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6+1 Trait Writing Model : Writing A Summary

Teacher Name: Ms.


Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Capitalization & Writer makes no Writer makes 1 or 2 Writer makes a few Writer makes several
Punctuation errors in capitalization errors in capitalization errors in capitalization errors in capitalization
(Conventions) or punctuation, so the or punctuation, but and/or punctuation and/or punctuation
paper is exceptionally the paper is still easy that catch the that catch the
easy to read. to read. reader\'s attention reader\'s attention
and interrupt the flow. and greatly interrupt
the flow.
Introduction The introduction is The introduction The introduction There is no clear
(Organization) inviting, states the clearly states the states the main topic, introduction of the
main topic and main topic and but does not main topic or
previews the previews the adequately preview structure of the
structure of the structure of the the structure of the paper.
paper. paper, but is not paper nor is it
particularly inviting to particularly inviting to
the reader. the reader.
Sequencing Details are placed in Details are placed in Some details are not Many details are not
(Organization) a logical order and a logical order, but in a logical or in a logical or
the way they are the way in which they expected order, and expected order. There
presented effectively are this distracts the is little sense that the
keeps the interest of presented/introduced reader. writing is organized.
the reader. sometimes makes the
writing less
Conclusion The conclusion is The conclusion is The conclusion is There is no clear
(Organization) strong and leaves the recognizable and ties recognizable, but conclusion, the paper
reader with a feeling up almost all the does not tie up just ends.
that they understand loose ends. several loose ends.
what the writer
is \"getting at.\"

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