Ejemplo de Escritura

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Write about the importance of learning English for your professional

Today in day the personality development is very important for all the peoples
that want progress and develop as person and as professional, and therefore
they have must study a lot and learn other language in special English because
it is very important and is a requisite indispensable for all. Nowadays is
necessary speak, write and read the English for: first for will opt the grade of
studies as the title of pre grade also of post grade, second also for read the
manual of the instruments, equips, materials, etc., that was write in English, in
addition to the books, the investigations end the articles of medicine, science,
economics, engineering, etc., on your majority it is write in English and this is an
inconvenient for them that did not learning English.

Finally, the offer and demand of work is very difficult in this moment in my
country because some institutions of prestige need a people with ability in
English for his company, also in other countries is very important know english
because the technology and the science is advance.

In my opinion the english is necessary for all the live of the person for
communicate with persons that know the english of other countries as in a try of
relax, of work, of investigations of study, etc. and for read the text in english
during all his development professional.

Describe the kind of work you do and your main responsibilities.

I am an obstetrician and I work in the area administrative at Development and

social inclusion ministry, where my main responsibilities are:
To offer technical assistance to the equip technician of the Unit territorial Lima
four, for the program development
To offer continuous training to keeper mothers and technical accompanist with
the finality of bettering the infantile attention with strategies of the component of
Monitored and evaluation to all the centers of care the infantile attention the Qali
Warma social program.
Coordination with public and private institutions for doing combined plans in
benefit of the populations.
Facing the accompaniment of girls and boys in situation risk in development
and growth.
Programmer and to realize demonstratives sessions and educational in
practices healthy to the familys usuries
Continuous training to all actors communal of the service of accompaniment to
families in healthy practices.
To present informs month of activities and others that demand the program.

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