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Day 1 Class 3 Terbilang

Focus o Listening and Speaking Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 6: Pets World Learnin 1.1.4, 1.3.1(a),1.3.1
g (b),2.2.1(a)
Learning By end of lesson, pupils should be able to:
Objective 1. recognize 8 sea creatures correctly.
2. recognize and say the name of the sea creatures correctly by
matching words to picture.
3. listen and say the parts of the sea creatures.
4. Talk about the sea creatures.

Success Pupils can:
Criteria Name at least 5 animals correctly.
Educatio Multiple Intelligences Teachin picture cards and
nal g Aids powerpoint slides
Activities Remarks
Starter Listen
1) Teacher plays an audio sound of a set of animals.
2) Pupils name the animals.
Main Listen and guess
Activities 1. Teacher shows pictures of animals using picture
cards/powerpoint slide. Teacher clicks on the slide
one by one and asks pupils to name the animals
(teacher instruction: class, now look at the slides,
can you tell me the name of the animals?)
2. Teacher asks pupils to spell the words before
showing the word on the slides.(ok, yes, correct! It
is a horse. How do we spell horse?
3. Teacher corrects pupils pronunciation if there is a
4. Teacher plays 7 sounds of animals from the
powerpoint and asks pupils to identify the sound
of animals. (Now, i want you to listen to these
sounds and tell me what animal is that. Are you
ready, class?)
Animals sound matching game
1. Teacher divides the pupils into 2 big groups.
Teacher splits the class into half. She gestures
with both her arms.
2. Teacher demonstrates the Animal matching game:
a. Teacher gives a pictures of an animal to
group 1
Instruction :1) Do not show your picture to
2) What sound does this
animal make ?
b. The pupils in group 1 must produce the
sound of the animal in the picture.
c. Then, the pupils in group 1 ask What
animal is that?
d. Pupils in group 2 will answer the name of
the animal correctly.
e. Then, the pupils in group 1 shows the
animal picture/cards given by the teacher
to the pupils in group 2 to ensure theyve
given the correct answer.
f. Teacher repeats step (c), (d) & (e) for 7
pictures of animal pupils had identified
Plenary 1) Teacher asks the pupils to list out the name of
animals that they had learned on a paper.


were able to achieve the learning objective.

Day 2 Class 3 Terbilang
Focus o Listening and Speaking Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 6: Pets World Learnin 1.1.4, 1.3.1(a),1.3.1
g (b),2.2.1(a)
Learning By end of lesson, pupils should be able to:
Objective 5. Group words according to word categories.
6. To talk about the animals in the pictures with guidance.
Success Pupils can:
Criteria Name at least 5 animals correctly.
Educatio Multiple Intelligences Teachin picture cards and
nal g Aids powerpoint slides
Activities Remarks
Starter Listen
1) Teacher plays an audio sound of a set of animals.
2) Pupils name the animals.
Main Word attack
Activities 1) Teacher divides the whiteboard into 2 column by
drawing a line in the middle. In the first column,
teacher writes the word pet. In the second
column, teacher writes the word not a pet.
2) Teacher goes through the slides again.
3) Teacher shows pictures of animals to the pupils
and ask which animals can be kept as pet and
which are not. (class, now look at the slides again,
this is a ( pupils answer : cat), good! Can we kept
cat as a pet?)
4) If pupils answer yes, teacher will ask one of them
to choose and pick the picture word card of cat
and paste it on the white board. (now, Ali, please
come forward and pick the word and picture of is correct class? Ali, please paste
them under pet category.)
5) Teacher repeats step (b) and finish the activities
for 7 animals.
Plenary Sing a song
1) Pupils sing the song about the animals together.


were able to achieve the learning objective.

Day 3 Class 3 Terbilang

Focus o Reading Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 6: Pets World Learnin 1.2.2, 2.2.2, 2.2.3,2.3.1,
Learning By end of lesson, pupils should be able to:
Objective 1. Listen to and read the dialogues on the powerpoint slides and
sentence strips.
Success Pupils can:
Criteria Read sentence strips with teachers guidance.
Educatio Multiple Intelligences, social- Teachin Powerpoint slides (Finis
nal constructivism g Aids house), sentence strips
Emphasis tasksheets,
Activities Remarks
Starter Recall
1) Pupils name the animals that they have learnt on
previous class.
The Finis House Dialogue (powerpoint)
1) Teacher shows The Finis House powerpoint
slides without the dialogue. (refer to tasksheet 2)
2) Teacher shows the picture and asks pupils now,
look at the picture. What can you see in the
Main picture? Teacher elicits any other information
Activities relevant (e.g: what are Fini and her friends doing?
Is there any pet in the picture? What food the pet
is eating?)
3) Next, teacher clicks on the slide and the first
dialogue/sentence strip appear on the picture.
Teacher reads the sentence and pupils follow.
(Please read and follow after me.)
4) Teacher repeats step 4 until all 7 sentence strips
appear on the picture.
Plenary 1) Pupils read all the sentence strips together..


were able to achieve the learning objective.

Day 4 Class 3 Terbilang

Focus o Reading Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 6: Pets World Learnin 1.2.2, 2.2.2, 2.2.3,2.3.1,
Learning By end of lesson, pupils should be able to:
Objective 1. Match the sentence strips correctly
2. Say out and role play the dialogues with correct pronunciation.
Success Pupils can:
Criteria Match sentence strips.
Do a role play in their group.
Educatio Multiple Intelligences, social- Teachin Powerpoint slides (Finis
nal constructivism g Aids house), sentence strips
Emphasis tasksheets,
Activities Remarks
Starter Recall
1) Teacher asks WH questions based on The Finis
House Dialogue
Sentence Sequencing
1) Teacher divides pupils into 4-5 in a group.(class,
please be seated in your group)
2) Teacher displays and paste 7 sentence strips on
the white board.(look at the white board)
3) Teacher holds up A3 size Finis house picture
(refer to 2.1 Finis house).(now, let look at what I
have here. This is Finis house, right..)
Main 4) Teacher points to the first empty dialogue box and
Activities ask pupils which sentence should be put there.
(look at the picture, What did Ashwini say?)
5) Pupils read the answer/sentence strip and teacher
takes off the first strip on the white board and
pastes it on the Finis house picture. Teacher
model to pupils.(ok, I will take the sentence and
put it in the diaogue box. Is it correct class?)
6) Teacher distributes the tasksheet with the
sentence strips to each group.( now, in your
group, please cut the sentence strips and paste in
the dialogue box. Be careful while you are
Role Play-Dragon Ball
1. Teacher divides the pupils in groups
2. Teacher throws the crumpled paper consists of
sentence strip they had learned earlier. They
need to act out when they read the strip.


were able to achieve the learning objective.

Day 5 Class 3 Terbilang
Focus o Writing Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 6: Pets World Learnin 2.3.1, 3.1.1, 3.2.1(a),
g 3.2.2(a)
Learning By end of lesson, pupils should be able to:
Objective 1. Transfer information from a passage into a table.
2. Fill in the blanks correctly. (7 blanks)
3. Write the sentences legibly in the space provided.
Success Pupils can:
Criteria Transfer information given into a table.
Educatio Multiple Intelligences, social- Teachin powerpoint slide,display
nal constructivism g Aids sheet, marker pen.
Activities Remarks
1) Teacher shows a passage about Zarifs pet on the
slide. (Class, please look at the slide)
2) Teacher asks WH questions based on slide.
Main Information Transfer
Activities 2) Teacher reads the text and pupils follow after.
(please read after me)
3) Then, teacher displays and paste a display sheet
with a table containing Zarifs pet information.
( now, look at the table, what is Zarifs pet name?
What is its colour?etc..)
4) Pupils give answer and teacher points out some
pupils to the front of class and ask them to write
the answer on the display sheet.
5) Teacher repeats step 3 by using different kind of

Linear Writing
1. Teacher shows an example of a report to pupils.
2. Teacher displays slide consist of simple passage
about my pet on the whiteboard.
3. Teacher reads the passage and pupils follow after.
4. Then, teacher shows another example of report
on the slide.
5. Teacher pastes a display sheet consist of passage
but with a few blanks on the whiteboard .
6. By referring to the report given, teacher points out
a few pupils to come to the front and fill in the
blanks correctly.
7. Teacher shows the second example of report
on the slide.
8. Teacher disributes tasksheets to pupils and asks
them to fill in the blanks by referring to the report
given on the whiteboard.
9. Teacher distributes another tasksheet consists of
report and simple passage. Teacher asks pupils to
fill in the blanks on the tasksheet.
Peer Assessment
1) Pupils change their book with their friend.
2) Teacher and pupils discuss the answers.
3) Pupils mark their friends book.

were able to achieve the learning objective.

Day Class 3 Terbilang

Focus o Grammar Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 6: Pets World Learnin 5.1.3 (a)
Learning By end of lesson, pupils should be able to:
Objective 1) Understand the correct use of regular verb.
2) Understand the meaning of words (verb).
3) Role-play the sentence patterns correctly.
Success Pupils can:
Criteria Use and understand action word correctly
Act out the sentence pattern with their friends.
Educatio Multiple intelligences, thinking Teachin Tasksheet
nal skils g Aids
Activities Remarks
Introducing Lexical Sets
Starter 1) Teacher shows pictures of actions on the
2) Teacher asks the pupils to guess the actions.

Action Words (Meaning)

1) Teacher calls out pupils to the front of the class.
2) Teacher shows realia of a rabbit/rabbit doll, a cage
and vegetables (carrot, cabbage, etc).
3) Teacher shows the sentence patterns :
I feed my rabbit every morning.
I clean the cage everyday.
Chubby eats vegetables.
Main PowerPoint Slideshow
Activities 4) Teacher reads the sentence patterns and
demonstrates the actions.
5) Teacher shows the PowerPoint Slideshow.
6) Teacher reads and demonstrates the actions.

Information Gap (Use)

1) Pupils are to practise the sentence patterns.
2) Teacher asks the pupils to find a partner.
3) Pupil A will read the sentence patterns (with
actions) and Pupil B will be the pet (e.g. rabbit)
wearing pet mask.
PowerPoint Slideshow
Peer Assessment
4) Pupils change their book with their friend.
5) Teacher and pupils discuss the answers.
6) Pupils mark their friends book.
were able to achieve the learning objective.
Day Class 3 Terbilang
Focus o Grammar Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 6: Pets World Learnin 5.1.3 (a)
Learning By end of lesson, pupils should be able to:
Objective 4) Pronounce the words/phrases/sentences correctly.
5) Match the pictures with the correct pictures.
6) Apply the lexical set into daily conversations.

Success Pupils can:

Criteria Transfer information given into a table.
Educatio Multiple intelligences, thinking Teachin Tasksheet
nal skils g Aids
Activities Remarks
1) Teacher shows pictures of actions on the
2) Teacher asks the pupils to name the actions.
Replacing Pictures With Words (Form)
1) Teacher distributes the tasksheet to the pupils.
2) Pupils listen to teachers explanation.
3) Pupils and teacher discuss the vocabulary (feeds,
cleans, brushes, takes, loves).
4) Pupils are to rewrite the text and replace pictures
with the correct words (verb) individually.
5) Teacher and pupils discuss the answers.
PowerPoint Slideshow

Enrichment Activity for fast learners


were able to achieve the learning objective.

Day 8 Class 3 Terbilang
Focus o Language Art Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 6: Pets World Learnin 4.3.1 (c)
Learning By end of lesson, pupils should be able to:
Objective 1. Produce a creative pet mask based on teachers guidance.

Success Pupils can:

Criteria Make a pet mask based on their own creativity.
Educatio Multiple intelligences, Teachin A mask handouts, rubber
nal creativity, constructivism g Aids bands (2 for each pupils)
Activities Remarks
Show Me
Starter 1) Teacher shows a pet mask.
2) Teacher asks the pupils to name the pet.

Main 1) Teacher calls out pupils to the front of the class.

Activities - Class, are you ready?
- Come to the front please...
2) Teacher demonstrates how to make the pet mask
by instructing pupils to:
a. Colour a picture in the handout (e.g.: cat is
grey in colour)
b. Cut out the picture (e.g. cat)
c. Tie the mask with rubber bands.
3) Teacher distributes the handout to each pupil.
4) Teacher asks the pupils to colour the pet animal
that they have been assigned to (E.g.: Pupil A
colours the monkey, Pupil B colours the cat, Pupil
C colours the Fish and so on).
- We are going to make a mask for everyone.
- Choose a picture and colour.
- Cut the picture.
- Make holes on both sides of your mask.
- Tie the holes with rubber bands.
- Put on your mask.

Plenary 1) The three best masks will get chocolate bars as



were able to achieve the learning objective.

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