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1. Rizka : What blouses should we buy, silk blouses or cotton?
Lia : ...They are cheaper.
Rizka : Youre right.
a. You prefer silk blouses to cotton ones c. We had better buy cotton
b. I llike silk blouses and you do too d. You have to buy silk blouses
and cotton ones
2. Linda : where are you going to go to, Wati?
Wati : To the drugstore. Ive got a headache.
From the dialog above we may conclude that ...
a. Wati is going to buy medichine c. Llinda is going to the drugstore
b. Wati isnt going to buy anything d. Linda and Wati are going to
go the drugstore
3. It was designed to be largest, faster, and the most luxurious ship in the world.
The antonym of the word largest is ...
a. Biggest b. Smallest c. Butcher d. Carpenter
4. Arif : Where ... Mr. Rahmad work?
Batara : He works in rice field. He plants rice . He is a good farmer.
a. Does b. Do c. Did d. Done
5. Mr. Jack : What will you do in the factory tomorrow?
Mr. Bakri : I ... a new machine.
a. Operate b. Operated c. Will operate d. Am operate
6. Lusiana : what is your uncles job.
Lutfi : He is a farmer.
Lusiana : What does he do?
Lutfi : He usually ...
a. Grows rice c. Teaches the student
b. Delivers the letters d. Studies at school.
7. Atifa : where did you go yesterday?
Erma : I ...(8) to my uncle house.
Atifa : What ...(9) you do there?
Erma : I helped my uncle to plant some fruits.
8. A. Go b. Went c. Gone d. Going
9. A. Did b. Do c. Does d. Done
Tasya said : I bought this beautiful pencil case for just fifteen thousand
rupiahs, and this very
simple plastic purse for twenty thousand rupiahs. Funny isnt it?
The pencil case is
more beautiful but it is cheaper. The purse is simpler but it is
more expensive.

According to Tasya pencil case is ......(10)than the purse. But the purse is ....
(11) than the pencil case.
10.A. Cheaper b. Cheapest c. More expensive d. Most expensive
11.Funny b. Funnier c. More beautiful d. Most beautiful.

This text is for questions number 12 - 14.

Name Math Engli Biolo

sh gi
Astina 6 8 7
marian 7 9 7
a 6 9 7
Juita 6 7 7
sinta 12.What can you conclude based on the scores
on the table?
a. Math is as easy as English c. All students get good scores in math
b. The best scores are all in English d. English is more difficult than math
13.The number of the students who get seven is ... that the students who get
a. Less than b. More than c. Diligent d. Lazy than

14.The number of the students who get nine is ... that the students who get
a. Less than b. More than c. Diligent d. Lazy than
Text for questions number 15 17

Name of things Price list

Radio Rp
Tv 100.000,-
Refrigerator Rp
Gas stove 900.000,-
800.000,- From the table above we can conclude
Rp that ...
200.000,- 15.A. Radio is the cheapest of all
c. Gas stove is cheaper than radio
b. Radio is more expensive than tv d. Radio is the most expensive of all
16.A. Refrigerator is cheaper than tv c. Tv is expensiver than refrigerator
c. Gas stove is the cheapest of all d. Radio is the most cheapest
17.A. Tv is the expensivest c. Refrigerator is the cheapest
B. Refrigerator is expensiver than tv d. Tv is the most expensive
18.It is big and heavy. It is very cold inside.It needs electrcity. You use it to keep
your food and drink. It is a ...
a. Ice cube b. Dispencer c. Refrigrator d. Freezer
19.It produces fire. It needs electricity or gas or petroleum to operate. You put it
in the kitchen. You use it to boil water or cook. It is a ...
a. Dispencer b. Refrigerator c. Ironing board
d. Stove

Text for number 20-23.

The Indonesian Archipelago
The Indonesian 20)__________is the largest group of 21)_______ in th
world. You know...! it extends between two 22)________,Asia and Australia. It also lies
between two 23)_____,
The indian Ocean and the pacific Ocean.
20.A. Continents b. Islands c. Oceans d.
21.A. Continents b. Islands c. Oceans d.
22.A. Continents b. Islands c. Oceans
23.A. Continents b. Islands c. Oceans d.

Text for question number 24 - 26.

We have a lot of islands. The big ones are Papua, Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi,
and Java. Of the five islands, Java is the smallest, but is the most populated one. We
can find people from around Indonesia.Indonesia also has many mountains. Many of
them are still active and can erupt any time. We call them volcanoes, like Sinabung
in Sumatra, Merapi in Java, and Lokon in South Sulawesi. When they erupt they
bring out very hot lava from inside the earth.

24.Why indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world?

a. It has a lot islands c. It has many big islands
b. It has many mountains d. It has many populated
25.According to the text,in what island can we find people from around
a. In a big island c. In Papua and Java
b. In Java and sulawesi d. In Java
26.Why does Java have the most populated in Indonesia? Because ...
A. It is a big island c. It is the the most modern island
B. The Capital city of Indonesia Is in Java d. It is the rich island
27.What did the volcano bring out from inside the earth when they erupt?
a. A lot of water c. A lot of dust
b. Very hot lava d. Very hot water

The text is for number 28-31

There are some television channels in Indonesia; TVRI, TPI, RCTI, SCTV,
ANTV, INDOSIAR and many others. The stations serve different programs. You
can read the program on the program schedule on newspapers. Most of the
programs are suspended programs. Sometimes the televisions also present
live programs.
28.What is the purpose of the text?
a. To explain about television c. To retell about Tv programs
b. To tell about different programs of tv d. To describe about Indonesian
TV channel
29.The best title for the paragraph is ...
a. Television c. Television programs
b. Television stations d. Indonesian TV channels
30.Most of the TV programs are ... programs
a. Direct b. Dismayed c. Delayed d. Displayed
31.All television channels have different ...
a. Events b. Broadcast c. Schedule d. Television

Text for number 32-35

I started my primary school when I was seven years old and finished
when I was twelve.
I also walked to school, because my school was only 200 meters from my
home. I went to school with my brother or with my friends. Sometimes my
dad took me to school on his motorcycle.sometimes I walked to school by
I learned many new things in primary school. I learned to write and to
read in grade 1 and grade 2. My favourite teacher was Mrs. Ningrum. She was
very smart. She taught us traditional dances and songs. She also taught us to
plant trees and take care of the garden. One day she took us to the local
library to borrow books.
32.How old did the writer start his/her primary school?
a. 5 years b. 6 years c. 7 years d. 12 years
33.How did the writer go to school?
a. By motorcycle b. By bicycle c. By walking d. By car
34.How did the writer go to school with?
a. With his father c. With his friend only
b. With his mother d. With his brother or his friend
35.When did the writer learn to write and read? He learned them when he was ...
a. 8 and 9 age c. 9 and 10 age
b. 8 and 10 age d. 7 and 8 age
Text for number 36-38
I have many sweet memories in my primary-school. My friends and I
often teased pak Min, the janitor. We ...(36) his broom, his duster, his mop,
and his bucket. But he never ....(37) angry. My Physical Education teacher, Mr
Laode, often ....(38) us to walk around the hills and along the river near our
36.A. Hide b. Hid c. Held d. Hold
37.A. Get b. Got c. Goten d. Good
38.A. Take b. Took c. Taken d. Talk
39.Arrange the jumbled sentences into a good paragraph.
1. My brother is five years old than me
2. I slept in a baby cot in my parents bedroom
3. I didnt sleep with my mum
4. My brother slept in his own room
5. When I was a baby, when I could not do anything, my parents and my
elder brother took care of me.
6. My mum breastfed me for two years
a. 5-1-3-2-4-6 b. 5-6-1-2-3 c. 5-1-2-3-4-6
d. 5-1-2-4-3-6

40.Walking-was-I- school-was raining-from-when-hard-it

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a. 3-2-1-6-4-7-9-5-8 b. 9-5-8-6-1-2-6-4-3 c. 3-2-6-1-4-7-9-5-8 d. 9-

II. Read the text to answer the questions below!

I only slept for three hours last night. At ten we heard a cry from Mrs.
Wayans home. She is our nextdoor neighbour. Shes 70 years old and very
weak. She lives alone. We went there quickly,And we found her on the floor.
She just fell. She could not move her hands and her legs. At 10.30, my
parents and I took Mrs. Wayan to hospital. My father and I sat in the front
seats. In the back seats, my mum was holding Mrs. Wayan. In the emergency
room, a doctor examined her. Then he said Mrs. Wayan had to stay in the
hospital. When she was already in the ward, we went home. It was 2 a.m .
1. What is the purpose of the text?
2. According to the text,How long did the writer sleep in the night?
3. Who got the accident on the text?
4. What time did they heard a cry from Mrs. Wayans home?
5. How did they help Mrs. Wayan?
6. Who was holding Mrs. Wayan?
7. when she was already... (the last sentence).
What does the word she refer to?


Assalamualaikum ....
Bahasan kali ini mengenai hubungan antara makhluk hidup yang satu dengan
hidup yang lainnya yang lazimnya disebut simbiosis.
Ada beberapa macam simbiosis yaitu :
1. Simbiosis Mutualisme
Dalam simbiosis mutualisme terjadi hubungan dua makhluk hidup yang saling
Berikut adalah bererapa contoh simbiosis mutualisme :
a. Hubungan kerbau dan burung jalak
Dalam hubungan ini seekor burung jalak diuntungkan karena mendapat
makanan (kutu) yang menempel ditubuh kerbau, sehingga kerbau merasa
diuntungkan karena kutu-kutu yang menempel ditubuhnya habis dimakan burung
b. Hubungan bunga dan kupu-kupu

Kupu kupu mendapatkan keuntungan karena dapat menghisap madu (nektar).

Bungapun diuntungkan karena akan terbantu dalam penyerbukan.
c. Hubungan bunga dan lebah

Lebah mendapat untung karena menghisap madu (nektar) dan bunga mendapat
untung karena dibantu dalam penyerbukan.

d. Simbiosis apa yang terjadi pada gambar di bawah ini ?

e. Simbiosis apa yang terbentuk antara semut yang berada pada buah rambutan ?

2. Simbiosis Komensalisme
Hubungan dua makhluk hidup yang satu mendapat untung tetapi yang
lainnya tidak
dirugikan.Berikut beberapa contoh simbiosis komensalisme :
a. Hubungan antara tumbuhan inang dan anggrek

Tumbuhan inang (tumbuhan yang ditumpangi) tidak merasa dirugikan oleh anggrek,
karena anggrek tidak mengambil makanan dari tumbuhan yang ditumpanginya
b. Hubungan antara hiu dan ikan remora

Hiu tiidak merasa dirugikan oleh adanya remora yang mengambil makanan pada
tubuh ikan hiu. Ikan remora merasa aman dekat dengan hiu karena ikan-ikan
pemangsa takut dengan hiu.
c. Hubungan antara tumbuhan sirih dengan tumbuhan inangnya

Sirih mendapat keuntungan karena dapat merambat pada

tumbuhan lain (inang). Inangnya tidak merasa dirugikan karena sirih tidak
menyerap (mengambil makanan).
d. Simbiosis apa yang terjadi dengan gambar di bawah ini ?

e. Bagaimana hubungan antara anemon laut dan ikan badut ?

2 3. Simbiosis Parasitisme
Namanya juga parasit. Parasit adalah sejenis tumbuhan yang merugikan misalnnya
benalu Makan sari makanan dari tumbuhan yang ditumpanginya.sedangkan
tumbuhan yang ditumpangi dirugikan karena sari makanannya diserap oleh benalu.
simbiosis parasitisme adalah hubungan dua makhluk hidup yang satu diuntungkan
dan yang satunya lagi dirugikan.
a. Tumbuhan umbai cacing/ tali putri dan tumbuhan inangnya

Tumbuhan umbai cacing (taliputri) medapat keuntungan karena

dapat mengambil makanan dari inangnya (yang ditumpanginya), sedangkan
tumbuhan inangnya lama kelamaan akan mati karena makanannya diserap oleh
umbai cacing(taliputri).
b. Ulat pemakan daun

Tumbuhan padi merasa rugi karena ulat memakan daunnya, sedangkan ulat
mendapatkan keuntungan dari memakan daun.
c. Nyamuk yang menggigit tubuh manusia

Jika tubuh kita digigit nyamuk pasti kita merasa rugi, tetapi nyamuk mendapat
keuntungan dari menghisap darah kita.
d. Bagaimana dengan gambar di bawah ini ?
e. Simbiosis apa yang terbentuk jika cacing pita tumbah dalam perut kita ?

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