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OEC Finite Elements in Engineering

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures : 3 hrs/week 100 marks: Continuous evaluation-
Eligibility Assignments /Quiz- 40 Marks,
All Branches students
Pre-requisite: End - Sem Exam 60 Marks
Engineering Mechanics

Unit 1 (5 hrs)

Introduction to finite element method, Direct approach for discrete systems, Equations for a
system, Two-Dimensional Truss systems, Transformation Law

Unit 2 (6 hrs)

Formulation for One-dimensional problems:

Strong and Weak form in One-Dimensional problems, Minimum potential Energy, Approximation
of Trial solutions, weight functions, Gauss Quadrature, finite element formulation for One-
dimensional problems

Unit 3 (6 hrs)

Multidimensional Scalar field Problems:

Strong and weak forms for multidimensional scalar field problems, The equivalence between
Weak and Strong forms, Generalization to Three-dimensional Problems. Completeness and
continuity of Trial functions

Unit 4 (7 hrs)

Formulation for Multidimensional Scalar field Problems:

Three-Node Triangular element, Four-Node Rectangular Elements, Higher order Quadrilateral
Elements, Iso-parametric elements, Three-dimensional elements, Finite element formulation for
Heat Conduction Problems

Unit 5 (5 hrs)

Finite Element Formulation for Vector field Problems:

Strong and Weak Forms, Finite Element Discretization, Three-Node Triangular Element
Generalization of Boundary Conditions

Unit 6 (7 hrs)

Applications in Various Engineering Fields:

FE solutions in elector-magnetics, Plane-stress, Plane-Strain analysis, Solid mechanics
applications, Heat flow analysis

Text Books

A First Course in Finite Elements, Jacob Fish and Ted Belytschko,Wiley,2007

Matrix and Finite Element Displacement Analysis of Structures, D. J. Dawe, Oxford Uni
Press, 1984
Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis, David Hutton,McGraw-Hill,2004

Reference Books

Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, Cook R.D. John Wiley New York
Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, Belegundu A.D. and Chandrupatla T.R.
Prentice hall India 2003
Finite Element Analysis, Buchanan G.R., McGraw Hill Publications New York 1995
Financial Engineering with Finite Elements,Jurgen Topper,Wiley,2005
The Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics, Jianming Jin, Wiley, 2002

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