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Newly found planets Program teaches

are prime spots to adults on autism
search for life, spectrum how to
scientists say 10A navigate life 1C


Chance of storms
89/ 73 See 12B


The opposition turned in
petitions to electoral
authorities Monday that it
said carried signatures of
1.8 million voters. 11A

People waving Cuban flags greet passengers on Carnival's Adonia cruise ship as they arrive from Miami in Havana on Monday. The Adonia's
arrival is the first step toward a future in which thousands of ships a year could cross the Florida Straits, long closed to most U.S.-Cuba traffic. On Tuesday, Indiana
Republicans are poised to
U.S.-CUBA RELATIONS all but end Ted Cruzs

Historic arrival in Havana

White House bid and boost
Donald Trump further. 3A

for cruise ship from Miami

. .............................................................................................................................................
trip wasnt lost on anyone. moment to feel the emotions
Well never forget this day Aboard the ship, cruise pas- of everyone on the ship and then
. .............................................................................................................................................
sengers waved Cuban and Amer- feel the emotions of the people
Cubans along the shore whistled and waved ican flags. In the Old Havana on shore, too.
. .............................................................................................................................................
terminal, Cuban flags and ban- Arnie Prez, Carnivals chief
Its the first U.S. cruise ship to visit the island in half a century ners from Havantur, the official legal counsel, also on the bow,
. .............................................................................................................................................
tourism agency, were draped said he was moved by the groups AVENTURA
along the second-floor balcony as of Cubans along the shore who
day morning, officially reestab-
lishing the U.S. cruise business in
a crowd of officials, port workers
and media members welcomed
clapped and cheered. It made
me feel at home, he said.
MAN IN PLOT TO Cuba. the vessel. After the ship officially docked BLOW UP TEMPLE
The voyage of the Adonia, with Carnival Corp. President and at 10:24 a.m., Prez and his wife, A Hollywood man has
HAVANA about 600 passengers aboard, CEO Arnold Donald was on the Carmen both born in Cuba
As passengers cheered, Carni- was the first trip from Miami to bow of the ship as it came into were first to disembark. been arrested by the FBI
val Corp.s Fathom Adonia ar- Cuba in more than 50 years, and the harbor. It was a very special on charges of plotting an
rived at Havana harbor on Mon- the importance of the historic point of view and a very special SEE CRUISE, 2A
explosive attack on an
Aventura synagogue. 4A


The pros and cons of legalizing

Uber in Miami-Dade County
. .............................................................................................................................................
businesses in Miami-Dade.
The fares are cheaper until demand ends the discounts Their drivers have since racked
. .............................................................................................................................................
up more than $3 million in fines
Rides are everywhere but regulations are thinned out while building a thriving business
. .............................................................................................................................................
in Floridas largest county, all the SPORTS
Its great technology but taxis are hurting while increasing political pres-
. .............................................................................................................................................
sure to legalize a service em- UNFORGETTABLE
the companys popular ride-
braced by residents countywide.
Now the San Francisco-based
BY DOUGLAS HANKS hailing service. tech giants are confident they Leicester City had one of It has been a fight roughly two have enough support on the the greatest-ever sporting
years in the making. In the 13-member county commission
Miami Herald file photo Uber faces a showdown in summer of 2014, Uber and its to pass the pro-industry bill spon- achievements when the
A screenshot of the Uber app, Miami-Dade County on Tuesday, smaller competitor, Lyft, both sored by Commissioner Esteban 5,000-1 underdogs won the
showing cars available in when commissioners are sched- defied the countys taxi laws to
downtown Miami. uled for a final vote to legalize launch their app-based hailing SEE UBER, 2A EPL for the first time. 7B

STAY CONNECTED Business 7-9A Local news 4-5A
Climate change is shrinking coral The island has failed to make $370 The Heat prepares to face the
Classified 9-11B People 4C
reefs sooner than expected million in bond payments Raptors on Tuesday night
Comics 5C Puzzles 2-3C
PAGE 4A PAGE 7A PAGE 1B Deaths 12-13A Television 4C

Page: News_f Pub. date: Tuesday, May 3 Last user: Edition: 1st Section, zone: News, State Last change at: 20:38:12 May 2
From the front page TUESDAY MAY 3 2016


CRUISE After protests, lawsuits and a change in Cuban policy

that now allows Cuban-born travelers to take cruises to
the island, Carnival's Fathom line leaves Sunday for its
Panama prepares to
Moored at Havanas travel expert and syndicat- first cruise to Cuba. transfer some 3,000
westernmost terminal, the
imposing blue-and-white
ed columnist, was with a
group assigned to the land-
Sunday 3:30 p.m.
May 8, 7 a.m.
U.S.-bound Cuban
ship was clearly visible as it mark Hemingway watering
loomed above the Male-
hole La Bodeguita del
Medio. She enjoyed the
departs Miami arrives Miami migrants to Mexico
Monday 10 a.m.
After an efficient cus- meal of shrimp, fish, beef arrives Havana BAHAMAS
toms procedure, passen- and moros y cristianos at met.
gers were greeted with the state-run restaurant BY MARIO J. PENTN Cordoba added that the
welcome rum and cokes. and the singers who sere- more than 3,000 Cuban
Several groups of dancers naded during lunch. But CUBA migrants currently in
entertained, from young four hours into the Old Panamas Foreign Min- Panama will be trans-
women in spangly Cuban- Havana tour, she said, We istry has started a census ferred by groups to Los
flag-themed outfits to folk- havent interacted with Thursday 7 a.m.
count of the more than Planes, where the govern-
loric dancers who werent anyone. arrives Cienfuegos 670 Cuban migrants cur- ment has mobilized a
shy about grabbing pas- That didnt mean there rently housed in the Los joint task force to handle
sengers for a few swings werent Cubans who were Friday 9 a.m. arrives Planes shelter in northern the humanitarian crisis.
around the exit of the ter- willing to engage. Caribbean Sea Santiago de Cuba Chiriqu province, in an- The task force is made up
100 mile
minal. During a half-hour of ticipation for their expect- of officials from the agen-
A large crowd of Cubans free time at the cobbled Source: Fathom MARCO RUIZ
ed transfer to Mexico in cies in charge of civil
waited across the street Plaza de Armas, travelers coming days. emergencies, migration,

from the terminal, many browsed through stalls of Another 3,000 Cubans, border controls and the
snapping cellphone pic- old magazines, books, said. most of whom are strand- national police.
tures and shouting bienve- jewelry, antique cameras, Carnival and Fathom ed on the border with Angel Chale, one of the
nido as the passengers and door knockers and executives underestimated Costa Rica, also will be stranded Cubans, said he
began hitting the streets of letters slots taken from old the backlash they got in allowed into the Los was hopeful he would
Old Havana. houses. THE TIME IS NOW Miami when they started Planes shelter, counted soon resume his journey
But four hours later, Among locals in the TO DO SOMETHING to deny Cuban-born trav- and then transferred to to the United States.
some guests were com- plaza was Francisco de Asis elers passage on the ship in Mexico the final such I think were at the
plaining that their Old Barreto, a friendly retired DIFFERENT accordance with a Cold airlift for Cuban migrants end of the process. At
Havana tours seemed to be merchant mariner who TOWARD CUBA. War-era Cuban policy on trek to the United least theyre not still mak-
pretty garden-variety shore collects old bottles and barring those born in Cuba States, Panamanian Presi- ing photocopies of our
excursions rather than sells them to be recycled. Arnie Prez, Carnivals from entering or leaving dent Juan Carlos Varela passports. Thats some-
personalized people-to- He wasnt part of the tour, chief legal counsel who the island by vessel. said last week. thing, said Chale, who
people encounters that the but he asked if the group was aboard the cruise Cuban exiles swung into Once the transfer of moved to Los Planes from
itinerary promised. A guide would still be in town next action, protesting what those Cubans included in an old warehouse about
walked passengers through weekend. He sings in the they saw as a discrimi- the census is completed, one mile from the border
the colonial Spanish choir at the Cathedral, greater variety of Amer- natory policy that didnt those who arrive later will with Costa Rica, where he
squares and to the 18th- where a special farewell icans to travel to the island put the Cuban-born on have to decide which slept on the floor with
century cathedral, pointing Mass for retiring Cardinal as part of an opening to- equal footing with other country they want to another 400 Cubans.
out landmark buildings Jaime Ortega will be held. ward Havana that began travelers. Two lawsuits return to, Varela told Los Planes was original-
and explaining Cuban You know I once saw on Dec. 17, 2014. were filed against the local media as the coun- ly built to house Swiss
history. Miami. Our boat was pass- But the night that Carni- cruise lines, and opposition trys borders shut down to workers who worked on a
For at least one group of ing about a mile offshore, val announced the Fathom to the cruise began piling migrants in transit to the nearby dam.
19 passengers, personal and it looked very beauti- Adonia would be making up. Carnival shifted gears, U.S. We cannot become Its about 10 acres, with
encounters were mostly of ful, he said. Weve al- its first voyage to Cuba, her saying it would sell tickets the logistical support for nice landscaping and all
the commercial kind as ways felt Americans are husband was on the phone to Cuban-born travelers an irregular migration kinds of amenities, said
vendors crowded around our friends. making reservations for the and would delay the Ado- route. ngela Buenda, the direc-
selling peanuts in little The week-long cruise cruise. nias first trip, if necessary, At least 100 Cubans tor of the National Civil
paper cones and sweet will circumnavigate Cuba All the cabins were sold until Cuba changed its making the trek are now Defense System . The
fried dough. Artists and will also stop in Cien- out for the maiden voyage, policy. in detention in Puerto only prohibition is that
hawked quick sketches fuegos and Santiago de although single occupan- We made it clear we Obalda, on the border they cannot go out at
($10) while strolling mu- Cuba. As a people-to-peo- cies meant the ship trav- wouldnt go if they didnt with Colombia, awaiting night, for their own securi-
sicians, jazz combos and ple trip, the voyage is sup- eled somewhat below its change the policy, said for immigration authori- ty.
costumed characters posed posed to encourage inter- 704-passenger capacity. Prez, who was involved in ties to determine their The complex will soon
for pictures. On this blaz- actions with the Cuban Prez, the Carnival at- the last-minute negotia- fate. Many more Cuban offer free Wifi, but for
ing day, a straw-hat vendor people. torney, hadnt been back tions. migrants are likely to face now the migrants must
drew a brisk business. While baking on the since last year when he On April 22, a statement detention as they contin- connect on a local data
Passengers even encoun- beach is not part of any began helping negotiating appeared in Granma, the ue to travel from third network.
tered a small black dog in a people-to-people agenda, a the deal that led to the Communist Party newspa- countries through Central The biggest problem
pair of glasses and a little wide variety of cultural and Adonias entry into the per, making it clear that America as part of their Ive had with the Cubans
straw hat decked in a Cu- artistic activities are per- Cuban market. cruise liners and merchant route to reach the U.S.- is that when they get
ban flag at work outside mitted. The only member of his ships would no longer be Mexico border. here, because they come
the Cathedral. The dogs Its exciting to be part immediate family who subject to the policy. The census and reloca- from a place without
owner said it earned of this historic voyage, remains in Cuba is an 89- Yes, it should have been tion of migrants from freedom, they feel com-
around $5 a day enough said Shirley Thurman, a year-old aunt who lives done earlier. They realize hotels to the Los Planes pletely free. And of course
to keep it fed and more. retiree from St. Augustine outside Santiago de Cuba. that, Prez said. But he shelter began last week. they sometimes confuse
Hey, are you from the who was making the trip When the Adonia stops in said that on Sunday, the This is mostly preg- freedom with debauch-
cruise ship? shouted one with her husband. I am so Santiago, he plans to see day the Adonia left Port- nant women and families ery, she added.
man in English. Did you glad we are normalizing the aunt he has never met, Miami, he got a message with children, who should People smugglers have
bring me anything? relations with Cuba. I think he said. from the Cuban Embassy be taken to a place that turned the northward flow
Some of the groups ate at the common people in Although the first meet- in Washington expressing has the services they of migrants into a business
private restaurants around Cuba have been the ones ing between the social hope that the cruise would deserve, Regional Migra- that generates millions of
Old Havana. But the com- who have suffered over the impact-oriented Fathom go well. tion Director Alfredo dollars in profits. Since
plement of 600 passengers years. brand and Cuban officials The time is now to do Cordoba said in a tele- October of 2014, nearly
seeking lunch at the same Thurman said she had was held in July 2015, the something different toward phone interview, adding 132,000 Central Amer-
time taxed the offerings, no desire to come to Cuba line a subsidiary of Do- Cuba, Prez said. Were that the goal is to con- icans and about 75,000
and some ended up in before the U.S. government ral-based Carnival Corp. engaging with people, and centrate all the migrants Cubans have crossed the
commercial eateries. began liberalizing travel didnt receive final approv- we are hoping for the in an area where their U.S. border, according to
Eileen Ogintz, a family rules, making it easier for a al until mid-March, he best. basic necessities can be immigration data.

FROM PAGE 1A instantly online.

The integrated hailing

UBER service also allows Uber to

pitch itself as a car-pooling
service, with customers
able to buy pieces of
Steve Bovo. If the bill is meet demand and keep shared routes with other
adopted, Uber and Lyft prices affordable for rid- customers. Alice Bravo,
would be officially legal in ers, said Javi Correoso, head of Miami-Dades
Miami-Dade 10 days later. Ubers public-affairs man- transit system, has said she
Whats at stake? Here ager for Florida. Prices go sees Uber pool as a po-
are some benefits Uber and up because theres not tential add-on to the coun-
Lyft tout for Miami-Dade enough driver-partners on tys transportation net-
County, along with the the road to meet demand work, with roving ride-hail
downsides highlighted by at that specific time. The drivers giving passengers
critics and skeptics: more drivers on the road, lifts to nearby bus and
the lower the price. Metrorail stations.
CHEAPER FARES, But the soaring popularity
UNTIL DEMAND ENDS RIDES EVERYWHERE, Miami Herald File, 2015 of Uber also has come at the
THE DISCOUNTS BUT THINNED-OUT Raphael Alvarez, a Miami-Dade taxi cab driver, at an anti-Uber protest in June. The proposed expense of taxis. In Los
Current Miami-Dade law REGULATIONS legislation requires taxis to offer the same kind of ride-hailing app that Uber and Lyft do. Angeles, taxi rides are down
requires taxicabs to charge Uber alone dwarfs Mia- 30 percent since Uber and
fares set by the county, mi-Dades taxi fleet, with Lyft began operating in
with meters calculating the the company reporting ers throughout the industry, hailing drivers. With spacious trunks, taxis 2013, according to the Los
costs. Uber and Lyft set more than 10,000 drivers leaving it to taxi operators If someone was to come generally have the ability Angeles Times. Taxi driver
their own rates, and in their own cars compared and ride-hailing companies into Miami and driver to accommodate wheel- Rudy Gonzalez told
theyve won passengers by to the countys 2,121 regis- to screen their own drivers Uber, he wont know the chairs, and county rules commissioners earlier this
undercutting taxi fares. A tered cabs and 4,568 li- for driving infractions and city, said Raymond Fran- require 3 percent of a taxi year that his business was
recent weeknight trip from censed drivers. Uber needs criminal offenses. cois, director of the group, companys fleet to be fully even worse than it was
the Coconut Grove area to a massive roster of free- Safety has always got to the New Vision Drivers handicap-accessible with when tourism collapsed
South Beach would have lance drivers in order to be No. 1, said Commis- Association of Florida. lifts, ramps and places to after the 2001 terrorist
cost about $38 under the provide extensive coverage sioner Daniella Levine They need to keep the secure a wheelchair. The attacks.
countys metered taxi rates and quick pick-ups. Cava, who favors finger- training in order to train new rules for Uber and The proposed Miami-
but amounted to only $14 Key to that sprawling fleet print checks, which are not them not only to know the Lyft would not require any Dade legislation requires
using Uber. is ease of recruiting: Would- part of Bovos bill. city, but give them some of their vehicles to be ac- taxis to offer the same kind
But unlike taxis, Uber be drivers with Uber can The proposed legislation tools so they can give bet- cessible. of ride-hailing app that
and Lyft employ surge register online and submit also would scrap the cur- ter service. Uber and Lyft do, and
pricing, which allows fares to a digital screening of rent requirement that taxi Uber and Lyft argue that GREAT TECH, BUT reserves street hails to
to soar when more custom- their driving and criminal drivers undergo county-run their apps, which let pas- TAXIS HURTING cabs. Bovo said he doesnt
ers want rides. On New backgrounds. Drivers also training on customer ser- sengers rate drivers after Miami-Dades tourism want Miami-Dade to wait
Years Eve, Uber told pas- must provide a mechanics vice, including tips on their rides, serve as the bureau has been a top for taxis to catch up with
sengers its fares would be inspection certificate for popular tourist attractions ideal self-regulation sys- advocate of legalizing Uber modern technology.
nine times higher than their vehicles. and how to treat passen- tem. Drivers who consis- and Lyft, saying travelers The taxi industry has
normal. Rides then cost Miami-Dades screening gers with courtesy. tently receive low scores expect to have access to really locked itself into the
$8.42 a mile, double the process of for-hire drivers, On Monday, a group should also receive less the high-tech taxi alterna- mentality that whats
$4-per-mile cost under the including taxi operators, representing taxi and Uber business, with the worst tive when they visit. By worked for them the past
countys metered rates on constitutes one of the big- drivers in Miami-Dade performers ousted from offering their service exclu- 50 or 60 years needs to
a three-mile trip. (Miami- gest obstacles for Uber and wrote the 13-member com- the ride-hailing network sively on smartphone apps, stay in place, he said. I
Dade taxis charge $7.20 Lyft. The pro-Uber bill up mission to urge changes to altogether. the companies let pas- dont know of any business
for the first mile, and for a vote Tuesday dis- Bovos ordinance, includ- Another flashpoint for sengers track the cars com- model in the history of
$2.40 a mile after that.) mantles much of the coun- ing expansion of current Tuesday involves pas- ing to pick them up and mankind that doesnt ad-
Our goal is always to tys role in regulating driv- cabbie training to ride- sengers in wheelchairs. have the payments made just to realities.

Page: Jumps_1 Pub. date: Tuesday, May 3 Last user: Edition: 1st Section, zone: From the front page, State Last change at: 20:29:11 May 2

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