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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam -

March 02, 2017

Most of us experience discontent, misery and lack of peace, either within us or in our
surroundings. What is the root cause and how can we fix this issue? Bhagawan reminds
us today.

Though the source of peace and bliss is within, people seek them
in the external, like one pursuing a mirage. Owing to restless
activity, endless worry and limitless desires, peace of mind is lost
and it has become prey to discontent and misery. At the outset,
peace has to be cultivated within ourselves. And then that peace
has to be extended to the family. From the home it should be
spread to our village. Thus, peace should begin with the individual
and spread to the whole society. In the Sai organisation, efforts
are made to propagate the values of Truth, Righteousness, Love,
Peace and Nonviolence. This is only propagation, but not practice
(or demonstration). Mere preaching is of no avail. Of all the
virtues, love is the foremost. If love is fostered, all other qualities
flow from it. Our degradation is the result of forgetting God. When
we remember God, our life will be filled with peace and

- Divine Discourse, Mar 23, 1989.

Devotion to the Divine will give you bliss, prosperity and peace. Baba

02 mwrc, 2017

sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn

pRSn : swfy iv`coN bhuq swry lok, Awpxy AMdr jW Awpxy ierd-igrd, AsMqoS, musIbqW Aqy ASWqI dw AnuBv krdy
hn[ies dw mUl kwrx kI hY Aqy ies dw kI smwDwn hY? Bgvwn, A`j swnUM, Xwd duAwauNdy hn[
au`qr: BwvyN, SWqI Aqy AwnMd dw sRoq, swfy AMdr hI hY pr lok, ies dI qlwS, ies qrHW bwhrly sMswr ivc krdy hn
ijvyN koeI mnu`K, Awpxy prCwvyN dw ip`Cw krdw hY[AQwh kMm-kwj, AQwh iPkrW Aqy AQwh ie`CwvW dy kwrx, mnu`K
dy mn dI SWqI Kqm ho jWdI hY Aqy mnu`K ASWqI Aqy du`KW dw iSkwr ho jWdw hY[mnu`K nUM SWqI, Awpxy AMdr hI pYdw
krnI cwhIdI hY[aus qoN bwd, ieh pRwpq kIqI SWqI nUM,mnu`K nUM Awpxy pirvwr ivc PYlwauxI cwhIdI hY[ies SWqI nUM
iPr, Awpxy pirvwr rwhIN, Awpxy ipMf ivc PYlwauxw cwhIdw hY[ies qrHW, SWqI nUM mnu`K, Awpxy qoN SurU kr ky swry
smwj ivc PYlwvy[sweI sMsQwvW ivc, s`c, Drm, SWqI, pRym Aqy AihMsw nUM, lokW ivc PYlwaux dy pUry Xqn kIqy jw
rhy hn[ ieh mwnv mu`lW nUM PYlwaux dy nwl-nwl, ienHW dw A`iBAws vI lrnw cwhIdw hY[kyvl pRcwr krn dw koeI
lwB nhIN huMdw[ieh swry mwnv mu`lW iv`coN, ipAwr dI mh`qqw swirAW qoN izAwdw hY[jd mnu`K ivc ipAwr dI Bwvnw
Aw jWdI hY qW bwkI dy swry gux, mnu`K ivc Awpxy-Awp Aw jWdy hn[mnu`K AMdr, ipAwr dI Gwt aus vyly AwauNdI hY
jd auh, Bgvwn nUM Bu`l jWdw hY[jd AsIN Bgvwn nUM Xwd krW gy aus vyly swfw jIvn, SWqI Aqy KuSI nwl Br jwvy
gw[( 23 mwrc, 1989 dy idvX pRvcn)[

Bgvwn dI BgqI quhwnUM, AwnMd, KuShwlI Aqy SWqI pRdwn kry gI[(bwbw)[

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