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ACTIVITY 7: Valentines Day Craft

Celebration of Valentines day the following week
Staff had previously did creative arts with the infants
o Specifically using glue and tissue paper
Children were focused on their craft for a fair amount of time

Learning Experience:
1. Provide infant-accessible pieces of tissue paper
2. Support independent creativity
3. Verbally communicate and demonstrate what is to be done

ELECT: Physical 5.2 Fine Motor

Using forefinger and thumb to lift and hold small objects
Placing tissue paper directly onto glue on the construction paper

1. Construction Paper (Red, Pink, Purple, and White)
2. Glue
3. Tissue Paper cut into inch long squares

Who: Myself and 2 Infants at a Time

Where: Creatives Table

Encourage 2 students at a time to join me at creative table by showing
them the materials that motivate them to join
0nce their attention is grasped, demonstrate what is to be done
o spread glue on entire paper
o place various tissue paper colours all over construction paper

Teaching Strategies:
1. Telling, Explaining & Informing- information such as the name of things,
facts, and customary behaviours are learning through social interaction
2. Invitations- Motivates children to try activities

What went well
- All children participated
- All demonstrated an interest
- They were familiar with the activity
What didnt go well
- Ate the tissue paper/glue
- That children have a major interest for open-ended art activities
Next time
- Use a thicker material instead of tissue paper to avoid or at least
control the eating issue
- Incorporate multiple items to glue onto the paper

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