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Periods of Development Fact Sheet:

Children grow rapidly from conception through early adulthood their brains bodies and
skill sets are on hyper drive to learn new tasks. This can be a confusing to know if your
child is reaching the developmental milestones typically expected of children their age.
Thus the fact sheet will guide you through the your childs physical, cognitive, and
language development!

Physical Development:
At sixteen weeks your babies gender is developed and visible from an ultrasound. At 39
weeks your baby is considered full term and is ready for life outside the womb.

Language Development:
Although your beautiful baby has not yet entered into the world he has begun to hear and
interpret language. At 19 weeks your baby is able to hear sounds outside of womb such
voices of those closes to you, music and many daily sounds you hear. This is the very first
step of language development.

Cognitive Development:
Your babies cognitive development is growing rapidly, just 16 days after conception the
embryo forms the beginning stages of its brain what is know as the neural tube. The
neural tube will turn into the brain and spinal cord. By the third trimester your babies
brain increases in size and function. Your baby can know has sensory functions like the
reflexes it will be born with.
Social Emotional Development:
Although your baby is growing healthy in the womb your baby is still able to seek social
emotional comfort. Babies enjoy hearing their mothers and fathers voices. Babies have
often been known to respond to other outside noises such as music. We know that they
have these connections to these particular sounds from their enhanced movement in
response to their fathers voices.

A Sign Of Atypical Development In This Stage Of Development:

After the fifth month of pregnancy if the mother is unable to feel the baby move for over
24 hours. You should go to see a physician to ensure the baby is developing properly.

A Social factor to aid this stage of Development:

The biggest social factor that impacts your growing baby is that the mother ingests, blank
suggest, Most everything the mother ingests, including food, liquid, and even
medication, travels through the placenta to the fetus; anything the mother is exposed to in
the environment affects the fetus.
A Cultural factor to aid this stage of development:
Families that are unified together committed to raise the baby together are a cultural
factor that has a positive correlation to childrearing even at this stage. If it is culturally
significant to have a both parents involved in the pregnancy and the childs life it will
make a impact on the child.

How Families Can Help Influence Learning In This Stage:

During this stage of development the best thing you can to do to help your babies
development at this time is to take your prenatal vitamins and continue your prenatal care
with your physician. An additional way to bond and educate your baby is to talk and read
to your baby to help build the bond between parent and child.

Boundless. (08 Aug. 2016 ).Environmental Impacts on Prenatal

Development. Boundless Psychology Boundless,. Retrieved




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