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The abuse of marijuana also can

What is marijuana? Who uses the drug? cause serious physical and mental
Marijuana is the mind-altering Individuals of all ages use mari- problems including frequent respira-
substance produced from a plant with juana—data reported in the National tory infections, impaired memory and
the scientific name Cannabis sativa. Household Survey on Drug Abuse learning ability, increased heart rate,
The drug is used because its primary indicate that 37 percent of U.S. resi- anxiety, and panic attacks. Individuals
active chemical, tetrahydrocannabinol dents aged 12 and older used mari- who regularly abuse the drug may
(THC), may induce relaxation and juana at least once in their lifetime. The experience the same problems as
heighten the senses. survey also revealed that a significant tobacco smokers including cough,
percentage of teenagers and young phlegm, chronic bronchitis, and fre-
What does it look like? adults use marijuana—20 percent of quent chest colds. In addition, because
individuals aged 12 to 17 and 50 per- marijuana contains toxins and carcino-
Marijuana generally refers to the cent of individuals aged 18 to 25 used gens marijuana smokers increase their
dried, shredded leaves, stems, seeds, the drug at least once. risk of cancer of the head, neck, lungs,
and flowers of the cannabis plant. and respiratory tract.
This mixture typically is green, brown, Marijuana use among high school
or gray in color and may resemble students is a particular problem. Nearly
half (48%) of high school seniors in the What is it called?
tobacco. While lower quality mari-
juana usually includes all parts of the United States used the drug at least There are hundreds of slang, or
cannabis plant, higher quality mari- once in their lifetime, and 22 percent street, terms for marijuana, and both
juana often is composed only of the used the drug in the past month, the terms and their meanings can vary
buds and flowering top of the plant. according to the University of from one part of the country to
Michigan’s Monitoring the Future another. The most common names for
Survey. marijuana are grass, pot, and weed.
How is it used?
(Please see the Street Terms text box
Users typically smoke marijuana as What are the risks? below for additional names.)
a cigarette, known as a joint, or in a
pipe or bong. The drug also is smoked Even at lower doses marijuana
using blunts—cigars that have been impairs attention and coordination and Street Terms for Marijuana
hollowed out and refilled with mari- affects the way the mind processes 420 Hydro
juana, sometimes in combination with information. Because of these effects Acapulco gold Indo
other drugs such as crack cocaine. marijuana use has contributed to
BC bud KGB (killer green bud)
Marijuana also has been mixed with automobile, household, and occupa-
tional accidents, resulting in harm to Buddha Kindbud
foods or brewed as a tea.
the user and to others. High doses of Cheeba Locoweed
marijuana may result in image distor- Chronic Mary Jane
tion, loss of personal identity, and Dope Shake
hallucinations. Ganja Sinsemilla
Green goddess Skunk
Herb Wacky tabacky
Other products of interest:
, Huffing—The Abuse of Inhalants
, Prescription Drug Abuse and Youth
, Drugs, Youth, and the Internet
Fast Facts

Is marijuana illegal? For more information on illicit drugs
Yes, marijuana is illegal. check out our web site at:
Marijuana is a Schedule I sub-
stance under the Controlled
Substances Act. Schedule I drugs,
which include heroin and LSD,
have a high potential for abuse
and serve no legitimate medical
purpose in the United States. National Drug Intelligence Center
319 Washington Street, 5th Floor
Johnstown, PA 15901-1622
Telephone: 814-532-4601
Check out Fast Facts on: FAX: 814-532-4690
, Crack cocaine NDIC Washington Liaison Office
, Crystal methamphetamine 8201 Greensboro Drive, Suite 1001
, GHB McLean, VA 22102-3840
, Heroin Telephone: 703-556-8970
, Inhalants
, Jimsonweed
, Ketamine
FAX: 703-556-7807
NDIC publications are available on the following web sites: Questions
, Khat
, Methamphetamine
Call 814-532-4541
, Powdered cocaine to request NDIC products National Drug Intelligence Center
, Prescription drugs a component of the
, Yaba U.S. Department of Justice

NDIC Product No. 2003-L0559-002

Photo of marijuana leaf © Artville

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