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Types of the speech

1. 1. The Different Types of Speeches.

2. 2. The three main types of speeches are: -the informative. -the
persuasive. -the special occasion. The use of this kind
depends upon the speakers objective.Three Main Types of
3. 3. the topic may be an: -object. -event. -a concept. -a
process.the speaker is a teacher, and his or her purpose is
to educate the audience regarding a topic.Provide
information.The informative speech.
4. 4. Informative speech: Speeches About Objects, Objects are
things that are tangible and, thus, recognized through sight,
hearing, taste, or touch; so speeches about objects include
those about people, places, animals, structures, etc
Examples:-Why President John F. Kennedy was the Prince of
Camelot?-Is Ethanol a Viable Alternative to Fossil Fuel?
5. 5. Events are happenings or occurrences, both past and
present, so possible speech topics include the following: -The
origins of the holiday known as Halloween -What led to the
Salem Witch Trials -The Primary Causes of World War
IIInformative Speech Speeches About Events
6. 6. Concepts are Concepts ideas, philosophies, hypotheses,
and arguments, etc, so informative speeches might address
topics such as these:-Karl Marxs concept of socialism. -The
principles of Feng Shui, the Ancient Chinese Art of
Placement.Informative speech: Speeches About
7. 7. Informative speech Speeches About Processes it is: -how
something is made. -how something is done or how something
works. Possible topics include these: How pearls develop in
oysters. How to administer the Heimlich maneuver. How to
organize a plot for a novel.
8. 8. Given their visual nature, most informative speeches are
more successful if the speaker uses visual aids such as
PowerPoint presentations, flip charts, graphs, models, etc
9. 9. The Persuasive Speech :-it usually challenges an
audiences beliefs.-Persuasive speeches are the most difficult
to deliver, at least successfully, since they usually deal with
controversial topics about which people in the audience
already hold strong,
10. 10. There are three main types of persuasive speeches:
-questions of fact. -questions of value. -questions of
policy.Types of Persuasive Speeches
11. 11. Questions of fact. Are capable of proof or disproof.
Questions of fact are those which ask you to answer whether
or not something is. Example: -Will the stock market rally in
2010? -Did Lee Harvey Oswald act alone in assassinating
President John F. Kennedy?
12. 12. Example: -Should pro-athletes have mandatory tests
for performance-enhancing drugs? -Are smokers being unfairly
singled out for higher taxation?Questions of Policy ask the
writer to explain what they would do. The key word in these
topics is usually "should" as in "what should we do....". The
question asks the writer to create a plan of action to solve
some sort of problem.Questions of Policy
13. 13. Example: -Do people have the right to choose to die
with dignity? -Should dogfights be legalized?Address the
relative merit (goodness or badness) of a thing. Here you are
usually asked to choose between things, ideas, beliefs, or
actions and explain why you choose in the manner you
did.Questions of Value
14. 14. When preparing a persuasive speech, speakers must
accept that at least some listeners are going to disagree,
perhaps adamantly so, with their viewpoint, which is why
speakers should attempt to anticipate objections and
counterarguments and address them during the course of the
15. 15. In this types of speech there are several important
points to keep in mind: -The speech must fit the occasion. The
speech should reflect a similar mood. -The speech must meet
the allotted time. Speakers should be neither too brief nor too
longwinded. -Intended remarks must be accurate. For
example,Speeches for SpecialOccasions
16. 16. In the moment of deliver a speech the speaker should
possess an understanding of the different types of speeches
and have their objective clearly in mind, they will be capable of
delivering a speech that the audience will remember for a long
time to come.

Types of Communication: Verbal, Non-

verbal and Written
Communication is key to maintaining successful business
relations. For this reason, it is paramount that professionals
working in business environments have first-class
communication skills. There are three basic types of
communication: verbal, non-verbal, and written. If you want
to succeed in business, you need to master each of these types of
Verbal Communication
Verbal or oral communication uses spoken words to
communicate a message. When most people think of verbal
communication, they think of speaking, but listening is an
equally important skill for this type of communication to be
successful. Verbal communication is applicable to a wide range
of situations, ranging from informal office discussions to public
speeches made to thousands of people.

Improving your verbal communication skills can help you to

foster better relationships with your coworkers and maintain a
large network of contacts that you can call on when necessary.
Consultants are one group of professionals that need to pay
particular attention to this area of communication, as they need
to constantly meet with new people and quickly communicate
large quantities of important information. Consultants can
improve their communication skills with this online
communication course for consultants .
Public speaking is the aspect of verbal communication that many
otherwise confident business p
eople struggle with. If you have trouble organizing your thoughts
and mastering your nerves when presenting to large groups of
people, then this free Pitch for Success online webinar can
help you to improve your public speaking skills.

Non-Verbal Communication
Non-verbal communication includes body language, gestures,
facial expressions, and even posture. Non-verbal communication
sets the tone of a conversation, and can seriously undermine the
message contained in your words if you are not careful to control
it. For example, slouching and shrinking back in your chair
during a business meeting can make you seem under-confident,
which may lead people to doubt the strength of your verbal
contributions. In contrast, leaning over an employees desk and
invading his or her personal space can turn a friendly chat into
an aggressive confrontation that leaves the employee feeling
victimized and undervalued.

Want to learn how to use non-verbal methods to communicate

more effectively? The Secrets of Body Language online
course can teach you to recognize and modify your own body
language, as well as how to read that of others.

Written Communication
Written communication is essential for communicating
complicated information, such as statistics or other data, that
could not be easily communicated through speech alone. Written
communication also allows information to be recorded so that it
can be referred to at a later date. When producing a piece of
written communication, especially one that is likely to be
referred to over and over again, you need to plan what you want
to say carefully to ensure that all the relevant information is
accurately and clearly communicated.

Written communication must be clear and concise in order to

communicate information effectively. A good written report
conveys the necessary information using precise, grammatically
correct language, without using more words than are needed.
The online course Write Less, Say More can help you to write
brief, punchy, powerful reports.By improving your verbal, non-
verbal, and written communication skills, you can become more
successful in all areas of business. Whether you are managing
others or working as part of a team, the ability to communicate
effectively can improve relations with your colleagues and help
you all to work more effectively together.



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