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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam -

March 01, 2017

What is the foundation to realise God within us, in this very life? When should we begin
this journey? Bhagawan lovingly shows us the way today.

It is the consciousness in the physical body that enables man to enjoy

the pleasures derived from the objects experienced through the
senses. Once the truth, that humans alone have the ability to seek the
everlasting by giving up attachment to the body, is realised, the divine
nature of consciousness will become clear. Then, every action can be
regarded as an offering to the Divine. Work will then be transformed
into worship. When the identification of the Self with the body goes,
action which may seem to be done for personal enjoyment can be
converted into actions of dedication to the Divine. When actions are
performed in this unselfish spirit, one can experience a sense of
liberation and enjoy bliss that is beyond understanding. It all begins
with the control of the senses, which is in fact the first stage in Self-
realisation. It must be taken up early in one's life. One should not wait
till old age to embark on this vital exercise. When death knocks at the
door and one is surrounded by one's wailing kith and kin, there may be
no time to think of God. Begin the Godward journey from now on.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 19, 1987.

Control of the senses and observing the accepted code of discipline are the
hallmarks of a cultured individual. Baba

01 mwrc, 2017

sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn

pRSn : iesy jIvn ivc, auh ikhVw FMg( nINh) hY ijhdI mdd nwl AsIN Awpxy AMdr Bgvwn dI hoNd dw pqw kr
skdy hW? swnUM, ieh sPr iks vyly SurU krnw cwhIdw hY? Bgvwn, A`j swnUM,ies dw FMg dsdy hn[

au`qr: ies SrIr ivclI cyqnw hI hY ijs dy kwrx AsIN, AwpxIAW ieMdRIAW rwhIN,sMswr dI vsquAW dw AwnMd auTwauNdy
hW[mnu`K nUM jd ies scweI dw igAwn ho jWdw hY ik sMswrI moh iqAwg krn nwl AnwdI dI pRwpqI ho skdI hY qW
aus nUM idvX cyqnw dI pRwpq hovy gI[ies cyqnw dI pRwpqI qoN bwd hI auh ijhVw krm kry gw, aus krm nUM auh,
Bgvwn nUM Aripq kry gw[aus v`loN kIqw hr krm, pUjw bx jwvy gw[jd mnu`K, Awpxy SrIr nUM Awqmw qoN v`K jwx
jwvy gw aus v`loN, AwpxI KuSI leI kIqw hr krm, Bgvwn nUM Aripq ho jwvy gw[jd koeI mnu`K, Awpxy swry krm,
insvwrQ Bwv nwl krdw hY qW aus nUM, mukqI dw AnuBv huMdw hY Aqy aus nUM ijhVw AwnMd pRwpq huMdw hY aus nUM ibAwb
krnw AOKw hY[ies dI SurUAwq, ieMdRIAW au`qy kwbU pwaux qoN bwd SurU huMdI hY Aqy iehI, Awqm-igAwn pRwpq krn
leI pOVI dw pihlw fMfw hY[ies dI SurUAwq, bcpn qoN hI kr dyxI cwhIdI hY Aqy ies nUM pRwpq krn leI buVHwpy dw
ieMqzwr nhIN krnw cwhIdw[jd mOq drvwjy au`qy KVI huMdI hY Aqy irSqydwr, ro rhy huMdy hn qW aus vyly mnu`K nUM,
Bgvwn nUM Xwd krn dw koeI mOkw nhIN bcdw[Bgvwn nUM pRwpq krn dy rsqy qy, hux qoN hI cl pau[( 19 PrvrI,
1987 dy idvX pRvcn)[

iek s`iBAqw vwly mnu`K dI ieh inSwnI hY ik auh, smwj dy bxwey AnuSwSn dI pwlxw krdw hY Aqy AwpxIAW
ieMdRIAW au`qy kMtRol r`Kdw hY[(bwbw)[

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