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The Rules of the Game...

Dice and rolling

In Cadwallon only one type of die is used; the D6. Players roll one or more D6,
adding their appropriate attitude to the highest rolled die to attempt to equal or
exceed a difficulty number.

The adding rule:

Rolling multiple dice has its advantages, not only does it give the character a better
chance at rolling a higher number but also can allow him to benefit from the adding
rule. When the player rolls additional dice that equal the value rolled on the highest
die he is able to add one to his final total for each die that rolled the same as the
highest die.

For example; Tian is attempting to shoot a skeleton with his pistol, he rolls 3 dice
and adds is SLE (which is the attitude used with the shoot skill) of +3 to the highest
die rolled. He rolls a 3, 3 and a 1. He selects 3 as the highest die rolled, and gains a
bonus+1 for rolling an extra 3 for a total die roll of 4. Added to his attitude his total
is 7. Had he rolled an extra 3, he would have gained an additional +1.

Critical Failure
No matter what his attitude value is or how many dice he rolls, if the results on all a
characters dice are 1 than the roll is an automatic failure.

Gambles and Quality

No matter how well a player rolls his ability roll will have the same affect if he
makes the difficulty; the roll succeeds with a default level of success. This level of
success is called quality; by default the quality of an ability roll is 0 if it succeeds but
this can be increased by distinctive features, spells or gambles. Additional levels of
quality can make a successful roll have a greater affect, an attack does more
damage, a spell has a better duration etc.

The default way of gaining quality is by taking gambles. Before a character rolls his
dice he can declare that he is taking one or more gambles; each gamble increases
both the quality and difficulty of the task by 1.

Sometimes due to negative effects or other factors a character is forced to take

compulsory gambles, these gambles increase the difficulty of rolls but do not add to
the rolls quality.

Not only do a characters attitude scores add to his dice rolls, but they influence the
manner he acts in scenes. During a scene a character selects one of the 6 attitudes
to act as his favoured attitude. This favoured attitude affects initiative as well as
granting a bonus die to ability rolls that use that attitude.

Bonus and Free dice

Some things, such as taking a favoured attitude, will grant Bonus dice to a
characters die rolls. These dice are rolled with any other but must obey two rules;
first they do not allow a character to roll more dice than his ability rank and second
that they cannot be rolled on their own but must be used in combination with at
least one die from the characters AP or RP. (See below)

Free dice work the same but have slightly different restrictions; they do not allow
the character to roll more dice than his ability rank, but they CAN be rolled on their
own without additional dice from the characters RP or AP. Abilities only gains one
free die each round from any one source.

Sometimes a character will have to roll 0D6 when using an ability, when this occurs
he rolls one die and disregards the result unless it is a 1. One the roll of a 1 the roll
is a failure otherwise his value is equal to his attitude + modifiers only.

Some actions taken by character are not governed by abilities, these actions are
called facts. These actions generally do not require a die roll and just require the
expenditure of an AP from the characters pool. Bonus dice can be used towards
Facts that match the characters favoured attitude unlike normal ability rolls.

Certain spells and miracles allow for the summoning of creatures and entities under
the command of the caster. These spells may be cast multiple times to invoke
multiple creatures should the caster be skilled enough. Each summoned creatures
POT counts towards the total POT that a caster can control at one time.

Casters highest Incantate or Divination trade rank Maximum POT of

1 1

2 2

3 4
4 8

5 12

6 24

Frightening characters and creatures make it more difficult for their opponents to
act against them or their allies, even forcing their opponents into rout as a result of
combat actions.

Certain races are considered frightful naturally, and certain spells or abilities grant
the Frightful ability to characters for a short period of time. Frightful characters are
divided into three classes which affect who are affected by fear.

Fear 1: Most fearful races possess this level of fear and it is the default level
granted by spells and items. (Such as Uren Steam masks) Fear 1 inflicts fear
on all characters that are not otherwise immune and the character is able to
use his Fear rating in place of his Mastery to resist the fear of others. Allies
and contacts of the character gain +2 to their MAS to resist Fear1

Fear 2: The living dead, creatures of darkness and other truly frightening
beings inflict this level of fear. These characters are immune to Fear unless it
is generated by a Hyperian, characters with fear 1 must still resist the fear of
the character.

Hyperian: Hyperians are servants of Light and virtue; as a result they are
immune to all fear. Living dead and Creatures of Darkness suffer from the
effects of Fear even if they possess fear 2. Hyperians do not inflict fear on
other characters.

By default the fear value of a character is equal to his PUG +1

A fearful opponent
Characters facing a fearful opponent only know what class of fear his foes
possesses, his opponents fear value is unknown until he attempts to engage him.
When attempting to enter the control zone of a character who is fearful the
character compares his MAS to the Fear of his opponent, if it is less the move in
cancelled and the dice are lost.

If a character has a fearful opponent move so that he is within the fearful

characters control zone he must resist the fear in the same way as detailed above.
The character targeted by fear can attempt to increase his MAS using
Intimidate/PUG as a reaction but does so before he learns the fear value of his
opponent. If the characters MAS is insufficient then he falls into Rout (see below)

Resisting Fear
A character can attempt to bolster his MAS in the face of Fear using the ability
Intimidate/PUG. This can be done before engaging using AP or in reaction to a
Fearful character moving into melee range with RP. The difficulty is the characters
current mastery; success increases the characters MAS by one when resiting fear,
gambles grant a further increase of 1 per two gambles. This increase lasts until the
end of the round and can be attempted multiple times.

Characters already routing can be rallied by another character using Command/DIS,

alternatively the character become rallied when he flees the area. Another
alternative is at the start of a round a character can choose to become frenzied,
throwing himself into combat with a fearful foe in a blind panic.

If a character successfully resists the fear of a fearful character he becomes

immune to that characters fear for the rest of the scene, even if the fearful
character increases his fear rating.

States of Mind:


Characters who become routed suffer the following effects

The character cannot place more dice in AP than RP
The character cannot use Incantation or Divination abilities
The character cannot use ranged weapons
The character cannot use Command/DIS
The character cannot attempt Gambles
NPCs in Rout do not shout
By default the character suffers the effects of Flight unless he opts to Frenzy
at the start of a round.


If the character suffers rout on his turn he must spend at least on AP to move out of
the reach of the fearful character. If the character is unable to flee he suffers

If he becomes routed outside his turn he must spend an RP to make a flee move if
possible. The Flee move is an exception to the normal use of the move fact, and the
character can spend multiple AP to flee further if they want.

Traumatised characters do little other than collapse or feint away, they count as
unconscious while suffering trauma but can be rallied using command as normal


A frenzying character suffers all the effects of rout, but he cannot use RP any longer
and must spend AP to engage the closest character in combat. (Friend or foe)

Rules additions/Clarifications

Shooting: Ignore the rate value on shooting weapons, all shooting weapons can be
fired as many times as the user can spend AP to shoot and reload them. Thrown
weapons must be drawn (using the draw weapon fact) before they are thrown at
their target. A character can carry a second one handed thrown weapon in his
offhand but suffers the normal penalties to his shoot roll. The wielder of a Beast star
must spend a 1AP fact to recover/catch the beast star in order to attack again with
it. If he does not it is considered to have landed in his square to be picked up on a
later round.

Parry: A character must be wielding a weapon to parry and cannot do so with

natural weapons. (Instead he uses dodge or strike back) Ranged attacks may be
parried, but the character gains no bonus to his die roll for his attitude, instead only
adding the parry bonus of his weapon. (if any)

Bargain/Barter: Bargain and Barter are the same skill.

Rigor: Rigor increases the effective level of all the characters knowledges by one;
this does increase a characters Path of Magic knowledge but does not grant
additional spells.

Bash: If the effective POW of a Bash attack (POW of attacker +gambles) exceeds
the targets POW by more than two the target is also stunned. Hard Boiled
characters cannot be stunned in this way.

Slash: Slashing weapons gain +1 DAM for every two gambles made on the attack,
not for every gamble.

The Melee weapon table in the book is misprinted; use the table below, this also
includes some additional weapons that appear in the Confrontation universe. Cost
and availability data is as per the book.
Weapon DA Typ Rea SI Conce Notes
M e ch Z al

Bastard Sword +3 S 1 3 -2 +4DAM if used two

handed by SIZ 3+

Battle Axe +4 S 1 3 -2

Black Weapon +4 S 1 3 -2 Legal: no, Avail:10,

Weight 5kg 50D. Min
quality of 2 on
slash/PUG rolls, -1 to all
other rolls made by

Cavalry Spear +6 P 3 4 Na -1 SIZ if used whilst


Claws of Ynkaro +2 S 1 3 -3 Legal: no, Avail: 10,

Weight: 3kg (each) 20D
If wielded as a pair they
count as a parry weapon
with +1 (or+2 if user
has ambidextrous

Combat Chain +2 B 0 4 0 Weapon used by the


Dagger +1 P 0 A +1

Fauchard +4 S or 3 2 -3 Legal:No, Avail :5,

P weight 2kg, 10D

Giant Mallet +4 B 2 4 na

Hook +1 S 0 A +1

Halberd +3 P 2 3 -3

Hybrid Blade +3 P or 0 A -1 Legal: No, Avail:8,

S weight 1kg 10D. Glove
with attached blades.

Knife +1 s 0 A +1

Mace +3 B 1 3 -1
Pike +4 P 2 3 na

Rapier +3 P 1 3 -1

Reaper (Wolfen) +4 S 0 4 NA Legal: No, Avail: 8,

weight 3kg 25D

Rod +1 B 2 A -3 Also used for Clubs and


Sabre +2 S 1 3 -1

Scimitar +3 S 1 3 -1

Short Sword +1 S 1 2 0

Steel Gauntlet +0 B 0 A -1 Legal: yes Avail:6,

Weight:1kg 15D

Sickle +1 S 1 A +1

Spear +4 P 3 3 Na

Sword-Axe +3 S 1 3 -3 If the die roll for damage

(after the adding rule) is
superior to 6, the target
is incapacitated

Sword +2 S 1 3 -1

Scythe +3 S 2 3 -3 Legal: Yes Avail:6,

Weight 3Kg 10D
considered poor quality

Two handed Mace +3 B 2 4 -3

Two Handed sword +5 S 2 4 -3

Voulge +4 S 3 3 Na

Weapons of Vile Tis +1 S 1 4 0 Legal: no, Avail 8,

Weight 2kg, 15D

Wolfen Javelin +3 P 3 3 -5 Legal: yes, Avail:8,

Weight 3kg, 25D. Can be
thrown for SIZ+2DAM

Whip +1 B 3 3 0 Legal: yes Avail:6,

Weight: 1kg, 10D +1
POW for calculating

Armour PRO Mod Size Notes

Breastplate 4 -1 3

Full Plate 6 -3 3 Helm

Heavy Armour 5 -2 A Helm

Knights 7 -2 3 Counts as fine

Armour quality

Leather 2 0 A

Leather 3 -1 3 Stacks +1

Leather suit 2 -1 3 Helm

Light Armour 4 -1 A

Officers 4 -2 2 Helm

Plate 5 -2 3 Helm

Reinforced 3 -1 2 Arms only,

Armband allows Parry

Reinforced 3 -1 3

Studded 3 -2 A Helm

Goblin Scale 4 -3 2 Helm

Used full 5 -1 3 Helm


Helm 1 -1 A Helm,
(only if
armour does
not have the
helm trait)

Black Armour 7 -4 3 Legal: no

Weight 5kg,
500D Helm

Conscript 6 -2 3 Legal: no
Armour Avail:10,
weight 20kg
250D- Helm

Templar 7 -1 3 Legal: no
Armour Avail: 10,
Weight: 20kg,
500D. Helm,
Fine quality

Armor or Azel 5 -1 3 Legal: yes

150D. Fine
Female only

Hybrid 4 0 3 Legal: no
Armour Avail:10
weight 5kg,

Technomantic 1 -1 3 Legal:Yes
Helm avail:8 1.5kg
25D. Stack +1
Helm. Wearer
splits dice
between AP
and RP after
characters on
the same

Wolfen 3 -1 4 Legal yes,

Leathers avail 8 , 10kg
30D Poor
Helm: Armour comes complete with a helm, which allows full PRO to work against
head shots

Stacks +: This armour increases the value of the highest pro armour worn by its
bonus. Penalties are cumulative.

LARP combat
Combat in LARP sessions will work a little differently from the tabletop rules.
Specific instances are noted below.

Dominant attitudes: In a LARP session, characters do not use or benefit from

dominant attitudes. If a distinctive feature or effect requires a character to adopt an
attitude, they must roleplay that behaviour obviously.

Dice pools: At the start of each round characters gain an additional die to place in
AP or RP. Double a characters POT is still the maximum they may have.

MOV: MOV is largely abstract in the LARP game, move facts allow the character to
change targets in a Melee or to move between Melees. At the start of a scene the
GM will divide players up into Melees (groups) and declare the distance between
groups for movement and shooting purposes. Characters are either in a Melee or
between Melees (even if it is a Melee of one person). Characters in a Melee are not
necessarily fighting, just in a group for game purposes.

New Fact: Escape In a combat scene, a character who is not engaged with an
opponent, and it near the edge of the scene can spend a since AP to declare an
escape. Unless this fact is cancelled, the character leaves the scene during the
clean-up portion of the round. After an Escape is declared, the character cannot
spend any more AP.

New fact: Pursue A character with a MOV at least equal to a character who has
declared escape OR who has a ranged weapon can use this fact to cancel a
characters declared escape. The die used for pursue can come from a characters
RP if he has a higher initiative than the target. A pursuing character immediately
moves his MOV towards the escaping character.


LARP combat uses a simplified damage system during combat. Hit points are not
used, instead attacks have a STR score which is resisted by the targets RES.

STR= POW +damage modifier

RES= PRO +HP per wound level

Two dice are always rolled for damage, the lowest one indicates the location hit and
the higher is added to the attackers STR. The defenders RES is then subtracted
from that roll and consulted on the table below:

1d6+STR- 1: Legs 2:Arms 3:Belly 4:Chest 5/6: Head


<0 No







Stunned Light Wound Serious Wound Critical Wound Incapacitated

A double 6 is always considered an incapacitated result regardless to the relative

STR/RES values.

Distinctive features and Abilities

Reach/Lunge: Characters attacking a character with a higher reach than them
must make a compulsory gamble. This does not apply to characters that have been
targeted by a thrust action.

Stun: Stunned characters suffer -1 to all rolls until they shake the stun off with a
1AP fact.

Assassin: When inflicting damage with a Charge action, the Assassin rolls 3d6 for
damage and selects the two results of his choice.

Born Killer: The character gains a free die when making Melee combat attacks.

Brutish Charge: The character gains an extra die in his AP when he charges

Ferocious: Stun results inflicted by this character are counted as light wounds

Hard Boiled: The character reads the damage chart one rank up when suffering

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