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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam -

March 04, 2017

What is the significance of the quality of Kshama and why is it worth practicing?
Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today.

Develop the quality of Kshama (forbearance and

forgiveness) and refrain from harshness in speech at all
times. Sai is the best example of this. Many people have
indulged in calumny and criticism, but I remain totally
unaffected and adhere firmly to what I deem as good. You
too must realize that if you give up forbearance and
forgiveness, you will have no peace. I am always at
peace, because, I am always patient. You must also
remain likewise. Whatever anyone may do to you, do not
bother about it. What is it that you lose on account of their
behavior? You have no idea of your own strength or
weaknesses. If you resort to retaliation, you will only
worsen your own condition. So bravely face such attacks
and do not allow yourself to get agitated over them. You
must win others by your forbearance. Make forbearance
your life-breath and your ideal.

- Divine Discourse, Jan 14, 1997

For spiritual transformation, the qualities that are needed are kindness, love,
forbearance and compassion. Baba

04 mwrc, 2017

sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn

pRSn : iKmw krn dI Bwvnw dI kI mh`qqw hY Aqy ies dw A`iBAws krnw ikauN zrUrI hY? swfy ipAwry Bgvwn, A`j
swnUM, Xwd duAwauNdy hn[

au`qr: Awpxy AMdr, sihnSIlqw Aqy iKmw krn dw gux pYdw kro Aqy kdy vI kOVy Sbd nw bolo[ies dI audwhrn,
sweI hn[ bhuq lok, myrI nukqw-cInI krdy hn Aqy bdKoeI krdy hn pr aus dw myry au`qy koeI Asr nhIN huMdw Aqy
mYN A`CweI dI pwlxw krdw hW[quhwnUM vI ieh mihsUs krnw cwhIdw hY ik iKmw Aqy sihnSIlqw qoN ibnw, ikvyN SWqI
pRwpq hovy gI[mYN hmySw SWq rihMdw hW ikauN jo myry ivc, sbr hY[quhwnUM vI myrI qrHW SWq rihnw cwhIdw hY[koeI
mnu`K quhwnUM jo ku`J vI khy, aus dI prvwh nw kro[auhdy ivvhwr qoN quhwfw kI ibgV jwvy gw? quhwnUM, AwpxI SkqI
Aqy kmzorI dw koeI AMdwjw nhIN hY Aqy jy qusIN iksy mnu`K nwl pMgw mu`l lvo gy qW quhwfI hwlq Krwb ho jwvy
gI[ies leI, hOsly dy nwl, hr iek dI c`nOqI dw swmnw kro Aqy qYS ivc nw Awau[quhwfy, iKmw krn vwly Aqy
sihnSIlqw vwly sBwau kwrx, quhwfI ij`q hovy gI[Awpxy ivcwrW Aqy iKmw krn dy sBwau nUM, Awpxy jIvn dw AsUl
bxw lau[( 14 jnvrI, 1997 dy idvX pRvcn)[

A`iDAwqimk gux pYdw krn leI mnu`K ivc, dieAwlUqw, ipAwr, iKmw Bwv Aqy sihnSIlqw dy gux hoxy zrUrI

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