Control System Engineering

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Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme: 100 marks

Lectures : 3 hrs/week Continuous Evaluation:
Quiz/Assignments 40 marks,
End-Sem Exam - 60 Marks

Unit 1 (6 Hrs)

Basic concept, Modeling a n d representation of control system and

Notion of feedback, open and closed -loop systems. Tracking regulator and process control
systems, Linear Mathematical models, Electrical analogy, Transfer function, concept of poles
and zeros, Block diagram, Signal flow graph.

Unit 2 (6 Hrs)

Time Domain Analysis:

Transient response of first and second order system, Time domain specification, Steady
state error and static error constants, Dynamic error coefficients, Performance indices and
their use in system optimization.

Unit 3 (6 Hrs)

Stability concepts:
Concept of stability for linear systems, Absolute and relative stability, Routh stability
criterion and its application in special cases. Nyquist stability criterion and stability margin,
Polar plots.

Unit 4 (6 Hrs)

Root locus and Freque ncy domain analysis :

Definition of root locus, Rules for plotting root loci, Root contour, stability analysis using
root locus, Frequency domain specification, Correlation between time and Frequency domain
specifications, Bode plot, gain and phase margin, Determination of transfer function from
Bode plot.

Unit 5 (7 Hrs)

State space c o n c e p t :
Concept of state and state variable, state equations of linear time- invariant and
continuous data system. Matrix representation of state equation, Conversion of state
variable model to transfer function, Solution of state equations. Concept of controllability
and observability.
Unit 6 (5 Hrs)

Industrial Controllers:
a) Industrial sensors and actuators.
b) Industrial Controllers: on- off, P,PI, PID and digital controls.

Text Books:
I J Nagrath and M. Gopal,Control system Engineering, Wiley Eastern Ltd, (3rd
edition), 2000.
Norman Nise ,Control system Engineering, John-Willey (3rd edition,),2000.

Reference Books:

John J. DAzzo, C. H. Houpis,Linear control system analysis and design

(conventional and modern), McGraw Hill International Fourth edition.
Stefani, Savant, Shahin, Hostetter,Design of feedback Control Systems,
Saunders College Publishing International, Fourth Edition.
M.Gopal ,Control systems-Principles and design, (2nd edition).2002
Katsuhiko Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd.
Benjamin C. Kuo ,Automatic Control system, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd.

R.C. Dorf ,Modern Control System.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
Derive a transfer function model of any physical system.
Carry out block diagram reduction technique and signal flow graph for finding
out transfer function of any system.
Apply Root locus, Bode plot and Routh-Hurwitz criterion to analyze the
behavior (stability and performance analysis) of a system.
Demonstrate the use of state space technique.
Demonstrate the applicability of industrial controllers.

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