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Three Way Goal Setting

Rapid Design
Session One
Rapid Design thinking... w o r k to
a f rame m a
n is ly fro
R- reveal Ra p i d D e
s i
ra p i
b l e so l u t i on.
yo or k
help a w
b l e m to
A - alternatives pro

P - prototype
I - iterate
D - develop
We start by immersing ourselves in a passion, situation or issue through research.

What we already know

Growth Mindset
In addition to writing down goals, having a growth mindset will also increase chances of success.

A student with a growth mindset believes they can improve their ability through hard work and dedication.

I can Statements
Accessible to students - kids speak
Drawn from Literacy and Numeracy Continuum

Formative Assessment / LISC

Learning visible and transparent
Frames the learning
What we already know...
Growth Mindset
In addition to writing down goals, having a growth mindset will also increase chances of success.

A student with a growth mindset believes they can improve their ability through hard work and dedication.

I can Statements
Accessible to students kids speak
Drawn from Literacy and Numeracy Continuum

Formative Assessment / LISC

Learning visible and transparent
Frames the learning
LEts chat.. About the problem
How can we engage our parents, students and teachers in setting
meaningful learning goals prior, during & post (interview)?


Parent Teacher

Solutionitists need to try really hard to ONLY discuss the problem

(considering the variables).
Task # 1 HEXAGonal Download
Lets share what we know about the problem as a team by
downloading it onto paper! Were going to use a hexagon for each
thought or problem that we download.

How to download...
Brainstorm lots of
ideas to answer our
challenging question.

Alternatives of how to successfully engage Get Post it

teachers, parents and students in 3 way goal te ha p p y : )
setting & where to next?
Alternatives how to...
Think of an idea that might answer the challenge
Write it on a sticky note. Slap it on the big sheet of
paper. Dont judge it. Dont talk about it.
Do it again. Dont question your ideas. Just write
Blue sky thinking is okay!!!
Eagle eye
Choose your 3 most promising ideas
Discuss how useful each idea is in solving the challenge question.
Discuss how achievable each idea is. This means, is it realistic that it can
be developed in time by your team with available resources?
Discuss how innovative each idea is. How will your idea be different to
whats already available?
Score each idea out of 5 for each of the three criteria. The highest
scoring idea is probably the one to take forward!
Were going to move forward now with our innovative yet plausible idea.
Design the three-way goal setting process
Consider what /how / who pre, during and post
Kindy- 1- 2 teams collaborating

Stage One - 2-3 teams with a mixture of Year 1 & 2

teachers collaborating

Years 3-6 - 3 teams with a mixture of teachers from

each GRADE
Between now and next week we
are going to test our models
on users (students) and get
their feedback.

Well integrate improvements

into our design based on
Discuss what you would most like to know from
your testers. Try to be specific
Decide which questions you will ask your testers.
Decide on how your tester will interact with your
prototype. How will you give them the fullest
possible experience of what your design will be?
DELIVERABLES for next week...
Test and collect feedback on your
Bring feedback to next weeks TPL where
we will continue with the Rapid Design

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