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+}fr gF'sqT Rftls

Coal India Limited

F6|{d *q+ A Maharatla Company
3 -Fan, 4l-{-2 {A Govt. oflndia nnterpiise)
*ffis-0^4-(rtr3{R -drd-\' 3rd floor, Core_2
\,s._ || t, Premises no-04-MAR, plot no_AFlII,
(r+r1;I atlqr- 1A, qd|5a, Action
{-sa{e, Area- I A, Newrown, Rajarhar,Kolka ta-
sld 033-?i?uqgts, pHONE; 033_2324_6526,
S-w-oss-ltrve9r" FAX; 033_20246510
$id:mviswanattran2. cil@coalindra. rn E-MAIL:mvislaanathan2.
qsfi r$c: \aww.coalindia. ln WEBSITE: wrvw.coalindiain
Ref.No. CIL :XI(D :0 a 15 e..n tr jll 6 g Mw'2017
Listing Department,
Bombay Srock Exchange Limired,
I4'" Floor, P.J.Towers,
Dalal Street,
Mumbai - 400 001

Sub: Outcome of the Board Meeting of Coal India

Ref: Reguration
30(2) of the securities E,,.r"r'rg" B"*d of rndia (Listing
"rd Regulations, 2015
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Ref. : Scrip Code 533278.
Dear Sir,

we invite reference to our letters submitted by us pursuant

to reguration 30(g)
of the secudties and Exchange Board of India
lristing obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations,2015_("Listing
neguiations-,,) to iou recently i" ..rrri",
to. tfe
captioned matter' informin; that three *iiriy
subsidiaries ("Subsidiaries,,) i. e., Mahanadi C'oalfields ""r "r
Limited C.MCtt, ft"rth"m
coalfields Limited c'NcL') and Sourh Eastern coarfields
rimit"a' 1.,snci;,j t ur",
their respective board meetings held on gth Maf 17 a "t
to,h nrariiir;r-p""#"ly;ur.
considered and approved the buyback of equity shares
of their respective co#panies
as per the details given in those letters.

The Board of Directors of our company, i.e. coat India

Limited at its meeting
l1th Mar,17 has approved to tender tle shares held by the Company
Subsidiaries, in their respective buyback offer, as stated
in such

Mahanadi Coalfi elds Limited 451743

Norlhern Coalfi elds Limited 4r1135
South Eastern Coalfields

This is for your informatio_n and records prease.
This is in terms of Reguration
30 of the Listing Regulations 2015.

yours faithf:lly,

\fttro rlFrt',
(M.ViswanarhanAEl.Gf FqaT\E)
Company S ecretary/d;tffr TBE
& Compliance Officeri/.FFEFFiTI 3fifu-S{

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