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Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology

ISSN: 0309-1902 (Print) 1464-522X (Online) Journal homepage:

Vibrational bone characteristics versus bone

density for the assessment of osteoporosis in
ovariectomized rats

G. Anastassopoulos, S. Panteliou, G. Christopoulou, A. Stavropoulou, E.

Panagiotopoulos, G. Lyritis, Lubna Khaldi, J. Varakis & N. Karamanos

To cite this article: G. Anastassopoulos, S. Panteliou, G. Christopoulou, A. Stavropoulou, E.

Panagiotopoulos, G. Lyritis, Lubna Khaldi, J. Varakis & N. Karamanos (2010) Vibrational bone
characteristics versus bone density for the assessment of osteoporosis in ovariectomized rats,
Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 34:1, 35-42, DOI: 10.3109/03091900903324056

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Published online: 04 Nov 2009.

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Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, Vol. 34, No. 1, January 2010, 3542


Vibrational bone characteristics versus bone density for the

assessment of osteoporosis in ovariectomized rats



{Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, University of Patras, Patras, Greece

{Department of Anatomy, Medical School, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
xLaboratory for the Research of Musculoskeletal System, University of Athens, Athens, Greece
{Department of Pathology, Amalia Fleming Hospital, Athens, Greece
**Department of Chemistry, University of Patras, Patras, Greece

(Accepted 10 September 2009)

Our previous research ndings suggested this integrated study in order to monitor changes of
bone properties and assess bone integrity using vibrational characteristics in osteoporosis.
The method is based on measurement of the bone dynamic characteristic modal damping
factor (MDF). The experimental animal model is ovariectomized rat followed by alendronate
treatment. According to the experimental design, adult female Wistar rats are ovariectomized
and 60 days later, with conrmed osteoporosis, the population is divided into two groups.
One is administered alendronate and the second is given no treatment. Furthermore,
established techniques such as pQCT and histomorphometry are applied at all time points, in
order to compare and correlate to MDF. The results indicate induction of osteoporosis due to
ovariectomy and render MDF capable of monitoring changes in bone material properties and
architecture, with high sensitivity and repeatability.

Keywords: Modal damping factor; Osteoporosis; pQCT

Bone mineral density (BMD) is recognized as the most

1. Background
important determinant of fracture risk in populations with
From the mechanical point of view bone can be considered bone disease [2]. Measurement of bone density is the basis
as a composite formed by the mineralization of an organic for diagnosis and monitoring of osteoporosis and osteo-
matrix (approximately 90% of collagen type I) by the malacia. However, many other skeletal and extraskeletal
nucleation and growth of a calcium phosphate mineral factors and conditions may inuence an individuals risk of
(apatite), highly resembling hydroxyapatite, within the developing a fracture [3]. Therefore, the ability of bone to
matrix. Apatite is present as a plate-like crystal, 20 withstand traumatic events is determined by the amount of
80 nm long and 25 nm thick. This provides the biome- mineralized tissue per unit of volume (density) and many
chanical properties needed for body support and move- other factors, e.g. trabecular architecture, tissue micro-
ment, enabling it also to withstand stresses. Insuciently damage, that are commonly referred to as bone quality.
mineralized bone matrix leads to osteomalacia while the Loss of trabecular connectivity, which from the mechanical
reduction of bone tissue is known as osteoporosis [1]. point of view is equivalent to structural deterioration, is

*Corresponding author. Email:

Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology

ISSN 0309-1902 print/ISSN 1464-522X online 2010 Informa UK Ltd.
DOI: 10.3109/03091900903324056
36 G. Anastassopoulos et al.

considered one of the critical factors that weaken bone number (Tb.N), trabecular thickness (Tb.Th) trabecular
strength in osteoporosis [4]. Although data are still limited, separation (Tb.Sp) and lately trabecular perforation
this architectural abnormality may independently consti- (Tb.Pf). Standardization of nomenclature, symbols, and
tute an important factor for predicting fracture risk [5] units are according to the ASBMR histomorphometry
assessing the vibrational bone characteristics. Modal nomenclature committee [21].
analysis is an established technique for the assessment of On the other hand, modal damping factor (MDF) and
structural integrity. quality factor (QF) are known to be material and system
In vitro studies have shown that bone strength is correlated properties [22,23]. In vibrating systems, excited by external
not only to mineral content, but also to modulus of force, MDF is the ratio of energy dissipated due to
elasticity [68] and natural frequency of bone vibration [9 discontinuities, to the energy applied to the system. It takes
13]. Transmission techniques based on ultrasound attenua- values of 01, and expresses the change in structural
tion or velocities have been developed as a clinical tool [14]. integrity. Extensive mathematical denition of MDF-QF
Conventional non-invasive techniques have been applied can be found in [22,23]. The application of a new
for monitoring bone related diseases, including x-rays such experimental method for the calculation of MDF to assess
as dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) and periph- bone integrity, based on sweeping sound excitation, which
eral quantitative computerized tomography (pQCT), and is an equal or better predictor of bone strength than
biological markers related to the suspected diseases. mineral density was presented in [2426]. This method was
In addition, bone biopsy is an approach that does not need also applied in porous conventional materials [27,28] as
an operating room or hospitalization. It can be performed in well as in cracked structures [29,30] and gave excellent
out-patients with a local anaesthetic. Histological examina- results. Ultrasound measures the elasticity modulus of the
tion of those biopsies, using undecalcied techniques, material and uses high frequency sound, while the method
requires a specially equipped bone pathology department. reported here measures modal damping using excitation in
Bone histomorphometry, on the other hand, is a quantitative the acoustic range. The calculation of QF, which is
evaluation of bone biopsies in which two-dimensional inversely proportional to MDF, can in theory be applied
measurements of cortical and trabecular bone structure is in clinical settings to estimate the biomechanical
achieved using semi-automatized computerized systems. competence of bone, and thus may be used as a diagnostic
pQCT [15,16] was developed as a small-eld, high- tool.
resolution extension of the existing QCT systems, to We conducted this work to evaluate and compare the
measure the peripheral skeleton with a substantial im- advantages of the MDF method in relation to the
provement of the image denition. Many bone variables conventional ones, thus reinforcing the idea that MDF
can be measured by pQCT in long bones from small may provide a useful alternative to existing diagnostic
animals. It has been demonstrated that pQCT-assessed techniques for monitoring osteoporosis. The need for this
vBMD more eectively represents actual bone material study has risen from the indications of our previous
quality than the areal BMD expressed as a mass of research ndings that the MDF method may be used as
mineral per square unit of projected bone area provided by an accurate, reliable and more sensitive tool for assessing
DEXA. osteoporosis, as well as from estimation of the disadvan-
Markers of bone metabolism are nowadays used as tages of the conventional methods.
auxiliary prognostic and diagnostic means for osteoporosis.
Biochemical markers of bone turnover are products
released from osteoblasts and osteoclasts or collagen 2. Materials and methods
breakdown products and can be used as molecular tools
2.1. Experimental design
for the detection of high bone turnover, as well as for
monitoring the ecacy of the administered drug. Com- Fifteen adult, virgin, female Wistar rats, weighing 230
parative studies of biochemical markers with the dynamic 250 g, are maintained at 22 + 18C, 12-hour light/dark
characteristics of bone have been presented in previous cycle, fed with standard diet and water ad libitum. After a
works of the authors [17,18]. Histomorphometric analysis month of acclimatization, all animals are bilaterally
has been widely used for the last 50 years for bone ovariectomized according to the guidelines of the Animal
metabolic diseases and related pharmaceutical agents Welfare Committee, University of Melbourne [31,32].
[19,20]. Those measurements provide objective data on Atropine (DEMO S.A., Athens, Greece) is used as a
the static and dynamic parameters of bone structure at premedication agent (0.05 mg/kg), and 15 minutes later, a
microscopic level. There is a plethora of parameters to be mixture of (10 mg kg71) xylazine (Rompun, Bayer Hellas,
tested, with the most reliable being trabecular bone volume Athens, Greece), and (75 mg kg71) ketamine (IMAL-
(BV/TV), osteoid volume (OV), eroded surface (ES), GENE 1000, MERIAL Inc.) is administered, intramuscu-
osteoblast surface (Ob.S), osteoclast surface (Oc.S), osteo- larly, as anaesthetic agents for short-term surgical
blast number (Ob.N), osteoclast number (Oc.N), trabecular operations.
Assessment of osteoporosis in ovariectomized rats 37

The animals are allowed to develop bone loss for 60 days

after ovariectomy (osteoporotic group) and are then
randomly divided into two sub-populations (n1 10 and
n2 4 due to death of one test animal). Sub-population 1 is
administered alendronate (4 mg kg71 day71) in 5% gum
arabic and is called the alendronate group and sub-
population 2 is the no-therapy group. Medication is given
5 days per week, from day 60 up to day 145. Drug
administration is oral by gavage (University of Iowa
Animal Care Unit). The oral dose of alendronate given
(4 mg kg71 day71) is chosen according to studies that had
been performed on rats by the pharmaceutical company,
and it was the optimal dose suggested by the company. The
bioavailability of orally administered alendronate in rats is
assumed to be the same as in humans (0.63%), since rats
were restricted from food half an hour before and after the
administration of the drug.
Blood withdrawals were performed on all animals, under
the surgical anaesthesia mentioned above, by tail vein Figure 1. Experimental set-up.
venipuncture (University of Iowa Animal Care Unit),
before ovariectomy (day 0), after ovariectomy (day 60)
and at the end of therapy (day 145), in order to measure measurements are performed on rat tibiae. Each bone (rat
biochemical markers levels. Accordingly, pQCT and MDF tibia) is set to free vibration, and the signal of a
measurements are applied at the same time points. At the piezoelectric accelerometer of l g mass which is xed on
end of day 145 all animals are euthanized and the intact one end of the tibia as vibration transducer is then
tibiae are collected and maintained at 808C for histomor- amplied and relayed to an A/D converter. The damping
phometric studies. A group of 10 healthy and a group of 10 factor is calculated from the fast Fourier transform (FFT)
osteoporotic rats (60 days after OVX) are also euthanized analysis of time response data. The damping factor is
for histomorphometric studies. proportional to the energy absorbed per cycle of vibra-
tion.The positioning and support of animals tibiae are
achieved by a special mounting device from foam-type
2.2. Measurement of damping
material, which restricts the movement on the axis of
Natural frequency of any structural member is dened as excitation. Measurements are performed on the tibial end,
the frequency at which the member vibrates if displaced where the eect of soft tissues and hair is eliminated. Each
from equilibrium. Usually several frequencies coexist and measurement occurs as the mean value of 10 measurements
signal analysis techniques are available for the simulta- under the same conditions.
neous measurement of these frequencies. Material damping
factor g is dened as the energy dissipated throughout the
2.3. Measurement of BMD
medium in one cycle of deformation, normalized with
respect to the elastic energy stored during that cycle, The rats are scanned at the tibia in a pQCT XCT 960 X-ray
representing the fraction of strain energy lost in one full bone densitometer (Stratec) device. Each rat is positioned
cycle [22]. in a special purpose device for placing its tibia in the centre
The vibration modal damping factor z (MDF) and of the tomographic eld of view (FOV) and three cross-
quality factor (QF) are respectively dened [22,23] as: sectional scans (one distally and two proximally) are
performed. The two proximal scans are located 4 and
z g2 =4 z2 ; QF 1=2z 1 5 mm away from the articulate surface of the knee where
trabecular bone structure is the dominant volume, and the
The experimental modal damping factor (MDF) is distal scan is located 15 mm away from the above reference
obtained in vivo by applying the half-power bandwidth line, where cortical shell and density can accurately be
method [22]. Detailed description of fundamentals of the assessed. The slice thickness is 2.4 mm and the voxel size
theory proposed by the authors is analytically described in 0.3 mm3. Default thresholds of 169 mg cm73 (for separa-
[29]. A sweep-frequency scanner is used, consisting of a tion of trabecular bone from soft tissue), 500 mg cm73 (for
computer, sound electronics and a probe, all installed in a separation of cortical bone from trabecular and subcortical
PC. The experimental set-up and procedure are presented region) and 430 mg cm73 (for separation of trabecular
in gure 1 and described in detail in [29]. MDF-QF from subcortical region) are used. Analysis of these scans
38 G. Anastassopoulos et al.

produced measurements of volumetric total density ndings [2427] showing that MDF-QF change due to bone
(vTotBMD) by averaging the values (vTrabBMD) of the structural changes.
rst two slices. The in vivo precision of double measurement In order to conrm the validity of the experimental
of ve rats with repositioning is: 0.5% for total BMD and protocol used, histomorphometric results are evaluated to
0.3% for trabecular BMD. render the induction of osteoporosis with ovariectomy as
well as the bone turnover that occurs due to the medical
protocol followed. Results are presented in table 1.
2.4. Histomorphometric analysis
In relation to histomorphometric analysis, we cite
Tibiae specimens are xed in 10% buer formaline, cut all parameters found to be statistically aected by ovar-
longitudinally to the long axis of tibia with low-speed iectomy. In particular, BV/TV (%) decreases signicantly
sawing machine, dehydrated and embedded undecalcied ( p 5 0.001) following ovariectomy (pre-ovariectomy
in methyl-methacrylate [31]. Sections of 58 mm are 28.43 + 0.31% versus post ovariectomy 10.30 + 0.11). The
obtained using Polycut heavy-duty microtome and stained administration of alendronate aected BV/TV, by increas-
with Goldners Trichrome stain. Histologic examination of ing its value to 16.97 + 0.27% ( p 5 0.001), whereas BV/TV
the specimens is performed by light microscopy, while bone of the no-therapy group continues to decrease (9.88 +
histomorphometric evaluation is conducted by a semi- 0.17%, p 5 0.001), proving, thus the great deterioration of
automated computerized system using OsteoMeasure the trabecular network. A similar pattern is observed in the
software (Interactive measure system for bone histomor- alterations of trabecular thickness (mm), with a signicant
phometry, Osteometrics, Atlanta, GA). The trabecular decrease after ovariectomy (72.38 + 0.80 mm versus
bone of the proximal tibia 1 mm distal to the growth plate 54.37 + 0.61 mm respectively, p 5 0.001). The alendronate-
is analysed. All parameters were measured, but the treated group shows a deceleration in the destruction of
following parameters are considered: trabecular bone trabecular mass (57.41 + 0.91 mm, p 5 0.05) compared to
volume (BV/TV), trabecular thickness (Tb.Th), trabecular the osteoporotic group. The comparison of alendronate
separation (Tb.Sp) and trabecular number (Tb.N). group to the no therapy group indicates greater trabecular
perforation (57.41 + 0.91 mm versus 40.75 + 0.74 mm,
p 5 0.001). Trabecular separation of healthy tibiae is
2.5. Statistical analysis
218.52 + 2.44 mm and increases on day 60 after ovariect-
In the series of experiments, data for statistical analysis are omy to 347.15 + 3.87 mm ( p 5 0.001). A further elevation is
considered as repeated measurements. Given the small observed in the no-therapy group with a value of 373.41 +
sample size and the consequent threat to the normality 6.82 mm ( p 5 0.05), whereas, the alendronate group shows a
assumption, we use the Wilcoxon test to compare the pre signicant reduction in separation (246.95 + 3.94 mm,
and post ovariectomy results (non parametric- 2 paired p 5 0.001). Changes in the trabecular number (mm71)
sample test) and the post ovariectomy results versus post- conrm previously acquired results with a signicant
alendronate-treatment results. In order to compare data for decrease ( p 5 0.001) after ovariectomy (7.86 + 0.09 mm71
alendronate-treated group and no therapy group, the non healthy group versus 2.60 + 0.03 mm71 osteoporotic
parametric Mann Whitney test is used (two independent group) that further decline in the no-therapy group
samples test). All data are presented as mean + standard (2.41 + 0.04, p 5 0.05). Finally, alendronate increases
error. Statistical analysis is performed using SPSS software. trabecular number to 3.32 + 0.05 mm ( p 5 0.001).
The hypothesis that MDF and QF correlate with the
ndings extracted from the analysis of histomorphometric
3. Results
results is conrmed from the results presented in table 2.
On the basis of the methods described above, changes in Our experimental ndings show that MDF and QF follow
MDF are evaluated experimentally, to verify previous changes in bone characteristics. MDF in healthy population

Table 1. Measured parameters from histomorphometry.

0 days (healthy) n 10 60 days (osteoporotic) n 10 145 days (alendronate) n 10 145 days (no-therapy) n 4

BV/TV (%) 28.43 + 0.31 10.30 + 0.11* 16.97 + 0.27{ 9.88 + 0.17{
Tb.Th (mm) 72.38 + 0.80 54.37 + 0.61* 57.41 + 0.91{ 40.75 + 0.74{
Tb.Sp (mm) 218.52 + 2.44 347.12 + 3.87* 246.96 + 3.94{ 373.42 + 6.82{
Tb.N (mm71) 7.86 + 0.09 2.60 + 0.03* 3.32 + 0.05{ 2.41 + 0.04{

*Signicant dierences between healthy and osteoporotic groups at level p 5 0.001.

{Signicant dierences between osteoporotic and alendronate groups at level p 5 0.005.
{Signicant dierences between alendronate and no-therapy groups at level p 5 0.005.
Assessment of osteoporosis in ovariectomized rats 39

Table 2. Measured parameters from MDF, QF and BMD (mean + standard error).

0 days (healthy) n 15 60 days (osteoporotic) n 15 145 days (alendronate) n 10 145 days (no-therapy) n 4

MDF 0.058 + 0.0026 0.0985 + 0.0033** 0.0761 + 0.0024 {{

0.1015 + 0.0039{{
QF 9.24 + 0.41 5.46 + 0.16** 6.967 + 0.24{{ 5.455 + 0.19{
vTotBMD (mg cm73) 702.41 + 18.96 542.25 + 12.84** 549.44 + 12.27 464.77 + 9.07{
vTrabBMD (mg cm73) 445.31 + 13.05 396.69 + 32.64* 368.38 + 14.73{ 341.95 + 20.68

Asterisks show signicant dierences between healthy and osteoporotic groups at levels *p 5 0.05 and **p 5 0.001.
Daggers show signicant dierences between osteoporotic and alendronate groups at levels {p 5 0.05 and {{p 5 0.01.
Double-daggers show signicant dierences between alendronate and no-therapy groups at levels {p 5 0.01 and {{p 5 0.005.

(before ovariectomy) is 0.058 + 0.003 (expressed as a

mean + standard error values) while osteoporotic group
values (60 days after ovariectomy) are 0.099 + 0.003.
Similar changes appear in QF measurements, where QF
for the healthy group is 9.24 + 0.41 while the corresponding
values for the osteoporotic population are 5.46 + 0.16. The
level of statistical signicance between the healthy and the
osteoporotic population is p 5 0.001 for MDF-QF values
(two related samples Wilcoxon Test). Dierences between
MDF values for osteoporotic animals (0.099 +0.003) and
alendronate-treated animals (0.076 + 0.002) are found to be
statistically signicant at level p 5 0.01 while the no-therapy
control group has MDF values (0.1015 + 0.00388) statisti-
cally dierent at level p 5 0.005 when compared to
alendronate-treated animals (using two independent sam-
ples in the ManWhitney U test). Changes of QF values for
the osteoporotic (5.46 + 0.16) and alendronate-treated
population (6.967 + 0.24) are statistically dierent at the
level of p 5 0.01 while the changes of QF values for the no-
therapy group (5.455 + 0.19) when compared to alendro-
nate treated group (6.967 + 0.24) are statistically dierent
at level p 5 0.01.
Concerning volumetric total bone mineral density
(vTotBMD) (mg cm73), changes are signicant between
osteoporotic (542.25 + 12.84) and healthy (702.41 + 18.96)
populations ( p 5 0.001), between 145 days no-therapy
group (464.77 + 9.069) and osteoporotic group
( p 5 0.01). Changes are not signicant between the
alendronate-treated group (549.44 + 12.27) and the osteo-
porotic group (60 days). Similar results appear to
volumetric trabecular density measurements (vTrabBMD).
The osteoporotic group has vTrabBMD (mg cm73)
(396.69 + 32.64) values statistically dierent ( p 5 0.005) Figure 2. MDF versus (A) total density and (B) trabecular
from healthy population (445.31 + 13.05) while there is no density ( p and p0 correspond to levels of statistical
signicant dierence between alendronate-treated group signicance for MDF and BMD respectively).
(368.38 + 14.73) and no-therapy group (341.95 + 20.68).
Changes are signicant at p 5 0.05 level when alendronate- (0, 60, 145 days) in order to compare MDF and QF
treated group (368.38 + 14.73) is compared to osteoporotic measurements to volumetric total density and volumetric
group (396.69 + 32.64). trabecular density measurements. Text boxes assign to day
Data extracted from table 2 are summarized in scatter 60, day 145 alendronate and day 145 no-therapy results,
plots in order to compare the proposed method (MDF, inform about the level of statistical signicance when
QF) to volumetric densitometry technique results compared to day 0, day 60 and day 145 alendronate,
(vTotBMD, vTrabBMD). More precisely, gures 2 and 3 respectively. The p and p0 values refer to statistical
present scatter plots of all measurements in time domain signicance level values when comparison of MDF or QF
40 G. Anastassopoulos et al.

Figure 4. Linear t (A) of MDF versus vTotBMD (B) of

MDF versus TrabBMD.

ovariectomized rat was chosen as the experimental animal

Measurement of damping factor at one of the modes of
vibration results in a weighed average of material damping,
Figure 3. QF versus (A) total density and (B) trabecular the weight function being the corresponding natural
density. vibration mode. Dierent modes can give information on
the concentration of porosity at dierent places throughout
is performed, or when vTotBMD or vTrabBMD results are the bone. The experiments performed monitor the changes
compared. Figures 4 and 5 show linear ts of all MDF-QF in damping factor. Damping factor can be considered as an
results when compared to vTotBMD and vTrabBMD accurate and objective physical property, which accounts
results, while from the equation displayed on graphs strong for changes in the content of the inclusions in bone
linear correlations occur of MDF-QF values to vTotBMD- structure, as well as for changes in the porosity value, as is
vTrabBMD values. known both from vibration theory and our previous
research ndings [25,27,29,30].
MDF and QF (increase of MDF or decrease of QF
4. Discussion
corresponds to degradation of bone quality and vice versa)
Non-destructive testing techniques are widely used for the are in accordance with metabolism changes. In particular,
evaluation of structural integrity of conventional struc- MDF has lower values in the healthy group, whereas it is
tures. This work has been motivated by the need for increased in the osteoporotic group, corresponding to lower
establishment of a non-invasive, painless, repeatable and bone quality. The induction of osteoporosis resulted in
reliable method for monitoring changes of bone character- increased bone porosity and, consequently, in lower bone
istics. A valid experimental animal model is required for quality. The deceleration of osteoporosis that is achieved
validation of the test method. Since ovariectomy-induced by alendronate therapy is also monitored by MDF. Similar
osteoporosis in rats accurately mimics the post-menopausal observations appear with regard to QF, in an inversed way
osteoporosis in women, caused by oestrogen depletion, the compared to MDF.
Assessment of osteoporosis in ovariectomized rats 41

of bone volume [33]. Similar ndings with regard to

histomorphometric parameters have been previously re-
ported [34].

5. Conclusion
In conclusion, it must be emphasized that the experiments
performed follow the change in damping factor as a
monitoring tool. It is known that changes due to mineral
loss in bone are much more predominant in the trabecular
than in the cortical bone or in the surrounding soft tissue.
However, the correlations found with density and histo-
morphometric measurements are in support of the pro-
posed method. In addition, the proposal from our previous
research ndings that evaluation of structural damping can
be used for assessment of bone quality was conrmed, and
damping was proven to be the most convenient physical
index to assess osteoporosis, in comparison to conventional
techniques, because it is more accurate, non-invasive, has
short duration, is sensitive much earlier and has good

The authors are grateful for the reimbursement of the
General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the
Greek Ministry of Development in order to integrate this
work (Program PENED 01 ED 377). The authors would
Figure 5. Linear t (A) of QF versus vTotBMD (B) of QF
also like to thank Dr John Katsillis, Professor of Social
versus TrabBMD.
Research and Statistics, Department of Elementary Educa-
tion, University of Patras, for his valuable help in the
Comparing MDF-QF values to volumetric bone densi- exploitation of the statistical treatment of our results.
ties measured with pQCT it is proven that the proposed
methodology and device is much more sensitive than
densitometer techniques used to evaluate bone condition.
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