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‘Wisconsin Daparmont of Publ suet INSTRUCTIONS: Submit original and Me (2) copie. Appleton must PEER REVIEW MENTOR GRANT APPLICATION-2015 D0 rocalved! or postmarkad olor tian DECEMBER 22,2046, tate L657 (Rev. 12-15) _pplicllons wil not be accepted, Retr X WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC IUSTRUCTION [ATIN: MARY BENZINE ‘repo. For questons rearing te pra, contact PO BOK raat Mary Gonzo at matenzina idl goo (60% 205-0054 MADISON, Wi 3707-7045, Category Checkone =} cesa 1) Consortium of ESAS BB Consortium of Discs 2 combination z |. GENERAL INFORIMATION f ‘Apalcank Agency Mang Address Stroy, Slot, 2 Cudahy Schoo! District 2915 E. Ramsey Avenue, Cudahy, WI 53110 Contact Porson Te : : Karen Ebbors Director of Insteuctional Services EM Address Fax Arai, Phone Area, (414) 294-4083 | (414) 294.7405 Program Goordinater oor thn contac! person Tie ~ ENal Adress ~ Phone Areana Program Goceinalars Waling Address Steal, Oly, Stale, rant Pood Begining Date MoJDay/.: Ending Date MoJDay TROIS L 6/30/2016 Total Funds Requested [Local Matoh Projet Tile $23,500 $16,628 Building Expertise through a Culture of Conching EE 7 Resta r a gibi Uses of Funds ‘Mlowablo uses of PIG furds Include out ae not fnited to «© Prosde paer review and mentoring supporto Inexoerieica (et thew yoars of leaching) Iie educators in one a¢ mere of he nine stoke iene in Wesconsn’s Teacher Equlable Access Pisn (Bob, Geoon Bay, anes, Kenosha, Madison, Milwaukee, Racine, Waukesha, and West alls West Miwaukeo}, renting suppor to unqualed (emergency Hoensepermit holier) who are sar as teachars of record and wring tower ull ‘© Suppor. traning, ard pofesslonat development for mentors (or nia! eduealors fo lan and complete the Professional Development Plan (OP) process: ‘Support or schoo dstrits and mentor o assis nal educates In completing the Professional Development len process ‘Prod support seminars based on dict needs in the form of ractnal profesional earring communes ‘Prone raring to mentors to provide suppor and assistance till ecto wough confident crave easessment;” 'Proude traning for adinsratrs at the professional educa ove fo serve at mentors fra educator administra; ‘© Proude traning for pup service professonais at the professonal educator level to sare as mentors for inal educator pupl sevice protessonals; 1 Uitzing the resus of Educa Etecvaness Pins (EEP) tonto tho davelopmont of Pofecsional Devlopment Pans (POP) {© An iden pear rviow and mentorieg need thats demartrates tough stiden and eta dats Grant Requirements 1 Ellgibity. Elbe applcants Ince the folowing ‘ACESA, ‘consortium consisting of to ar more schoo! ss, ‘Aconsorium consisting of to or more CESAS, ‘Reomblnaen of th above. ‘Astatoment of which en wl bo admis the progar. Page 2 prsesr ABSTRACT (conta) 2. “Application Requirements. hv applizallon submited under sub. (1 sal be developed with sgaicant Input om teachers ond shal nde {ne folcing Information . Signatur, namos ad ties of niiule who developed the grant apletion, Db. Alls of school etiets andlor CESAs that wl parepate nthe progran, 1. A doseipion at how the program wl assist Ita educators and anhance instruction. a A dosarion of how the gant avard val be alocatad ncung how te applica wl match a east 20 percent ofthe grant awarded as ‘aque under s. 115.405 {1}, Stats. The matching fs may bathe for of money or sin Sands of Bod 5 Program Guidlines. A ono yer gran rt to exceed mere than $25,000 may be made to hind 2 cangrahansve peer review and menoring progran forint and profesional educators, 4. Review of Applications and Awarding of Grants, Tho stale supofntendent shall rview the applcalons submited under the chapter and shal dotemine which af the applicators elle er ang wl reas gran baged on he follows exer: a. Tho extent to which te goals and objectives relate to the purpoea an pres of the program. »b, Tho xn to which the program actives wil echanes tin professional davelopmet of Ilia and wrqualfied educators and winataly enhance slodont achievement © We an apotcant may apply for a maximum of $25,000, the agancy may rogue appcants to reas aclies or fund amounts for agorova' duo to program requiramants ae ave of as © Should the amount funds surpass the numberof appicants, DP wll evenly dvde remaining funds across AL lige apptcars up to tho lowe masimian of $25,000, © Should the nombar of applatlons surpass tho amount of funds, the agency wl create gran view team comprised of extrnat akanlcers @ evaluate and rank order appication. 5. Timetne. Qua te compottve nature of tis gran, the agency cannot review ee approve ary grant applications und aftr the deste for appleaton submission his passed. Within four wks of bo deadine, tha agency wl feMlew ALL reoeNd applicators and ars sucevstul ‘applications based onthe previously noted requirements, IHL ASSURANCES 1 ‘in submiting this application, the applicant assures that: Check appropriate regpanse fo each FElyes CN Funds reostved as a result ofa grant under this aplication wil be use to suoport, not supplant or rela _valabie fr protssional development. ‘uns other Til ves [71No rogram inforton snd related mates wil bo made avatable fo interested schools and otto educatonal tian at reasonabia cost Elves [No CesAs wi not charge districts for services developed using these funds, Bilves []no As reqiedinP 38.04, mentor wi havo rout the consent omatve assessment of hil eda nd wl nt be Ielud s part fhe sda sts fnal evan fan Wal eden, Byes No Adminisvaton of tho program, activites, and all services covered by ths applitaion wil bein acordanes with al apalcabe sale states and regulations and the approves appa, WV. CERTIFICATIONSIGNATURES | z : i \WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, CERTIFY ta he information contained inthis application complete and aoourea fo the bet of our knowledge; hat he neoascary assurances of complanca with applicable sista and federal stakes, rules, and reguatons wll be mot: and, that he nceaiee secrecy designs In his applicaton fs alhorzed to adil is grant WE FURTHER CERTIFY thal the assurances Ite above have boen safiod and that all fats, igures, and regcesentatlon inthis application are coractto he Beto or knowledge ‘Signature of Applicant Agency Aaminiseator Date Signed Mo Day, > rns ‘Signature of Scho! Board Clak Wf apaleable Date Signed Mo Day > wn7D01s putes Page 3 'V, CONSORTIUM VERIFICATION ‘Gooy as many pages 2s needed, é ue EAGH OF THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFES hal the ivormation contained in ti applcaion Te comple and aeaurate, thatthe focal educainal ageney they ropesent has aulhofized them to enlsr Io a contort agroanent, and to provide the necessary assUraneas of comp ih splcabo stole ad feral staluls, rule, and runs The administer agonoy shall be the Fiscal agent and shall threby incur and record al expences of Kands avalabia par applicable program rovistons, ules, and regulation, T ‘ADMINISTERING AGENCY i ‘Aainitring Agony a Gacaeinncanne School District of Cudahy ams 2esnay Reinier James P. Heiden, PhD 1 LEATrganzaion School District of Cudahy Dict Aciitator Dae Signed Mo Day/s 1 James P. Heiden, PHD _ oe a 2. LENOrganizaton ata Signed Wo Day. Distt Administrator Signature Blake Peuse pie > 3. LENOrganization Date Signed Ma Dey/¥e ‘ist Adminisiator “| Sionatiro > “| LENDOrgartzaton Dale Signed a Day. Gia tirator Signatire > 5, LEAIOrgarizafon Date Signed a Dayi¥e, BLEND rgentzaton ‘Dato Signed Ma Bayi. 7 Dit Admisratar | Signet _ > 7. LENOrganization Date Signod MoDay/¥e Dist Aainseator Signature ¥ 8 LENOrganization ie Signed Mo,Dayrve Bist Raise ‘Bignanco > 9, LENOrgenizaton Date Signed Ma Day, 7 Bist Aciisrator Signature > 16. LEAOrgarization Date Signed MaDayivn 7 biti Admiisvator Signature i 3 ples _ Z = Page 4 VL PROPOSED PROGRAM ‘Wat need i being wesed by the propoccd progr? - Both the School District of Cudahy and the St Francis School District have an established New Teacher Induction and Mentoring Program in which initial educators receive an insrectional mentor forthe frst (wo years... One area of need that both our districts have identified to strengthen our New Teacher Induction and Mentoring Program isto prepare our mentors with the tools needed to support new teachers in the ereation of their PDP. ‘The second aren of need i to bul capacity for leadership and coaching Uoughout the district. ‘Dosarbe the proposed program, including i rationale, goals, and objectives, ‘Describe how the proposed program wil assis inlial educators ane enhance instucton, a “The ultimate poal of the EP process is for teachers to idemify student Jenring needa inorder to focus on best instructional ‘strategies for suident learning, Our proposed program which connects the processes ofthe PDP and EEP will allow new teachers to havea strong concentration on their own self-reflection leading fo professional growth, Also, throug the instructional mentoring process, new teachers willbe supported in the analysis of student work positively impacting student learning by ultlizing data to inform insteuction, ‘Dave he slecton, Waning, roles, end respanailiis ofthe mentors Currently both districts select Instructional Mentors to support all initial educators in thir first two years, All mentors are selected based on their experience and interes, Mentors have received training both tirough SEWNTP seminars, as well as trough in strict forms. The roles and the responsibilities ofthe mentors include: listening, questioning, encouraging reflective practice, siving feedback, building trust, and the effective use of data to improve student learning. ‘Descibe the scies to be completed as par ofthe proposed program nding a tnolate for complaton ofeach major acy PDP Training: This training will occur in March/April, wiltzing an after-school venue for collaboration and content delivery. This will involve 4, 2 hour sessions Mentor Training: Both the instructional Mentoring aud Analyzing Suident Data seminars will eonsist of a two-session format, during the month of MarclvApril. The New Teacher Center will facilitate this evest, Additionally, district leaders and those in coaching roles will participate ina 6-session series titles, Leadership and Cosching for Rif, facilitated by the Rtl Center of ‘Wisconsin. These sessions will occur between the months of October» April ‘Descba Row tne proposed program wl enhance pupl achievement - ‘Through the guided development of PDPs, and through positive meatoring relationships the quality of teaching will improve, impacting students. New teachers will build capacity in their ability to analyze student work, offer effective feedback to students, reflect on data, promote healthy classtoom eavironmens, and improve instructional strategies to meet the needs ofall lamers. These educators will be empowered to allow their new learning to drive decisions that promote enhanced student achievement, ‘Dest the evaluation plan, induding te Indestors used to measure the achlevemei of the program goals and oBjacves, Each year through the Southeast Wisconsin New Teacher Project (SEWNTP) our districts completed « Induction Program Standards Self Review. We will again complet this atthe end ofthe year to identify teas of growth and needed prowth. Indicators wl lso include succesful completion of the PD? Review Team taining, aswell as inoeased numbers of trained mentors and administrators in Instruetional Mestorng and Analyzing Student Work seminars Fach district will also develop a 3-5 year plan that will focus on developing a culture of coaching and transformational change within each system, ‘Deserve tho cpacly ofthe corsarizn to cone he progr aor the grant period is complate Between both districts we currently have 22 educalors certified as PDP Review Team members. Through our propesed program's PDP training, we wish to re-certify these educators, while balding their expertise to suppost the connections between the EEP and PDP processes. Both districts will use this learning to continue to provide PDP support training each subsequent school yea for staff completing PDPs and within Distriot Mentor Forums, Pes ‘VL PROPOSED PROGRAM (conta With the loss ofthe SEWNT?, our proposed program will provide a locally based Instructional Mentoring and Analyzing Student Work seminar facilitated by the New Teacher Center. Both our districts have participated in SEWNTP for numerous year, and hhope to hear tha it will continue to exist trough Cardinal Switch next year, {Cit doesnot, we will either work to continue to contract with the New Teecher Center, or develop like support behween our two distets. Both our districts recognize the importance af this work sod the continued support of our new teachers ad mentors. Having district teams participating in the Leadership ancl Coaching for Ral Implementation series is providing us with the understanding and tools needed to build a culture of coaching within our systems, With both of our districts having the vision that all teachers will continue to build their expectse through a culture of coaching, we will continue to build capacity for more leaders and coaches to participate tn the WI RU Center training in subsequent years, ‘Which, ifany, ofthe nine districts Ktenified in Wisconsin's Teacher Equitable Access Plan are participating in the proposed program? None esrb Fo ogra awd ll bo ned cng ow Bw apa al lh of ant 2 pero of ho rat owordbd ws egret 5.145405 (1) Sta. Tho mating hs mayb in foam moyen ens eb “The Districts will provide snacks aud water for the alter school Peer Review PDP Mentor training, (Cudahy $300, St, Francis $100) ‘The Districts will provide travel stipends for those educators attending the Leadership and Coaching for Re Implementation seminars, (Cudahy $500, St.Francis $975) ‘The School District of Cudahy provides .20 FTE salary/ftinges ofthe New Teacher Induction! Mentor Program Cootdinator, who will support bot tte after scioo! trainings and the New Teacher Center Seminars. (Cudahy, $14,753) Currealy, the eoorditator plans and facilitates, 4 1/2 day forums for Mentor traning, and 10 after school Pl-34 focused New Teacher trainings within the district, ‘The St, Francis School Distict’s New Teacher Induction/Mentor Program Coordinator, who supports their PD for new teachers and mentors is a school administrator. They da not designate a percentage of his time for this coordination, but it could be ealeulated as at feast 5% of his contracted ti Both district provide stipends for mentors. St Francis has currently has 9 instructional mentors and the School District of Cudahy das 21. ‘Describe the evan io which factors are volved ithe program development and acivlos ‘Lead teachers in both districts have bees involved in the developmen! of our progeant, Some activities include: plating end leading new teacher and mentor fonums, facilitating effective coaching discussions, and further shaping the progeam through building feedback. In the development of our proposed program, tne New Teacher Inducation and Mentor Program Coordinators were participants in the planaing, The coordinators meet regularly with both mentors and new teachers, and have an accurate pulse con their current needs, | = 4 oes | ori | OWONPS & i stozionis | ja y]s0-95 promo GD Soqutes, - /Z| _100°_|_ dda ues o1 Sap tom siomnsmpysroweyy | ada moped 2904 305 spuedys SIONVUS “LS ooze wroWeoTpe GT outaa-as | Sunway, so ipysioway| —_ ddd NoMa 4904 10) spusdns AHVGNT oottze Sis ‘SweN ‘pai oonisod veeloie 99 20) sie ‘3po9 uoRaung evan 1 2 ° 2 a "RUEBEN, SU Pay 8G asst KOUBDRN @ “UORDAS Ha U SeUM i pafojdusjauuosied petneauco apnjuyjou oa ‘oefaud ska Woy ped 9qo seafoydue YE er ec ens eoys qepRD ‘ua suases 0g oN eet | Rovabiy weoyddy ‘askoay ony ysonbsus30 360 “ivizgigscne =A a sae seria P1657 [Vila BUDGET DETAIL (conta) ‘Apokeanl Raengy Cudahy School Distr | Free No Far ova ory 2, Purchased Services Summary (2005) A « 4 8 wuFAR Data) Senden ‘Spoaty AgoryVontor or Suppo: Funetion Code J twheProwded | ‘Whnoun Gost 21100] Instructional Mentoring | 3/1/2016— | New Teacher Center 35,100 *'| Seminar 5930/2016 ‘Analyzing Student ———|3/1/2016— | New Teacher Center Data/Work 5830/2016 WASCD Seminar: The An | 10/1/2015— 31,200 of Coaching CUDAHY 4302016 | "| Leadership and Coaching far | 10/12015— | WRU CenteiCESA 5 $3,100 Rol ST. FRANCIS 4302018, CODATYSubatinuesNew [37 ‘TOC: Teachers on Call p $270 ‘Teacher Center Seminars ST.FRANCISSubstintes:[3/U2016— | TOC: Teachers on Call 32400 New Teacher CenterSe | 4/30/2016 Total] $17,190 Must agro with Purchasa Soria Teal on Budget Summary B 4. Non-Gapital Objects Summary (4008) a » e a WUFAR Funetion Code Ince for 9c ‘tom fsiogin Nom Name ‘lu. cusrty_| neha all tems budetos Total Costs Total a Must agro ui Nan-CaptlObjacs lta on Budget Summary 4, Capital Objects Summary (5005) oes 00's "aad eons ie 09 a BB ve aes fb a TE POAT bug pue Ares (OL T | Tatas aaa Petes Dato ofRequest Mo Mayr. | Appicant Agency Total Mus! ware with Copal Odjots lott on Budyo! Summary Vila. BUDGET DETAIL (contd) Cudaty Schoo! District Projeat Ne . 6. wut Function Code Ine fr each Nm Nome Memisied ne. Joclude a toms busted 5. Other Objects Summary (9905) Totar “Must agroa with Otter Objacts fot! on Bust Summary 80 Poge 10 Pisosr Vito, BUDGET SUMMARY ‘oplcant Agena Cudahy Seboot District "Project Number For DPI Use Only Grant Paro Bogin Ina! Request cso NMOS. a Eid vaitreoe r30/n ‘ate Submited First Rotsion 02018 § cond Revision ‘Budget Revisions: Submit a capy of his page, wit appropriate revisions included. (Allach fis fo bre lle of justification.) Notw: Sul requeat at ‘east J0 days peor o exponadturo of pram mari. afl ghoul bo lt bia, you must anlar a e700" In that ld a ss corona ag | Ta Se ie a orm panes d. Non-Capitall Objects (4008) _ -e. Capital Objects (8008) ~ 1 ee it cat ® 3 m tiveepae [sea Sepieee pies | sanncom ee ‘Support services are those which) ®- Fie Benofts (2000) cher ‘components of the grant. This| © Purchased Services (200s) 17,900 17,190 sealer = a i 1 ee Oe Eames '[ mae [sen m Sse ecemeel | TeSe cane ‘aries, and above.) 'b, Fringe Benefits (2008) CS et eee

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