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Bahasa Inggris 4

Mrs. Widjijati
Topic : Instructing, explaining, reassuring & polite request

Admitting the patient

Welcoming the patient

The ward sister takes staff nurse Helen Russell and goes through the admission
procedures with her.

Sister Mackay (to Helen)- Weve got a patient coming in this morning,
for a hernia repair. Ill admit him and you can see how we
do it here.
Helen - Is this the usual day for admissions?
Sister Mackay Yes, we usually admit major cases on Wednesday for
Mr. Burtons operating list which is on Thursday, thats
tomorrow. Mr. Burtons the Senior Surgeon here.
Student nurse Sister, Mr. Johnsons here.
Sister Mackay Thank you nurse, Ill be there in a minute.

(They go out of the ward).

Sister Mackay Good morning Mr. Johnson... and Mrs. Johnson? Is
this your wife?
Mr. Johnson - No, this is my daughter-in-law.
Sister Mackay Good morning Mrs. Johnson. Would you both come
this way?

(They get to the bed)

Sister Mackay Mr. Johnson would you please get undressed and give
your outdoor clothes to your daughter-in-law? Im sorry
you cant keep them here. We dont have enough room
right now.
Mr. Johnson - Thats all right!

(to his daughter-in-law) -You won t mind taking them with

you, will you?
Daughter-in-law No, thats all right, dad.

Bahasa Inggris 4
Mrs. Widjijati

Sister Mackay Ill leave you now and get into bed when you are


Many auxiliary verbs are abbreviated, for example

weve is abbreviated from we have, Ill is abbreviated
Weve got from I will.

To be admitted, to be hospitalized
To come in (to

Patients who are to have major operations.

Major cases

The possessive case is generally used for people and is

formed by adding an 's to the possessor.
Mr. Burton's list
's is also the abbreviation of is (third person present
tense of to be, e.g. Mr. Brown's a surgeon)
The total number of patients who will undergo
operations by the same surgeon in the same morning or
afternoon. It is called a list because the names, the
wards, and the diagnoses are written on a piece of
paper and displayed in the operating theatre for
Operating list
Mr. THOMPSON, Herbert, ward 10, Prostatectomy.

Mr. JOHNSON, Samuel ward 10 left inguinal Hernia


-in-law is someone who becomes a relative through


Would you come here / go away / get dressed ..etc

Would you come
is a polite form of giving an order or an instruction (we

Bahasa Inggris 4
Mrs. Widjijati

could also say come here please).

The clothes or shoes that we put on to go outside:

Outdoor clothes
coats, walking shoes, scarves etc...
To object to. To mind can be followed by a gerund or by
a noun / pronoun or possessive adjective + gerund e.g.

would you mind taking them?

you wont mind taking them, will you?

wont = will not

To mind You dont mind my smoking, do you

you dont mind if I smoke, do you?

We generally only use this form in the interrogative and

the negative not in the affirmative.


Change the following imperatives into more polite forms using would you mind...
(+ gerund) ...?

Roll up your sleeves Would you mind rolling up your sleeves?

1. Keep your mouth open.....

2. Raise your arm.....

3. Lift your leg.....

Bahasa Inggris 4
Mrs. Widjijati

At the I.C.U.

The next day Helen goes to the I.C.U. The boy is hooked up to a respirator by
means of an endotracheal tube. He is also attached to a cardiac monitor. An IV
bottle gives him continuous sustenance, while a urinary catheter drains his urine
into a plastic bag, which is under his bed. There is a girl in another bed near the
boys bed. She is quite young - must be fifteen - Helen thinks. She is very pale,
immobile, surrounded by a jungle of wires, tubes, and catheters which keep her


Nurse Clark is talking to the girls mother who is crying and she is reassuring
her. Her son has regained consciousness, but she has not forgotten what she
has been through.

Nurse Clark - I know how you feel. I have been through it

myself. My whole body was ready to catch the
slightest hint, the slightest hope. And at the same
time there was nothing I could do really, just hope and
rely on the doctors and the equipment. But patients
here are monitored all the time and this center is a
very good one. Both the physicians are highly
specialized, and the machinery is the best and the
most reliable on the market.

So many lives have been saved and our children are

young and have more chances; young people respond to
treatment and recover faster than adults.

Of course the I.C.U. nurse has told you that, when

she regains consciousness, you have to tell her
something about the world outside, her friends, the
weather, her room, or books and teachers. This is
because patients here are so completely surrounded
by all this machinery that they feel they are cut off
from reality.

The worst is now, when there is nothing you can do,

Bahasa Inggris 4
Mrs. Widjijati

but later when she is better youll feel you can support
her with your courage and strength


I.C.U. Intensive Care Unit.

A catheter passed into the trachea to
Endotracheal tube
facilitate respiration.
An appliance used to give continuous
Cardiac monitor
reports of the heart.
A catheter used to drain urine from the
Urinary catheter


Exercise 1

Check the true or false questions:

Nurse Clark reassures the girls mother going through the following steps:

1. Her personal experience.
2. 12 hour monitoring.
3. Reliability of the I.C.U.
4. Special equipment.
5. Old age of the patient.
6. Number of the patients who have recovered.

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