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RVACG Board of Directors

Minutes for Saturday, January 14, 2017.

President McVay called the meeting to order at 10:09 am at Spring Green Community Church Library.

Present: McVay, D. Miller, Schneider, McCarville, B. Miller, Anderson

Absent: Rouse, Hilston

D. Miller made motion, second by McCarville to establish a quorum. Motion passed.

B. Miller made motion, second by McCarville to adjust agenda to approve minutes after copies of December meeting
were made. Motion passed

McVay distributed position responsibilities for the 2017 fiscal year and answered questions.

McCarville distributed ordering materials for the Butter Braid fundraiser to run January 17 through January 31.
Delivery will be February 10. Posters will be hung around town. Notices will be put in the paper and on Facebook.

B. Anderson reported that our 501(c)(3) application is in limbo because the IRS is not responding to Andersons
phone calls.

McVay reported on plans for the 2018 RV Garden Expo. He reported 21 survey responses. Planning will proceed.

McCarville presented the financial report. Beginning balance was $77.31. The Culvers Share Night netted $191.93.
Expenditures included $10 to the Department of Financial Institutions for IRS documentation and $6.50 for water
tank replacement part. Ending balance is $193.74. Motion by D. Miller, second by B. Miller to accept the financial
report. Motion passed.

D. Miller made motion, Anderson second to approve the minutes of the Oct 8, 2016 Board of Directors meeting and
the Dec. 10, 2016 Executive Committee minutes. Motion passed.

Old Business.
Ken Kmiecik, Independent Plant Breeder and Field Research Consultant, explained his tomato breeding program and
the Gardens participation within SWOFVT.

McCarville reported that she had attended a grant writing seminar. She learned that the Gardens qualifies for several
area grants. B. Miller made the motion and D. Miller second the motion authorizing McCarville to pursue grant
opportunities for the 2017 season. Motion passed.

New Business.
McVay presented the organizational charter for the Boards Landscape Planning Committee. Schneider made the
motion, D. Miller second to approve the establishment of the Landscape Planning Committee. Motion passed.

McVay presented the 2017 Policy Handbook for review.

Open Forum.
Possible educational programs for the 2017 season were discussed. Rouse is interested in doing several disease walks
in the Gardens during the growing season.

Information on the Sauk County Garden Expo was presented.

Schneider volunteered to contact the Soils expert for Sauk County on availability for a summer presentation.

McCarville made them motion to adjourn until the next scheduled meeting on Saturday February 11, 2017, at 10:00
a.m. in the library at Spring Green Community Church.; D. Miller second. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at
1:15 pm.

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