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Quanterecia Buckner LAB 1 ENGR 220-003 01/09/17 Pg.

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(1) Introduction
The objective of this lab is to find the tensile strength of a given dogbone shaped
specimen. The dogbone is composed of tempered hardboard. The dogbone width
and thickness was measured using a dial caliper. Then the test is done using the Tinius
Olsen testing machine. The specimen has two holes as shown in Figure 1, the holes will
allow the specimen to be screwed/fixed onto the Tinius Olsen machine. The machine
will then apply a tension force to the dogbone until failure occurs. The force, where
the specimen brakes, is recorded on the control panel of the testing machine.

Force Force
applied applied

Thickness = 0.117 DE
Width = 0.192 DE

(2) One table listing all of the data collected

Specimen Thickness Width Force Area Ultimate Stress

(89) (89) (;<=) (89> ) (;</89> )
1 0.117 0.392 218.6 0.0459 4766.2655
2 0.1170 0.390 234.6 0.0456 5141.3544
3 0.1250 0.390 181.2 0.0488 3716.9231
4 0.1250 0.291 133.6 0.0364 3672.8522
5 0.1260 0.390 177.4 0.0491 3610.0936
6 0.1275 0.294 134.3 0.0375 3582.7664
7 0.1280 0.092 38.2 0.0118 3243.8859
8 0.1280 0.193 88.6 0.0247 3586.4637
9 0.1280 0.198 85.6 0.0253 3377.5253
10 0.1295 0.195 91.2 0.0252 3620.8077
11 0.1320 0.295 130.8 0.0389 3359.0139
12 0.1320 0.293 137.7 0.0387 3560.3475
13 0.1320 0.094 42.2 0.0124 3401.0316
14 0.1330 0.196 82.2 0.0261 3153.2914
15 0.1390 0.194 73.3 0.0270 2718.2378
16 0.1420 0.197 80.6 0.0280 2881.2469
17 0.1370 0.093 24.4 0.0127 1915.0773
18 0.1410 0.193 74.4 0.0272 2733.9874
19 omit omit omit omit omit
20 0.1300 0.094 37.3 0.0122 3052.3732
Quanterecia Buckner LAB 1 ENGR 220-003 01/09/17 Pg. 1/ 4

21 0.1300 0.194 89.4 0.0252 3544.8057

22 0.1300 0.093 27.5 0.0121 2274.6071
23 0.1131 0.194 89.4 0.0219 4074.4893
24 0.1300 0.292 137.9 0.0380 3632.7713
25 0.1330 0.290 122.7 0.0386 3181.2289
26 0.1200 0.394 234.2 0.0473 4953.4687
27 0.1380 0.293 120.8 0.0404 2987.5847
28 0.1340 0.193 83.4 0.0259 3224.8086
29 0.1180 0.396 228.6 0.0467 4892.1418
30 0.1310 0.095 41.8 0.0124 3358.7786
31 0.1345 0.194 79.1 0.0261 3031.8476
32 0.1170 0.394 207.0 0.0461 4490.4334
33 0.1275 0.294 139.0 0.0374 3714.4670
34 0.1430 0.294 125.5 0.0420 2985.1101
35 0.1125 0.193 98.5 0.0217 4548.3405
36 0.1150 0.393 162.4 0.0452 3593.3178
37 0.1161 0.294 147.2 0.0342 4309.5570
38 0.1170 0.192 95.2 0.0225 4237.8917
39 0.1169 0.271 103.6 0.0317 3266.2658
40 0.1160 0.294 155.7 0.0341 4565.4469
41 0.1168 0.194 100.4 0.0227 4430.8713
42 0.1160 0.296 183.4 0.0343 5350.3705

(3) To calculate the ultimate stress of the specimens, the formula for normal stress was
used. Specimen 1 was used for an example calculation.

J J 218.6 MNO MNO

JKH FSILDTIE 1: V = = = = 4766.2655 R
P G X 0.117 DE 0.392 DE DE
Quanterecia Buckner LAB 1 ENGR 220-003 01/09/17 Pg. 1/ 4

(4) The linear trend line shows that as the area of the specimen increases, the force needed
to fracture the specimen increases, this is shown with the positive linear line.

Ultimate Load VS. Cross-sectional Area

Ultimate Load (lbf)

y = 4564.1x - 24.452
R = 0.833



0.000 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.040 0.050 0.060
Cross-sectional Area (in2)

Ultimate Load VS. Cross-sectional Area

Linear (Ultimate Load VS. Cross-sectional Area


(5) The mean and standard deviation of the ultimate stress

;<= ;<=
YZ[\ ] > ^ _`[\a[ba cZde[`ef\ ] > ^
89 89
3652.2475 768.9785
Quanterecia Buckner LAB 1 ENGR 220-003 01/09/17 Pg. 1/ 4

(6) Histogram for the distribution of ultimate stress values

Histogram of Ultimate Stress




Ultimate Stress Range (lbf/in2)

(7) Concluding paragraph

In this lab, we were able to get acquainted with the Tinius Olsen testing machine and
see the dogbone specimen stretch until it failure. Looking at the data for lab 1, we can
see the relationship between the area and the load. The Ultimate Load VS. Cross-
sectional Area graph shows two things: that as area increases the load needed for
failure also increases and that the specimens with approximately the same areas
required approximately the same force to have failure.

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