaly's
a small town. / they live - away / can't walk ony - / don't
get L0% off ifyou book online. / they're national-/an-compony wont to drive ony -
ofl -: bike _: / usually ride my bike to work. / learn
offeing 15% - / they gove me 20% - / 10% - oll get in _: Huny up ond get in the car / open
to ride a - / lock my - / get on my - / fell off my - the door and -.fhe past tense and past participle
Jlights / 20% - all tickets / 70/o - everything
platform L0.1"5 to Strasbourg leaves / someone stole my - / o mountain - / ride in the is gol in: got in the car ond drove off

from platform three. / which - do we need? / which - lane / go by - / go on a - ride.Bike is also a verb: introduce _.They've intrcduced pinktaxis. / - o
- does it go from? / the train's waiting at the - / bike to work new low / - some new rules / - a ban on smoking
stondinq on the - / met us on the
-:The - book _: You can bookyourflight online. / - lock _: Don'tJorget to lock the door. / - oll the
possible ts it still possible to get tickets your tickets / - o seat /- a table at the restaurant windows / - my bike / - him in his room / - the
for the match? / need to be home by ten, if - / - a room in o hotel / it's cheoper ifyou - in money in o drower / - it owoy in 0 cupboord.Lock
/ get back os soon os - / help you os much as advance / the hotel isfully -ed is also a noun: there's no lock on the cupboord door

- / travel by bus whenever - / no, thot\ not brain _: Certoin porB of your brain grow if memory ............,.,'...._t l've got a vety good memoat /
-: you use them a lot. / suffered - domage / o - injury got a poor - / have no - ofthe occident / hoppy
PtctsTS-79 -. The opposite is impossible: /'m sorry, thot's
impossible break down _: Phone me if the car breaks memories of childhood / some good memories of
quarter storts ot quarter to eight. down. / the school bus is always -ing down.fhe the holiday / lost his - afier the occident / the poft
animal some kind of animal in the
garden. / an - on the railwoy line / a big - / a small / - postfive / it tokes a - oJ an hout / an hour and past tense is broke down and the past participle is oJ the broin connected to -
- / a wild - / they keep -s / kill -s for food / TV a - / three -s ofan hour / an hour and three -s / broken down: the car broke down on the motorway miss _: i n early missed the bus. / -ed my flight
/ the washing mochine's broken down lgain / -ed the troin / don't want to - my class / -ed the
programmes obout -s -:TheJilm
arrive .,...............'...._: we orrived at nine o'clock. / -d recommend --..............-: can you recommend a good bus _.1 usually get the bus to work. / cotch stort oJtheJilm
in London last night / - ot the aiport / late ' / hotel? / - o restauront / - someone for the iob / I - the - / get on the - / get off the - / wait for the - motorway .,..''...........-: The cor broke down on the

- early / - on time / when did you -? / thefrst to - that you phone the airPort to check / the -es run all night / the - is late / the - stop / motorway. / o busy - / a JourJane - / driving' otong
cash _: I h oven't got any cash on me. / poy in recommendation TheY gove us o few the - driver / the - fare / go by - the - / the - between London and Oxford / join the
- / poy - for it / they stole all my - / I've got f 75 recommendotions for restourants. / mode some -s cat _: lt's quicket to go by cor. / we con go in - ot Cambridge / leave the -
in - / need some - / go to the bonk to get some - / we went there on her - / a letter of - the - / get in the - / get out ofthe - / drive the - mountain ......,'.,'.....'....._:We went walking in the
/ a - mochine return / bought a return ticket to Glasgow
-: / / the - broke down / repait my - / pork the - / o - mountains. / go skiing in the -s / drive through the
doyou want o single or a -? / it's cheaperto buy a park / a big - / a small - / a sports - -s / high -s / climbthe - / thetop oJthe - / o - bike
catch / usually catch the bus at 7.30 / - the
trdin to work / run to - myflight.f he past tense - / the - journey / a - flight.Ihe opposite is single: charge _: The toxi driver charqed me f20. / negotiate _t You can negotiote a price with

a nd past participle is caughl: I cought the lost bus -:

a single ticket how much do they -? / they - too much / - for the driver./ - an agreement / - a peace deal /
home / caught the 70.15 to Leeds second class ........-t I bought a second closs ticket. / delivery reJuse to - with the kidnappers

certainly A ticket to London? Certainly. / -, travel - / go - /fly - / the - compartment compete _: Are you going to rcmpete in the park _: We porked the car on the rood. / - in

sir / -, modam sign _: Can you sign here, please? / - your race? / - against ten other runners / componies - the drive / - in the cor park / it's eqsy to - there /
name / - the document / - a cheque / - on the to control bus routes / shops - with eoch otherfor there ore no -ing spaces
delay There ore some deloys with the
dotted line / - in the box customers pay _: How would you like to poy? / - the bus
trains todoy. / what's causing the -? / o long
Do you want a single ticket or o connect ...................._: Connect the printer to the driver / - for the tickets / - in cash / - you back
- / o short - / a two-hour - / some flights single
qre subject to -. Delay is also a verb:the bad return? / sometimes it s cheoper to buy two -s.The computer. / the rcad -s London and Manchester / tomorrow / we poid {300
-: l'm sure he's -ed with this crime / which part oJ the /
welthet has delayed some flights / the train opposite ls return: a return ticket to Moscow pick up _: I can pick you up from the stotion.
Let's meet at the troin station. / the brain is -ed to memory? pickyou up at seven o'clock / the taxi picked us up
wos -ed station -: control
direct There's a direct train to Munich- / l'm bus - / the railwoy - / need to be at the - by eight .: One compony controls all the reliable _: He's Jriendly and reliable. / ho rd-

o'clock / got to the - at two o'clock / it's near the - toxis in the city. / wha -s the company? / some working and - / vety - / the buses are quite - / o -
afraid this train isn't - / a - Jlight to Egypt
/ by the - / nol Jar from the - teachers can't - their class / the qovernment -s the
discount .......-:You con get a student discount. -: newspapers.Conlrol is also a nouft hove complete
service.The opposite is unreliable: the trains ore o

/ a big - / a smoll - / o L0/o - / we offer o 5% stop where\ the nearest bus stop? / we bit unrelioble
-: control ofthe business
- to students / they gave me a - / buy books get off ot the next - / there's o - neor the station route _: What's the quickest route to the
cost ...................._: How much do those shoes cost? / it -s oirport? / the best - home / olways follow the
oto- / this is our -
/ Whot time is the next train? / whot f25 / it doesn't - much.The past tense and past some - / toke the quickest - / know all the bus -s
first class How much is a first class ticket? time -: participle is cost: fhe Up cost B0A / ft - me f 500
trovel - / go - / fly - / the - compartment / get an - is it now? / whot - does the film start? / do we run _: The buses run oll night. / stop running

upgrade to - have - for o cofJee? / we've got plenty oJ - course ....'.............._; /'m taking o course at college. at midnight / the trdins - every ten minutes / they
/ ore ofien delays on public / doing a - / pass my - /foiled my - / a - in - quite regularly / don't - very often
get off -:
We get off ot the next bus stop. -:
woodwork / a - on modern history
- the bus / - the train / - ot the troin station.The tronsport. / the city has a lot of - problems / a space _: /t's sometimes difrcult tof,nd a
past tense and past participle is gol ollthe troin good - system / use dilJerent meons of - / the best delayed _: The train was deloyed. / it's - by porking spzce. / there's a - over there / a Jew - s
half an hour / all the buses were - lefi / reverse into the -
stopped and we got off -,There
form of - / do you hove your own -?

we can get a toxito the airport. / go rate _: Whot's the exchange rate? / they EXERCISES
taxi _: /
by - / toke a - / phoneJor a - / call a - / order a - give you a good - for dollars / a low birth -
/ stop a - / pay the - driver the death - / the inflation - has gone up / the Pnrposrrrors Colr.ocarrors
lrip _: you enjoy your trip to Americo? /
Did unemployment - has gone down
did you have a good -? / a short - / a long - / go selection sell a good selection of Complete the sentences with the co[ect Complete the sentences with the correct form
on a weekend - to Paris / went on a 7,000 mile - / cheeses. / a wide - of books / o large - offood of the verbs in the box, Look up the verbs if you
1 Did you arrive.... time? need help.
away on a business - square .................."..'_: There's a market in the main square
The next troin is at 10.30- / quicker to / meet in the - / c restaurant in Central Square
-:They / 2 I don't have any cash .... me.
train .....""..-............_:
go by - / travel by - / get the to London / cotch a
- / missed my - / a high-speed - / a direct - / a -
Trafalgar Square in London
style //ike your new hairstyle. / that - suits
3 There's a direct flight .... Cairo.
4 The journey lasted .... four hours. [:e
journey / the - station / a - ticket you / a modern - / an unusual - 5 l'm waiting.... the platform. 1 I ........................... a bus in the mornings.
6 The two airlines compete.... each other. 2 We're still talking. I haven't ........................... on the
translate : Can you translate this into underground I usuallY take the
Aerman? / asked me to - for them / some words underground to work. / tt's quicker to go on the -
-: / 7 | recommendedyou....the job. dotted line yet.
are difficult to - / provide a translating service travel on the - / an - statian / - troins 8 lt's difficult to get a taxi .... this city. 3 lt's a busy restaurant. You have to ........................... in
translator .,,................-: He works as a translator' / a value -: The Royol Hotel is cheap and good adva nce.

Jopanese - / offered to be our - value for money. / the food is excellent - / it's a Choose the correct preposition. 4 Canyou lend me I5? I'll back

understand '...........-: Sorry, I don't understand. / con't really nice restaurant, and great - 1 I go to work on /withlhe underground. tomorrow.
- what he's soying / didn't - it very well.f he past -: 2 That store has a good selection in / ofwines. 5 The trains running at L a.m.
3 What did you get ot / for your birthday? 6 I ........................... a taxi. lt's waiting outside.
tense and past participle is understood: The driver
understood that they wanted to go to Halden
4 Do you know the ntain roadfrom /for Singapore 7 They don't take credit cards. You have to
Hove can mean different things. Look at the to
Kuala Lumpur? ........................... in cash.
Pacrs 82-83 examples below. Translate them. How many 5 The office closes early in / on Fridays.
different verbs in your language do you use? 6 Can you translate this in / into Japanese? Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the
lt's an amazing city! / that's -! / 7 lt's faster to go by / with l'lain. box. Look up the adjectives ifyou need help.
amazing _: 8 My passport is locked at / in my drawer.
it was -/ lbsolutely - / an - dancer / an - shcw / grammar:
had on - meal / an - holidaY / an - triP hove nevet been to the UK / hove you seen the flm? !lr".t t"ia" l'".
atmosphere ....."....-..-: The restaurant has a really
nice atmosphere. / a great - / o veryJriendly - / a eat / drink: Wono Fanntrrs 1 There's no ........................... flight to Madrid. You have
reloxed - / creote a calm - / don't spoil the - when do you hove dinner? / hove breokfast / to make one stop.
awful The meol was awJul! / the flight was I usually hove o sondwich Jor lunch A Look at the underlined words. Are they verbs 2 I don't travel class. lt's too expensive
ot nouns? 3 How much is a London-Singapore...........................
- / an - experience / on -film / an - smell
They have live bands on Fridays / experience: 1 There have been a lot offlight delays. ticket?
watch a live - / go and hear a - / play in a - / he's we hod o lovely time on holiday / hove o great 4 I don't have a car. I use........................... transport.
in a - / my favourite - / the .''s new song time / he's hod o lot of diflerent iobs 2 I delayed the start ofthe project. 5 There's a atmosphere in the office.
I enjoy cycling. / love - / do a lot oJ
3 How long id you wait for the bus?
d 6 That shop has a ..................,......., selection of
cycling -: 4 How long was your ry4i!?...................... jazz music.
- / go - every weekend / a - holiday / a - trip be mine / his etc.':
delicious ...'..-".............-,TheJood was delicious! / it was I don't have o car / we have o dog / I have two 5 He lost control ol his car. ...................... 7 This bar has ............... .. musrc every

absolutely - / really - / a - meal / a - lunch / a - brothers / do you have o comPuter? 6 Sometimes he can't control himself Friday night.
-: 7 There are new !pq[5 on the doors.....
salad / - Jruit / - ice cream
/ feature': 8 I didn't lock the car............................ C Match the two halves of the collocations,
excellent The food was really excellent.
/- he has brown hair / our house has three bedrooms railway a) recommendation
thefish was - / an - film / an - book exam
/ / that's -! / it hos a nice goden / the cor doesn't have o sterco a letter of b) rate
results it's in - condition
I don't believe it - it's
Wono Burr.ouuc a business c) lane
impossible -: the exchange
impossible! / that exom was - / it's - to do it thot ideas': d) line
quickly / an - job.fhe opposite is possible: I hove an idea / do you have ony plons? / he hod some We use the word have in different ways. Complete value for e) trip
good suggestions / I have a badfeeling obout this the sentences below with your own ideas, 6 the fast f) condition
I suppose it's possible
1 l'm hungry. What do you want to have .... 7 in excellent g) money
lane 5tay in the cycle lane. / a four--
mototway / driving in thefast - / the inside - oJ health problems*: 2 Where can we go for our holiday? Do you have ....
the motorway / two -s were closed I have o headache / I've hod o cold oll week / he 3 My sister is very beautiful. She has ....
hove live bands on Fridoys. / a - hos a broken leg 4 ltaly has ....
live _:They
-: 5 His father isn't well. He has ....
performance / - music / - musicians / wotch -
theatre / a - concert / watch them play - time': 6 The party was great. We had ....

main ........"...,.""...".._: There's a morket in the main square. / doyou have time for o coffee? / we only have half an 7 My family is quite big. I have ....
the - station / the - office / the - building / the - hour to get there / you have one hour Jor the exam 8 Look at the time! We only have ....
road Jrom Madrid to Barcelona
present ......................_: He bought me some lovely presents 'Note: in all these uses you can use hove got
/ gove me a - / sent me a - / got a - for you / a nstead of hove.
birthday - / Christmas -s / open your -s

include _: Does the price include service? / the basic _: You stott with two weeks of bosic human Humans don't need to eat meat.
: /
price -s accommodotion and meals / - everyone in training. / -Joods such as wheat and rice / a few - the - body / an accident caused
by - error
the meeting / service is -d in the bill principles / the - idea is simple
juice _t td like a Jruit juice, please. r apple - /
machine ....-................._: I need o new woshing machine. beans _: / had fish with green beons. / soya -s oronge - / a gloss offruit - / a c0rton of orange -
they moke everything by - / show you how to work / brood - / kidney - / kill
boked -/- on toast I I don't oDDrove of killino animals for
the - / put your credit cord in the - / a cash - beef _: We had roast beef with vegetables. food. / in prison for -ing a man / smoking -s
main _: Whot are you hoving for your moin / grilled - / fried -/- steak / o joint of - lamb _: We had roasL lamb. t grilled - / -
course? / my - meal of the day / the - event of /- casserole chops / o - steak / a leg of - / - casserole / cook
the evening / - olfice / the - road / the - problem butter _: Fry the onions in butter. / bread and the - slowly / - with garlic
/ the - reoson / one oJ the - causes of global - / a packet oJ - / salted - / unsalted - / melt the
leading _: lt's one of the leoding causes oJ
- in a pon / spreod - on my toast globalworming. / one of the country's - sportsmen
menu n we see the menu, Pleose? / the
: Co cause ......................_: lt's one of the main tauses of global / some - members of the government / ploys a -
dessert - / askfor the - / look at the - / waiter warming. / the -s of cancer / the - oJ the accident role in the orgonisation
brought us the - / some lovely things on the - / no /Jind outthe - oJdeath.Cause is also a verb: level _: There is still a high - oJ
fish on lhe - / it's not on the - smoking causes concer unemployment. / a low - of crime in the area / the
order _: Are you ready to order? / -ed steak cancer _: He died of concer / get - / sullering - oJ inflation / have o good - oJfish oil in my diet
for my moin course / have you -ed drinks?/ this from - / new treotments for - / drugs to treat - / a maiority : The maioritv of oeoole enioved
isn't whot I -ed- Order is also a noun: con I take cure for - / breost - / liver - / lung - the play. / the - of students / the - of voters / a big
your order? / your - will be ready shortly controf _: ltry to keep my weight under -/ahuge-/asmall -
ready _, A re you ready to order? / the food's - control. / the situation is under - / everything's out medal_: He won a gold medol at the
Plces 86-87 to eot / I'll be * in ten minutes / are you neorly -? / oJ - / who's in -? / keep - of the children / lost - Olympics. / o silver - / a bronze - / a -for bravery
get - to go out / get - for bed oJ the car-Confiol ls a lso a verb: who controls the minimum ..................._: We need a minimum oJ t200. / d -
add _: They add 10% to the billfor service. / service _: ls service included in the bill? / does company? offive portions offruit and vegetables / the - agefor
- 75% to the price / - 75 to 22 / - solt and pepper this include -? / odd 70%for - / o - chorge / the - You shouldn't eot too much butter retirement / the - woge.The opposite is maximum:
/ - some garlic / - a lmle woter / - your nome to wos very good / the - was awful and creom. / strawberries ond - / fruit salad with the room holds o maximum of 250 people
the list soup _: I'd like soup for my starter / have - Jresh - / whipped - / double - / single - moral : I became a veoetarian for moral
afraid _: /'m afraid we don't have any ice for lunch / make - / eat a lot of - / chicken - / dairy _: I don't eat dairy products. / - products reasons. / this is a - issue / has high - standards /
cream. / I'm - we don't occept cheques / no,l'm - vegetable - /fish - / the - wos delicious like butter and cheese / - cows / a -J0rm her - principles / have a - duty to help i.
not / yes, I'm - so starter _: would you like a storter? / don't /
diet _: i don't have a lot offat in my diet. nut _: I eat a lot of nuts. / brozil -s / cashew -s
alcohol_:l dont drink alcohol. / drink too think I'll have o - / have soup Jor -s / otrsh - hove a healthy - / a good - /
o balanced - / on oil_, You need fish oil in your diet. / otive - /
much-/it'sgot-in price includes a -,a moin course ond o dessert unhealthy - / a vegetorion - / live on o - offost sunflower - / vegetoble - / heot the - in a pan /fry
alcoholic I don't want an alcoholic drink. taste _: / /ove the toste oJ strawbeffies. / don't
like the - ofthat / it's got a strange - / a funny -
food the meat in hot -
/ is it -? f he o?posite is non-alcoholic: I'd like disease Lating too much JoL can cause
something non-alcoholic / a non-alcoholic drink / a horrible -. Taste is also a verb: it tastes lovely
......................_: pasta _: We eot a lot of pasta. / Jresh - / dried
heart disease. / suffersfrom a rare blood - / he's - / cook the - Jor three minutes / boil the - /
bill _: -: Can we have the bill, please? / oskfor / -s horrible got lung - / don't want to catch the - / die from - with tomoto souce
the - / poy the - / the woiter brought us the - / lip _:Sholl we leove a tip? / leave a f 10 - / the - / a very serious - / o dangerous - pepper Add some salt and pepper / seoson
seruice is included in the - / how much was the -? o big - / a small - / o generous - / don't need to farming ......................_: Farming is still on importont
leove o - / gave the toxi driver o - / he gets a lot
with salt and - / block - /freshly ground black -
bird _; I heard the birds singing this morning. industry. / o job in - / Jactory - / orgonic - / dairy pork _r We had roast pork. / grilled - / - chops
/ it s a kind of - / most -s can fly / the -s flew of -s - / o -family / a leg of - / - casserole / cook the - slowly /
awoy / put food out for the -s / Jeed the -s vegetarian ........".....'-: I'm a vegetarian. / want to lal _: ltry not to eot Loo muchfat. / a lot oJ - with onions ond garlic
book _: ld like to book a tobleforfour people. become o - / o strict - / - Jood / a - diet / a - - in her diet / cut down on - / reduce the amount
/ have you -ed? / - a holiday / - ticketsfor the restaurant / suitablefor -s
portion _:You should eot five porlions of
of - in your diet / it's low in - / o low - yoghurt / fruit and vegetables every doy. / o - of chips / a -
show / - seats / - nyflight / - a room in a hotel / well _: / /ike my steok well cooked. / make
foods that are high in - of ice cream / o large - / o smoll - / o double - of
-ed sure you cook it - / mix it in - / don't know her
it s Jully global warming _: ScienLisLs are very worried vegetobles
cash _: I'm aJroid we only accept cash. / pay in very - / did you sleep -? / doing very - at college about global worming. / the causes oJ - / the prize _: He wonlirst prize in the competition.
- / poy - / haven't got any - on me / go to the bdnk effects of - / take action to slow down - / ptevent - / got second - /
won a - of 93,000 / the Nobel -
to get some - / get some moneyfrom the - mochine Pacrs 88-89 gold _: He won three gold medals at the Jor physics / the - went to the Spanish player / the
chicken _: I had roast chicken with vegetobles. Olympics. / a - ring / - eorrings / o - necklace - winners
/ tastes like - / looks like - /fried - / - casserole on actress. / a fomous
actrest ......................_:She\ -/a /o-mine
an - /
product _:They sell all kinds oJJood products.
/- breost / a - portion / cold - Hollywood - / of,lm - / wantsto become healthy _: l'm very heallhy al the moment. / / dairy -s / beauty -s / software -s / a big ronge of
course ........,..........._: What are you hoving for your moin get work as an -. Aman who does this is an actor: very flt and - / keep myself - / try to stay - / have -s on sale / design new -s / o good- quality -
course? / a three - - meal / the first - / the second - he's on actor o - diet / o - lifestyle / eat - food / it isn't - to prove _: The police can prove that he is guilty.
I had ice cream for dessert. / would I don't approve of killing animols. /
dessert _: approve eot too much fot.The opposite is unhealthy: an / -your innocence / I can - ittoyou / - that o
you like any -? / o starter, a main course and a don't - of her / don't - of my lifestyle / seemed to unhealthy lifestyle
- of the idea
vegetorion diet is good for your health / want to -
- / some lovely -s / con't manoge o -/ o - oJ heart _: Faling too much fot isn't goodJor him wrong
strowberries and cream / see the - menu article _:-: / reod on interesting orticle in the you r heort. / - disease / o - ottack / o - operotion / publication _: I read an orticle in o scientiflc
lull _: I can't eat any more - I'm really full. / newspoper. / a newspoper - / o mag1zine - / a do exerciseJor a heolthy - / my -\ pounding / my publicotion. / a new - / a recent - / an academic -
Jeel - / no,thanks, l'm - good - / an excellent - / a short - / a long - -''s racing / a business - / a - onJood and health


grill for ten minutes. / - the
EXERCISES Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the
report : / read o report on the benefits of o : Orill the meot
vegetorion diet. / an interesting - / a long - / a tomotoes / - the bacon until crisp.Grill is also a box. Look up the adjectives if you need help.
it under the grill / on electric - PnrpostttoHs
brieJ - / write a - / publish a - / the - shows how nou::; cook
importont exercise is to health oven ........,'............_:
Roast the meat in a hot oven for 40 , afraid big fu lly dany
Exercise can reduce your risk of d.ying minutes. / cook in a low - (nolvery hol) / boke it Complete the sentences with the correct hea lthy Iow ma in globa
from heart disease. yaur - oJ getting
/ increase in the - / an electric - / a miuowqve - / a gas - / preposition.

1 I had apple pie ...... dessert.
concer / there's a high - offlooding / a low - / turn the - on / clean the - / - gloves L A: Do you take credit cards?
Put theJood on the plates. / a dinner 2 What's the meal ..,.,, the day? No. l'm ........................... not.
-: want to take any unnecessary -s / put your
don't plate
3 There are no meat dishes ...... the menu.

life at - / o - toyour health - / o side - / a - of meot / wash up the dirty -s 2 l'm sorry. There are no more tables. We're
recipe : /'ve got a lovely recipefor a chocolate 4 What are you having ...... your starter? ........................... booked.
salt Add some salt and pepper / seoson
with- / odd a little - / sprinkle with - / put too coke. / a delicious - / o very eosy - / o simple'
-: / 5 I like the taste...... cranberries. 3 We have roast lamb for the........................... course.
6 He has a lot of salt ...... his diet.
much - on yourfood / foods thot are high in - / a traditionol - / one of myfovourite -s / I never 4 Pollution causes ........................... warming.
7 5he suffers...... diabetes. 5 My brother has a ........................... farm.
-: -
low in follow -s
8 My mother doesn't approve my girlfriend. 6 I try to eat
scientific We did a scientiJic experiment. / - roast ..,..............-: Roost the lamb in a hot oven for ..... -fat food.
research / there's o - explanation for this / 40 minutes. / - the vegetables. Roast is also an 7 Exercise is important for a ........................... lifestyle.
a - publication adjecttve: chicken with roast pototoes / a dish of - Choose the correct preposition, 8 The Conservative party won with a ...........................
vegetables 1 Can you help meto / with my homework? majority.
seafood -: I eat a lot of Jish ond seoiood.
/ Put the dirty plates in the sink. / leave 2 You can leave the dishes at,/ln the sink.
/ don't like -/ love -/a- salod / o - dish sink
them in the - / wosh my honds in the - the kitchen 3 I have a great rcci?e for / to lemon meringue pie Complete the sentences with the nouns in the
o - restaurunt
4 Chop the onion into / on small pieces.
show -: The figures show that the economy - / the bothroom - box.Look up the nouns ifyou needhelp.
Slice the onions. / - them thinlY / - 5 I need a kilo in / of potatoes.
is improving. / the report -s that this kind of diei is slice -,
good for you / -s the heolth benefits oJ exercise / them thickly / - the peppers in two. Slice is also a 6 Fry the vegetables of / for a few minutes.
7 l'm quitefit ot / in the moment.
I uirr beef drink nuts I

-s how dangerous these chemicals are nouil o slice of cheese / a - of meat / cut a thin - portion food a rticle mea I

8 l'm worried on / about your diel.

soft drink ld like a sofi drink, please. / what of lemon
-s have you got? / do You have anY -s? stir the sauce until it bails. / - it gently l- Can we have the ..........................., please?
sugar ...............-......_: D o you take sugat in your coffee? / / - it well / heot the soup, stirring constantly / 2 I had a three-cou rse ........................... for lu nch.
gradually - in tLte cream. Stir is also a noun, give Wono Bulr.orwc 3 Did you read the about
teo with milk and two -s / iust one -, please / a
-: newspaper..........,...,............

spoonful of - / a packet of - / brown - / white - / the soup a stir / give it o good

-:stlr - the election ?
coffee stops me sleeping. / try to - the We use the word grow in different ways. Complete 4 I'm making
add some - slop roast........................... for dinner.

sweetr ...................._t I never eot sweets. / buy some - / diseose from spreading / I'm leaving and you an't the sentences below with your own ideas. 5 Fast........................... is not good foryou.
' - rne / there's nothing to - you applying for the iob 1 We grow a lot of ...... in my country. 6 I like to put
get - for the children / a packet oJ - / o bog of cashew........................... in salad.
5tuff the peppers with the rice 2 When young people grow older, they .,. .. 7 Can I have a large ........................... of chips, please?
tomato need o kilo of tomatoes. / o tin stuff -t 3 I grew taller when I was ......
of-es / slicethe -es / chopthe -es / cutthe -es in mixture. / - them with onions and gatlic / - some 8 I don't drink alcohol, can I have a soft
half / caok the -es / | don't like .-es / never eat -es clothes into a bag / - your suitcase with clothes / 4 A lot of children say they want to ...... when they ..........................., please?
- their pocketsfull oJsweets
-: Srow up.
way -:We I dan't like the way some farms keep
I can do the washing up later. / 5 I read in the newspaper that
animols. / like the - I look / try to do it the right - / washing up ...... is growing Match the two halves of the collocations.
qu ickly.
the wrong - / the best - to do it / the quickest - oJ leove the - until loter / help with the - / your turn 1 washing up a) disease
dealing with the problem
-i todothe-/-liquid 2 the kitchen b) restaurant
winner ................,..-: There is o f200 prize for the winner. -t 3 a seafood c) oil
Cottocettolts 4 heart
/ o Nobel Prize - / o gold medal - / the - of the d) sink
competition 5 olive e) standards
\ aro* can mean different things. Look at the Complete the sentences with the correct form 6 moral f) products
examples below. Translate them. How many of the verbs in the box. Look up the verbs if you 7 daiy g) liquid
Paces 90-91 need help.
different verbs in your language do you usel
boil Bo il the potatoes for twenty minutes. /
the vegetables / - them gentlyfor ten minutes / people: i ncl ude stop lost put write do leave
them rapidly for five minutes / put the kettle on he's grown very tall / he's growing old / rny son
- 1 Service is in the bill.
to -. Boil is also a noun: bring the water to the boil soys he wonts to be o doctor when he grows up
-: 2 Did you ........................... a tip for the waiter?
/ don't ollow the milk to come to the -
plants and farming: He's ........................... very well in his new job.
chop ..'................._: Chop some onions and gorlic. / - the
4 The road was wet and he ........................... control of
tomatoes / - them finely / rcughly - the meat / - those trees grow very high / the plont's not
the lamb into small Pieces growing / they grow o lot of tice in thot oreo / the car.

delicious cake is delicious / it looks - / lgrcw my own tomatoes 5 I need to a report of my

business trip.
ittostes - / some -Jruit / - ice cream / a - meal /
increase / get bigger: 6 There's nothing to ....................... you changing
the food wos absolutelY - your course.
for ten minutes. / - them the economy's grown by 3'/" / the populotion's
lry -:This Fry the onions
7 lf you drink and drive you
in butter / - them in olive oil /- them in hot oil / ' growing ............... ,. your life
at risk
the medt gently / - it over 0 low heat
feet / very small Jeet / smelly feet
/ I got ta my feet warm up .............,,....,_: You should always worm up look forward to _: I'm really looking forward
(stood uP) beJore you do properly / -
exercise. /- your to the trip. / lookingforward to seeing everyone /
freih ,tneed some fresh air' / air smelled muscles.Watm-up is also a noun: do a worm-up starting to - Christmos
clean and -/ -
a lovely - taste / - fruit / before the gome / a ten-minute - patient _: My boss isn't olways very patient.
" ,oillidil"
/ - food
: I cut my loot on a piece oJ gloss /

brok* - / it's mode of - / a pone oJ ' /

pAcEs e4-e5 i;i;i;,71tr:/r;!,f!,il,i,i{";!lfi;[;!::'
o-bowl/-ornoments advert _: They see a lot of adverts on W. / -s positive _: lfeel very positive about the future
hand burnt my hand on the cooker' / my
t in magozines / an -for o computer / aTV - / a / - news / -feelings / seems very - / sound - /
pSiJ 1vv riqht' / held it in my - / had the letter newspaper - / put an - in the locol newspqper / try and stay -
ii his - /-we'shook's / look her by the - / we held the - soys it's only f3.99 relative _: I've got -s in New York. / visit -s /
/ walking' in -
-s -t
annoyed _: it.
I was a bit annoyed obout stay with -s / a - of mine / invite friends and -s /
head : tfell and bonged my head / bumped / really - / viry - / - with him / - bywhathe aJewclose -s
my l r rut on the side of mY - / a bald - / said/feel -/look-/shesounded-/modeme relaxed_:lJeel quiterelaxednow./look-/
nodded my - / shook my - / hove a -ache / really - seem - / sound quite - /Jeel very - about it oll
a - iniury argument _: We had an orgument yesterday. salary _: I earn quite a high soloryt / o low - /
hungry :l'm hungry! / no,thanks,l'm not - /o big - /o little- /asilly- / on - oboutmoney my monthty- / an onnual - of f45,000 /offered
tjief t tne smetl of food made me - / stotting to / hadan -with my parents / an - between mea good - /a reasonable - /offeredtoincrease
get - / reallY - / quite - / verY - twoteachers / don'twontto get into 0n - / get my - / reduced my - / can't live onthis -
hurt My bock hurts. / my stomoch -s / it -
involved in an slow _: My computer's really slow. / quite a -
-t ,,, ,uite badly.rhe past tense and
rea-ty - asleep_:He's sofo
in bed osleep./fell - onthe job / a - process / a bit - /very - / ertremely -
Pacrs 92-93 - / stayed - all night / she wasfast - / he's sound - _:5milefor the camero! / he -d at me /
pasi participle ishurt,fetl and hurt my arm / l've smile
my back / - mY shoulder quite badlY / I was half - (very tired). The opposite is awake: I she mokes me -.Smile is a lso a noun: she gave me
l'm going outside to get someJresh -, was wide awake
'll :lfeel ilt./ really - / slightly - / seriously a friendly smile / had a big - on his Jace
tne rota - outside / the damp - / the clear
iirl away _: He's gone awoy on holidoy. / she s -
mountain - / threw the boll into the - / work in
Jiangerously - in hospitol / mentally - / you
look - / become - tost week / it makes me - / fell at the moment / - in China / - from school / hove
the oPen - (outside) / - Pollution
-: two weeks - in the summer
arm I lJell and broke my arm' / my left -
/ - suddenlY
- infection :l havea chestinfection / suffering concentrate : I'm tired - I can't concentrate. Moke can mean different things. Look at the
*y ,,Et - t hurt my - / burnt my - / put his o throat - / o nasty - / / trying to - / - on my work / - on reading the examples below.Translate them. How many
aiouid me / took her in my -s / grabbed me by the Jrom a chest - t an ear - /
- o serious - / don't want to get an ' / poss on the - report / it was difflcult to - / too tired to - different verbs in your language do you use?
- / corried the books under my - / walking - in / the doctor's treating her for an - depression ....,...,....,....-: He's suffering from depression.
back My back\ a bit stiff today / my - hur.ts /the
lJett and hurt my leg / my right - / my /severe- / slight - / mild - / periodsof- Produce/construct:
/ fiach* / hurt my - tiJting those boxes / broke leg
l{ -s are o bit strff / the dog's back -s / its symptoms of - / dffirent treatments for - what do they make in thot Jactory? / she mokes
- in the accident / a - iniury / sufferingfrom - economist
my -s / brcke my - : She's an economist. / o leodinq - her own clothes / they're making a film obout his
-: / have -ache Jiont -s t sat down and crossed
lie -: Go and lie down if you Jeel ill / - on the / a government - / a report byAmericon -s life / I mode a toyot school / it's mode of plastic /
coreful you don't burn yourself
buin Be
Ga t tying o, the sofo / - flat on your back / lying excited _: l'm reolly excited about the trip. / it wos mode in Korea
rookrr.rh" past tense and past participle
asteep in bed / lying awake at night The past
tense geHing - about going on holidoy / feel quite - t
isbwnl.: burnt my arm / burnt my hand / burnt lay seem - / look - / - ot the idea oJ going to lndia cook:
is lay and the Past participle islain:went ond
-, bodty.Butn is also a noun' a burn on my
it quite
down on the bed / he's tain in bed Jor two doys fall _: I wanted to fall osleep. / - in love / ': I've mode dinner / I'm going to moke o cake fot
hond / a bod - / in hospital with serious -s andthepastparticiple him/letmemakeyouasandwich
cancel .'..........,,......_: I think we should cancel the
rest I think you should 9o home and rest' -il/.Thepasttenseisfell I
t s, wn and - 1or a whtle / need to - my back' is fallen: we met and fell in love / everyone fell
*"eing.- the ,oncert / had to - our holiday /

Rest is also a noun: sit down and have o rest

/ a silent / they follen asleep
i do an action:
cancel my doctor's dppointment / phone up to - healthcare ...........''.'......._tThe government spends millions
: lf your back hurts, you shouldn't corry -: - / go home and get some - I I'm sotry,l made o mistake / con I moke o phone
carty Jive-minute
your time - there\ no rush / in a of pounds on healthcore. / they have no occess to - i call? / they were moking a lot of noise
iny*ing. t - yorr bags for you / - the shopping ,rih
to the airport / it wos a bit of a - / there
-{et / affordable - /- seNices / the - budget
inio the kitchen / - the drinks to the table / -ing o you don't hit that cyclist.rhe
wasi - to get tickets / travel home during the - hit Be careful force;
baby in her arms / too heovyfor me to - i past tense a nd past pa rticiple is hit: the car - a my potents mode me study science, but I don't like it
Rush ls also a verb: tushing to finish the iob
chest" :Doyouevergetpainsinyourchest? tree a lorry / - another car
/ nearly - heod-on / the teocher mode us stay in the closs in the break
t o7 ;nf"dnn t - poins / have a bod - / a tall man -ed home / sPent the daY -ing around
to be - / -:
interview _: They interviewed the President
withobrood-/ahoirY- sick feet sick. / think t'm going
*ffi4ra - / made me - /felt physically - / on last night. / -ed her about her latest Jilm / - cause feelings: i

cough to the doctor if you have a cough

some people for the job. lnterview is also a noun: do on it mokes me angry / it madg me happy to win /
was violently -.Sick is also a noun:there was
t-a GiJirotty - / l've got a - / take something - interview with Roger Federer / get an - with the she mokes me laugh / theflm mode me cry
sick on the corPet / cleon uP the
for your - / take some - mixture / - sweets / gave Prime Minister / hove an - for o job / o job -
slift My back's o bit stiff today / my leqs
a polite - t ,rry hove gone - / hove o - neck / journey .................'.._: lt's a two-hour journey. / a long - earn money:
day off You should toke the day olf if you're 7"i - trng"rs
/ a short - / my-towork /the - home / goon a he makeszo,ooooyeor / thecompany mokes
t nave a few days off / do it on my - /
'itt. - with cold
t nove o - long - / made the - many times / set out on my - big profits / they made $j million in sales lost yeor
-: My stomach hurts / a pain in
I he com7anY gave me the ' stomach
/abus-/otroin- !
foot on a piece glass / my .y - t nove oJutt - / an empty - / in bed with an
foot -: / c ut my oJ
upset - / o -ache / - Pains / a - bug
leJt - , nn, -. The plural isteel: he's got big
- -: -
/ EXERCISES Complete the sentences with the nouns in the
stressed lJeel quite stressed at the moment heavy There was heavy snow last night.
box. Look up the verbs if you need help.
/ Iook- / sound - / very - / really - / a bit -
--: / - rain / the tralJic was quite - / a - smoker / a -
completely - out drinker.Ihe opposite is lil..htt some light rain / only
a light drinker
t level smoker salary bug I

successful '
We had a very successful
Complete the sentences with the correct 1 m'ssion test

reader public
meeting. / aJternoon / extremely - / quite' /' international : I workfor an international
preposition. .__-.-_l
in his job application / he's very - at what he does company. / an - newspaper / - trade / an -flight /
1 He hurt his neck ..... a car accident. 1 The water has increased.
surprising ....,.........-t lt's surprising that no one has an - competition
He went to Canada on o secret
2 I cut myself on a piece..... glass. 2 l'm an avid of theTimes newspaper.
complained. / it seems - / lfind that very - / some mission
3 She's very ill ..... hospital. 3 The library is open to the
mission. / a dangerous - / aJact-finding - / a
- facts 4 I need to rest ,.... a while. 4 The United Nations has sent soldiers on
test : We do a test at the end oJ each term' / peacekeeping / finally completed our' - a

His photo wa5 on th?.lronl page oJ

5 I had an argument my sister.
..... peacekeeping......
a maths - / an English - / take my driving - / pass page -t 6 He suffers ..... depression. 5 He has that cough because he's a heavy
the - / fail the - / do well in the - / a difJicult - / the newspaper.The back - / the sports -s / the
7 5he smiled..... me.
quite an easy - financial -s / read the front - / turn to
8 We expect the results atthe end.....the week. 6 I failed my driving for the
the-:sports -s
second time.
Prcrs 96-97 public : The museum is apen to the public'
Choose the correct preposition, 7 Her annual is over f5o,ooo.
/ information that is available to the - / members
1 He's a soldier at / in the army. 8 l'm not feeling well. l've got a stomach
appear A man appeared at the front door' of the - / the general - / a - library / o - park / a
--.-..........._: 2 I can join you in a quarter to / ofan hout.
/ the article lrst - in the Times / two men -ed in - meeting 3 Did you read the article on / bythefrontpage?
court yesterday quarter -...-...............".-: The newspaper has a quorter oJ
4 She works obout / for a ma(keting company. C Match the two halves of the collocations.
arrest ......................_: The police arrested him for murder' a million readers. / a - of an hour / a - oJthe
/ 5 Two criminal haveescapedfor /from prison. l- a doctor's a) hour
Arrest is also a nouft he's under arrest / police hove students at the school / spent a - of the money
6 There's someone on / otthe door. 2 rush b) out
made several -s / information that led to the - three -s of an hour / three - of the children
we're trying to raise money for charity'
7 l'm really busy at / in the moment. 3 ajob c) appointment
bridge They're building a new bridge over raise .............''......._:
sold the cor to - some cssh
/ 8 I feel quite negalive on / about my job. 4 Smile for d) page
the river. / a road - / we crossed the - / went over /- over 52A,AA0
5 stressed e) public
the - / go under the old tailwaY - reader ..-.............-..".._: The newspaper has millions oJ
readers. / -s oJ the Sunday Times / he's an avid
6 the sports f) the cameral
come out
-: : The magazine comes out once Wono Burr-ornrc 7 the general g) interview
a month. / a newspaper that comes out every day - (he reads alot) / afast - / a slow - / -s of
The past tense is came and the past participle is detective novels
to rise- / the water We use the word make in different ways,
Prices are cantinuing
comet the book came out last week / a new report rise
Complete the sentences below with your PHRAsar VERBs
has just come out level is still rising / - slightly / - sharpry The past
own ideas.
court Two men appeared in court yesterday tense is rose and the past participle is risen:
1 China makes a lot of ..... Choose the co[ect word to complete the
/ a criminal - / a civil - / the Eurapean - / unemployment rose again last month / inflotion
-: 2 A person with a good salary makes about ..... phrasal verb.
threatened to take him to - / willing to 9o to - ha5 tisen to 5%. Rise is also a noun:, rlse l/l
3 lforgot to make ..... 1 l'm verytired, l'm goingto lie dov/n / overfo(
over this lhe waler level r a in inflalion '
He's a sailor in the British navy' / a
4 My boss made me..... a while.
escape ......................-:
They escoped from prison. / sailor ..................._:
5 People who..... make me angry. 2 When areyou goingto clear on / upthis mess?
someane helped them - / - ovet the border / good - / an exPerienced - / a keen' 6 Areyou hungry? l've just made some..... 3 Do you warm out / up before you exercise?
people tryinq to - the war trying to - the flood save ......"............".-:
Thank you - you saved my llJel / we
4 The Times ne\ /spaper comes away / out every day.
waters.Escape is also a noun, they madetheir tried to - him / 'd her from drowning / - the
5 The traffic department is pultingdown / up new
escape through a window / no possibility of - / rainforest / - the planet / - these animalsfrom
Corr.ocarrorus road signs.
looking for a means of - extinction
6 Here's a seat. Would you like to sit in / down?
figure There was a large stone figure oJ a statue ...................-.._: There's a statue of Nelson Mandela
..................""..-: Complete the sentences with the correct form 7 What time did you sel up / out on your.journey?
mon. / wooden -s / a large plastic - / several -s in in the main square. / a plastic - of Ronald
of the verbs in the box, Look up the verbs ifyou
lhe background of Ihe Painting McDonald / a large stone - / they want to put up a
need help.
llood Heavy rain hos caused floods. / severe - of him / unveil a new -
Throw the ball up into the air / - it
-s / winter -s / -s have hit the area / the - is throw
beginntng to subside / the - waters / a - worning to me / - stones. The past tense is threw and the
-]lr"t"r ryalk take l:o9! fall fall shake
/ - damage.Flood is also a verb, the town flooded past particlple is thrown: threuv the statue into the
-, sea /-:l've thrown my clothes into the cupboard
1 He was arm in arm with his wife.
last year / the river is likely to - / watet -ed 2 He introduced me and we ................ .......... hands.
through the streets 3 His wife ........................... ill last night.
4 lt's OK. You can your time.
5 I think l'm in love.
6 He ........................... to take the company to court.
7 l'm ........................... forward to the weekend.

lt might possibly snow loter. / we crowded .'...................._:The shops ore usually crowded on - / a recurring - (oneyou have quite
possibly _: a horrible
might - be late / thereare going to be 50 people Saturdays. / often gets quite - here / extremely - / oflen) / the journey home wos a - (really bad)
a - shopping centre / - beoches
there, - more noisy _: The cofd is usually crowded and noisy.
reach ............,...'....._, The temperoture might reach deeply _: I opened the window and breothed / d - bar / - children / - neighbours / - mochines /
42 degrees. / stop counting when you - 100 / deeply. / breothe in - / sigh - - streets / it's too - in here.fhe opposite is quiet: a
unemployment -ed two million / hove o party entertainment _:The stoff provide quiet restourant / quiet streets
enteftainmentfor children. / free - in the evenings
when I - 40 peaceful _:The village is quiet and peocefut.
spfing lt's oJten quite warm here in the / differentforms of - / Jamily - / not much - in the / it's very - here./ o - hotel / a - life / looks so -
spring. / - is early this yeor / last - / next - / a cold
countryside / good at moking our own - when he's osleep
environment ...................._t Mosl young people care /
- / o wet - / the - term / - sunshine pig _:Thefarm has over 200 pigs. / keep -s
obout the envircnment. / it's good for the - / bad breed -s / a field of -s / o - farmer / o -farm
storm -: There was a big storm last night.
/ the - broke early in the morning / there's a - for the - / protect the - / damage the - / the polluted _: The city is quiLe polluLed. / the
brewing (goingto staft soon) / severe -s / o violent notural - river's very - / the air\ very - here / the sea is
- / a thunder- / a snow- / - clouds
-: etcape _: They escaped from prison. / - from getting more ond mote -
summer lt's usuolly very hot here in the the police / - by climbing out of o window / trying rest _: I can do the rest oJ my homework later.

summer. / a long hot - / a dry - / a wet - / last - / to -from the cows / - abroad / - to Britain / eatthe - ofthefood / reod the - ofthe book /
nert - / the - term - holidoys / - clothes farmer My dod's a former / a sheep -/o spend the - of the doy watching TV / spent the -
/t was o lovely sunny day. / hope it pig - / a dany - / an orgonic -
sunny _:-: of his life alone
stoys - / going to become - later / warm and -.
field _: There were some cows in the fietd. ride _: ld like to ride a camel. / - a horse / - a
The opposlte is cloudy: a cloudy daY / working
-: in the -s / walk through the - / o - of bike / - on an elephant.Ihe past tense is rode and
cows / o - ofsheep / a - oJcorn the past participl e is ridden: l've never ridden a
Pacrs 100-101 windy Tomorrow is going to be cold and
grass ......................_: We sat on the qross. / not ollowed
windy. / wet ond - / a - doy / going to become - horse / I rode o horse once
to walk on the - / keep off the - / walk through
autumn-: lt's often cold here in the dutumn. later / too - to sit outside scared _: -
l'm scored of dogs. / - of cows /
the long - / cut the - / mow the - / the smeil of of spiders / feel really - / starting to get a bit - /
/ Iast - / next - / a cold - / a wet - / the - term winter -: lt's usually very cold here in the
/ - rain winter. / a cold - / o wet - / lost - / next - / - freshly cut - / o Jew blades oJ - there's no need to be - / don't be -
away _: We ofien go awoy at the weekend. / clothes / a - coat / - weother / the - Olympics hope _: 'Ca n you still get tickets?"Not a -!' / scenery ...................'.._: There's some beautiful stenery in
there isn't o - of getting there on time / we don't the mountains. / lovely - / enjoy the - / stop to
go - for a Jew doys / go - to Fronce / they re - ot -: have a - oJwinning.Hopeis also a verb: t hope we
the moment / - on holiday Prces 102-103 admire the - / drive through some wonde(ul -
can win
cloudy lt s a bit cloudy. / looks a bit - / stay soil _: The soil's very good here. / grow Well
lot of people work in horrible _:Whot's that horrible smell? / this in this - / good rich - / deep - / fertile - / poor -
- for most of the doy / become - loter / a - day. agriculture
ogriculture./ modern - / intensive - / organic -. soup's - / it tostes - / it looks - / a reolly - thing to / dig the -
The opposite is sunny: a lovely sunny doy
say / a - experience / why ore you so - to me?
definitely-: lt's definitely my favourite The adjective is agricultural: ag riculturol crops
horse ..................._, l've never ridden a horse. / o big - / a
traffic lights _:We stopped at the - / turn left
restaurant! / it's - going to rain / that's - not true / block _: -:A i /ive in a block offlats. / an at the - / the - were on green / the - turned red
Are you coming to the pafty?"Definitely!' oportment - / on olJice - / a tower - (a very high black - / o chestnut - (brown) / get on o - /Joll off varied ...................._: The sceneryr is vety varied. / eat o -
lt's going to be dry tomorrow. / hope it
o - / -s trot / -s gallop diet / the menu's quite - / o - ptogramme of events
dry _: -: block)
stays - / a - day / a - summer / o - climqrc.fhe breathe _: I opened the window and breathed They live in o huge house. / - eyes / o wall ...................._: t here's q wall around the garden. /
opposite is wete a wet day deeply. / I can't - / the air we -/ have difJiculty - onimal / a - building / a - ship / a - problem / a a high - / o low - / o stone - / a brick - / the
flooding : The heavy roin coused some breathing / don't - in the smoke - choice of activities / it was absolutely - -s ofthe house / the kitchen -s / point the -s /
flooding. / there's - in some oreos / severe - / suffer chemical Most farmers put chemicals hunt _: They hunt animals for food. / they build a -
on theit fields. / ogricultural -s / industriol -s / - foxes / tigers are -ed for their skins / some
the efJects of - animals - at night / police are -ing for the two
dangerous -s / toxic -s Pacrs 104-105
forecast _: What does the weather forecast
men. Hunl is also a noun: a fox hunt / the - for
say for tomorrow? / watch the weother - on TV / choice -: Ih e shop has a huge choice of books.
the - is good / the - is tenible / the - isfor roin / a wide - of things to do / a limited - offood / the killers bank card _:You can poy by bank cord. / my -
impressive ......................_tThe mountoins ore reolly
guess ...'.,,..............._: i guess we can be home by lunch ofer a good - of clothes / be spoilt for - (have a lot details / order o new - / lost my -
impressive. / an - achievement / an - perfurmance /
time. / I - it's OK / I - you're right / I - so / I - not -: to
ofthings choose from) cut down _:They cul down a lot oJtrees.
ice _: There's ice on the roads. / a lot of snow combination o nice combination of / it looks quite - / it sounds - - the old apple trees / decided to cut it down.Ihe
/ o good - ofJlovours / a perfect - / the invention .....'.,..'..'.,'....._:TV was o greot invention- / a past tense and past participle is cutdowtthey've
and - / slide on the - / block - / go skoting on the colours.
- brilliant - / o very clever - / his latest - / come up
-/-skating/on-rink right - / a strange - / an unusual cut down all the old trees
with a new -
knock down want to knock down the cottage -:Thot'slive in d small cottage. /
_:They cultural ...............'..,'_: We're proud oJ our cultural
old school. / decided to knock it down / plans to * a lovely- / a tiny - / buy o - in the country / a limited _:There is only a limited number of traditions. / - dffirences / the event has greot -
country-/oholidoy- tickets. /a- choice of colours / only ovoiloble for a importonce
the old cinema
open-air _: -:They
We usuolly go to the open-oir covered .......'...................-: My shoes were covered in mud. / - period / have a - understonding ofthe issue damage _: A fire domaged the buitding

swimming pool. / an - theatre / an perfurmance ' - in blood / - in chocolate / - in bruises / - in dust natural _: Everything is mode from natural quite badly. / - the car / be coreful you don't - it
/ eat out in the - cow_: The Jarm has over 60 cows. / keep -s / ingredients. / - materials / it's all completely - / smoking can - your heolth / - the environment.
Let\ meet ot the swimming pool. / o / a field of -s / dairy -s / beef -s / die of - couses / it's - tofeel upset / it's onty - Damage is also a noun: cause a lot of damoge to
pool _: breed -s
paddling - / a diving - / o deep - / o shallow - / on crop Rice is the moin crop here. /food -s / to worry buildings / couse - to the environment
indoor - / on open-air - / o heated - / jump into / vegetable -s / time to plant
cereal -s / fruit -s nightmare _: I still have nightmores about the
the - / dive into the - the -s / harvest the -s / a good - oJ carrots occident. / woke upfrom a - / sufferJrom -s /
debate _,There has been o lot of debate racing ......................_: Horse racing is o popular spott./
about whetherfox hunting is acceptable. comel - / motor - / o - driver / wotch the - Complete the sentences with the nouns in tlre
/ considerable - about whether they should publish valuable ...."..............._: Some metols are very voluable. box. Look up the nouns ifyou need help.
the book / calling for o national - on immigration / becoming more - / o - painting / some -
/ the issue is still under -.Debate is also a verb, i nfor m ati o n (very usefu l)
Complete the sentences with the correct
block hea lth grass .ott"g.
members oJ parliament ore still debating the issue wild _: Where do comels live in the wild? / preposiUon. I storm growth hol idays
desert ..'................._: The whole orea is now o desert. see elephants in the - / they grow in the -.wild is
1 lt's very hot here......the summer. L l think there's a
/ cross the foot / drive across the - / spend
- on also an adjective: wild animals / - dogs / collecting brewing.
2 She's on holiday ...... the moment.
three nights in the - / survive in - conditions / the -flowers 2 We're going to the beach for the summer
3 The forecast is...... snow.
Sahora Desert
4 I think we can be home ...... lunchtime.
dye _: The clothes are coloured with notural
5 She works ...... advertising.
3 I work in a big office
dyes. / they use chemicol -s / vegetable -s / o red 4 ldlike to tiu"'in . .orntry.................-........
6 That shop has a good choice...... winter clothes.
-/ablue- Keep can mean different things. Look at the 5 Please keep offthe
7 llive......aflat. 6 Alcohol can damageyour
economic .....'...............-: A lot of people leave their country examples below. Translate them. How many
8 We drove past a field ...... cows. 7
for economic reasons. / the - importonce of different verbs in your language do you use? Last year we had 3% economic
ag riculture / the government's - policy / - growth
Choose the correct preposition.
/ the countryt's - problems continue as the rame: Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the
1 There's a lotfrom / ofprotein in fish. box Look up the adjectives ifyou need help.
grow _: They grow potdtoes and other I keep by going running every doy / I con't keep
ft 2 Nelson Mandela is one about / of my heroes.
vegetables. / - opples / - crops / tomatoes - well owoke / keep colm / keep it cold by putting it in
3 I travelled around portugal from/ on foot.
here / the trees - up to 15 metres.fhe past tense the fridge / keep worm / keep dry / keep backfrom
4 Who isyour member of / in parliament?
natural limited heavy varied
is grew and the past participle is grown: he grew the fre / keep lefi at the trolJic lights
5 You didn't stop on / otthetraffic lights.
nationa I cul]urar ylrl
20cm in oneyear / he's grown since I lost saw him
6 Bread is made by / from flour.
hero ...................._: Who is your country's notional hero? / store:
7 Crapes grow well with / in this soil.
1 There was some ........................... rain in the night.
my sporting -s / one ofthe greatestfootbolling -s keep your passport in a sofe place / I keep my cor 2 That's a lovely collection of ........................... flowers.
8 I'mscaredfrom / of snakes.
/awar-/hedieda- in the garoge / you need to keep it in the ftidge 3 The country is having a ........................... debate
historical _:The battle was on importont / keep it in o cool dry ploce / where doyou keep about crime.
historicol event. / o - monument / - facts / - your plotes? 4 There aren't many........................... differences
Wono Burr.ouuo
documents / look ot the - evidence / o place of between Americans and Canadians.
great - interest repeat doing: 5 Hel healthy because he eats a ........................... diet.
We use the word keep in different ways, Complete
importance _:A lot oJ people don't I keepforyetting to do it / he keeps phoning me / 6 She died of ........................... causes at the age of 92.
the sentences below with your own ideas.
understond the importonce of exercise. / recognise she keeps osking about it / I hope my teom keep
1 60 past the post office on your left and then
7 That shop has only a choice of
the - of good training / ottach great - toJamily winning brands.
life / exploin the historical - of the ceremony
2 I keep my keys..... Match the two halves ofthe collocations.
intelligent _: Pigs are very intelligent don't give back:
3 I keep a record of.....
animals. / a very - child / an - student / highly - / you can keep it, ifyou like / keep the chonge
4 You can keep..... I don't need it.
1 the weather a) hero
extremely - / an - question (money) / keep the ticket in cose they ask to see 2 an indoor b) machine
5 You can trust her. She always keeps
nearby ......................_: There are some shops nearby. / is it agoin ..... 3 a block of c) forecast
6 I keep forgetting to ..... 4 awar
there a restourant -? / doyou live -/ Nearby is also d) flats
an adjective: we had lunch in a nearby caJd do as promised: 5 a washing e) racing
pet _r Do you have ony pets? dogs make very he keeps his prcmises / she didn't keep het 6 motor f) information
Cor.r.ocarrorus 7 valuable
good -s / have o lot of -s / keep it os o - / a - cot oppointment g) pool
/ a - rabbit
Complete the sentences wtth the correct form
produce ......................_: The new factory produces woshing write:
ofthe verbs in the box. Look up the verbs if
machines. / - ten cors on hour / they - some keep o record of what you spent / I keep o diory
you need help.
excellent wines / - dyes from vegetobles
protected _. Tigers ore now protected by law.
breathe ride protect cause
/ the trees are - / - animals / a - species.fheverb
is prclect new laws to protect the environment / lave sound
trying to protect his children
1 Can you open a window? I can't ...........................
protein _: Fish is high in protein. / contains a
in here.
lot of - / eat plenty of - / onimal - / vegetoble - 2 I need to........................... the grass. lt,s getting
very long.
3 I don't ........................... a hope of finishing
rly today.
4 He told me his idea. tt ........................... impressive.
5 l'm teaching my daughter to ........................... a bike.
6 The wind can ........................... a lot of damage.
7 ln some countries, sharks are ........................... by law,

hide _: / wanted to go and hide in my room. / competition _: lwon a music competition. / power _: The Democrotic party is in power ot
hiding behind the sofa under the table / - from
/- o singing -/ a international sports - / take port in the moment. / come to - in 2008 / returned to - in
the police / - the money under o tree / - it away the - / enter the - / won first prize in the - 2010 / lost - otthe generol election / politicol - /
ot the bock of a cupboard.rhe past tense is hid completely _: His second book is completely have a lot oJ economic -
and the past participle is hidden: I hid behind the dffirent. / -
/ she\ - better now / not - sure
new powerful
about this / I - forgot obout it / t disagree -
_: lt's one of the most powerful
door / hid the money under his bed / the money countries in the world. / o very - orgonisotion / o -
wos hidden in an old shed disagree :ldisogreewithyou./-completely man / a - leader / o - machine
rh ere's o lot of killing in thefilm. / they seem to - qbout everything / - about where
killing receive _: I received some lovely presents.
/ a cold-blooded - / a series of -s / the person the border is.fhe opposite is atree: / agree with - funding Jrom the government/ - o tetter / - an
responsible for the -s / the person who corried out you / completely agree with you email / - o phone call from o friend
these -s / time to stop the
-: - engaged _:They got engaged last month. / rest _: The starter wos nice, but I didn,t enjoy
musical ...''.,........,...._t We went to see o musical in they're - / she's - to him / decided to get - / they,re the rest oJ the meal. / didn't see the - of the
film /
London. / a populor - / a very successful - / o - to be married will miss the - of the competition / spent the - of
Broadway - / love -s / don't like -s expect _: I expect the meeting wiil finish the doy in bed / don't wont the -
we went to see o play at the theatre. around four otlock. / -ing good weotherfor the
weekend / -ing him to arrive tomorrow ofiernoon
result _: whot was the resutt in the Liverpool_
/ a new - / o very good' / o brilliont - / o - by Arsenal match? / don't know the Jinal - yet / the
Shakespeare / a - about JomilY liJe / the election is -ed to be very close election -s / the competition -s
predictable The ending was so predictable! final _: Ih is is thertnal book in the series. / my solve _: They're doing everything they con to
/ found it very - / seems a bit - / ertremely - - exom / the - doy of our holiday / whot wos the - solve the problem. / - your finonciat problems /
role Who pllys the role oJ Danny in the score? / the - result ofthe election - the dispute / - the mystery / - the crime
Prcrs 106-107 film? / plays his - very well / the leoding - / the
-: funding _: Universities get most oJ their star ......................_: He's our stor ployer. / the - performer
storring - / the title - / she\ very good in thot - fundingfrom the government. / receive - from the / the - ofthe show / o sports - / oJilm - / oTV - /
/ 'was -: lt's a reolly scaryfilm. / found it very - government / - from private componies / provide - -
acting _: The acting wos really good. scar!
(give it) / government - af the arts
a Hollywood
excellent /- was awful / never done any - / a / it's quite - in parts / a bit - / a - experience / go talks They are holding peace tolks in Ceneva.
general election ...............-: There will be o generol
coreer in - on the - rides at the theme park / secret - / toplevel - / walk out of the - / - about
band : They olwoYs hove a live bond on taste
-: : We share the same toste in music. election nert yeat / call a - / vote in the - / win thefuture ofthe country / - between the two sides /
Saturday nights. / listen to the - / the - was reolly / dont share his - in films / have o real - for the - / lose the - / stondfor porlioment in the - -:
holding - with American leoders
good / the - was awful / a rock - / a blues - / a adventure / develop a -Jortravelling injure _: He injured his knee during truining. training _: We do two hours of training euuy
jozz - / he's in o - / ploy in o - terrible lt'soteniblefllm! / really- / a -
: / -d her bock / -d himself / was badly -d / isn,t doy. / football - / fitness - / m ilitary - / six weeks
blood : / don't like seeing a lot of blood in diseose / a - accident / o - mistoke / a - driver / seriously -d of basic - / get on-the-job - / proctise this in - /
fllms. / there was - all over the ploce / a few drops thefood was - / l'm - ot maths leader _: He\ the leader of the Democrotic injured himself in -
of - / lying in a pool of - / covered in - / give - / q unusual lt's quite on unusualfllm. / the Party. / the party - / our team - / a mititary - / vote _: Who ore you going to votefor in the
food's quite - / did you notice anything -? / it\
religious -s from several countries general election? / -forObama / - conservative / -
- donor / your - group
brilliant ---: lt\ a brilliantfilm! / it was very - for her to be lote / - to have snow in Morch look after _: I look after the children while infavour ofthe ideo / - against the new law / - to
she's out ot work. / - o pet / - your things / - your
absolutely - / a - performance / a - pafty / q - violent -: : I don't like violent rth; / some very roise the oge limit / voting will take place next week
game / brilliont! - scenes / a - ottack / on increase in - crime / a - health / - yoursef / - the environment
concert I'm going to o concert on Saturday. / a orgument / hove o - temper / a very - man model_: He's on actor and a model. / wants PAcEs 110-111
----: to be afoshion - / work os o - / o top - / a mole -_
pop -/ - / o classical - / an open-oi - / they're
o rock
giving o - in Manchester / saw him in - in Leeds Prcrs 108-109 Model is also a verb: she modelsfor a topfoshion allyear round .........-: ll's warm and sunny allyear
lJind the news on TV very magazine round. / there are tourists - /it's open -
depressing. / o -film /o- book / it's all very - / actor :He'son actor./ ofamous - / a good - neighbour _t We get on well with our barbecue _: We had o barbecue in the garden.
very - weother / o greot - / a brilliont - / ofilm - / o Hollywood - neighbours. /
veryfriendly -s / noisy -s / our nert- / a - on the beach / invite them round for a - /
end doesthefllm end? / know how it's / want to become an -. A woman who does this is door -s / the country receives money from its -s chicken with - sauce / cook some meat on the -.
going to - / it -s with them getting manied / it oll -s an acfiess: a Jamous actress / a Hollywood actress optimistic _: We are optimistic that we can win Barbecue is also a verb: we can barbecue thefish
happily / their marrioge -ed ofiertwoyeors.Endis border : Ihey live neor the border between the motch. / feel quite - / remoin - / - about the complaint _: I made a complaint about the
also a noun: the end ofthefilm / the - of his coreer Fronce ond Cermony. / the - with Bolivio / cross future / on - altitude.The opposite is pessimistic: food. / on offcial - / I hove o - / we get a tot of -s
ending Does the Jilm have a happy ending? the - into Mexico / go across the - into Conado / l'm quite pessimistic about the future / heard a lot of -s obout the health service
/ has a sad - / a dromatic - / the perfect - to the escope over the -/a- crossing pea(e _: Both countries now say that they construction I work in the construction
holiday captain who is the team captain? / the - wont peace. / the countries orc now of - / - industry. / work in - / o job in - / the - of o new

entertaining lt's a very entertaining fllm. / ofthefootboll teom between the two countries / theyfinaily made - hospital / begin - of the new hotel
an - speech / found it very - / highly - / extremely chemical facto ry p rod uces da n g e ro u s
Th e ofier ten years of war / a - ogreement / - t7tks / dangerous _ t tt\ dongqrous to go out alone ot
-/ tried to moke it - chemicals, -: / toxic -s / agricultural -s / industrial -s world -.fhe opposite iswar:the Second World War nights. / swimming is - here / o - sport / 0 - dog /
famous I d love to be rich and fomous. / a
-: - / o - factory Do you think there is life on other - chemicals / it\ extremely -.fhe opposite is safe:
film star / a -footballer / become - / made him - / close -: : fh ey plon to close thefactoty nert plonets? / the -s in our solar system / a distant - / it's quite sofe to wolk around here
yeor / the old shop ond open o new one / - my
- creatu res from o nother - /t\ usuolly dark when I get home. / a
- as an actor and singer / o woild- - musicion dark _:
get on -: : / get on well with my brother / don't bank account / the airport -d because oJthe snow player -: He's the best ptayer in the teom. / - night / completely - / starting to get - / o very
- with my mum / we don't - very well / try to - / the museum -s at 5.30 our star - / o great - / a brilliant - / o footbalt - / - room.fhe opposite is light: li was still light at
with each other o rugby - / a tennis - / o professionol - eight o'clock
economy ......................_t Britoin's economy is quite weok rob _: They tried to rob a bonk. / lwos robbed EXERCISES Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the
0t the moment. / a strong - / the Cerman - / the on my way home / - a house / - the museum / box. Look up the adjec,tives ifyou need help.
US * / policies to help the - / improve the - / boost robbed him of his money Pnrposrrrorus
the - / this might domage the - send _r I'll send you a presentfor your
nappy fash lon
efficient _:The system is very $rtcient. / an - birthday. / - o cord / - a letter / - an emoil / - A Complete the sentences with the correct solar famous
heolth service / o very - way of working / an - use money home.Ihe past tense and past participle preposition.
of lond / an energy-- light bulb / she's very - is sent he sent me some money / I've sent o letter L She wants a career ...... acting. 1 My holiday was absolutely........ !
facilities The school has very good facilities. to my parents 2 Did you watch the news ...... TV? 2 The story didn't have a ........ ending.
/a hotel with excellent - / modern - / poor - / steal _: They tried to steal my money. / - 3 He's hiding...... the police. 3 These are the houses ofthe rich and ...... .
sports - / leisure - / cooking - / improve the - moneyfrom me / - my bike / - f200 in cosh. 4 We saw a p|ay...... Shakespeare. 4 Kate Winslet had the........ role in the movie
fantastic _: lt's a fantastic film! / a - holidoy / The past tense is stole and the past participle is 5 We have the same taste ...... clothes. 5 l'm writing my....... exam tomorrow.
a - meal / -facilities /thanks-that's - /you look slolen: someone stole my bank card / someone's 6 Are you sure ...... this? 6 He's a photographer for a ..,..... magazine.
- / it tastes - / it sounds - stolen my car 7 I don't agree ,..... you. 7 One of my classmates is my........ neighbour
foreigner _: A lot of my Jriends are foreigners. take advantage ....-: You should toke advantage 8 We get funding...... the government. 8 Mars is a planet in our...... system.
/ looks like o - / sounds like a - ofthis opportunity. / - oJ the good weother to hove
healthcare fhe government has promised o barbecue / - of all the hotel'sfacilities B Choose the correct preposition. Match the two halves of the collocations.
to spend more money on heolthcore. / the - is very technology ............,.,.....-: The system uses new computer 1 We crossed lhe bordet by / into Malaysia. 1 quality of a) round
good / receive good - / - services / the - system technology. / modern - / jobs in computers dnd - 2 This is an ateawith /ln high unemployment. 2 health b) donor
ice hockey _t I love watching ice hockey. / ploy - / we have the - to repair them / olwoys ttying to 3 The thieves stole fsoo in / from cash. 3 all year c) band
/ 0n - game / an - motch / an - ployer / an - teom improve the - 4 What doyou wantobout /foryour birthday? 4 on-the-job d) insurance
insurance ................,...,-i You need cor insurance b{ore unemployment _:There's a lot of 5 Come and have dinner at / with me. 5 a film e) life
you can drive. / home - / health - / have adequate unemployment in the town. / an areo with high - / 6 I complained about / on the food. 6 world f) training
- / get che?p car - / buy private health - / t0ke out low - / this will creote mote - / they now face - 7 5he's the star to /ojfthe show. 7 ablood g) peace
- agoinstflooding / - hos gone up / - hasfollen / trying to reduce - 8 I didn't watch the rcstfor / of the game. 8 a h) star
invite _: He invited me to his house. / -d me to / get - benefit.Ihe opposite is employment:
a parly / -d
me to hlve dinner with them / - them trying to get employment os a teacher
in for o cup of coffee / - them over for o Jew drinks violence _:There's a lot of violence in this Wono Bulr.o[uc PxnasaL Vrngs
keep themselves to themselves _:
They like area. / a ftlm with a lot oJ -/ uses - to get what he
to keep themselves to themselves. / I keep myself to wonts / physicol - / an oct of- / on outbreokoJ- We use the word work in different ways. Complete Choose the correct word to complete the
myself / he keeps himself to himself in the city / threats of - / a victim of - the sentences below with your own ideas. phrasal verb,
kind Thankyou you're very kind. / that\ wages ..................._i Wages ore higher in this country. / 1 5he makes a lot of money. She works.... 1 The price of bread has gone up / on again.
very - of you / it wos - oJyou to invite me / they've low - / they pay good - / get good - / earn good - 2 Have you tried ....? lt works very well. 2 You should take up / out medical insurance.
been very - to me / a very - mon / my - have gone up / - hove gone down / 3 The .... isn't working. Do you know how to fix it? 3 Don't forget to lock up / on the house.
lock _.1 always lock the door ot night. / - the acutin- 4 I can't join you tonight. I have to work on my.... 4 What time did you go oftet / out on Friday night?
windows / - the house up / forgot to - the cor / weak _: The economy is still quite weok. / 5 They are holding peace talks in / atRome.
-ed myself in my room / keep the shed -ed.Lockis the euro is - ogoinst the dollar / a - leoder / - 6 The police know who carried out / over
also a noun: change the lock an the front door muscles / a - flavour / - colfee / have o - heart. Coltocarrors the robbery.
medical Doyou hove medical insuronce? The opposite is strong: a strong economy / the 7 I gel up / on well with my colleagues.
/ have - problems / receive good - corc ,/ needs - dollar is strong Complete the sentences with the correct form
trcotment / works in the - profession of the verbs in the box. Look up the verbs if you
miss _: Do you miss yourfamily when you're need help.
away? / - myJriends / dcn't - onything abaut my
own country / - tolking to my friends / will you Work can mean different things. Look at the ta ke keep spend
- me? examples below Translate them. How many invite take close -aevetol
murder are a lot of murders in the
....................._:There different verbs in your language do you usel ]

city. / -/
a violent commit o - / occused oJ - / 1 My brother...... in a band.
found guilty of - / a - victim. Murder is also a verb: do a job: 2 l'm ...... a taste for strawberries.
someone tried to murder him lwork in on offce / he's not working todoy / 3 l'm going to ...... my bank account.
open _. People here are very reloxed and open- wotk lote 4 Are you ...... part in the competition?
/ seems very - / they're very - with their children / 5 I ...... the day in bed yesterday.
very - about her problems things function: 6 Elections will ...... place in March.
poor _: The focilities are quite poor. / the the TV's not working / does this pen work? / our 7 ...... your friend round for dinner.
heolthcare is - / o - perfurmonce / - soil / the cor is old hut stillwotks rcally well 8 They usually...,.. themselves to themselves.
clothes are - qual ity / have - eyesight / - quolity
of tife be effectiver
quality of life _:
The quality of liJe is very Itried that but it didn't work / some new drugs
good here. / enjoy a good - / a poor - / improve ogoinst concer work well
their -

pet Do you have any pets? / keep -s / own PacEs 116-117 online _: / got itfrom an online bookshop. /
a - / would love a -/ keep a pig as a -/ o - dog / o - games / - marketing / - bonking /you can order -
-cat/a-rabbit address ................,,.._: What's your oddress? / my home / buy - / flnd informotion - / they're available - /
plug -: W needs o new plug. / an electric -
The - / my business - / my postal - / my email - / my go - / spend hours - / do it -
/ a three-pin - / a two-pin - / Jit a new - / chonge website - / notify us of any change of - plug _: Ptug it in and then switch it on. / is the
the - / putthe - in / take the - out / pull the - out check _: How ofien do you check your email? computer plugged in? / check everything is plugged
press -: Press the button to start the machine / - it on'line / - it on my phone / - my diary to see in / - it into the socket
/ - the switch / - the doorbell / - the return key / - iJ I'm free / - the computer is plugged in / - you've receive ............................: Did you receive my email? / - a
down on the pedal / - some money into his hand got the address right letter / - a postcard Jrom o friend / - a parcel /
replace -i My phone's broken - I need to complicated ...........................-:The instructions are quite - a present /- some money /- a prize /- help /- a
replace it. / - the old TV with a new one / - the complicated. / a - story / the situation is quite - / lot of support
batteries / - two tyres on the car / - the manoger looks very - / seems - / sounds - / extremely - / it s search ...................'_: Do a search for'cheap tickets'. / an
-: I need a loplop with a bigger screen. starting to get - online -/
the - results.Search is also a vetbi search
/ see the pictures on the * / read the documents on delete : / deleted the email by mistake. / - Jor'hotels + Modrid' / search online / search the
- / an l8jnch - / o wide-TV / a cinema - / see the the Jile /-the informotion / - my name from the lnternet
film on the big - (at the cinema) list / press the - key stick _: We found some sticks and made a flre.
technology I know quite a lot obout detailed _: The instructions are very detailed. / a walking - / a hockey - / a memory -
machines and technology. / modern - / computer / seems quite - / a - description of him / give a - website .....................-:The school has its own website.
- / interested in / new developments in - / buy o account ofthe meeting /find more - information / / visit our - / go to our - / read it on their - /
new piece oJ - / use new - to improve production
-: / hove - knowledge ofthe subject download itJrom the - / his offtcial - / the -
PAGEs 114-115 try to improve the - diary _: Do you have a diary on your phone? address / launch o new - / a - designer
turn off Come on - turn the TV off now! / / write it in my - / put it in my - / make o note in work _: The old TV doesn't work. / it stopped
battery My camera needs a new battery. / it - the computer / - the light / how do you turn it my - / my - s full all next week / check my - to see -ing / does it still -? / it -s really well / shouting at
uses batteries / rechorgeable batteries / the - goes off?/ turn it off at the mains. The opposite is turn tf I'm free children doesn't - / do you think virol morketing -s?
in here / the - isflat / the - has gone dead / the - o*turn
-tthe TV on document _: Remember to save the document

lasts quite a long time turn on ls it oK if lturn on thew? / - my before you close the program. / read the - / edit Pacrs 118-119
button Press the button to call the lifi. / computer / - the light / turn my comera on / how do the - / open the - / closethe - / create a new - /
press the start - / push the stop - / the on / off - / you turn it on? fhe opposite is turn off:turn olftheTV delete the - by mistake / send the - with on email advantage _: What ore the advantages ofi .-
the alarm - / kept my finger on the - vacuum cleaner-: : I need to buy a new / forget to ottach the - online odvertising? / the -s of living in o big city
cable -: Attdch the cable to the computer. / vacuum cleaner. / a really good - / use the - / clean download .....................-: You can download the software / the new phones have several -s / it has the - of
connect the - to the TV / an electric - / a telephone it with the - from their website. / - music / - movies / - a game being cheaper / the main - / a big - / it brings o
- / underground -s / - itforfree / - it illegally.Download is also a lot of -s.fhe opposite is disadvantage:the main
console-: I've got a new games console.
1 / nouilthey offerfree downloads / illegal -s disadvantage offlying is the cost
play on my games - / buY a games - email _: /'ll send you an emoil about it. / advertise ..,.,','..'..........._: Companies ore always looking
digital I've got a digital camera. / - TV / 5et can mean different things. Look at the write an / get on - / receive an - / repf to his
- for new ways to advertise their products. / - online
recording / it uses - technology
/ - examples below. Translate them. How many - / check my -s / deletethe - / my - address / on / - on TV / a poster advertising shampoo / viral
- radio - o
drop Corry it carefully - don't drop it. / differentverbs in your language doyou use? - message / junk -s. Email is also a verb: I'll email adverli>ing messages / advertising games
dropped my camera and it broke / - my keys in the you tomorrow badly _, Most of the team played badly. / did
-: find out _: I wont to ftnd out where he lives. /
road / his school bag on thefloor / - bread all
- Pnognrmme machlnet: - in my exams / speak German - / it works -.The
over the floor / - bombs on the citY
-: what time shall I set the alorm clockfot? / I set the - her name /- the truth / - what the problem is / opposite iswell:they played well / did very well /
heavy My bog is really heavyl / a suitcase ' video to record thefilm / set the air conditioning don't wont anyone to - about this / - that he isn't it works well
/ a - box / can't lifi it - it\ too - / too - for me to at 20" / set the oven to 780' o student.fhe past tense and past participle is bar _,1 bought a bar oJ chocolate. / a
lift / how - is it? lound out: I found out his redl ndme chocolate - / a candy - / a - ofsoap
keyboard -: I don't like the keyboard on my cstabllrh and flx: instructions ....'...'......-: Always read the instructions brand _' What brand of toothposte do you
laptop. / d computer - / know how to use the - set a date for the next meeting / set the price at before you stort. / follow the - / don't understand use? / o new - / myfavourite - / a popular - / the

/ can use the mouse or the - / type it on the - / 8 / parcnts need to set limitsfor their children / the - / - on how to use the camera / clear - / leoding - / a good way oJ odvertising the -
good - -:skills / a - operotor set standords / set o trend detailed - / the - seem very complicated click _: C/ick on'Help'if you are having
machine .........'.........._ | They use machines to cut the latest _: Hove you seen the latest MP4 players? problems. / - on the link / - on the icon / - here /
stone. - / a powerJul - / a woshing - / a
/ a big becomc solid: / likes to have all the - things / the - technology / double-- on thertb name.Click is also a noutyou
coffee - / a Jax - / use the - / operate the - / start the cement hosn't set / the cake didn't set the -Jashions / his - olbum / the - news can find out with the click of a, button

the - / stop the - / the - isn't working / the -'s link _: /'// send you the link to their website. / creatively ....................-t Co m pa n ier.a dve rti s e th ei r
broken glvr and put: click on the - / Jollow the - to our website / some products very creatively. / very - designed / think -
memory older computers don't have much the teachet sets too much homewo* / he set o useful -s about the problem
memory. / has a lot of - / has 3,072 megabytes of test / set the toble list_: Can you list the members oJ the team? damage _: Viruses can cause a lot of damage

- / buy more - / a - drive / o - stick / can't - all thethings I use itfor / the guide -s to computers. / cause - to the building / - to the
moon The moon's very brighttonight. / a rtor!,rs tlme / place: cheap hotels / the ingredients are -ed on the environment / do a lot of - / serious - / permanent
aJutl - / a new - / a crescent - / the - appeored the frlm\ set in Brozil / the book\ set in the 77th pocket.Lisl is also a noun: a list of names / the - - / repair the -. Damage is also a verb:they con
a cloud / watch the - rise / the -'s centuty / the story\ set in the future of ingredients damage your computer
from behind
shining-: / theJirst man on the -


development _:This is an exciting new participle is misunderstood I soffy, I misu nderstood EXERCISES
development in computer technology. / a new - in you / l've misunderstood what you were soying.
advertising / the latest -s in the situotion / recent The opposite is understand:ye' I understond pneposrrrori Cor.r.ocarrors
politicol -s nowadays _: Nowadoys, o lot of people
disadvantage ......"-: What are the disodvantages use computers. / people live longer - / its a big Complete the sentences with the correct Complete the sentences with the correct form
of online advertising? / the -s of living in the problem - preposition. of the verbs in the box. Look up the verbs if you
country / the new system hos some -s / it has the power ............."...-: Ielevision hos o lot of power 1 I got a text...... my sister. need help.
- of being more expensive / the main - / a big -. nowadays. / the - ofthe lnternet / give more - to 2 My office is full ...... junk.
The opposite is advantage: the main odvantage oJ consumers / hold the real - in the country / believe 3 The product is targeted ...... teenagers. pull take follow I eave
buying online is thot it's quick in people - / a - struggle in government 4 That store has a wide range...... brands. put double-click check make
disease _:Thousands of people sufferfrom product ........................_:The compony mokes a range of 5 I left a message...... his phone.
the disease. / a serious - / a dangerous - / o deadly diflerent products. / good-quality -s / cheap -s / 6 lnfluenza is caused ...... a virus. 1 I ........................... the plug out by mistake.
- / o common - / a rare - / catch the - / get the - expensive -s / high-cost -s / sell their -s online / 7 We ended our meal ...... some dessert. 2 Have you -.......................... your email?
/ hove the - / the - spreods quickly / doctors con buy -s / morket their -s / odvertise their -s 8 I go to work ...... bus. 3 lt's important 1o........................... the instructions.
treot the - / o curefor the - quickly _: We worked quickly. / flnish it - / 4 ........................... to open the document.
easily _: /'m sure you can do it quite easily. drive - / move - / speak - / need to do something Choose the correct preposition 5 She's not here. Can I ........................... a message?
/ get there quite - by bus / fitund it very - / the -/ the fire spread - I I suffer on /from backache. 6 lf you drink and driveyou...........................your life
disease spreods very - risk ......................_: There is a risk thot the disease 2 Click on / to the link. at risk.
effective : lt's a very effective Jorm oJ will spreod. / o - offailure / a - of people 3 Viruses cause damage with / to computers. 7 I ........................... a message on your phone.
advertising. / an - treatmentfor the disease / an - misunderstanding / taking a big - / take 4 What kind in / of phone do you have? 8 l'll .........................., a note in my diary
woy of reducing pollution / highly - / seems very - unnecessary -s / a - to your health / try to reduce 5 They advertise their product with / onTy.
/ lnd it very - the -s / put your life ot - 6 You can download the soflwarcfrom / in our Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the
end _: How does the film end? / when the wor serious -..........................-:This is a vety setious problem. / website. box. Look up the adjectives if you need help.
-ed / the meeting -s otthree / the email -ed with cause - damage / a - mistake / a - illness / 7 I haven't repliedfor/to hisemailyet.
on odvertising message. End is also a nouftthe end - injuries / a - accident / a - crime / an extremely 8 Heknows alotabout/in webdesign. long online good common
of thefilm / ot the - of the email - situation full digital postat
give away _:They're giving away a free bag A lot of people use sites like Facebook. /
with every computer. / - your old clothes / give a sociol networking - / people who visit the - Wono Fealurrs 1 The battery lasts for a ........................... time.
them awoy to a charity shop / sell it or give it oway successfully _t
This type of odvertising 2 I want to buy a ........................... camera.
high-cost _:The company sells mainly high- can work successfully. / -fnished the course Look at the underlined words. Are they verbs There's a
3 moon tonight.
cost products. / - electrical goods / - equipment. / - installed the softwore.fhe opposite is or nouns? 4 I have a new........................... address.
The opposlte is low-cost: /ow-rost products / low- unsuccessfully: ttied unsuccessfully to phone him 1 I sent you a !8Xt............................ 5 Do you do banking?
cost goods target _: The odvertising compaign targets 2 I texted her this morning. 6 I only buy....................._..... -quality products.
join _: You should join a tennis club. / want young people. / -Jamilies / - children / - the mass I How does it end? ........................... 7 There is still no cure for the ........................... cold.
to - o gym / - a political party / - the army / market / the product is -ed at older people 4 lt had a very sad end.........
countries that want ta - the EU / -ed the compony text I ll send you o lext loter. / write o - / 5 The storm did a lot of damage C Match the two halves of the collocations,
ten yeors ago / - hotmail get o -Jrom her / receive o - / o - message.Iext ts 6 The storm damaged the house............................ 1 a candy a) power
junk _: We need to get rid of this old junk. / a also a verb: l'll text you later 7 Did you search for it?.......................... 2 a walking b) chocolate
bit oJ - / a piece of - / some bits oJ - lying around unknown ......................_rTheyfound some unknown 8 I did a search for it.......................... 3 abarof c) virus
/ house isJull of - / get a lot of - emails / a - shop plants dnd onimals. / an - singer / his real name 4 people d) stick
market _: They need to morket the product is - / it remains - / click on .- /inks.The opposite is 5 a computer e) market
well. / dffirent ways oJ -ing products / - it to well-known: a well-known writer Wono Burr.ouvc 6 the mass f) bar
children / spend thousonds of pounds on -ing / l've got a viral illness. / a - infection 7 a power g) struggle
virol -ing / work in -ing / o -ing manoger / a - attack on my computer / - marketing / We use the word set in different ways. Complete
message ........--....---...-._: I sent him an email message. / o - odvertising / a - video / - emails the sentences below with your own ideas.
text - / lefi a - on her phone / can I take o -? / did virus ...-.-........'.....-: The common cold is caused by o virus. 1 I bought a new phone. Do you know how to set ....
you get my -? / give him a - for me / an important / theJlu - / a nasty - / a deadly - / catch a - / 2 I made ....., but it didn't set very well.
- / an urgent - / a - obouttanight / a -from your o computer - / a - that spreads over the lnternet / 3 l'm reading a great story tt's set.....
mother download a - by mistoke / an emoilthat contains 4 ..... has set a new world record.
method _:You can choosefrom dilferent a - / protect your computer ogoinst -es / 5 My teacher set some homework on .....
methods of payment. / use the some - / new -s oJ - protection software
advertising / modern -s of farming / the best - / way _t )oining a club is o good way of
an effective - meeting people. / different -s of advertising
misunderstand _: People might products /find new -s ofselling / a good - / an
misunderstqnd the message. / - the question effective - / chanqe the - you wotk
/ - whot he's saying. The past tense and past

- / their - broke up / decided to end the - / don't turn down: (reduce sound, et c1 cai yi find out: (discoverl I'll try and fnd out whele you
believe in - turn down the music? I con't heor what he s can get tickets.
move in _: He's moving in with his girfriend. toying.
/ - with her boyfriend / they're moving in together break up: (couples separatel I heard Angelina and
/ move into o flat together.fhe opposite is move get in; (enter) I can't get in. I don't hove a key. Brad hove broken up.
ouj/j move out ofier on argument
pleased l'm pleosed with my exam results. look foe (search) He's not working but he's take offt (removel Toke off your jumper if you're
/ - obout my new job / very - Jor you / - to meet looking for o job. hot. l'm rcld.
you / - thot everything's OK / look - / sound - /
seem -
-: go down: (decrease) 5ales have gone down a lot
pregnant _: His wife is pregnqnt. / - with her recently Peces L22-123
first child / trying to get - / got - ond had to get
married / look - go up: (increase) The price oI rice has gone up accept _: I accepted his invitation. / - her oller
rent ......,..............._: We share the cost of the rent. / the - a lot. /- the job /-
the gifi / asked me to marry him and
on theflat / poy f200 o month in - / the - is quite / -ed. The opposite is refuse: offered me a job but
high / o low - / c0n't olford the - / get behind with try on: (try clothes) That's o nice jacket. Why don't I refused
Lhe - / the - is due next week you try it on? appointment _: I have an appointment
shame oh, what a shome! / that's a - / it's with the doctor. / on - ot the dentist's / o
o - you can't be there / thot's a reol - / a bit oJ a - grow up: (become adultl My son\ olreody grown hospital - / a dentol - / a doctor\ - / moke an
upsel _: I was very upset when my up. He s 25. - to see him / on - to see o house / miss my - /
Prces 120-121 grondmother died. / quite - about it all / a bit -
-: / canrel the -
really - / deeply - / feel - / look - / sound - / seem - look after: (care) Can you look after my cot while couple ......................_: We met o very nice rcuple on holidoy.
anniversary ..,'...'....-: lt's our wedding anniversary wedding _tThey're getting married -the I'm away? / a lovely - / o morried - / 0 young - / on old -
next week. / ourfirst wedding - / their tenth - / wedding's next month. / have o btg - / a small - / dating _: We met through on online dal ing
our silver wedding - / golden wedding - / celebrlte afamily - / be invited tothe'/ gototheir - / a pick up: (collect) I need to pick up o parcel from company. / join o - agency / use o - service / on
our - / on the - of his death white - / o church -/ send out the - invitotions / the post office. online - site
approve don't approve of her husband. the - ceremony / - photographs dream ...................._: We found the house oJ our dreams.
/ don't - oJ myfriends / dont - of children wake up: (stop sleep) I woke up in the middle of / the woman of his -s / the man of her -s / my -
weoring make-up. The opposite is disapprove:they the night. holidoy / my - is to become a singer. Dream is also
of his girlfriend a verb: dream of becoming o movie star
argue ..".-................._: / argue with my brother quite o lot. / get on: (be friendlyl I get on very well with my guitar _: / play the guitor. / learn to play the -
we - all the time / stop orguing! / - obout money / Phrasal verbs are verbs that have two or more colleagues at work. / ploy - in a rock band / acoustic - / electric - / do
- over which TV progromme to watch words. They usually translate as one word in my - proctice / - music / - lessons
ask out Are you going to ask her out? / he other languages. look forward to: (be excited about future thing) immediately ............-t Come here, immediately! / we
asked me out / too shy to ask her out / asked her I'm really looking forword to my holidoy next bought it - / hod to leave - / went home - / talk
out on a date Sometimes these words also have more than month. to you - after the meeting
break up -:_t I want to break up with my one meaning like the verbs you've seen in other incredibly _: lncredibly, he survived the
boyfriend.fhe past tense is broke up and the language boxes. knock down: (destroy) they've knocked down the accident. / -, the house wos for sole / it was -
past participle is broken up: he broke up with his old cinema in the village to build Jlats. expensive / - cold / - hot / - difficult / - upset
girlfriend / they broke up lost month / they've Here are the phrasal verbs you met in the influence _: My parents had a big influence
broken up / she's broken up with him coursebook. get off: (leave bus,elcl You need to get oIf ot the on me. / their music hod o powerful - on me / have
date _.\'ve got o date tonight. / asked her out next stop. no - over her / use my - over him / she's under his
on o - / go out on a - / ourfirst - / o blind - get up; (out of bed) I get up vety eorly in the - / under the - of alcohol
(a meeting with someone you don't know) morning. break down: (machines slopl My car broke down instrument .......,......."......_: Can you play ony musical
due _: He r baby is due in September. / - to last week. instruments? / learn to play an - / brass -s /
have her baby in September / when's the baby -? / go out: (leave the house / flat to have fun) sLringed -s / wind -s / percussion -s
the traln's - in ten minutes / they're - to ottive at usually go out Fridoy night. warm up: (do exercise before sport) You should knock _: I knocked at the door. / - on the
eight otlock / rent is - next week worm up more before you stort playing. door / - on the window / - loudly / - softly / go in
in-law _r Do you get on well with your turn off: (stop a lhin1l Con you turn offthe TV iJ without -ing
inJaws? / live with my -s / spend Christmas with you'rc not wotching? come out: (publish) The magozine comes out living _: / moke guitars for o living. / make a -
the -s / stay with the -s / my mother-inlow / every Monday selling clothes / edrn your - / earn a good - / earn
father in-low / sister-inJaw go back: (return) When ore you going bock a comfortable - os an ortist
invent ......................_: He's olwoys inventing stories. / home? cut down: (destroy trees) They wont to cut down musical ......................_: Can you ploy ony musical
- on excuse / - o piece of news / stories con be real the old palm tree opposite my house. instruments? / some - enteftoinment / a - career /
or -ed / who -ed television?/ it was -ed by an put on: (dress) Do I need to put on o coot? a - version ofthe ploy / he's very -
turn on: (start a thing) Con you turn on the radio?
American negotiate _: I tried to negoLiate o betLer price.
marriage _:They have a very hoppy marriage. wash up: (clean plates) lt's yout turn to wosh up. I want to hear the news. /- a peace ogreement / not willing to - / - with
/ a long and hoppy - / an unhappy - / an ortanged your boss / - for the release of the prisoners


nightclub : We're going to a nightclub this miss ."".......--...--....._: Hu rry up or we'll miss the troin- / - the EXERC!5E5 Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the
evening. / meet in a - / work in a - / a top London bus / - myflight / - the stort oJthefilm / -ed the box. Look up the adjectives if you need help.
*/the-owner opportunity to meet her Pniposrrrors
olfet _t I offered him f20 for his old bike. / - plant _: They've got some lovely plants in the real blind white unhappy
the price they were asking / -ed me a coffee / - me garden. / unusual -s / a garden - / o house' / o Complete the sentences with the correct electric death big
the job / - to help strawberry -. Plant is also avetbt plant a tree in preposition.
the qa rden / - some flowers / - vegetobles 5he doesn't approve .... his girlfriend. 1 lt's a ........................... shame.
seriously _: We don't ofren discuss things
seriously. / talk - / think about it very - / consider promise ..................-..._: I won't be lote - I promise!/ He often argues.... his wife. 2 My old boss had a........................... influence on me
it - / take things very - / weren't looking - for o - t'll cali you loter / - to write to you / - not to tell He asked me out .... a date. 3 l'm learning to p1ay1he......................-,.., guitar.
house o n_yone / it's true - I - you / - faithfully. Promise The baby is due .... August. 4 5he always dreamed of a ........................... wedding.
sight /t was love atftrst sight. / caught - of
: is also a noun:make a - / give o - / keep your - I heard an interesting piece .... news. 5 He's in a very.................... ...... marriaBe.
him / get our first - af New York / lost - oJ her in the / don't breokyour - 6 l'm very pleased .... you. 6 We met on a ........................... date.
crowd / know her by - / can't stond the - of him protect _: Don't worry - l'll protect you. / - 7 l'm excited .... the future. 7 The president has received a ........................... threat
them from attack / - your Jace from the sun / - 8 ls that house.... sale?
Paacs 724-L25 you against the disease C Match the two halves of the collocations.
remain ; Please remain seated. / - in bed / ' Choose the correct preposition. 1 a house a) appointment
/ - ot home / - silent / - friends / you'll - in my heart 1 Doyou trust him with / on money? 2 a wind b) marriage
careful _: Be careful. be with thot hot
2 There are some nice trees in / of the Ba'den.
colJee /- how you lift that / - obout whot you say remember .......".....-"..-: Remember to post this letter! / - 3 an arranged c) first sight
/ a - driver his birthday / - it very cleorly / can't 'where I put 3 Can you hold the baby of with / for a minute? 4 a wedding d) instrument
double We need double this amount. / eorn it / don't - what she said / can't - her nome.Ihe 4 I know him ot / by sight. 5 a doctor's e) dating

- that omount / it's - that size / pay you - opposite is forget: don'tforget to post the letter 5 What did she offer to / for you( cat? 6 love at f) plant
encourage My parents alwoys encouraged
remove ..............-: Remove the cake from the oven. / 6 We met in / on afurniture store. 7 online g) anniversary
me. / -d me to work hard / - him to talk / - her - yout shoes / dilficult to - the dirt / - weedsfrom 7 We're going on / out next Friday night.
with her singing / - discussion in class / - recycling the garden 8 Was that a knock ot / by the door?
/ PxnasaL Vrnss
fade _: The colour canJade in sunlight. / my slip _: Be carefulyou don't slip on the ice.
jeans have -d / Jeelings slowly - / hope is fading - ond Jall / try not to - up (make a mistake)
forget _: Don't forget to lock the door. / ' tend _: l'll tend your garden. / - the plants / Wono Farunrrs A Choose the correct word to complete the
your possport / - her name / - to post the letter - the crops / - to the children phrasal verb.
/ do it before I -.I he past tense is forgot and the threat ......................_: / never moke threats to my children. Look at the underlined words. Are they verbs 1 You never wash up / outthe dishesl
past participle is forgotten: I forgot about the / never carries out his -s / receive death -s / won't or nouns? 2 Try those jeans up / on before you buy them.
meeting / l've forgotten your oddress. The opposite give in to -s / the - of wor / the terrorist - I had a strange dream last ni9ht........................... 3 My children have grown up / owoy and left home.
is remember: remember to lock the door threaten _: They threatened to kill me. / - to I don't dream very often. ........................... 4 I get on / over well with my in-laws.
Can you hold my bag for a minute? / take him to court / - me with o knife / - her with I planted an oak tree in the garden............................ 5 l'm looking afier /forwordto seeinByou.
- my hand / -ing hdnds / - her in my arms / - it violence What kind of plant is thisl 6 Please pick up / on some brcad at
under your arm / - it tightly / - onto your purse. trust _: I don't trust him at all. / can't - her / l've always trusted him............................ the supermarket.
The past tense and past participle ts held, held the - him with the money / - her to keep a secret / I have complete UlgL in him. 7 Pleaseturn down / outthevolume.
him completely. Trust is also a noun. have Those are weeds, not plants. I can't concentrate.
baby Jor a few minutes
complete trust in her / put my - in him I m going to do some weeding
let go _: let go of the rope now. / hold tight
ond don't - / - of my orm / let me go! / - of your weed _: The garden's Jull oJ weeds. / remove
children / it's hard to -. The past tense and past the -s / dig out the -s / use chemicols to keep
pa rticiple is let go, she's finally let go the -s down / control the -s.Weed is also a verb: CoLLocafloNs
mess ........................_: They've made a terrible mess in the spend the day weeding in the gorden
kitchen. / dan't leove o - / the room's in a - / it's o
Complete the sentences with the corect form
real - in here / clean up the - of the verbs in the box. Look up the verbs if you
need help.

due keep break earn

th reaten sta nd meet offer

1 They're. to arrive any minute

2 Pleased to .................... .-- you.
3 They've .......................... me a job.
4 He has ........................... to take her to court
5 How does he ........................... a living?
6 I can't ........................... the sight of him.
7 Can you,......................,... a secret?
8 I ........................... my promise. l'm sorry.

PLACES PREPostflorrts Pnpposrrrors PREPosrrtoNs PREPostfloNs PREPosrfloNg IRIENDS Pnrposruors
PREPosrfloNs A A A A A PnEPosrfloNs
A Lto 2on 1of 2at 1 with lof 2 for 1at A L on 2 with
1 from 2of 3 at 4 atlfrom 3on 4to 2of 3in 4of 2 for 1 with 2of 3 at 4frcm
3 with 4of 5 with 6 to 5to 6of 3to 5at 6at 3on 3to 4 about 5 to 6 from
5in 6to 7in 8of 7 from 8 with 4at 7on 8in 4al 5of 5in 7 with 8 of
7at 8in B B 5 about B 5 with 7 with I from B
B 1in zfor 1of 2to 5in 1at 6of B Lof
Lin 2to 3for 4in 3in 4 with 7 for 2to 7 with 1by 2 for
3at 4 for 5of 6for 5on 6 with 8 about 3of 8to 2 for 3to
5at 6by 7 about 8 in 7in 8 with B 4on B 3 about 4of
7to WoRD FAMlrrEs Wono Famnrrs for 2of 5in 1 for 4to 5 with
WoRD FAMTLTES A A fo( 4 from 6 for 2 about sbv 6 about
A L noun L noun with 6 of 7on 3 fot 6at 7 for
1 noun 2 verb 2 verb 2 verb 8 for 8 with 4 from 7to 8on
3 verb 4 noun 3 verb 3 noun WoRD BurrDrNG CorLocafloNs 5 with 8of Wono Femnr:s
5 noun 6 verb 4 noun 4 verb A A 6 fot WoRD But[Dtilc A
Colrocafloilg 5 noun 5 verb Answers will vary. 1 read 7on A L noun
A 6 verb 6 noun CoLlocarroils 2 pass 8 for Answers willvary. 2 verb
1Bo 7 verb 7 noun A 3 Close Wono Burrorrc ColrocailoNg 3 verb
2 meet 8 noun 8 verb L take 4 gave A A 4 noun
3 needs WoRD BUTLDTNG CotrocafloNs 2 see 5 left Answers will vary. 1 takinB 5 noun
4 start A A 3 missed 6 lose CorrocAiloNt 2 express 6 verb
5 look Answers will vary. 1 draw 4 have 7 stays
^A 3 came 7 vetb
5 Have CorrocafloNs 2 send 5 picked B 1 died 4 walk 8 noun
7 miss A 3 show 6 light 1 great 2 taking 5 break Wono Burorrc
8go 1 get 4 collect 7 caught 2 pwe 3 talking 6 set A
B 2 listen 5 need B 3 ground 4 getting 7 dtiving Answers will vary. i-
1 job 3 sit 6 set 1 bed 4 main 5 has 8 put Coltocafloils
2 office 4 get 7 get 2 man 5 leather 6 wo(ry B A
3 costume 5 makes 8 Wait 3 anthem 6 plastic B rights 1 call
4 mother 6 have B 4 transport c 1 degree job 2 miss
5 manager 7 keep t high 5 neighbours 1 slice 2 luck cards 3 hold
6 address 8 Try 2 dining 5 present 2 jeans 3 break story 4 save
7 help B 3 well 7 roll 3 desk 4 culture 5 side 5 lose
8 meal 1 radio 4 spare 8 headache 4 sizes 5 trade 6 member 6 look
c 2 programme 5 green c 5 speech 6 article 7 ptrkets 7 break
L first 3 paper 6 red 1d 6 moment 7 opinion 8 society 8 turn
2 middle 4 work 7 brown 2e 7 crcam 8 accident c B
3 nice 5 board c 3a 8 manager c 1f L mobile
4 best 6 life 1d 4b D 1 bad 2B 2 physical
5 free 7 centre 2e 5c 1d 2 wrcng 3a 3 foreign
6 violent c 3a 6f 2f 3 second 4b 4 classical
7 five-star 1d 4B PHRASAT VERBs 3g 4 Modern 5d 5 deep
8 electrical 2{ 5f A 4b 5 special 6e 6 perfect
D 3a 6c 1 off 5a 6 emotional 7c 7 bass
Le 4g 7b 2uP 6c 7 flexible PHnlsar Vetes 8 legal
2d 5c PHRA'AI VEnBS 3on 7h 8 primary A c
3c 6b A 4 out 8e D L down Lc
4b 7e Lof 5 away Pxnrgar Venes 1d 2on 2e
5a 8h 2 off 6on A 2f 3uP 3 a"
6h 3 out 1on 3a 4up 4b
4 out 2 back 5on 5g
8f 5up 3up 5c 6on 6h
6in 4on 6e 7 after 7l
5 out 7b 8d
6 for


PREPosriloNs PREPosriloNs PREPosriloNs PREPoSITIONS PREPo$iloN9 Pnrposrrroxs Pnrposrrrors Pneposrrrots
1of Lon L for 1in 1in 1in 1 from 2of of 2 with
2in 2on 2of 2of 2at 2on 3at 4of on 4in
3 about 3to 3on 3in 3 for 3 from 5on 6bv of 6 for
4 with 4 fot 4 for 4 fot 4by 4 bylabout 7 with 8by about 8 for
5of 5on 501 5 with 5in 5in B
6to 6 with 6in 6 from 6of 6 about 1 from with 2 in
7of 7 fot 7 from 7al 7in 7 with 2on for 4W
8 about 8in 8of 8of 8of 8 from 3to for 6 in
B B B B B B 4of out 8 at
1in 1on 1 with 1 in Lof 1 into 2 with 5on WoRD FaMruEs
2at 20f 2in 2of 2of 3 in 4 for 6 from A
3 from 3 for 3 for 3on 3on 5 with 6 about 7to 1 noun 2 verb
4in 4 from 4 into 4 fot 4of 7of 8of 8 about 3 wrb 4 noun
5 for 5on 5of 5 from 5at Wono Bulr.ouuc Wono Faaaru:s 5 verb 6 noun
6 with 6 into 6 for 6at 6 from A A 7 noun 8 verb
7of 7by 7at 7at 7in Answers will vary. L noun Cottocarrors
8 for 8 in 8 about 8 about 8of Cor.r.ocarrons 2 verb A
WoRD Buil,DtNG WoRD FAMrttEs WoRD BurtDtNG WoRD BurtDtNG Wono Burr.ortrtc A 3 verb L due
A A A A A 1 plays 4 noun 2 meet
Answers will vary. 1 noun Answers will vary. Answers will vary. Answers will vary. 2 developing 5 noun 3 offered
CoLLocailoNs 2 verb CoLtocartoNs CorLocafloNt CorlocATroNs 3 close 6 verb 4 threatened
A 3 verb A A A 4 taking 7 verb 5 earn
arnve 4 noun f. included L walking L breathe 5 spent 8 noun 6 stand
have 5 noun 2 leave 2 shook 2 cut 6 take WoRD ButtDtNc 7 keep

give 6 verb 3 doing 3 fell 3 have 7 invite A 8 broken

getting 7 noun 4 lost 4 take 4 sounds 8 keep Answers willvary. B
5 happened 8 verb 5 write 5 falling 5 ride B Couocrrrors 1 real

6 changed WonD BurtDlNG 6 stop 6 threatened 6 cause L brilliant A 2 big

7 came Answers will vary. 7 put 7 looking 7 protected 2 happy 1 pulled 3 electric
8 booked CorLocATtoNs B B B 3 famous 2 checked 4 white
B A afraid 1 level 1 storm 4 starring 3 follow 5 unhappy
1 behind L catch fully 2 teadet 2 holidays 5 final 4 Double-click 6 blind
2 safety 2 signed main 3 public I block 6 fashion 5 take 7 death
3 security 3 book global 4 mission 4 cottage 7 next-door 6 put c
4 wide 4 Pay 5 dairy 5 smoker 5 grass 8 solar 7 left t
5 western 5 stop 6 low 6 test 6 health c 8 make d
6 great 6 called 7 healthy 7 salary 7 growth 1e B b
7 driving 7 Pay 8 big 8 bug c 2d 1 long I
c B c c t heavy 3a 2 digital 5a
18 1 direct 1 bill 1c 2 wild 4f 3 full 6c
2d 2 first 2 meal 2a I national 5h 4 postal 7e
3a 3 return 3 article 3g 4 cultural 6g 5 online PHRASAT VERBT
4b 4 public 4 beef 4f 5 varied 7b 6 good A
5c 5 nice 5 food 5b 6 natural 8c 7 common 1uP
6e 6 wide 6 nuts 6d 7 limited Pxnasar Vrnas c 2on
7f 7 live 7 portion 7e D A 1f 3up
PHRASAt vERBS c 8 drink PHRASAT VERBS 1c 1uP 2d 4on
A 1d D A 2g 2 out 3b 5 forp/ard
off 2a 1 down ld 3up 4a 6uP
out 3e 2d 2uP 4a 4 out 5c 7 down
uP 4b 3b 3uP 5b 5in 6e
out 5g 4a 4 out 6e 6 out 7E
5up 7f 7on
up 7f 6e 6 down
7T 7 out


be was/were been let let let
become became become lie l"y la in
begin began /br'gen/ begun /br'gnn/ lose llutzl lost lost
bet bet bet make made made
bite /bart/ bit bitten /'brtan / meet met met
blow /blau/ blew /blur/ blown /blaun/ must /m^st/ had to had to
break broke broken
pay lpetl paid lpetdl paid
bring brought / br):t/ brought put put put
build /br built /brlt/ built
read lri:dl read lredl read lredl
buy lhatl bought / b:rt/ bought
ride rode ridden
can could /kud/ been able ring rang lreOl rung lrn\l
catch ca ught/ k)rt/ ca ught run I rttn I ran I ran I run
choose chose lt{auzl chosen
say lserl said lsedl said
come came come
see saw /s::/ seen
cost cost
sell sold sold
cut cut cut
send sent sent
do did done
set set set
draw ldr>:l drew /drur/ drawn /drr:n/ shake /Ier k/ shook /Juk/ shaken /Jerkan/
dream dreamed/dreamt dreamed /dreamt
shine /Jar n/ shone llnnl shone /Jonl
dri nk drank /dra0k/ drunk /drnok/ shoot shot shot
drive d rove d rive n
show showed shown
eat ate / er t/ eaten /'irtan/ sh ut shut shut
fall lft:|l fell /fel / fallen /'f::lan/ si ng sang lsa\l sung /snn/
feed fed fed sin k sank /serjk/ sunk /sn1k/
feel lfi:|l felt /felt/ felt sit sat sat
fight /far t/ fought /fr:t/ fought sleep slept slept
find found /faund/ fou nd slide slid slid
fly lflarl flew /flu:/ flown /flaun/ speak spoke spoken

forget forgot forgotten spell spel led/spelt spelt

got gotten] spend spent spent
got [US:
gave given split split split
been/gone spoil spoiled/spoilt spoi led/spoi lt
go went
grow /grau/ grew lgru:l grown /graun/ spread /spred/ spread spread
stand stood stood
hang /he0/ hung /hnrl/ hung
had had
steal /stirl/ stole stolen
stick stuck /st^k/ stuck
hear /hr a/ heard /h::d/ heard /h:rd/
hid hidden /'hr dan/
strike /strark/ struck /strnk/ struck
swim swam /swam/ swum /sw^m/
hit hit hit
take /ter k/ took /tuk/ taken /'ter ken/
hold held
hurt hurt
teach taught /t):t/ taught
hurt /h::t/
tear /tea/ tore /t): / torn /t):n/
keep kept
tell told told
kneel /nirl/ knelt / nelt/ knelt
think thought /0rrt/ thought
know /nau/ knew /njur/ known /naun/
throw /0rau/ threw /Orur/ thrown /0raun/
laid /lerd/ la id
lay lletl u ndersta nd u nderstood u nderstood
lead llitdl led lledl led
wake woke /wauk/ woken /'waukan/
learn lea rned /learnt lea rned/lea rnt

leave left left wear /wea/ wore /w:l/ worn /w:rn/

lent win won
lend lent
write wrote written /'rrtan/


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