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For my English 2010 project I am discussing vegetarianism and veganism.

I found
a encyclopedia source on ebsco on the online research library. The source came from
the Funk and Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia. The tone of the article was very
informative and unattached. The writer of the article was unbiased and strictly just
recalling the facts to the reader. The subject of the article was on vegetarian in general.
The article used the technique of definition in the article. The entire article was an
extended definition of vegetarianism. The first two paragraphs were the a more general
definition of being a vegetarian is. Then the next two paragraphs are sectioned off into
subsections. The first subsection is vegetarian arguments, and the next one is dietary
strictness. The first subsection discussed the many reasons of why people become
vegetarian. It then went into further detail about each reason. The next subsection went
into the different levels of strictness of the different kinds of vegetarians. There are
lacto-ovo vegetarians, lacto vegetarians, ovo vegetarians, and the most strict vegans.
Vegetarianism is a way of life. Being vegetarian means that you don't eat any meat.
Their are different levels of being vegetarian. There is lacto-ovo vegetarian which
means that you eat dairy, eggs, grains, fruits, vegetables and honey. There is ovo
vegetarian who eat eggs, grains, fruits, vegetables and honey. There is lacto vegetarian
which means they eat dairy, grains, fruits, vegetables and honey. Lastly there is vegans
who eat fruits, vegetables, and grains.
There are many different reasons that people go vegetarian. Some people decide
to be vegetarian because of nutritional reasons, they believe that living a vegetarian
lifestyle is healthier. They believe that a plant based diet is more nutritious. Other
people are vegetarian for moral reasons. These people do not believe in the killing of
animals. They do not feel like it is correct to kill living creatures.

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