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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam -

March 03, 2017

How to ensure we make the right choice of action in every situation? Bhagawan explains
and reminds us of the five advisors we are blessed with!

All of you have five advisors in your life. They are: Who,
When, Where, What and How. Before undertaking any action,
you must get answers for these five questions. When you get
the correct answers for these, the actions based on them, will
naturally be right conduct. Unfortunately, most people today
act without any concern for these factors. All of you must
exercise your own judgement using your powers of
observation and discretion, using all the God-gifted
instruments to you through the form of organs of perception
and action. In every limb of yours, there is divine potency. That
divine potency is called Angirasa. This name is derived from
the fact that God is present in every limb (Anga) as an
essence (Rasa). Hence, there is no need to search for God
outside yourself. You are Divine. All your powers are your
divine potencies.

- Divine Discourse, Jan 14, 1997.

The One who discriminates well before engaging in any activity will naturally be
righteous in conduct and behaviour. Baba

03 mwrc, 2017

sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn

pRSn : swnUM, ikvyN XkIn hovy gw ik hr siQqI ivc ijhVw inrxw AsIN lYNdy hW auh TIk hY? Bgvwn swnUM smJwauNdy
hn Aqy swfy pMj slwhkwrW dI Xwd duAwauNdy hn[
au`qr: hr iek dy jIvn ivc, aus dy pMj slwhkwr huMdy hn[ auh hn: kOn, iks smyN, ik`Qy, kI Aqy ikvyN[koeI vI
krm krn qoN pihlW, ieh pMj pRSnW dw au`qr lau[jd quhwnUM, ieh pMj pRSnW dw au`qr iml jwvy gw, quhwfy v`loN
kIqw hr krm, shI hovy gw[bd-iksmqI ieh hY ik A`j-kl dy bhuq swry lok, ieh pMj slwhkwrW dI AndyKI krdy
hn[Bgvwn ny quhwnUM, boD Aqy ikirAwvW dy rUp ivc, ieMdRIAW vwly h`iQAwr dw qohPw id`qw hoieAw hY[ieh qohiPAW
dI mdd nwl, cMgy Aqy mwVy ivc Prk jwxo Aqy krm kro[quhwfy hr AMg ivc, idvX SkqI hY[ ies idvX SkqI nUM,
AMgrs kihMdy hn[ieh nW, ies scweI dw pRqIk hY ik Bgvwn, hr AMg ivc, rs dy rUp ivc ivrwjmwn hn[ ies
leI, Bgvwn nUM Awpxy qoN dUr l`Bx dw koeI lwB nhIN hY[quhwfIAW swrIAW SkqIAW, idvX SkqIAW(qyz) hn[ ( 14
jnvrI, 1997 dy idvX pRvcn)[

koeI vI mnu`K, ijhVw koeI vI krm krn qoN pihlW, aus dy cMgypn Aqy mwVy nqIjy ivc pihcwn kr lYNdw hY, aus v`loN
kIqw krm, Drm Aqy ivvhwr muqwbk, au`qm hovy gw[(bwbw)[

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