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Professional Library Subspace

The Importance of Community Involvement in Schools

This resource will be beneficial for parents to understand the

importance of their involvement in their childs school and educational
career. This stage has the potential to impact all stages of
development. For parents in infancy and toddlerhood it will prepare
parents for future relationships. In early and middle childhood and
adolescents since those children are in schools it will greatly
strengthen their mesosystem relationships.

Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early


This resources focuses on promoting childrens social and emotional

development. This resource will be beneficial to parents of children
ranging from birth to age five, as it provides parents training modules
on a variety of parent training topics such as
1. Teaching your child to identify and express emotions
2. Making the most of playtime
3. Teaching your child about feelings
4. Teaching your child t cooperate with request
5. Understanding your childs behavior Reading your childs cues
from birth to age 2
As well as a variety of other topics that would be beneficial to
parents of young children looking to stimulate social-emotional

Center for Parent Information and Resources

This is a key resource for families with children with exceptional needs
and or disabilities. It aides families with states services that may be
available for them, such as early intervention with children that are
babies or toddlers and school services for school age children such as
therapies and transportation. This site also helps connect parents with
parent training and information centers

Overview of Theories of Development Individuals and Society

This video would provide families with a brief introduction into key
theorist. Providing them with an understanding of how children
develop, this video describes the work of Sigmund freud, Erikson, P. F.
Skinner and Lev Vygotsky. This resource would benefit children of and
parents of all ages.

Birth to 5: Watch Me Thrive!

The resource is a federal effort to encourage healthy development for

children. This resource provides screening and supports families in
educating them in on the typical and atypical developmental
milestones, identify delays and concerns, as well as fostering proper

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