March 06 2017

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam -

March 06, 2017

Why is faith paramount in our lives? What should we have faith in? Bhagawan, Our
Loving God, points out today.

Seeing a glass half filled with water, the optimist is glad that
the glass is half-full, while the pessimist is sad that it is half-
empty. Though both the statements are correct the optimist
hopes to fill the other half too, while the pessimist gives up
in despair. The optimist has faith, the pessimist has no faith
to sustain him this is the key difference. Faith is power.
Develop faith by steady effort. You all have faith
in tomorrow following today and hence you take up
activities and projects, that extend beyond this day! People
with no faith cannot plan, they court misery due to their lack
of faith! Faith must lead to effort. Through knowledge, faith
and effort, wisdom can be attained. Equipped with these,
you can scale great heights and emerge victoriously. Do not
cultivate too much faith in things that are merely material.
Develop deep faith in the eternally valid Truth - God!

- Divine Discourse, Jun 27, 1981.

Faith is essential for human progress in every field. Baba

06 mwrc, 2017

sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn

pRSn : swnUM jIvn ivc, ivSvwS r`Kxw ikauN sB qoN au`cw smiJAw jWdw hY? swnUM, iks au`qy ivSvwS r`Kxw cwhIdw hY?
swfy ipAwry Bgvwn, A`j swnUM smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: A`Dw iglws, pwxI nwl BirAw vyK ky , AwSwvwdI KuS huMdw hY pr A`Dw iglws, pwxI nwl KwlI vyK ky ,
inrwSwvwdI mnu`K duKI huMdw hY[BwvyN, donW v`loN ikhI gl TIk hY pr AwSwvwdI mnu`K , A`Dy Bry iglws nUM Brn dI
aumId r`Kdw hY Aqy inrwSwvwdI, mwXUsI ivc, aumId C`f idMdw hY[AwSwvwdI nUM, Awpxy-Awp nUM sMBwlx dI aumId huMdI
hY pr inrwSwvwdI nUM nhIN huMdI[donW ivc, iehI Prk hY[ ivSvwS, SkqI hY[lgwqwr koiSSW nwl, Awpxy ivc,
ivSvwS pYdw kro[quhwnUM, ivSvwS hI huMdw hY ijhdy kwrx qusIN Awpxw A`j dw kMm, ieh socky C`f idMdy ho ik bwkI dw
kMm mYN kl krW gw[ijhVy lok, Awpxy kMm krn dI Xojnw nhIN bxwauNdy , auh mwXUs rihMdy hn[ivSvwS, koiSSW dw
pRqIk hY[igAwn, koiSS Aqy ivSvwS rwhIN, bu`DImqw pRwpq kIqI jw skdI hY[ieh iq`n FMgW rwhIN qusIN, au`cI qoN au`cI
cVHweIAW pwr kr skdy ho Aqy ij`q hwsl kr skdy ho[AnwdI scweI ArQwq, Bgvwn au`qy pUrw ivSvwS pYdw
kro[(27 jUn, 1981 dy idvX pRvcn)[

hr Kyqr ivc qr`kI krn leI, mnu`K ivc ivSvwS hoxw bhuq zrUrI hY[(bwbw)[

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