Smart Goals

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SMART Goal Strategies and Action Responsibility Timeline Evidence of Effectiveness


Goal 1
Find policy 701 on Myself September 1, 2017 Found policy
As educators, we must be
certified in Policy 701 Read policy 701 Myself September 1, 2017 Read policy

Sign up for online training Myself September 1, 2017 Test is ready to take

By September 1, 2017, I
will have successfully
completed the online Complete test Myself September 1, 2017 Completed Test
training for Policy 701and
be certified

Be certified Computer September 1, 2017 Certificate

SMART Goal Strategies and Action Responsibility Timeline Evidence of Effectiveness

Goal 2
Look up on the internet Myself August 1, 2018 Found webpage
Reality/Rationale information on TESL at
statement: Crandall
I want to teach
Internationally (in Africa
specifically), and should be
certified in TESL to do so Read the requirements on Myself August 1, 2018 Document stating the 150
as it would be very helpful the Crandall website for hours of instruction and 25
completing the TESL hours of supervised
Certificate Program practicum must be

Goal: Check if I meet the Myself August 1, 2018 Document stating that a
By December 2018, I will relevant pre-requisites to minimum of 30 credit-
have successfully pursue the certificate in hours at the university level
completed the fall semester TESL is required, including at
of the TESL Certificate least 6 credit hours of
Program English

Find the fall dates that it is Myself August 1, 2018 Document stating the next
offered ED3123 opportunity

Sign up for ED3123 in the Myself August 1, 2018 Registered in ED3123, on

fall semester NetClassroom
Buy any needed textbooks Myself September 10, 2018 Receipts

Attend classes each Myself and professor September 10 -December Class Attendance record
Tuesday evening of the 13, 2018
Fall semester

Finish the class with a B- Professor, on NetClassroom December 20, 2018 Record on NetClassroom of
minimum having the credit

SMART Goal Strategies and Action Responsibility Timeline Evidence of Effectiveness

Goal 3
Research organizations Myself July 1, 2018 Have a list of possible
Reality/Rationale that I could work with in organizations to work with
statement: Africa
Id like to teach in Africa, a
desire that Ive had since
my past experience of
teaching in Malawi and
Kenya Find where the preferred Myself July 7, 2018 Have a list of the countries
organizations are found (in that the preferred
Goal: which countries) organization is located/does
By December 2018, I will work in
have arranged with which
organization I will teach
with and in which African Establish which Myself July 10, 2018 Have the organization and
country, and when I will be organization and country where I will be located
doing this Id like to work with/in

Contact the organization Myself July 14, 2018 Evidence of email

through email

Have a dialogue with the Myself and the PR head July 14-November 1 2018 Evidence of emails
organization, asking and
answering questions

Follow the process that the Myself and the PR head November 1, 2018 Finished application on
organization asks of me computer
(application, fees,
rationale, etc.)

Look at flight costs Myself and my mom December 31, 2018 List of typical flight costs

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