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RIPTSO You have the opportunity to get in the best shape of your life with RIPT90. Resistance - muscle contraction with the expectation of increases in strength, definition and mass. Interval - short periods of intense work followed by rest breaks designed to improve speed and cardiovascular fitness elu ee aM LAL Ee Micha moacelEI(ol|) to contraction in an “explosive” manner, further 7 increasing speed and power. 4 Training - developing and strengthening your body over an extended period. Promoting ongoing overall physical fitness and health. This program will challenge you to complete a tough, no nonsense workout, approximately 30 minutes each day. Each of the 14 unique workouts included are designed to build lean muscle and shred fat, testing your body and reconstructing it into the designed athletic form you desire. Follow the program for 90 days, complete each workout and utilize the included nutrition [eM CoM oD Cola TUL AULT: Zeta Ley eR COLOR LLL SCM yAce aCe LLC nO UL a ==) 1 oT Valcom The program is broken into three 30 day Pu Conditioning, Strength and Sculpting. Each is designed to contribute to your progress in different OEY keeping your body guessing and maximizing results. CONDITIONING Days 1-30 We start with this phase to build a foundation for the program. You will quickly learn where your strengths and weaknesses lie while preparing your body for , the strength and sculpting phases. Days 31-60 This phase focuses on building lean muscle mass and strength. We will focus on large muscle groups with push and pull exercises that develop calorie burning muscle, but we won't neglect the rest of your body. This stage is also designed to really rev-up your metabolism. Days 61-90 This stage is the finishing touch and what we thinkis the most fun. By this point in the program your body will be more efficient and a lot stronger allowing you to push through to even greater results. We'll further focus on shedding fat and shredding muscle. RIPT90- WORKOUTS RIPT ABS *Calorie: 95 This workout will tighten your rectus and transverse abdominals and obliques. ARM ANNIHILATOR *Calorie: 450 The biceps and triceps are 100% the focus of this workout. We will curl, dip and much more to get those guns ready for the show. BACK BREAKER *Calorie: 530 We hit the lower, middle and upper back by strengthening the lats, traps, delts and more by pushing and pulling our way through this workout. CHEST SHREDDER con The pectorals get the RIPT90 treatment. The series of lift included in this workout really builds mass in the upper body and delivers the strong muscular chest you are looking for. DEAD LIFT KILLER *Calorie: 480 While your upper body definitely benefits form this workout, the focus of Dead Lift Killer is the hamstrings and glutes. The various lifts in this workout really targets the backside. DEATH BY THRUSTFR [olde P 20} Think of a thruster as a squat with shoulder press. This workout takes you through a series of challenging thrusters to really work multiple muscle groups and maximize calorie aan DIRTY DOZEN *Calorie: 290 We go through a series of 12 exercises that leave no part of your body untouched. A head to toe workout that sounds easy but is going to definitely challenge you. % —— LEG OVERHAUL Every muscle in the lower body gets an overhaul in this workout. Your hamstrings, glutes and all 4 muscles of the quads get challenged here. “Calorie: 295 MINUTE BY MINUTF. Only a few exercises with lower reps here, done in 1 minute increments. | give you 60 seconds to complete a circuit and we do this for 20 total minutes. Sounds easy, but just wait. “Calorie: 320 METABOLIC MANIA This is a fat shredding workout that works the entire body with cardiovascular movements along with strength segments. rer PLA SHOULDER PRESSL !RE The deltoids are our focus here. What good is a gun show if we don't have the finishing touch of sculpted shoulders? “Calorie: 410 TOTAL BODY TAMER We target the entire body in this cardiovascular and strength building workout. Every muscle will feel this workout, while you burn calories to shed fat. ——— Ura eS This workout hits every square inch of your body with various weight moves to strengthen and cardio moves to erties Geel oti) STRETCH This is a head to tow recovery day for you. The 13 other workouts challenge you and get your body primed for this workout. Use the stretch workout to reward and relax every muscle. Bere ae one Pe Eee Se) EQUIPMENT wa a You don't need a full gym at home to get In grea’ and maintain the body you desire. We have designed to employ only minimum equipment and your ow weight. a Dumbbell and/or Resistance Bands Evers eS Pull-up Bar : Viet = aN) = Supportive shoes, recommend cross-trainers = Stable, clear area cS Yoga Mat (optional) a Measuring Tape (optional) NUTRITION To maximize results, use the plan provided to fuel your body properly, with protein, carbs and fat. The guide gives you needed ingredients, directions along with counts for calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates and fiber. Submit your “before” and “after” photos at and receive a free graduation t-shirt. ‘ TRACKING YOUR PROGRESS BEFORE STARTING BCU lata) Front facing, hands on hip Back facing, hands on hip Side Facing A visual comparison against your starting point is the best method to measure progress. Ultimately the way you look and feel is always going to be more important than anything the scale has to share. Take Measurements Biceps, tape halfway between pit and elbow Chest, tape centered over nipples Waist, tape centered over belly button Hips, tape centered at top of pubic area Thighs, tape inch below inner thigh/pubic area For those of you wanting to chart your progress in more Clie ol Me Teneo Oo MU Eu eoN aa Reel eo) the program. Download a free log with detailed instructions Elan aia lol eReo) i Wall planning calendar Post the included calendar on your bathroom mirror and keep track of your workouts as you complete them. AFTER 90 DAYS Repeat the process by taking your “after” photos and comparing them to the “before” You're going to be excited to see the comparison. Also compare the measurements against your graduation measurements, the differences should be dramatic. TIPS & MODIFICATIONS By aa ett This program is designed to add muscle. Muscle weighs CMON Leo me (ol Reel ala BLN IT eh 1e-Titen ello) lean muscle; which may result in little to no changes in the CNUs aot a eo ee Tr Over-caffeinated beverages, alcohol, juices, soft drinks, | sports drinks: There is too much sugar included in most of the listed drinks that serve really no nutritional value. Keep your body fueled with natural ingredients! Eat clean Follow the nutrition plan provided. How you fuel yourbody is critical to getting the maximum return on investment from the workouts you will be completing, not to mention ensuring you have the energy to get through them. Warm up and cool down The warm-ups are included for a reason, help prevent injury by giving your body the time to prepare for, and recOre from, each workout. Form Quality over quantity, every time! Challenge yourself to” maintain correct form, even if it means dropping to a lower modification level, and you'll get greater results, stay more motivated, and reduce your risk of injury. Listen to your Body There is a difference between muscle soreness and pain. Know your threshold and listen to your body. If you are too sore or in pain, take a day off or just do the stretch DVD. Also, ahem Vol Reha mun meoneolnie i ® (olla 1a) eifer- lal liek beginning the program, and again later if you feel like you ETM Viale RTA on OCC Tite Ce Do not let the title of this program or the names of the workouts scare you. | designed the program for EVERYONE. There are several modification optionsin this program, allowing you to participate and be challenged in each workout, regardless of your ability level. There is no reason YOU cannot complete this program. If at first you struggle, that’s fine. What’s most important is that you stick with the program. Complete Bia old Cole CET aM UN Cola Alam aatore ie 1ecola MNO for you and stick to the calendar. After the first 30 days you'll be stronger, have more energy and be ready to feted (Saal Mill Rolt kee It requires hard work to achieve any meaningful goal, but putin the effort and | promise you're going to love Weed Contact Jody directly at

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