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In this chapter the results of the data analysis are presented. The

findings relate to the research questions that guided the study. Data were

analyzed to identify, describe and explore the essence of the technology and

the negative effects that students might get.


Essence of technology Frequency Percentage

Homeworks 15 75%
Presentation of
5 25%

Table 1.1

In table 1.1, it shows that 75% of the survey said that technology can

help on their homeworks , while 25% of the survey said that can also help on

presenting a report in class. It only states that technology is more useful on

searching or browsing something on the internet.

Table 1.2

Reasons why some

people do not agree on Frequency Percentage

using technology
Can be use in 8 40%

12 60%

In this table it shows the reasons why some people do not agree on

using technology in education. 40% of the students said that it is because

some of the students use it in cheating, like sending the correct answers to

their classmates or capturing a photo of the key to correction of the exam and

send it to their friends. While 60% said that it is because technology is just a

distraction to their studies.

Table 1.3

Negative effects of Frequency Percentage

Poor eyesight 5 25%
Time consuming
Addiction 5 25%

In Table 1.3, it shows the negative effects of technology to the

students. 25% said that it can affects their eye vision, another 25% said that it

is time consuming because they will spend more time on using it than making

a homework or doing the house chores. And 50% said that it can cause an

addiction to the students.


This study is all about the essence of technology to the

students. It can be use in homeworks, presenting a report, browsing or

surfing, etc. Just because it helps the the students doesnt mean that it dont

have negative effects to the students. It can cause a students a poor eyesight

and a distraction. Some students are being addicted on gadgets nowadays.

Technology can also affect their daily lives. It can also affect the number of

hours in sleeping and technology can also served as an entertainment. This

study can benefit the students, parents, teachers, and also engineers.

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