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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam -

March 10, 2017

What is the secret formula to live in peace at all times? Bhagawan lovingly shares with us
a precious tip today!

The mind is the wind that brings to us the smell foul or

fragrant from the world. When the mind turns towards foul, it
makes you disgusted. When it turns towards the fragrant,
you become happy. The wind gathers the cloud from four
quarters; similarly your mind brings into your consciousness
many disappointments. It is also the same mind of yours,
which scatters away the clouds that darken it or make it feel
lost in the night of doubt. Control the mind and you will
remain unruffled at all times. This is the secret to
undisturbed peace Shanti, and this is the education that all
of you must first secure firmly. To gain this equanimity, you
do not need high degrees, but systematic spiritual effort
(Sadhana). Then you will be always happy, whether you are
poor or rich, appreciated or criticised, prosperous or
unlucky. That is an armour without which it is foolish to enter
the arena of life.

- Divine Discourse, Dec 20, 1958.

A peaceful mind is the abode of love. Baba

10 mwrc,2017

sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn

pRSn : hr vyly, SWqI ivc rihx dw kI rwz (gupqpn) hY? Bgvwn, A`j swnUM, iek kImqI slwh idMdy hn[
au`qr: mn, auh hvw hY ijhVI, sMswr qoN, gMdI bU jW KuSbU Awpxy nwL lY kr AwauNdI hY[jd mn, gMdgI vl Awpxw
ruK krdw hY qW mnu`K, mwXUs ho jWdw hY[ jd mn, KuSbU vl Awpxw ruK krdw hY qW mnu`K KuS ho jWdw hY[hvw, cwroN
pwisauN, b`dl iek`Ty kr ky lY AwauNdI hY[ausy qrHW, quhwfw mn quhwfI cyqnw leI, mwXUsIAW lY ky AwauNdw hY[quhwfw
mn, auhI hY ijhVw auh swry kwly b`dlW nUM C`t idMdw hY ijhVw b`dl aus nUM, kwlw kr idMdw hY jW ies nUM,S`kW dy Gyry
ivc, pw idMdw hY[Awpxy mn nUM, Awpxy kwbU ivc r`Ko, qusIN hmySw SWq rho gy[iehI, SWqI pRwpq krn dw rwz hY Aqy
ies qrHW dI is`KAw p`kI qrHW hwsl krnI cwhIdI hY[ies qrHW dI iekswrqw leI, quhwnUM, iksy au`cI ifgrI dI loV
nhIN hY pr ies dy ault, FMg nwl kIqI swDnw dI loV hY[iPr qusIN hmySw KuS rho gy BwvyN qusIN, grIb ho jW AmIr;
quhwfI isPq hovy jW bdKoeI; qusIN KuShwl ho jW bd-iksmq[ ieh auh kvc hY ijs qoN ibnw, jIvn ivc kudxw,
mUrKqw hovy gI[( 20 dsMbr, 1958)[

iek SWMq mn, ipAwr dw invws sQwn hY[( bwbw)[

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