Newspaper Strip 19791031

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Times Herald, Carroll, la.

, Wednesday, October 3 1 , 1979 - Page 17

Houses N r l a t o *3 Aeertmorrt N r t o u t 4S SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 4 -

UeadCewlTcwti* 71
1:30 P M A l l b r e d club calf
I O R 2 bedroom upstairs apart MM CHEVELLE Coupe. Local sale C a r r o l l Livestock Sales. TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE
PRICED T O SELL ment - in Carroll. Partially trad*. Lots of service left here. C a r r o l l . Iowa M e r l e Witt. Ar
CMrmHW I kr. cettnlal - walking furnished. Available Nov. I. Stop In and look this baby cadia. Sales Manager.
MO w church and K I M I I . H I 659-3087 after > p.m. 65-2l3-2tp over. McCarville 6 Son R u p i p c r It S c h a r f e n k a m p .
fir. features LN w/tlrtect; formal Motors 71-214-ttc Auctioneers.
ON w/MH-th chHw; wrmy modern 2 B E D R O O M upstairs apart
MMjtO; jWWI-m even, dIMNNihar; ment Close to downtown. t74 FORD Pintb stral|ht stick 3 SUNDAY. NOVEMBER I I - ACROSS 5 2 Twice
StSOOSOl, MOOrOli eating ATM end Vj 12 P M Complete closing-out 1 Yonder 55 Muted: U N I T E D Feature Syndicate
Available Nov. 1. 7I2-2MI after dr. Runabout. Good condition.
ssWi oh> hWthw. second fir. has ] sale building * inventory 6 Straight: P r e 2 words Tuesday's P u u t o Solved
oeoreeffts, fell ooth, lots of storage, 5 pm OMU-tfc m a n Tiiu-stp L a p p e P l u m b i n g It H e a t i n g . fix 5 8 W i n d deposit nnntio nnnn nnon
ooMfod ohd carpeted family room in N E W E R 2 b e d r o o m a p t 1177 COUGAR pass wagon.
lower wetk-ettf basemeni to large D e d h a m . I o w a . Kasperbauer. 10 Italian (amily 6 0 G r e e k letters nnrepin mrinrj nnnn
yard w/oordm looct. Iniirt horn* Available Nov. I. C / A . Ap Air. stereo k sharp 'SS9500 K c r k h o t f & K e r k h o t f . Auc 14 Print style 6 1 Revise nnnnn nnnrj nnnn
ca* pa ted and draped. Ctnirai air one pliances '220.00. Ph.: 792-5555 OHddtn Auto Sales 71211 H e 15 Center 6 2 Incident nnnonjo n r j a a o n o o
After 6, 792 9573. SMOS-tfc n n n n nooonnn
1173 CHEVY Suburban Camper SUNDAY. NOVEMBER I I - 16 O h e d a n d 6 3 Balance
SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT special and rear air. 7K-41W. I P M House, lot. household 17 Praying fig 6 4 Blinks n n n a n n n n nnn
Phono 792-2660 Price reasonable. 71713 41c goods & antiques 1218 North ure 6 5 Arrows onoan aaaarj o o o
I320N.WOM .,.,
AeefSftsoiw Www rod 18 Coiffure n n n n n n a a r i aot)u
1174 TOYOTA Corona station Court Evahjune Boell.
2 0 Flog
nnn rinnnn iniiiin
O N N O R T H side 7*2 4284 Owner. Rupiper. Schar ana naannnnn
im-Ai wagon. Low mileage, auto., 2 1 Chilled DOWN
88-214 Jtc excellent. 7M-44II 71-210-Stc f e n k a m p fr M c C a r v i l l e . Auc nnnnnnn nnnu
CONTRACT AVAILABLE 1172 PINTO Very good 27 m p g .
2 3 High crest
24 Church a r e a
1 Canter
2 Folkdance
oonnnnnn rmnouL
forms for Solo 7 FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 2 3 -
auto. 7K-44M. 71-210-Stc 26 Titular 3 Effluence OQQO DHUL1 auuiDu
on this 4 bdrm. 2 story I P . M . F a r m m a c h i n e r y auc
28 Inns 4 Flowed UUQU tJUliU uuuuu
home with full basement FOR SALE 1974 CHEVY >> ton pickup V 8 tion F r o m Rreda 2 miles
3 0 Lawgiver 5 Designate
& double garage. Approx. 194 ACRES auto.. PS. step-bumper Just s o u t h St ' m i l e East
3 1 Quick 6 Pigment
41.000 easy miles. Plenty of C l a r e n c e S c h a p m a n . Owner.
Near Carroll. dependable service left here
3 2 S m a l l well 7 Highway 27 Fetid or ins
G r o l e & G e r k c n . Auctioneers.
Development potential. 36 Zodiac sign 8 Numeric pre 28 Corridor 45 Container
IMS GMC 'i-ton pickup 6 SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 2 $ -
HALBUR REALTY 3,400 Acre. cylinder straight stick. 60 000 I I ' M House, lot & household
37 Beg
38 Baba
fix 29 Margarine 46 Office gedgejt
792-2866 Contract possible. miles. Near new rubbers items 303 N o r t h W h i t n e y .
9 Pronoun 30 Bit 47 Act It u p
39 Queen 10 L o b e p e n 32 Loose
Ml< Itc 792-3974 or 792-4857 Super sharp throughout. Wit C a r r o l l . Florence Gephart. M a r y ' s berth: dant
46 Nursemaids
track Motors. 71210 tfc 33 P u b product: 49 Coins
O w n e r M e s c h e r & Rupiper. 2 words 11 Luster 2 words 51 Tease
CALL US to buy or soil your 1971 FORD Fiesta A C . front Auctioneers. 4 2 Horn 12 S e e d c o a t i n g 34 Building 53 Negative
home, (arm or commercial Misc. t o o l I s tote 70 wheel drive 792-5441 SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 2 5 - 44 S a d w o r d 13 Ford's folly wings contraction
roperty Fleshlier Kamilv
ealty. 7K-ISI3. 63137-tic
1979 E l C a m i n o R o y a l
1 P . M . C o m p l e t e closing out
f a r m sale L o c a t e d 4 miles
45 Fondle
46 European
19 a n d
54 M a c h II
BIERL REALTY Co C o m m c r west. I m i l e south, 'a mile country 22 Chart Accts. 40 Pluckiest 56 Junior
Zoned m u l t i - f a m i l y w i t h Knight AM-FM. CB. 8 track,
clal. r e s i d e n t i a l , rentals power windows, tilt wheel, west of Coon R a p i d s or 3 4 9 Purvey 2 5 Bulgarian 41 Mild Leaguer
steel heated building with 5 0 Forcefully
711 5455 63-55 He cruise. 4 spd. 5250 m l P h . : m i l e s south. 2' m i l e s east of coin 42 Fought 57 Harem room
office space. 5 1 Shelter
7124N-33S4. 71-210-Stc D e d h a m . Mike Willcnborg. 2 6 Girl's n a m e 43 E n d i n g for all 59 Eggs
COMES REAL E s t a t e 792 4295
or 712 1679 t o b u y or s e l l 5QQ Ft. 1976 CJ 7 Jeep. Low mileage
O w n e r Kerkhoff. Kcrkhoff St
K a s p e r b a u e r . Auctioneers.
homes, acreages, f a r m s -4000. Phone M3-452S d a y s
63 146tfc HWY. FRONTAGE 792-2890 evenings 71-208-tfc
Zoned industrial with
I I ' M C o m p l e t e closing out H0U WOULDN'T & V E A
1976 PONTIAC LeMans S a f a r i 9 f a r m sale St household items
3 steel buildings. passenger wagon. P H . PS. a i r . Located from Arcadia O i l
OLDER HOME Call for details: 55.000 mites C a l l a f t e r 5 Station: 2 miles east \ l't m i RAT, WOlIlP YOU, MA'AM?
884-2451. 71-203 tfc north W i l l i a m Nnhiling.

2 story 4 bedroom with 792-2866 f e n k a m p St R u p i p c r Auc

n u n itc
garage. Extensive Calendar of tioneers
>deling. Low t a x e s . FRIDAY. JANUARY 4 -
(870) FOR SALE Sale Dates 12 30 I ' M V a l Zinke f a r m
sale 4 miles east. I 1 south &
Wilson Real Estate LAZY NIGHTS Claimed :,
i casl of H a m l i n . I A M c r y

792-3974 and Kcrkhoff a n d Lloyd

63 311 tic LOUNGE Auction Sales LauRhcrv. Auctioneers
Houses Foe Kent 64 Located: 2 miles west of A l l types of auctions w i l l be r u n 12:30 P M C l a r e n c e Flcdder-
in this Auction Calendar F R E E if
SMALL TWO bedroom home in Lake City on 17S. w e h a v e the advertising copy of
m a n f a r m sale Located south
of h o d h a m Jet 161 141. 1 m i
Ltdderdalc Stove & re Includes living quarters. your a d i n o u r office 1

(rtgerator f u r n i s h e d Avail southeast on pavement St 2 .-

able immediately 822-5580 Call 464-3545 after 5; m i east on g r a v e l road F r o m
64-214 3tc or 464-3034 after 5 EVERY THURSDAY Coon Rapids 6 m i west on
12:30 P M C a r r o l l Livestock H w y 141. I m i north & i 1 :l

OR 4 bedroom house double or contact

Sale m i west Auctioneers Spor-
garage. N o pets K e f e r e n r e s Scott Acklin owner. r c r . D a v e St M e r v l Kerkhoff St
Deposit P h : 792-4528 70-214-Mc EVERY SATURDAY Irlhcck
1 P . M . Farmer's Livestock
2 OR 3 bedroom house for rent in
Used Com Trucks 71 Sale.
G l i d d e n . Possession N o v I T O F I N A N C E your new or used
792-1407 6421231c c a r sec P e r s o n a l L e n d e r s .
IN AUBURN 2 bedroom
house n e w f u r n a c e , at
brick Thomas Plaza Carroll Call
792-2555. 71-233-tfc WERNIMONT BLDG.
tached g a r a g e ( i c o r y c N CiHIKKITM FORD-MKRCL'RY Large well constructed 3 level steel and brick
Wernirnont 792-4229 64 176 tfc Inc. Authorized sales & ser structure on West Hiway 30 in Carroll, la. Top
vice Jet H w v . 71 & 30 Car
Apartment for Kent 65 roll 792 1505 71-16-tfc
level has 7 apts., main level could be additional
apts. or great office space. Lower level could be
K O I i K R G C H E V R O L E T - Your
B E A U T I F U L 2 bedroom apt
authorized G M dealer i n Car
truck or auto repair, or parking. Has four 14 ft.
w i t h f i r e p l a c e . 1.100 sq ft
375 00 monthlv 792-9573 after roll. T o p dollar paid for used doors, 18,000 sq. ft. of useable space.
cars 792-92.T6 71-12t-tfc
8:00 792-5555. 8 6 65 200-ttc Call 402-393-2121,


New Mobile Homes, 1979's, 14x72
Financing available. BIERL ADDITION N e w split-level w i t h approx.
11% on unpaid balance. 1914 sq. ft., fireplace & w e t b a r i n family r o o m , d i s h
washer, disposal, C A, p a t i o & double g a r a g e .
Contact Harold J. W i e l a n d , Sales Mgr. F I N A N C I N G IS A V A I L A B L E ON THIS H O M E . A
7 9 2 - 3 4 4 6 for appointment. real value. Only 5 9 , 9 5 0 . 0 0 .
( M e m b e r C a r r o l l M u l t i p l e Listing)
E a s t on H i g h w a y 30
Carroll, Iowa S J l l t t c
Wilson $ c a l i z s U x t e

EXCELLENT FAMILY HOME Hwy. 30West, Carroll Office Ph.: 792-3974

After 5 p.m. Jerry or Doris Wilson 7 9 2 - 9 6 0 5
We have just listed an immaculate 2 story 3 bedroom 43211-tlc
home "good size bedrooms". Near no. side churches &
schools. Features include large living room, formal
dining room, first floor den or family room, large
closets, rec room in basement, dbl. car garage, nice lot.
Must be seen!!! A very good buy. Only *44,950. (toti
We're Gonna Miss You
but if you must leave
( M e m b e r Carroll M u l t i p l e listing)
let us help you in re-locating. Whether it be
across the state or across the nation call
Wilson $ c a l ^Estate
H w y . 30West, Carroll O f f i c e Ph.: 792-3974 ~
A f t e r 5 p.m. J e r r y o r Doris W i l s o n 792-9605 a 792-2866 43H11IC
"HA. . Mi . " I <\ " .'. ' ' 'A '

N i N I N " M M I -n i M- ' MI< :.MI

It Belongs on Your Home
Stops Costly Painting
Saves Fuel, Outside Repairs
There is o difference. If you don't
know siting Know your local
dealer. Talk to a reliable local com

We are insured with hundrads All Types

of Mtitfied customers at Vinyl Steel Aluminum
owr best soles parsons. This P r O t t i O O H o m e in tritndlv neighborhood my b* "jul the
Doors Windows hem*" yew've SJOtn leokingtor.It features lovtly foytr, lorml living
Check with us . We will room, pleasant kitchtn, dining trtt with tliding gl doors that optn to a
NOT I E UNOCHSOtD Awning* Gutters o Shutters Krgt private patio. Largt masttr btdroom with bath A walk-in clout
with built-in tlwlvtl 4 drawers, other line features are: Large finished
rec-raom in basement, cost truit room, utility room and alto another
SCHROEDER bath, central air. djubte garage on lovel y corner lot. <W3 >

Aluminum Products
Call collect for a f O t ESTIMATE
Carroll THOMAS PLAZA 792-1540
Evenings: Oale Textor 792-3232or Doris Bets 792-3245
You have proba to help keep your body at

WW 0OI5 A .
006RB.NT?'' A
bly MOB a dog the right temperature.) A
panuag on a hot healthy dog rarely per
day. Wbaa a dog becomes spires at all. When a dog
overfeoatod, it atleka out 1U pants, its rapid breathing
tongue and paati, or evaporates f he moisture in
brMtboa heavily. Panting its mouth. As the moisture
8rBSi'. koepa a dog's body from evaporates, body heat is
gottiag too hoi A dog has carried away, and the dog
vary few sweat glands, to feels cooler.
it cannot perspire to keep Voe C M U a WtU Almt-
ear U year ewauei ) eiUri-
cool on a hot day, at we do. e*. Seia ner u w ut if*
(YOB have many small to JOHNNY WONDCft. c
tWI UeNOd M n i Sn*c!, Inc. Ike) atataaaar. PO laa
sweat glands la your skin ItM, Saau Craa. CA MMI.
t*.ejew*na.o /O^J/

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