Syntrophic Theory

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J Mol Evol (1998) 47:517530

Springer-Verlag New York Inc. 1998

Symbiosis Between Methanogenic Archaea and -Proteobacteria as the

Origin of Eukaryotes: The Syntrophic Hypothesis

David Moreira,1 Purificacion Lopez-Garca2

Laboratoire de Biologie Cellulaire (BC4), Batiment 444, URA CNRS 2227, Universite Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France
Institut de Genetique et Microbiologie, Batiment 409, Universite Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France

Received: 5 January 1998 / Accepted: 18 March 1998

Abstract. We present a novel hypothesis for the origin issued mainly from the versatile bacterial organotrophy,
of the eukaryotic cell, or eukaryogenesis, based on a and progressively, methanogenesis was lost.
metabolic symbiosis (syntrophy) between a methano-
genic archaeon (methanobacterial-like) and a - Key words: Eukaryogenesis Syntrophy Sym-
proteobacterium (an ancestral sulfate-reducing myxobac- biosis Eukaryotic evolution Interspecies H2 trans-
terium). This syntrophic symbiosis was originally fer Methanogenic archaea Histones -
mediated by interspecies H2 transfer in anaerobic, pos- Proteobacteria Myxobacteria Anaerobic consor-
sibly moderately thermophilic, environments. During eu- tium
karyogenesis, progressive cellular and genomic cointe-
gration of both types of prokaryotic partners occurred.
Initially, the establishment of permanent consortia, ac-
companied by extensive membrane development and
close cellcell interactions, led to a highly evolved sym-
biotic structure already endowed with some primitive Evolutionary biology has entered an era characterized by
eukaryotic features, such as a complex membrane system the widespread use of phylogenetic reconstruction tech-
defining a protonuclear space (corresponding to the ar- niques based on protein and nucleic acid sequence com-
chaeal cytoplasm), and a protoplasmic region (derived parison. The most striking breakthrough was the so-
from fusion of the surrounding bacterial cells). Simulta- called Woesian revolution, whose origin dates back to
neously, bacterial-to-archaeal preferential gene transfer 1977 when, after comparison of ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
and eventual replacement took place. Bacterial genome oligonucleotide catalogs, a tripartite division of the living
extinction was thus accomplished by gradual transfer to world into primary kingdoms, Eubacteria, Archaebacte-
the archaeal host, where genes adapted to a new genetic ria, and Eukaryotes, was claimed (Woese and Fox 1977).
environment. Emerging eukaryotes would have inherited These lineages were later reclassified as the domains
archaeal genome organization and dynamics and, conse- Bacteria, Archaea, and Eucarya, respectively (Woese et
quently, most DNA-processing information systems. al. 1990). Additional work on protein sequence compari-
Conversely, primordial genes for social and developmen- son further supported the phylogenetic distinctness of the
tal behavior would have been provided by the ancient three groups. Subsequently, sequence comparison of an-
myxobacterial symbiont. Metabolism would have been cestral paralogous genes, i.e., those derived from genes
duplicated before the separation of the three domains,
such as the elongation factors EF-Tu (1) and EF-G (2)
and ATPase V and F genes, was used by some authors to
Correspondence to: P. Lopez-Garca; e-mail: root the tree of life in the bacterial branch (Gogarten et

al. 1989; Iwabe et al. 1989). Such classification and root- 1986). However, the essential advantage of a hot origin
ing have become widely accepted and represent the hypothesis is the implication that the first living beings
prevalent viewpoint on biological evolution, although its were autotrophic, relying only on chemolithotrophic re-
validity remains controversial (Forterre et al. 1993; sources. Finally, a eukaryotic ancestor is at odds with the
Doolittle and Brown 1994). Precambrian fossil record, which suggests that the most
Those ideas have essential implications regarding one ancient fossils (3500 million years ago) are prokaryotic
of the major unsolved questions in contemporary biol- (Schopf 1993), whereas the earliest eukaryotic fossils
ogy: the origin of the eukaryotic cell or eukaryogenesis. date at 1800 to 2100 million years ago (Han and Run-
Notwithstanding Woeses original speculation of a very negar 1992).
primitive last common ancestor, a progenote, from The remaining hypotheses are based on the currently
which the three domains would have been directly de- accepted idea of a prokaryotic cenancestor from which
rived (Woese 1987), the Gogarten and Iwabe rooting the prokaryotic domains, i.e., Archaea and Bacteria, were
implies two things: first, that the last common ancestor the primary offshoots. The above-mentioned archaeal
(or cenancestor) was prokaryotic and, second, that eu- model, which entails the direct evolution of the eukary-
karyotes were direct descendants of a common archaeal otic nuclear genome from a common archaealeukaryal
eukaryal ancestor (Gogarten et al. 1989; Iwabe et al. ancestor, could be classified as autogenous. This
1989; Woese 1990). Despite the scientific success of this model has not always been supported by protein se-
so-called archaeal model, alternative hypotheses ad- quence comparison. Some phylogenies, especially those
dressing the question of eukaryotic origins have been based on elongation factors EF-1 and EF-2 (Rivera and
proposed. Detailed discussion of these is beyond the Lake 1992; Baldauf et al. 1996), but also those based on
scope of this work; however, we briefly summarize them
rRNA sequence parsimony analysis (Lake 1988), argued
in order to provide a general framework as a base to
in favor of a specific sisterhood between eukaryotes and
formulate a different model for eukaryogenesis.
crenarchaea (kingdom Crenarchaeota), or eocytes, ac-
cording to the nomenclature of Rivera and Lake (1992).
The other archaeal lineage (kingdom Euryarchaeota)
Hypotheses for the Origin of Eukaryotes: State of would be closer to Bacteria (especially Gram-positive
the Art and Criticisms bacteria), and the paraphyly of Archaea would be in-
ferred (Lake 1988; Gupta and Singh 1992; Rivera and
A completely independent hypothesis was originally Lake 1992; Gupta and Golding 1993; Doolittle and
stated by Reanney (1974) and Darnell (1978), who pro- Brown 1994). However, some of these results have been
posed that the cenancestor was a eukaryote itself. Nev- interpreted as artifacts derived from undetected hidden
ertheless, these authors did not explain how the transition paralogies and presumptive horizontal gene transfers
from this ancestor to prokaryotic cells proceeded. The (Hilario and Gogarten 1993; Brown et al. 1994; Roger
idea was recently revived by Forterre, who argued that and Brown 1996). Bias in species sampling could also
the results shown by Woese and others are artifacts de- account for some molecular characteristics claimed to be
rived from the inadequacy of the phylogenetic methods shared only by eukaryotes and crenarchaea; for instance,
employed (Forterre 1996). He hypothesized that prokary- several of these have recently been detected in some
otes issued from a eukaryote-like ancestor by a reductive methanogenic euryarchaea, including Methanopyrus
process as a consequence of adaptation to hyperthermo- kandleri (Lake and Rivera 1996; Feng et al. 1997). In
philic environments (Forterre 1995). However, these addition, limitations in current phylogeny reconstruction
ideas fail to explain the evolution of the extremely com- methods may constitute a major pitfall in this kind of
plex eukaryotic cellular organization directly from pre- analysis, since very often the approximations and as-
cellular systems. If eukaryotes evolved directly from pre- sumptions utilized are quite unrealistic. These methods
cellular systems, they must have relied on a continuous are especially sensitive to different evolutionary rates
supply of prebiotic organic substrates over a long period among the organisms studied, a problem known as un-
of time, since bacterial-derived chloroplasts appeared equal rate effect (Felsenstein 1978; Lake 1991).
later in evolution. It is highly unlikely that any prebiotic As a result of all these apparent contradictions, hy-
soup provided a regular source of organic nutrients up potheses appealing to an archaealbacterial partnership
to a eukaryote-like stage of organismal evolution. In ad- at the origin of eukaryotes have been on the rise. These
dition, eukaryotic life seems incompatible with the high could be considered chimeric or heterogenous,
temperature regimes of the archaean Earth, for which and may be classified into three subgroups according to
increasing evidence exists (Knauth 1992; Schwartzman the kind of relationship that putatively occurred between
and Shore 1996). The antagonism with high-temperature the two partners: fusion, phagotrophy, or symbiosis. The
regimes could be circumvented by alluding to a rela- fusion model postulates that the eukaryotic nuclear ge-
tively moderate thermophilic environment compatible nome is a chimera resulting from the amalgamation of an
with higher temperature limits for eukaryotes (Brock archaeon and a bacterium (Zillig et al. 1989; Zillig

1991). Among other mechanistic difficulties, this hy- philic environments. T. acidophilum lacks a cell wall and
pothesis fails to explain the origin of the nuclear mem- was the first archaeal species where putative histone
brane. A previous model attempting to overcome this proteins were characterized (Searcy and DeLange 1980).
problem had already been proposed by Cavalier-Smith, Those were regarded as crucial eukaryotic-like traits, and
suggesting that the origin of this structure was the fusion some others followed (Searcy 1987), all of which made
of cytoplasmic cisternae (Cavalier-Smith 1980) in a tran- this archaeon a candidate of choice for that proposal. But
sient intermediate between an archaeon and a Gram- in the end, its histone-like proteins turned out to be much
positive bacterium (Cavalier-Smith 1987). In addition, more closely related to bacterial HU proteins rather than
fusion models are based on events never observed in to eukaryotic histones (DeLange et al. 1981; Drlica and
nature, i.e., cell fusion between lineages as phylogeneti- Rouvie`re-Yaniv 1987; Grayling et al. 1994).
cally distant as archaea and bacteria. Phagotrophic mod- If we dismiss this (quite unlikely) Thermoplasma
els propose the engulfment of one of the partners by the spirochete symbiosis as the origin of eukaryotes, does
other. Thus, Lake and Rivera (1994) suggested that a any kind of primary symbiosis exist that could have
bacterium engulfed a crenarchaeon (eocyte), which paved the way to eukaryotic evolution? A look at the
would have originated the nucleus (eocyte hypoth- present-day archaealbacterial symbioses may help an-
esis). Similarly, Gupta and Golding (1996) postulated swer this question.
the engulfment of an eocyte by a Gram-negative bacte-
rium lacking a cell wall. In these models, the nuclear
envelope and the endoplasmic reticulum would be rem- Contemporary Symbioses Between Archaea
nants of the eocytic plasma membrane and the bacterial and Bacteria
phagotrophic vesicle membrane, respectively. In a re-
lated but quite different model, Sogin (1991) proposed
The existence of symbiosis has not been extensively ex-
the engulfment of an archaeon by a protoeukaryote still
plored within the domain Archaea. Most characterized
endowed with RNA-based metabolism. However, it is
symbioses between archaea and bacteria are related to
difficult to conceive the persistence of such ancient pro-
the process of interspecies H2 transfer, which is meta-
toeukaryotes having a primitive and inefficient RNA-
bolically advantageous for both partners. The bacterial
based metabolism in a world already inhabited by eco- partner ferments organic compounds producing more
logically competitive DNA-based prokaryotes. However, oxidized organic molecules and H2 as end products. This
this hypothesis overcomes the main objection for the rest H2, together with environmental CO2, is assimilated by
of the phagotrophic models, which is the inability for the archaeal partner, a methanogen, to form methane in
bacteria to accomplish phagocytosis. an energy-conserving reaction. The methanogen acts as a
Considering these major drawbacks, the most realistic sink of H2, thus increasing the velocity of the otherwise
models could be those based on symbiotic relationships less efficient bacterial fermentative reactions. This kind
between archaea and bacteria, i.e., the symbiotic models. of mutualistic symbiosis is known as syntrophy and it is
Symbiosis does not depend on single, perhaps unlikely, frequently found in anaerobic natural communities (for a
events, such as cell fusion or phagocytosis, but offers the review, see Fenchel and Finlay 1995). Generally, a close
possibility of coevolution (eventually cointegration) over proximity between partners is required to avoid loss of
long periods of time. To date (see also Note Added in the volatile H2. This requirement leads to the establish-
Proof), the only symbiotic model described is the serial ment of well-integrated consortia. A most striking ex-
endosymbiotic theory (SET) proposed by Margulis ample is the case of the so-called Methanobacillus om-
(1970, 1993), which recapitulates some of the pioneering elianskii, which, 50 years after its discovery, was
ideas of Mereschkowsky (1905). This hypothesis postu- shown to be not a single organism but a pair of dissimilar
lates that eukaryotes evolved from the symbiosis be- species in close contact: a chemotrophic bacterium
tween an archaeon (a thermoacidophilic Thermoplasma- known as S-organism and the methanogenic archaeon
like organism) and a bacterium (a spirochete). In this Methanobacterium bryantii (Bryant et al. 1967). When
way, the archaeon acquired swimming motility, while isolated, each organism grows poorly on its own. For this
the spirochete obtained useful metabolites (Margulis reason they were classified as obligate syntrophs.
1996). Subsequent endosymbiotic incorporations of - Many more examples of this kind of syntrophic sym-
proteobacteria and cyanobacteria originated mitochon- biosis between methanogens and bacteria are presently
dria and plastids, respectively. This hypothesis does not known. They involve a variety of methanogenic archaea
favor the endosymbiotic origin of the nucleus. Although and a more restricted diversity of bacteria, usually mem-
this kind of motile symbiosis is known to occur between bers of the subdivision of the Proteobacteria, which
eukaryotic protista and spirochetes (Cleveland and Grim- groups the vast majority of the sulfate-reducing bacteria
stone 1964; Bloodgood and Fitzharris 1976), it has never (Woese 1987). Some of these bacteria, e.g., species of
been observed between archaea and spirochetes, which, the genera Desulfovibrio and Syntrophobacter, can de-
in addition, are not known to thrive in extreme acido- velop syntrophic relationships with methanogens (Tatton

et al. 1989). Also, some nonstrict sulfate-reducing - chromatin in nucleosome arrays. Eukaryotic nucleo-
proteobacterial genera are specialized in obligate syntro- somes are formed by a histone core, consisting of an
phic symbioses with methanogens, such as Pelobacter octamer built upon an (H3H4)2 tetramer plus two H2A
and Syntrophus (Zinder 1993). H2B dimers, around which DNA wraps (Kornberg 1977;
The existence of such intimate relationships raises an Luger et al. 1997). The tetramer interacts first with DNA,
intriguing and exciting question: Might a methanogenic and it is critical to determine nucleosome positioning,
archaeon/-proteobacterium syntrophic symbiosis have whereas H2AH2B dimers assemble later and may have
triggered eukaryogenesis? a role in transcriptional regulation. Likely, H2A and H2B
evolved after H3H4, allowing further DNA condensa-
tion (Ramakrisnan 1995) and increasing the regulatory
A Syntrophic Symbiosis at the Origin of Eukaryotes repertoire (Luger et al. 1997). Histone homologues spe-
cifically related, by sequence and structural data, to the
We hypothesize that eukaryotes emerged from a syntro- highly conserved H3H4 have been discovered in Ar-
phic symbiotic event involving a methanogenic archaeon chaea, but exclusively in the euryarchaeal branch (Gray-
and a -proteobacterium in an anaerobic, likely moder- ling et al. 1994; Starich et al. 1996; Pereira et al. 1997;
ately thermophilic, context. The former would have pro- Reeve et al. 1997; Zlatanova 1997). No core histone has
vided the basic genome and nucleic acid metabolism, and been discovered so far in Bacteria or in the crenarchaea,
the latter, most metabolic capabilities. Presumably, the in spite of intense search and of the fact that these pro-
eukaryotic endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear mem- teins are very abundant in the cell. They have been found
brane arose, at least in part, from archaeal membranes or in the hyperthermophilic Thermococcales (Sandman et
membrane components, while the plasmic membrane de- al. 1994; Ronimus and Musgrave 1996), and in several
rived mostly from a bacterial membrane. hyperthermophilic and mesophilic methanogens from the
We try now to justify this proposal briefly by first orders Methanococcales and Methanobacteriales (Gray-
analyzing some key eukaryotic-like features of the re- ling et al. 1994; Darcy et al. 1995; Pereira et al. 1997)
spective candidate partners. (Fig. 1). However, archaeal histones are not present in
the related Thermoplasma acidophilum, which contains
instead a bacterial HU-like protein, HTa (DeLange et al.
The Archaeal Partner
1981; Grayling et al. 1994). The presence of histones in
Since the recognition of Archaea as a distinct lineage, these archaea and in eukaryotes establishes an intriguing
archaeal research has been prompted largely by the dis- link between both groups of organisms. Plausible expla-
covery of many essential features in common with eu- nations of the occurrence of this essential eukaryotic
karyotes but absent from bacteria. Transcriptional ma- character in some archaea are (i) independent loss of
chinery similarities were among the first to be histones inherited from a histone-endowed common ar-
documented (Zillig et al. 1978, 1979). Subsequent work, chaealeukaryal ancestor (or even cenancestor), but re-
including completion of the first archaeal genome se- tention in eukaryotes and some archaea for unknown
quences, allowed the identification of homologies in rep- reasons, and (ii) horizontal transfer. However, the most
lication and translation as well (Bult et al. 1996; Klenk et parsimonious possibility may be that histones evolved in
al. 1997; Olsen and Woese 1997; Smith et al. 1997). the euryarchaeal branch and eukaryotes simply inherited
Most authors interprete these as evidence of archaeal them. From this viewpoint, eukaryotes would have
eukaryal sisterhood rather than specific bacterial loss implemented and optimized histone function, may be
from a complex ancestor. Many of these shared features more related to transcriptional regulation at the begin-
would equally support either an autogenous or any bac- ning. Indeed, a parallel origin of the nucleosome core
terialarchaeal chimeric (heterogenous) hypothesis. In and eukaryotic transcription from archaea has already
this section, we do not recapitulate all these characteris- been formulated based on the similarities between the
tics, extensively revised elsewhere (Klenk and Doolittle protein families H3, H4, archaeal histones, and the cen-
1994; Langer et al. 1995; Thomm 1996; Belfort and tral domain of subunits A and B of the CCAAT-binding
Weiner 1997; Dennis 1997; Brown and Doolittle 1997; factor (CBF), a transcription factor associated with eu-
Edgell and Doolittle 1997; Reeve et al. 1997). Alterna- karyotic promoters (Ouzounis and Kyrpides 1996).
tively, we focus on certain essential traits shared specifi- A second euryarchaealeukaryotic connection con-
cally by eukaryotes and archaea belonging to the king- cerns DNA topoisomerase distribution. These universal
dom Euryarchaeota (particularly a subgroup of proteins are required to disentangle DNA strands or du-
euryarchaeal methanogens), which might reveal an inti- plexes and are, therefore, indispensable for cellular pro-
mate phyletic relationship between both (a common his- cesses such as replication, transcription, recombination,
tory). These are the presence of histones and nucleo- and regulation of DNA supercoiling (Drlica 1992; Wang
somes, DNA topoisomerases, and lipids. 1996). Depending on their ability to cut one or both DNA
A classical eukaryotic hallmark is the organization of strands, they are classified into two mechanistic types, I

Fig. 1. Distribution of histones, reverse gyrase, and gyrase in an rRNA-based archaeal tree and possible phylogenetic position of the archaeal
syntrophic partner. The tree (adapted from Woese et al. 1990; Stetter 1996) is idealized, so that branch lengths are not necessarily proportional to
phylogenetic distances. Thick lines indicate thermophilic lineages; asterisks, moderately thermophilic species.

and II, each one of which is subdivided into two phylo- chaea (Archaeoglobus and haloarchaea; see Fig. 1), pre-
genetic families (Wang 1996; Bergerat et al. 1997). The sumably by horizontal import from bacteria (Forterre et
presence of at least one type I and one type II enzyme al. 1994; Klenk et al. 1997; Lopez-Garca 1998). Neither
member seems to be necessary for any organism. In this gyrase nor reverse gyrase is present in eukaryotes, which
regard, and strictly speaking, the only archaeal trace pre- possess only topoisomerases with relaxing activities. If
sent in eukaryotes is a protein involved in meiotic re- we consider, for instance, the rRNA phylogenetic tree, a
combination that is homologous to one of the two sub- sort of living temperature gradient may be established
units of topoisomerase VI (Topo VI) (Bergerat et al. along the euryarchaeal branch, from the deep-branching
1997). Topo VI is the prototype of a recently recognized hyperthermophiles to the mesophilic halophiles (Fig. 1).
type II phylogenetic family, which is widespread among Roughly, reverse gyrase is present at the base of the
the archaea but not found in bacteria. Nevertheless, an- branch, coincident with hyperthermophily, whereas gy-
other interesting observation comes from the distribution rase appears toward the tip. Interestingly, M. thermoau-
in archaea of the two supercoil-introducing activities totrophicum, located in the middle of this gradient, is
known to date, gyrase and reverse gyrase. Reverse gy- devoid of the genes coding for both supercoil-
rase has attracted much attention because of its ability to introducing activities (Smith et al. 1997). Although this
introduce positive supercoils in DNA and because it ap- is not a conclusive piece of evidence, it is interesting to
pears to be a marker of hyperthermophily. It was first note that this organism is endowed with only relaxing
thought to be only archaeal. However, it was found not topoisomerases, which, in combination with histones,
only in all hyperthermophilic archaea, but also in hyper- highly recalls the situation found in eukaryotic cells.
thermophilic bacteria (for reviews, see Duguet 1995; One major argument against eukaryotic membranes
Forterre et al. 1996). Thus, it is present in hyperthermo- being derived from archaeal ones concerns lipids. Ar-
philic methanogens, but not in mesophilic or thermo- chaeal lipids are mainly isoprenoid glycerol ethers, in
philic (such as Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum, contrast to the bacterial and eukaryal ester-based link-
growing optimally at 65C) species (Fig. 1). On the other ages. However, the presence of ether lipids is not re-
hand, gyrase, a type II DNA topoisomerase specifically stricted to archaea, being present also in hyperthermo-
introducing negative supercoils, is present in all bacteria. philic bacteria of the genera Thermotoga and Aquifex
It may be an original bacterial feature, since it is the only (De Rosa et al. 1989; Huber et al. 1992). Only the si-
type II enzyme in the deep-branching Thermotoga mar- multaneous occurrence of ether linkages, the isopranic
itima (Guipaud et al. 1997) and likely in many other nature of the aliphatic chains, and the chirality of glyc-
bacteria (Huang 1996). It also appears in some euryar- erol (2,3-sn-glycerol instead of 1,2-sn stereochemistry)

Table 1. General lipid occurrence and distribution in Archaeaa

Extreme thermophiles Methanogens Halophiles

Core lipids Caldarchaeol-based Archaeol-based Archaeol-based only

Nonitol caldarchaeol Caldarchaeol (no rings)-basedb
(with or without rings)
Polar lipids (headgroups) Phosphoinositolb Phosphoamino polar headgroups Phosphoglycerol-derived
(serine and ethanolamine, mostly)b
Sugars (glucose, galactose, Unsulfated sugar groups Sulfated/unsulfated glycosyl groups
usually unsulfated) (glucose, galactose) (glucose, mannose, galactose)

Archaeol, diphytanylglycerol diether; caldarchaeol, dibiphytanyldiglycerol tetraether. Based on Kates (1993).
Important traits (molecules or synthetic pathways) found also in eukaryotes (see text).

can be considered of phylogenetic relevance (Gamba- The Bacterial Partner

corta et al. 1994). Archaeal lipids are diverse and com-
plex (Table 1). This turns out to be especially true for The subdivision of the Proteobacteria clusters three
lipids in methanogenic species, whose variability is de- groups that are phenotypically different, the dissimila-
rived mainly from the phosphodiester-bonded, water- tory sulfate-reducing bacteria, the myxobacteria, and the
soluble alcoholic residues, in contrast to the lipid struc- bdellovibrios (Oyaizu and Woese 1985). All these
ture in extreme halophiles or sulfur-dependent archaea, groups are able to perform a broad variety of energetic
whose diversity is due to the sugar residues of glycolip- metabolisms, and they may have evolved their respira-
ids (Koga et al. 1993). tory chains from that of an anaerobic sulfate-reducing
Glucosaminyl archaetidylinositol was the first polar ancestor (Woese 1987). Some genera within this subdi-
lipid reported to share a characteristic with eukaryal- vision exhibit gliding motility, and the myxobacteria and
specific lipids. It is the major either polar lipid in Metha- the bdellovibrios also exhibit complex developmental
nosarcina barkeri, and it consists of GlcNp(1-6)-myo- and cell division cycles (Reichenbach and Dworkin
inositol 1-phosphate as the polar head group, linked via 1992; Shimkets and Woese 1992).
a phosphodiester bond to an archaeol (2,3-di-O- Myxobacteria are of special interest with regard to the
phytanyl-sn-glycerol). Interestingly, this polar group is problem of eukaryogenesis since, indeed, they display a
identical to the conserved core structure of glycosylated surprising number of similarities with eukaryotes at the
phosphatidylinositol, which serves as a membrane pro- molecular level. The most remarkable are (a) the pres-
tein anchor in eukaryotes (Nishihara et al. 1992). ence of serinethreonine kinases (previously thought to
Another differential feature of archaeal lipids is the be unique to Eukarya) (Munoz-Dorado et al. 1991); (b) a
occurrence of tetraether lipids in some archaeal mem- protein involved in spore morphogenesis that shares
bers, including methanogens and sulfur-dependent ar- some structural properties with calmodulin and with ver-
chaea (but not Methanopyrus or Thermococcus species) tebrate and crystallins (Wistow et al. 1985; Inouye et
(Table 1). It has been demonstrated recently that the al. 1993); (c) an intercellular signaling factor (factor C)
synthesis of tetraether from diether lipids in T. acidophi- homologous to vertebrate 17 -hydroxysteroid dehydro-
lum, a close relative of methanogens (Olsen et al. 1994), genase (Baker 1994), which is related to the existence of
is inhibited by a potent inhibitor of eukaryotic steroid steroids in this group (Kohl et al. 1983); (d) the presence
biosynthesis acting on squalene epoxidase. Both biosyn- of a phosphatidyl-inositol cycle with the possible partici-
thetic enzymes appear to have structural similarity. Since pation of a G protein in the process (Benassa et al. 1994)
squalene epoxidase is located in the endoplasmic reticu- (inositol phosphates are second messengers in eukaryotic
lum, it has already been suggested that this structure signal transduction); (e) the existence of reverse tran-
originated from cytoplasmic protoarchaeal membranes scriptase and retron elements (Rice et al. 1993); (f) the
(Yamagishi et al. 1996). presence of a GTPase involved in motility homologous
Although inositol and tetraether lipids are present in to the Ras/Rab/Rho superfamily of small eukaryotic
some sulfur-dependent archaea and in methanogens, they GTPases (Hartzell 1997); and (g) the existence of a tran-
have not been detected in extreme halophiles. Glycerol scriptional factor homologous to the eukaryotic high-
and amino compounds have been found as polar head mobility group (Y) proteins (Murillo 1997).
groups only in methanogens (Koga et al. 1993) (Table 1). In addition, myxobacteria display interesting similari-
Taken together, these data suggest that there is a re- ties to some eukaryotic groups at the level of primary and
stricted range of methanogenic archaea (centered around secondary metabolism. They secrete a great variety of
Methanobacteriales) as putative candidates to have set up hydrolytic enzymes and antibiotics, likely in relation to
a syntrophic eukaryogenetic symbiosis. their ecological role as predators of other microorgan-

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of eukaryogenesis from syntrophic creased cellcell interactions progressively occur (B), leading eventu-
symbiosis between methanogenic archaea and ancestral sulfate- ally to bacterial cytoplasmic fusion (C). Ultimately, redundant mem-
respiring -proteobacteria. Initially, a syntrophic consortium is estab- branes are lost (D), an endoplasmic reticulum develops, and nuclear
lished (A) where each methanogenic cell (black) is surrounded by pores appear (E). The process is accompanied by gene transfer, gene
several bacterial partners endowed with double membranes. Extensive replacement, and bacterial genome extinction. Mitochondria may have
membrane development for efficient interspecies H2 transfer and in- been acquired at the latest stages. See text.

isms or scavengers of organic matter (Dworkin 1996). both partners (Schink 1992). The production of mucus,
This ability, together with pigment production, like slime, and other extracellular materials by some syntro-
melanin (Burchard and Dworkin 1966), and their com- phic species greatly enhances the cohesion of these struc-
plex developmental cycle, explains why botanists and tures (Fenchel and Finlay 1995).
microbiologists classified them as fungi for almost a cen- In this way, the physical juxtaposition of the syntro-
tury (reviewed by Reichenbach and Dworkin 1992). phic partners facilitates the interspecies H2 transfer,
Taken together, all these data allowed some authors to which would be strongly improved by subsequent devel-
conclude that there is little doubt that the myxobacteria opment of coupled membrane invaginations and extru-
have played some kind of role in the evolution of eu- sions. Interestingly, methanobacteria are able to develop
karyotic multicellularity (Dworkin 1996). We think extensive membrane invaginations forming internal
that this kind of role may have been indeed played by membrane systems. Indeed, they have been referred to as
ancestral sulfate-reducing fermentative myxobacteria at methanochondria, due to their mitochondrial-like ap-
the very origin of eukaryotes. pearance under the microscope (Zeikus and Bowen
1975). They are also able to form membrane extrusions,
and even the production of branched cellular extensions
by an apparent cell wall-less species, Methanoplasma
The Eukaryogenetic Pathway
elizabethii, was reported (Rose and Pirt 1981). These
kinds of membrane invaginations and extrusions are also
Formation of Stable Consortia and Close widespread among the proteobacteria, improving consid-
CellCell Interactions erably diverse metabolic capacities with the increase in
cell surface (Leive 1973).
As depicted schematically in Fig. 2, the first eukaryoge- Once this putative consortium of methanoarchaea and
netic step would consist of the consolidation of a perma- anaerobic ancestral sulfate-reducing myxobacteria was
nent syntrophic consortium integrated by a core metha- established, a further step would involve bacterial mem-
nogenic archaeon entirely wrapped by -proteobacterial brane fusion around the methanogenic core (Fig. 2). This
cells. This situation can actually be found in present-day would have been facilitated by the intimate relationships
microbial flocs, such as those formed by Methanobacte- already existing between the bacterial cells surrounding
rium and Syntrophobacter species (Dubourgier et al. the methanogen, in an analogous way to contemporary
1988; Thiele et al. 1988; Fenchel and Finlay 1995). Flocs myxobacterial interactions. The result would be a meth-
are generally composed of large numbers of both cell anogen embedded within a continuous layer of bacterial
types, sustaining a maximum efficiency by the adoption cells with a complex membrane interphase. This arrange-
of mosaic arrangements allowing extensive mixing of ment may be regarded as similar to the final situation of

a putative phagocytosis of an archaeon by a bacterium, ners took place. Since single archaeal cells were sur-
although not requiring the necessity of such a very un- rounded by several bacterial ones, horizontal transfer
likely event. from bacterial to archaeal genomes would have been
more important. Two critical consequences must have
followed. First, transfer of some housekeeping genes
Membrane Development and Membrane Loss
from one species to the other led to an irreversible sta-
A later eukaryogenetic state would imply loss of one of bilization of the symbiotic consortium. Second, the trans-
the plasma membranes (Fig. 2). Membrane loss occurs in ferred bacterial genes met a new genetic environment in
nature; for instance, phagocytotic membranes engulfing the archaeal genome, and therefore, they had to adapt to
some cellular endosymbionts, including mitochondria it by acquisition of some (eukaryotic-like) archaeal fea-
and plastids (Gray 1992). Even the outer membrane of tures such as TATA boxes or histone-mediated regula-
Gram-positive bacteria could have been lost if, as sug- tion. This symbiotic gene transfer could be compared to
gested, the presence of two cell membranes is an ancient that undergone by mitochondrial and plastid genomes
character in bacteria (Blobel 1980; Rachel et al. 1990). towards the nuclear genome (Gray 1992). In some cases,
Two possibilities can be considered. One involves the the complete genome of a symbiont can be transferred in
loss of the external membrane of bacterial cells, i.e., the a so-called genome extinction process (Palmer 1997).
bacterial membrane in closest contact with the methano- Interesting examples are the hydrogenosomes (Muller
gen. Hence, a single eukaryotic plasma membrane could 1993) and some secondary plastid endosymbionts
be generated. The preservation of the archaeal mem- (Palmer and Delwiche 1996). Obviously, each trans-
brane, currently used as an argument against a putative ferred gene had to acquire a targeting signal ensuring
archaeal origin of the eukaryotic nucleus, could in this efficient posttranslational transport of the encoded pro-
way explain some archaeal-like features of nuclear and tein to the donor symbiont. Such targeting signals gen-
endoplasmic reticulum membranes (see above). If this erally consist of short sequences, which seem to be easily
turns out to be the case, substitution of ether-linked lipids incorporated, as testified by all mitochondrial and plas-
by bacterial ester-linked ones would have been required, tid-derived nuclear genes. This may happen in a short
while some polar lipids and metabolic pathways would period of time, as has been documented for coxII. This
have been conserved. However, these similarities do not gene is normally transcribed from mitochondrial DNA,
argue specifically in favor of this possibility, since a but in some legumes it was recently transferred to the
similar situation could result if the archaeal membrane nucleus, where it acquired a classical sequence to target
were lost, but some of the genes involved were con- the protein back into the mitochondrion (Nugent and
served, and their products began to interact with bacterial Palmer 1991).
membranes. This suggestive possibility would entail Logically, bacterial genes having homologues within
elimination of the unique membrane of the methanogenic the host archaeal genome should also have been trans-
archaeon, while maintaining useful membrane compo- ferred, and these genes may have often replaced the host
nents and their associated synthetic pathways. In such a copies. This is a well-known process for some eukaryotic
scenario, it might be speculated that the archaeal mem- genes of mitochondrial or plastidial origin, and is re-
brane, completely encircled by a continuous layer of bac- ferred to as symbiotic gene replacement (Martin et al.
terial ones, became redundant and was lost, as well as the 1993; Martin and Schnarrenberger 1997). Obviously, the
outer bacterial membranes exposed to the environment. probability of a successful gene replacement was higher
In any case, the final situation would have corre- when the transferred gene encoded a protein that was not
sponded to a methanogenic core wrapped by a double involved in a large number of interactions with other
membrane with a complex system of invaginations and proteins, as could be the case for many enzymes of dif-
extrusions. This eukaryotic-like membrane arrangement
ferent metabolic pathways. In contrast, host genes en-
could be considered preadaptative, having evolved ini-
coding proteins interacting with many others were un-
tially with a function (increase in contact surface be-
likely to be replaced by the transferred homologues. This
tween syntrophic partners) quite different from that of
would also be in agreement with the finding that eukary-
present-day eukaryotic membranes. The central compart-
otic replication, transcription, and translation are ar-
ment surrounded by a double membrane could be con-
chaeal-like, whereas some eukaryotic metabolic genes
sidered as a protonucleus plus a protoendoplasmic re-
are more akin to those of bacteria (Feng et al. 1997;
Brown and Doolittle 1997).
Such a putative gene flow, and eventually gene re-
Gene Flow, Gene Replacement, and Eukaryotic placement, toward the archaeal symbiont would explain
Genome Emergence eukaryotic genomes birth more easily than fusion mod-
els of eukaryogenesis do (Zillig et al. 1989). Whereas, as
We suggest that, during this cointegrative process, a bi- stated by Roger and Brown (1996), it is very difficult to
directional flow of genetic material between both part- explain how two very different genetic systems (archaeal

and bacterial) could be successfully integrated by such a molecules and methane. Likely, the consortium dis-
radical event as cell fusion, a progressive integration by played broad metabolic abilities, contributed mainly by
transfer of discrete amounts of genetic information, as the bacterial partner. In fact, most -proteobacteria (both
occurred in the case of mitochondria and plastids, seems sulfate-reducing and myxobacteria) are able to decom-
much more feasible. One simple and efficient genetic pose a great diversity of organic compounds (Reichen-
transfer mechanism to be considered, although not ex- bach and Dworkin 1992; Widdel and Hansen 1992). In-
clusive, would be conjugation, which, indeed, can effi- terestingly, myxobacteria produce extracellular enzymes
ciently mobilize DNA between distantly related prokary- hydrolyzing several macromolecules (Reichenbach and
otes (Mazodier and Davies 1991) and even between Dworkin 1992), which might have already evolved in the
individuals from different domains, including eukaryotes putative ancestral sulfate-reducing myxobacterial part-
(Buchanen-Wollaston et al. 1987; Heineman and Spra- ner. Consequently with these capabilities, these consortia
gue 1989). Notably, conjugative plasmids and conjuga- would have thrived in anaerobic (maybe microaerobic)
tion are widespread in Archaea (Rosenshine et al. 1989; environments, gaining energy from the fermentation of a
Schleper et al. 1995; Zillig et al. 1996) and also in Pro- variety of organic compounds and, possibly, playing the
teobacteria, including the subdivision (Argyle et al. ecological role of organotrophic scavengers, as some eu-
1992; Wall et al. 1993). karyotes do today.
All these processes of gene uptake would have been During the eukaryogenetic process, a dramatic meta-
accompanied by an increase in genome size and, ulti- bolic change must have occurred, leading to the complete
mately, genome partition and linearization. These phe- loss of methanogenesis, absent in contemporary eukary-
nomena occur in present-day prokaryotes. Indeed, some otes. This change can be explained in several ways. On
(relatively large) prokaryotic genomes are integrated by the one hand, adaptation to an efficient saprophytism
more than one large replicon (chromosomes and/or giant
(even phagotrophism after cytoskeleton development,
plasmids) (Allardet-Servent et al. 1993; Michaux et al.
likely favored by size increase) made methanogenesis no
1993; Choudhary et al. 1994; Netolitzky 1995), and
more selectively advantageous, and it was finally lost.
many bacteria have linear chromosomes and plasmids
The methanogenic partner was, however, already essen-
(Hinnebusch and Tilly 1993; Casjens et al. 1995). In
tial to the consortium as recipient of the bacterial ge-
halophilic euryarchaea, some of which carry the largest
nome. On the other hand, the acquisition of the mito-
known genomes among the Archaea, large extrachromo-
chondrial endosymbiont undoubtedly caused substantial
somal elements (up to approximately 700 kb) are wide-
changes in the protoeukaryotic metabolism. All known
spread too (Lopez-Garca et al. 1996). Remarkably,
myxobacterial genomes are the largest found in prokary- eukaryotes appear to have harbored mitochondria once
otes (around 910 mbp) (Chen et al. 1990; Neumann et (Germot et al. 1996; Roger et al. 1996, 1998). Therefore,
al. 1992), which might be required for their complex mitochondrial symbiosis must have been a very early
social and developmental biology. Such values are com- event in the history of eukayotes, perhaps as ancient as
parable to those of free-living unicellular eukaryotes they are. At this point, it is tempting to speculate that the
such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae (13 mbp) and the mi- mitochondrial symbiosis driving force might have been
croalga Galdieria sulphuraria (10 mbp) (Coetzee et al. methane production by the syntrophic consortium itself.
1987; Moreira et al. 1994). Most methanotrophic bacteria, which derive energy from
Thus, finally, a developed integrated consortium al- methane oxidation under aerobic or anaerobic condi-
ready endowed with a complex large genome would tions, belong to the Proteobacteria, and some genera
have emerged. Metabolic, social, and developmental (such as Methylocystis, Methylosinus, and Methylobac-
functions would have had a bacterial origin, whereas terium) to the subdivision (Lidstrom 1991; Hanson and
genetic information-processing activities, less suscep- Hanson 1996). Methanotrophs are ubiquitous; some spe-
tible to the interspecific transfer, would have been ar- cies associate with methanogens to form consortia under
chaeal-like. This is the overall case in contemporary eu- anoxic conditions (Hoehler et al. 1995), and some are
karyotic genomes. intracellular symbionts of diverse invertebrates (Cavan-
augh 1985, 1993). Furthermore, methanotrophs develop
internal membrane systems strikingly similar to those of
Metabolism mitochondria (Davies and Whittemburg 1970; Takeda
and Tanaka 1980). If ancestral eukaryotes were methane
Initially, the metabolic activities of the eukaryogenetic producers, the first mitochondrial endosymbionts could
syntrophic consortium would have been greatly depen- have been anaerobic or microaerophilic methanotrophs
dent on interspecific H2 transfer via intimate cell-to-cell of the -Proteobacteria. Taking into account the fact that
interactions. General metabolism would have mostly re- mitochondrial acquisition is a very ancient event, per-
lied on the bacterial H2-releasing fermentation of organic haps even prior to the massive accumulation of atmo-
substrates, followed by archaeal H2-dependent methano- spheric O2, the original endosymbionts metabolism may
genesis. The end products were diverse oxidized organic have been different from the present-day aerobic one.

The common evolutionary origin of aerobic mitochon- as evidence for their specific sisterhood (Rivera and
dria and anaerobic hydrogenosomes may actually sug- Lake 1992). However, it has been noted that this inser-
gest this (Bui et al. 1996). A mitochondrial transition to tion/deletion is not a stable character. In fact, among the
aerobic respiration would have been subsequent, as an Euryarchaeota, this particular region has changed at least
adaptative consequence to increasing environmental O2 three times (Creti et al. 1994). Therefore, an alternative
concentrations. Methanogenesis was, thus, ultimately explanation would be that this oligopeptide stretch rep-
lost in favor of a much more productive aerobic metabo- resents an ancestral archaeal character (perhaps present
lism, and old-fashioned methanogenic (proto)eukaryotes in the euryarchaeon that we propose to be involved in the
might have been completely outcompeted by the novel eukaryogenetic pathway) that has been lost several inde-
efficient organotrophs. pendent times in the euryarchaeal branch. Additionally,
although the EF-1 and EF-2 analysis indicates that the
eukaryotecrenarchaea relationship seems the best sup-
Discussion and Perspectives ported, other possibilities cannot be statistically rejected
(Baldauf et al. 1996). In any case, an essential conse-
quence of the proposed syntrophic hypothesis is that the
We have reported here an alternative hypothesis for the resulting eukaryotic genome would have had, at least
origin of eukaryotes in an attempt to overcome some of partly, a high evolutionary rate. Acceleration of evolu-
the unsolved questions in current models, many of which tionary rates appears to be a common phenomenon
were artificially born to explain particular contradictions among symbiotic partners (Lutzoni and Pagel 1997; Ma-
in protein phylogenies. We believe that the idea that tic et al. 1997), and indeed, some eukaryotic genes, such
eukaryotes derived from syntrophic symbiosis between as rRNA genes, have evolved rapidly (De Rijk et al.
certain methanogenic archaea and ancestral anaerobic 1995; Baldauf et al. 1996). Besides, the generation of
sulfate-respiring -proteobacteria provides a coherent innovative properties is an intrinsic, even conclusive,
molecular and cellular evolutionary scenario compatible characteristic of symbiosis (Smith 1989; Margulis and
with actual phenomena in nature. Fester 1993). Although mosaic evolution and differential
This evolutionary syntrophic symbiotic process pre- gene loss can complicate our understanding of lifes evo-
sumably took place under anaerobic (or microaerobic), lutionary history, the differential presence of a signifi-
and possibly moderately thermophilic (Schwartzman and cant number of relevant characters, such as the common
Shore 1996), conditions, as can be found in many pre- occurrence of histones and associated pathways of geno-
sent-day methanogenic consortia (Zinder and Koch mic regulation in euryarchaea and eukaryotes, may con-
1984). The inferred primeval eukaryotic anaerobic nature stitute a valuable phylogenetic tool.
could be in agreement with the reported existence of This syntrophic eukaryogenetic hypothesis is capable
eukaryotic fossils predating the massive oxygen release of being tested. First, some nuclear eukaryotic genes are
to the atmosphere (Han and Runnegar 1992; Canfield thought to have been acquired via endosymbiotic gene
and Teske 1996). replacement by mitochondrial genes (Martin and Schnar-
In addition to the compatibility with observations renberger 1997). Perhaps a closer investigation of some
from microbial ecology, this eukaryogenetic pathway ac- of them could reveal more similarity to their -proteo-
commodates a continuous evolution, allowing a parsimo- bacterial than to their -proteobacterial counterparts.
nious explanation of the existence of many eukaryotic Even if many phylogenetic signals permitting discrimi-
characters in common with archaea or bacteria, in many nation between both possibilities could have been extin-
cases with specific groups within them. This is seen in guished after such a long evolutionary period, having
the case of histone- and nucleosome-based genome or- -proteobacterial genomes sequenced may be very use-
ganization shared with the euryarchaea and of many mo- ful. Unfortunately, few -proteobacterial gene sequences
lecular features of the complex social behavior and de- are presently available to perform a meaningful analysis.
velopmental cycles of some -proteobacteria. Second, evidence may come from the analysis of pre-
Curiously, as mentioned in a previous section, certain sent-day consortia. It would be most interesting to ana-
molecular phylogenies may favor a closer proximity of lyze in more detail the molecular biology of obligatory
eukaryotes and crenarchaea (Rivera and Lake 1992; symbiosis and try to detect, for instance, recent gene
Baldauf et al. 1996). In addition to possible unrecognized horizontal transfers or how, if detected, they may be
paralogies, horizontal transfers, or biased sampling, un- taking place. Finally, a different look at the fossil record
equal rate effects may mask their real evolutionary rela- (especially of prokaryotic consortia) might reveal impor-
tionships, especially since very different evolutionary tant information concerning one of the most exciting
rates often occur among eukaryotes and archaea. Certain intelectual challenges in evolutionary biology, the
insertion/deletion sequences are more difficult to ex- enigma of the origin of eukaryotes.
plain. The example often cited corresponds to an oligo-
peptide stretch of 11 amino acids shared by EF-1 se- Acknowledgments. We wish to thank David Musgrave and Henner
quences from crenarchaea and eukaryotes, which is used Brinkmann for critical reading of the manuscript. D.M. is a postdoc-

toral fellow of the spanish Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia, and Bui ETN, Bradley PJ, Johnson PJ (1996) A common evolutionary
P.L.G. is a postdoctoral fellow of the European Community (Biotech- origin for mitochondria and hydrogenosomes. Proc Natl Acad Sci
nology Program). USA 93:96519656
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Note Added in Proof. During the reviewing process of the manu- Blake JA, FitzGerald LM, Clayton RA, Gocayne JD, Kerlavage
script, a new symbiotic hypothesis for the origin of eukayotes was AR, Dougherty BA, Tomb JF, Adams MD, Reich CI, Overbeek R,
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