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Carleton University

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Winter 2017

MECH 3002 Machine Design and Practice

Assignment due Friday, 3 March 2017

Assignment #2

A2.1 A large rectangular sheet with a 1-in.-long central crack fractures when loaded to 80
ksi. Determine the fracture load for a similar sheet containing a 1.75-in. crack (see Figure

Figure A2.1

A2.2 A plate of width 2w = 8 in. and thickness t = 0.05 in is made of leaded beryllium (Su
= 98 ksi, Sy=117 ksi) and the plate stress KIc= 70 ksi in. It is used in a boiler, where
periodic inspection for cracks will be made. Estimate the highest load, P (Figure A2.2 ),
that can be applied without causing sudden fracture when a central crack grows to a
length, 2c, of 1.5 in.

Figure A2.2

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A2.3 A machine component is loaded so that stresses at the critical location are 1 = 20
ksi, 2 = -15 ksi, and 3 = 0. The material is ductile, with yield strengths in tension and
compression of 60 ksi. What is the safety factor according to:
(a) the maximum- normal-stress theory?

(b) the maximum-shear-stress theory?

(c) the maximum- distortion-energy theory?
(d) which theory would be expected to agree most closely with an actual test?
A2.4 A round steel rod is subjected to axial tension of 50 MPa with superimposed torsion
of 100 MPa. What is your best prediction of the safety factor with respect to initial
yielding if the material has a tensile yield strength of 500 MPa (see Figure A2.4)?

Figure A2.4

A2.5 A particular machine part is subjected in service to a maximum load of 10 kN. With
the thought of providing a safety factor of 1.5, it is designed to withstand a load of 15 kN.
If the maximum load encountered in various applications is normally distributed with a
standard deviation of 2 kN, and if part strength is normally distributed with a standard
deviation of 1.5 kN, what failure percentage would be expected in service?

A2.6 Redesign the bolt loaded in tensile impact and shown

in Figure A2.6 to increase the energy absorbing capacity by
a factor of 3 or more.

Figure A2.6

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A2.7 Consider a 3.5-in.-diameter steel bar having Su = 97 ksi and Sy = 68 ksi and
machined surfaces. Estimate the fatigue strength for (1) 106 or more cycles and (2) 5*104
cycles for:
(a) bending
(b) axial
(c) torsional loading

A2.8 Figure A2.8 shows (1) an unnotched bar and (2) a notched bar of the same
minimum cross section. Both bars were machined from AISI 1050 normalized steel. For
each bar, estimate (a) the value of static tensile load P causing fracture and (b) the value
of alternating axial load P that would be just on the verge of producing eventual fatigue
fracture (after perhaps 1 to 5 million cycles).

Figure A2.8

A2.9 Figure A2.9 shows a shaft and the fluctuating nominal stress (in the center of the
50mm section) to which it is subjected. The shaft is made of steel having Su = 600 MPa
and Sy = 400 MPa. Estimate the safety factor with respect to eventual fatigue failure if (a)
the stresses are bending, (b) the stresses are torsional.

Figure A2.9

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