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Qu comidas tiene la gente?

Cuando tienen su Comidas 2 Lo que la gente suele

tener para el desayuno / almuerzo / Cena 3 Qu tipos de alimentos y bebidas son
populares en su pas? 4 Dnde la gente compra comida? 5 Frecuentemente las
personas comen en restaurantes
Food in my country
In my country people there are meals a Day,

there are breakfast ,lunch and dinner .

in the morming , at noon in the evening .

Im going to write about typical peruvian

breakfast : frito , bread and Roast , bread
with chicharon ,egg , milk , orange juice
and coffee.
Lunch : ceviche , soup , rice and chicken,
spaghetti and chicken .
Dinner : coffee , tea , milk , bread , toast ,
and fruit salad .
The most popular food is ceviche , rice
with duck , tamales Green , rice with
seafood ,papa a la huancana , and the most
popular drink is chica morada and cebada .
My favorite recepe is ceviche And is the most
popular in the north of my country.
the ingredients are: some fish , some lemon ,
an onion , a cilantro , some salt a chili pepper,
a lettuce .
And served with maiz cancha,and sweet potato .
People are going to shop to supermarkets
weekends ,they buy rice , some fish ,some meat,
some chicken, some oil ,some jam , some
cheese ,some coffee , some milk , some cereal,
some yogurt , some pasta ,some ketchup ,
vegetables : a carrot , an onion ,some peas ,
a lettuce , some potatoes and some tomatoes .
fruits :some pineapples , some strawberries ,
some tangerine ,some apples , some bananas,
some oranges ,some grapes , an kiwi , an
watermelon .Usually we are going to eat in the
restaurant weekends ,
in my country .The most popular restaurants
are the ajicito, blue snail, the stadium .

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