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Acne and milk, the diet myth, and beyond

F. William Danby, MD, FRCPC
Manchester, New Hampshire

I s acne related to the ingestion of dairy products? the past few years, and several lines of research may
It is not a new idea. It goes back to the early days be stimulated by these findings. Thiboutot recently
of the last century and beyond. The counter- demonstrated that human skin is a steroidogenic
claim, that there is no relationship between diet and tissue.8 Can bovine hormones act as substrates for
acne, has reached mythic proportions. It has never the enzyme systems of the pilosebaceous unit?
been substantiated, but it is repeated as gospel in all Likewise, dietary influences upon carbohydrate
major dermatology textbooks. Epstein,1 commenting metabolism and IGF-1 noted by Cordain4 will need
on contributions on the subject by Waisman, Bickers, to be revisited to consider the influences and in-
and Rosenberg, trod the middle road. Inexplicably teractions of bovine dietary source IGF-1. Zoubou-
asserting that Controlled studies indicate that foods liss highly innovative techniques of sebocyte culture9
have no effect on acne, he nonetheless allowed, and the investigation of isolated pilosebaceous unit
the patient should receive any assistance that di- function by Sanders et al10 will both be essential tools
etary control may impart.1 In a review of 274 clinical to further investigate the effect of these bovine
trials of acne, the massive 2001 Evidence Report on hormones on a molecular and cellular level.
the Management of Acne2 found one solitary paper The papers from the Harvard School of Public
that mentioned diet, but no trial reported specifically Health establish an association between milk con-
on patients diets.3 Cordains work in two isolated sumption and acne. But how could milk cause acne?
communities with minimal processed carbohydrate Because drinking milk and consuming dairy prod-
and no dairy intake suggests a mechanism that ucts from pregnant cows exposes us to the hormones
involves insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1).4 Closer produced by the cows pregnancy, hormones that
to home, Perricones acne-free program is almost we were not designed to consume during our
entirely dairy-free.5 The entire subject has recently teenage and adult years. It is no secret that teenagers
been beautifully reviewed by Wolf et al.6 acne closely parallels hormonal activity,11 and the
As a long-term believer in the relationship be- biochemical links between hormones and piloseba-
tween diet and acne, I encouraged Dr Walter Willett ceous activity and acne are being more closely
and his colleagues at the Harvard School of Public defined every year.12 So what happens if exogenous
Health to explore the possibility. In this issue of the hormones are added to the normal endogenous
Journal, we present evidence of an association load? And what exactly is the source of these
between milk consumption and acne. The first hormones? Consider that, in nature, milk is con-
paper,7 published here, is based upon the Nurses sumed from a mother, whether human or bovine,
Health Study II cohort. A second and third will be until weaning occurs. Normally, the mother then
forthcoming, and their data are based on the ceases lactation before the next pregnancy occurs
Growing Up Today Study, consisting of offspring of so that consuming milk from a mother pregnant with
the Nurses Health Study II subjects. her next offspring is not a common occurrence.
These papers are not the end of the story; rather, Weve all seen nature films of animals chasing their
they signal the need for a new beginning. Research offspring away to encourage weaning at the appro-
into the etiology of acne has been accelerating over priate time. Further, in nature the offspring consumes
only the milk of its own speciesbut both of these
From the Section of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, natural rules are broken by humans. Viewed objec-
Dartmouth Medical School. tively, human consumption of large volumes of
Funding sources: None. another species milk, especially when that milk
Conflicts of interest: None identified. comes mainly from pregnant cows during the
Reprints not available from the author.
humans normally post-weaned years, is essentially
J Am Acad Dermatol 2005;52:360-2.
2005 by the American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. On the producers side, economies of scale and
doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2004.09.022 market efficiencies have become the drivers of


the dairy industry, so much so that modern herd tion and dysfunction is IGF-1. The blood level of
management techniques result in 75% to 90% of IGF-1 in prepubertal, pubertal, adolescent, and early
marketed milk and milk products being derived from adult humans very closely approximates the preva-
pregnant cows. A heifer is bred and produces no milk lence curve of acne in this population. IGF-1 is
until she is post-partum with her first calf. She feeds present in ordinary milk and in milk produced in
her calf for about a month, and then she is put on increased volume with the use of bovine somatotro-
the milking line. The calf becomes veal or goes on pin (BST), also known as recombinant bovine
artificial feed; the cow is bred at her first heat, if growth hormone (rBGH). BST/rBGH also marginally
possible (about 6 weeks post-partum) and milking increases the amount of IGF-1 in milk.16 Indeed,
continues during that 10-month pregnancy, until the Adebamawo et al also suggest that ingesting milk
cow is allowed to dry a few weeks before delivery. may stimulate endogenous IGF-1,6 so all these
Freshening, the production of a new fresh milk relationships need further investigation.
supply post-partum, results from this cycle. When The next stage in the delineation of possible
a cow becomes less efficient than her sisters, usually exogenous hormonal contributions to the pathogen-
after five pregnancies or so, she is sold for butchering. esis of acne should be a qualitative and quantitative
This sequence results in milk that contains not determination of all the steroid hormones in all dairy
only placenta-derived progesterone but also other products, using modern methods to update Darling
dihydrotestosterone (DHT) precursors, including and Laings work of thirty years ago.17 That should
5a-pregnanedione and 5a-androstanedione. These allow us to formulate meaningful dietary recommen-
compounds are only a few enzymatic steps away dations and allow the design of dietary trials to test the
from DHT (the accepted prime acnegen) and the hypothesis that there is an association between
enzymes required to mediate the change are present dietary dairy intake and diseases arising in hor-
in the human pilobaceous unit.13 It had been hoped mone-sensitive tissues/organs, such as skin, breast,
that 5a-reductase inhibitors might block the final and prostate gland and, one hopes, sort out which
common pathway to DHT that these enzymes feed components of milk may be the prime culprit(s).
into. Unfortunately, even if 5a-reductase is totally Ultimately, we need to learn what degree of acne
blocked,14 the blockade is of no value because these prevention can be achieved while still ensuring that
compounds have already undergone 5a-reduction the population consumes a nutritious diet. Adding to
in the bovine mammary gland. These precursors the importance of this area of research is the growing
arrive at the pilosebaceous unit with no need for concern about hormonal stimulation of malignancy
further 5a-reduction, a situation that exposes humans in other hormone-responsive tissues. Dairy products
to potent agonists for which we are unprepared by have been implicated as a possible factor in the
any evolutionary defense mechanism. etiology of prostate cancer in several large epide-
It is not, however, just the steroid hormones in miological studies,18 but not in all.19 The possible
milk that are of concern. Milk is a very complex influences of dairy hormone in breast cancer are
substance. It contains prolactin, somatostatin, growth likewise unclear and in need of further definition.20,21
hormone releasing factor-like activity, gonadotro- The next few years will be fascinating for those of
pin-releasing hormone, luteinizing hormone, thy- us interested in hormones and the blight of youth.
roid-stimulating and thyrotropin-releasing hormones, One wonders what the impact will be upon our
numerous steroid hormones, insulin, epidermal patients, our practices, and the industries that make
growth factor (EGF), nerve growth factor (NGF), milk, hormones, and acne products. Time alone will
IGF-1 and -2, transforming growth factors (TGFs), vita- tell.
min D, transferrin, lactoferrin, many prostaglandins
including F2a, erythropoietin, bombesin, neuro-
tensin, vasoactive intestinal peptide, various nu-
cleotides, cyclic adenosine monophosphate and REFERENCES
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