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English Final Project

Power can corrupt

Explain: As humans gain power over others, it can become corrupted and wrong.

Khaowpoon = Keep track of scores, ppt
Inn = Hook part and gameplay explanation
Bambam = Activity
Stang = Activity
Fay = Conclusion
Rule :
No phone
No food
No thai (but if you want to speak in thai, ask first)
All student must participate otherwise you participation point will be deducted.
Hook: (10 mins)
Hey guys, although today is a free reading day, theres no free reading time :( but we
have a quote for you to read.

All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.

- How do you think this quote relates to the society.
- How do you think about some people are more equal than others, Can you
give me some example?
- What is the meaning of the word Corruption in your opinion?
Roles (30 mins)
Leaders: Win (Can be toppled)
Assistants: Benz and Rit (Will be automatically removed if Win was toppled)

Upper class: Ton, Ary, Cream and Best. (Will be integrated into working class if
Rebellion wins)

Working class: Ploy, Tae, Non, Jean, Jinny, Fah and Lookkaew (Cannot be changed,
one of them can be the new leader if the rebellion succeeds, by election if possible)
- Poverty
- Natural disaster
- Can rebel but there can be only 1 social class (working class).
- Civil War (If rebellion was opposed by the Upper class).
- Violence will be decided by rock-paper-scissors.
- Clamour for reform.
- Disease.

Activity: (Very important) Have the class form a nation consisting of the government, the upper
class and the working class. Then give out events for each class to deal with, the government
have absolute power while the other two need approvement from the gov. The events will
become more and more severe as time goes by (5 minutes per year, 8 total years)

Assessment: (Discussion) Use the record of actions by the government as the topic for
discussion for the kids to learn about power and corruption.

1. What exactly is corruption?
2. From the activity we did, can you notice any human relationship?
-Try to make them talk about the selfishness, corruption,
2. How corruption impacts the country/individual/group?
-It makes people lose their benefits and someone will gain more benefits than
3. What can you do to stop the corruption? What is the best way?

---2 Minutes each round---
Each year the Upper Class gains 6 while the working class gains 3
After the reformation the Working Class gains 5
Every class starts with 12 points.
Upperclass: -2
Poor: -4
If the government help +2, but gov will lose 2 points.
Upperclass: -3
Poor: -6
Gov can help for 3 points.

Will change government and integrate the upper class into the working class.


-Civil War (Can be initiated by the upper class if they dont want to be integrated into the
working class.)
Upperclass: Can be integrated into the working class with all their points confiscated.
Poor: Can gain all of the Upper classes points.

Conclusion: (10 mins)

Power can corrupt

Explain: As humans gain power over others, it can become corrupted and wrong.
Win Ary Ton Lookaew

Best Non Cream Fah

Benz Jinny Rit

Tae Ploy Jean

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