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The Evolution of the Internet

The Internet began as a governmental project known as ARPANET back in

1969. The project originally had two objectives: to create a network to allow
researchers in two different locations to be able to communicate with eachother,
and to create a network with multiple sending and receiving paths to allow
communication to still be mad even after part of the network were destroyed by
some event. It started out as a few computers for researchers and government
agencies, and eventually had networks added for student uses, and it continued
growing and growing into the Internet we know today. This growth was boosted by
both PC and network advancements that allowed the public to afford computers,
and by Tim Berners-Lee idea of the World Wide Web, which allowed info and data to
be shared in a collection of web pages, which gave birth to the way the internet is
set up today. Currently there is a test network known as Internet2 being used by
over 200 member institutions that is much faster than the current public internet
and is used for experimental applications and technologies.
I found this section of the text interesting. As starters, I did not know about
ARPANET. This whole time I thought the internet was the result of public works, not
a government project. Also, I just assumed the Internet we had now was the final
destination that would simply continually get upgraded through history. Little to my
knowledge, Internet2 is a thing and is much faster and capable of testing things that
the current Internet network is unable to handle.

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