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Title: titration neutralize

Aim: to determine the concentration of zinc

Theory: back titration is a titration method where the concentration of an analyte is
determined by reacting it with a known amount of excess reagent. Back titrations
are useful if the reaction between the analyte and the titrant is very slow or when
the analyte is insoluble in this experiment which is designed to investigate the
concentration of hcl by reacting it with a known mass of zinc and titrating it with a
known concentration of NaOH solution. Phenolphthalein solution will be used as an
indicator of the end point of the reaction, phenolphthalein is often used as an acid
based indicator, in this application it turns pink in acidic conditions and colourless in
basic ones.
a number of procedures were followed, firstly 0.5g of zinc was weighed and place
together with 50cm3 of HCl under heat until a solution was created. The burette
was the filled with 50cm3 of NaOH and a conical flask was filled with 15 cm3 of the
zinc chloride solution along with 1 drop of phenohphthalein indicator to point out
the end point of the reaction. The zinc chloride solution was then titrated and the
result was collected and recorded. The method was repeated 3 other time to
increase accuracy.
4 conical flask
50 ml Burette
Stirring rod
Measuring cylinder
Retort stand
0.5g of zinc
50ml hcl
50cm of NaOH
Phenophlein indicator

1. A sample of 0.5 g of zinc was weighed
2. 50 ml of hcl was measured out
3. Th zinc was added to the hcl in a beaker
4. The sprit lamp and the tripod stand was set up and the mixture of hcl and
zinc was placed to heat up.
5. As the solution heats up the solution was continuously stirred to dissolve the
6. The solution was then added to a 1000cm volumetric flask and was filled with
water to the mark.
7. 15 cm3 of the zinc chloride solution was placed into a conical flask along with
1 drop of phnolophein
8. The burette was filled with the NaOH solution up to the 50Ml marking
9. The solution in the conical flask was then titrated until the first permanent
pink indicator was detected.
10.The volume of NaOH used to see the trigger the pink indication was
measured and recorded
11.Steps 7-10 was repeated 4 more times
12.The concentration of zinc was then calculated.

Back titration is a technique which can be used in analyzing solids that are insoluble
in water but soluble in acid yet at a fairly slow rate. Under these conditions the solid
is made to react with excess acid, since excess was used the reaction was fairly
rapid, when the reaction was completed not all the acid was used up in the reaction,
so the remaining was titrated to determine the concentration of the unknown.
In this experiment the unknown was the concentration of Hydrochloric used in the
reactions, firstly 0.5g of Zinc was dissolved in 50Ml of Unknown molarity HCl, the
equation of the reaction is as follows;
Zn+ 2HCl ZnCl2 + H2
The zinc reacted with the HCl to form zinc chloride and hydrogen gas which was
released during the reaction as visible effervescence . the reacted solution had
water added to make a 1dm3 solution, 15 ml of that solution was used in the
neutralization reaction between NaOH, the equation between this reaction is
NaOH + HCl NaCl + H2O
The sodium hydroxide reacted with the excess Hcl that was left unreacted in the
first reaction forming Nacl and water, when the solution reached the point that it
was basic the colourless phenolphthalein turned pink indicating the end point was
reached an the titre was recorded this was done for a next 3 times.
In calculating the concentration of HCl used in the reactions, the back titration
method was used; the last reaction was used before the first, this was done by
determining the amount of moles of NaOH used in the neutralization reaction with
HCl . It took an average of 6.4ml of NaOH to offset the excess hcl present in the
solution, the moles of NaOH used was matched to the mole ratio of hcl to find the
moles of hcl used this value was added to the moles of hcl used in the reaction
between zinc to calculate the initial number of moles in the original solution. To find
the concentration the number of moles of hcl was multiplied by the initial volume
and divided by 1dm3.

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