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Prepared by
Assesment Team
(Ferdinand Radawara, SST.Par, Fransiskus Dafro,A.Ma, Ferdinandus Watu, Irwan
Mahmud, Herman Y.Mau,SE, Dewi Tojania, A.Md.Par)

Facilitated by
Dewan Pimpinan Cabang Kabupaten Ende
Himpunan Pramuwisata Indonesia
(Indonesian Travel Guide Association)
March 2014


The assessment report will present the information from data gathering and data analysis with
Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threat logic. The assessments on potential tourism
objects have two main components; on the one hand an on the job training for local
stakeholders as well as for staff of the local tourism authority and on the other hand a data
collection and analysis of potential tourism objects as base and reference date for the local
guide of Ende.

Course of action
The city tour assessment on West Side of Ende has been conducted with a local assessment
team. The assessments can be split in following steps:
Identifying of local stakeholders, access opportunities and preparation of the data collection
(structured assessment form) and task force
Field work; data collection
The local assessment team is identifying key stakeholders at the object potentials,
opportunities, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for future tourism development
on the basis of a structured assessment form and task force.
Gathering data
The team is full filling and completing the data collected during the field assessment through
different sources.
Data analysis
Based on a SWOT analysis with specific lead question related on future tourism development
opportunities for the object. The local assessment team is identifying the main strengths,
opportunities, weaknesses and threat.

Short description of Tourism Object on West Side of Ende

The assesment identifying that west side of Ende have many potential tourism object, wich
many of it is still out of reach to developed it by the government as well as by the private
The objects are :
1. Blue Stone Beach in Penggajawa Village District of Nangapanda
2. Portuguese Heritage (Old Cannon and Adonaras Well) in Raporendu Village District of
3. Tonggopapa Waterfall in Tonggopapa Village District of Ende
The farthes objects that assested by the team is Blue Stone Beach which is 25 km from Ende, it
reached by vehicle about 30 minutes.
And the difficult object to reach is Tonggopapa Waterfall, that is 7 km far from the capital district
of Ende Nangaba. To reach the object we have passed about 5 km ascent on the bumpy road.



General information about the assessment

1. Date of assessment: March 2nd, 2014

2. Assessment team members:

Name Institution/organization Function
Ferdinandus Radawara, SST.Par HPI DPC Kab. Ende Organization Leader
Fransiskus Dafro, A.Ma HPI DPC Kab. Ende Vice Organization Leader,
Organizatin Affair
Ferdinandus Watu HPI DPC Kab. Ende Secretary

Irwan Mahmud HPI DPC Kab. Ende Member
Herman Y.Mau, SE HPI DPC Kab. Ende Member
Dewi Tojania, A.Md.Par HPI DPC Kab. Ende Member

3. Respondents involved in information collection(please tick on the appropriate box) in Blue

Stone Beach Penggajawa :
Local government, Camat Nangapanda
Local community
Local community leader-Matheus, The custom
leader of kampong Tebo
Local religion leader
Private sector

4. Methods used to obtain assessment data (please tick on the appropriate box):
One on one interview
Self filled questionnaire
Group discussions
Own observation/experiences
Available documents

1. 1. Name of tourism object/attraction: Blue Stone Beach / Batu Hijau

1. 2 Type of tourism object: Beach with Blue Stones

1. 3 Location of the object:

- Name of (the nearest) village: Ndorurea
- Name of desa/kelurahan: Desa Ndorurea
- Name of sub-district (kecamatan): Nangapanda

1. 4 Contact persons of local authorities who could provide information about the object : -

2. 1. The object condition in general (first impression)
Tengkulese waterfall is surrounded by 25 hectares of ricefields and refreshing atmosphere.
Panorama of huge drops of water which signing the waterfall is as soon as the walking trip
started. Polite and smiling local people with paddy planting activity are easily to meet during the
trip to the waterfall. The waterfall is also quite accessible since theres path of irrigation channel
toward the object.

2. 2. The uniqueness of the object (first impression):

Two levels of waterfall which approximately about up to 100 meters which can be easily seen
from the distance with green ricefields surrounding. Not so breeze atmosphere with the wind
also good sensible situation and also as invisible decoration for the feeling as the spectacular
waterfall more easily seen. The river cascades along hundred of meters with the flowing waters
coming from the waterfall. Sometimes the discharge of the water become very enormous during
the rainy season, but in the dry season the amount is a bit slower. The level two of the
waterfalls pond also impressive spot to see, the magic colors of rainbow is easily seen during
the day. Big brown rocks are the most decorating part of the waterfalls feet, and it is interesting
to hop on to one and another, but with very careful step as the rocks is slippery. At the feet of

the waterfall, one flowing river called Cunca Lega also offers the swimming experiences with
very good temperature of water. As the water flowing out from the slits of the rocks, the water
will flow down through the cascading rivers pond toward far northern direction.

2. 3. The size/width of the object: 25 ha

2. 4. Historical description about the object:

Do you know about any archeological sites here?

No archeological site

Could you see changes of the object?

Yes No.
If yes, what kind of changes
Irrigation was built on 2002 to water the local peoples ricefield. There was an assessment and
initial installment of Micro Hydro power plant by a private sector, but the plan was failed as the
discharge of the water is too enormous while the needs was only to supply electricity for about
200 family members.

Do you know from your mother/father or grand mother / father anything about this object?
Before the irrigation was built, local people used waters from Cunca Lega to water their

Do you know what people (your mother/father or grand mother/father) did with this object?

2. 5. Degree of tourism development of the object:

Very strong Strong Fair Poor Very poor

2. 6. When did the object start to be recognized/developed/visited?

When the place was discovered by the local villagers?

No information

When the first foreign visit this place?

There was different versions from local people of Kampung Tebo and private stakeholder in
Ruteng. Kampung Tebo people says that the first time foreign visitor is just during the
assessment activity time. But from the private sector, owner of Rhima Hotel, that he took a
foreign guest long time ago before the irrigation channel was built.

Why the first foreign visit this place?

2.7. For tourism product development, what other tourism objects could be linked to this object?
Liang Bua archaeological site: After visiting Liang Bua, visitors can continue the trip to
Tengkulese which leads to east through Beokina village which took about 12,5 km or less than
an hour and then walk 2,5 km from Kampung Nanu to the waterfall.

2. 8. Availability of written information about the object: (brochure, banner, billboard, information
board, results of research, etc )
Type of information Available Not available

Information board
Results of research
Others (please specify)

3. 1 Distance from district capital city (Ruteng) to Nanu 28 km, plus 2,5km to the waterfall and

3.2 The object could be reached from Ruteng by

Type of Transportation to object Possibility Length of time to
Yes No reach the object
On foot
By horse (if available)

By bicycle
By motor bike
By four wheels car 2 hours
By truck/bus/wooden bus
By boat
By speed boat
Others (please specify)

3.3 Distance to the object without vehicle access (if any): 2,5 km

3.4 How to continue the trip:

Transportation Possibility Length of Time to Reach
Media Yes No the Object
On foot An hour
By horse
Others, please

3.5. Accessibility during rainy season:

Trip to the object will be very hard since the discharge of the waterfall will be enormous, and the
path (the irrigation channel) will be so much slippery and hard to walk.

3.6 Trip route (main cities/villages) and road condition along the way from Labuan Ruteng to
tourist object:
From To Distance Road Condition
(name of main (KM) Asphalt Semi- Non- Small No
city or village) Asphalt Asphalt Road Road
Nanu (car park)- 2,5km/les
Tengkulese s than an
Liang Bua-Nanu 15 km
Ruteng-Liang 13 km

3.7 Interesting places that could be visited/stopped by on the way to tourism object (beautiful
sceneries, restaurant, traditional village, local food/drink, local souvenir, art and cultural center,
historical places, historical buildings, community development projects, rest places)

Name What Where (nearest Village

Liang Bua Archalogical site Liang Bua
Liang Nggalang Limestone Cave Next to Liang Bua cave
Niang Wangko Traditional house Wangko-Beokina

3.8 Availability of road sign to tourism object: Yes No

3. 9 Level of difficulties to reach the object (Access from the starting point, road condition)
Access with Difficult Difficult in rainy Not difficult Remarks

3. 10. Recommendations or improving advices corresponding to the accessibility (First

Theres no particular recommendation to the accessibility since the way to the object is
accessible. However, a trekking path next to ricefiled will be needed from the waterfall to river
cunca lega as in this assessment the team passing the ricefield and it is worried if there will be
more tourist coming to the object the farmers will get disturbed.

4. 1 Facilities

Public facilities available on the object:

No. Public facility Availability Remarks

Yes No
1. Rest room/toilet
2. Bath room
3. Information board
4. Brochure/leaflet
5. Resting area
6. Parking area/security
7. HP signal
8. Doctor/medical center/clinic Doctor Mario, Less
than 1 kilo from the
first point walk
9. Others: .....................................

Private facilities available on the object:

No. Private facility Availability Remarks
Yes No
1. Home stay/hotel
2. Restaurant
3. Shop
4. Souvenir shop
5. Car, motor bike or bike rental
6. Internet caf (warnet)
7. Others:

4. 2 Object ownership
To whom this object belongs politically? (Please tick the appropriate box)
Local government
Local community
Local community leader
Local religion leader
Individual/private sector

To whom this object belongs traditionally? (Please tick the appropriate box)
Local government
Local community
Local community leader
Local religion leader
Private sector

4. 3 Entrance fee : Yes No

If yes, how much per pax: IDR.

Distribution system of the entrance fee/revenue:

4. 4 Local guide:
No. Qualification Remarks
1. Availability of local guide No
2. Number of guides Male...guides, femaleguides
3. English ability Very good/good/poor
4. Product knowledge about the Very good/good/poor

5. Educational back ground of the Elementary school/Junior - high
guide (in average) school/diploma/bachelor

4.5 Are there any efforts to promote the object? Yes No

PNPM program is already having a road path from Nanu to Wae Rengkas river about 705
meters, this program will support 6 meters bridge in Wae Rengkas river.

4. 6 Type of supports provided by the government to the object:

What is the local government doing in this area? (school, road, water supply, hospitals,
electricity, radio, etc)
PNPM road as abovementioned and Irrigation channel to the people surrounding the object.
The subdistrict authority is now building a road from the subdistrict office to Kampung Tebo
about 1,5 km.

4. 7 Type of supports provided by local community to the object:

The local people of Tengkulese, especially Kampung Tebo, is highly maintaining the object as
their asset for agricultural needs to fill the ricefield irrigation.

4. 8 Type of support provided by local private sector:

Do business providers exist where local people work? (transportation, restaurant, hotel,
agriculture field, etc.)
Still no private sector involved.

4.9. Is there any cooperation or NGO working in this area? Yes No

CCF/Christian Children Fund, working in the health sector.

4.10 Government/community/ private sector planning to develop the object:

Do you know if something will change in the near future? (road, electricity, constructions, etc)
The official of Rahong Utara sub-dsitrict authority will build a road to the object

4. 11 Recommendations or improving advices corresponding to facilities and object

management (First impressions)
The local people of Kampung Tebo can have their house to be an accommodation service as
more activity to do surrounding the object.
An urgent thing is that some spot near the tengkulese waterfall are just happened landslide
about 5 months ago, this should be a warning for tourism activity or future development that
there should be a warning sign of landslide, or a different track to the waterfall.


5. 1 Number of populations of local community (desa): 140 head of family
5. 2 Number of population of the nearest village: Nanu is about 750 people

5. 3 Main livelihood of local community:

What kind of work are you doing? What kind of work are the most people here doing?
Agricultural, rice farming and garden farming (coffee, clove, candlenut, vanilli, cacao, orange,
coconuts and banana

What kind of work were your mother/father used to do?

Agricultural; rice farming and garden farming

What product are you selling in the market? Where is the market?
Banana is the most commodities

Coffee, clove, vanilla and cacao are also among commodities which sold to Ruteng retailers.

5. 4. Special cultural performance performed by the local community (dance, songs, Ikat
waving, cooking, etc):
Name of event Type of tradition Special dates

Penti Thanksgiving October, but with an

agreement from all local

5. 5 Local handicrafts/souvenirs (small/home industry) of the local community:

Pandanus hat, pandanus mat, pandanus pillow

5. 6 Where/how the local handicrafts/souvenirs are or could be sold

The handicraft is made for themselves.

5. 7 Knowledge of local people about the object (meaning of the object for local community)
Do local people often visit this object? Why? What are the locals doing there?
Local people from other kampong or village also likes to visit the object for refreshing

5. 8 Legends and stories about the object and surrounding

No special legend known by the local

5. 9. Hospitality/friendliness of local community

The local villagers of Tebo is really friendly and polite

5.10 Recommendations or improving advices to the cultural potential (First impression)

-It is better to have the village a workshop or cultural group so if tourists visiting the object, there
should be a preparation to welcome them in traditional ways.
-More revival of traditional customs of traditional legends or storytelling, traditional culinary,
traditional toys, traditional handicrafts and so on

6.1 Land use in the area around the object

Vegetation type Remark

Forest Dense forest above the tengkulese waterfall
Grassland -
Agriculture Ricefield and cash crop gardens
Swamp Near the ricefield

6.2 Landscape:
Type Intensity Remarks
Hilly High

Flat Medium Kampung Tebo
Rock formations High On the rivers (wae lega,
wae rengkas, and wae
River valleys High Wae Lega, Wae Rengkas,
and Wae Nio (Buar
Swamp Medium Ricefield
Water environment

6. 3. Specific flora available around the object (take picture):

No specific flora, only palm trees
6. 4. Specific fauna available around the object (take picture):
Squirrels, monkeys, and endemic birds like Punglor

6. 5. Specific geological formation available around the object (take picture):

6. 6. Human influence on the environment:

Type of influence Intensity (small, middle, high) Remarks

Agriculture High Paddies, bananas and

cash crops
Hunting/fishing None

Burning methods for None

agriculture or hunting
Other methods (for None
example bombe fishing)
Mining None


6. 7. Waste management:
Cleanliness of the surrounding
The surrounding of the object is still clean and away from the littering behavior.

Are there any garbage tongs?

No garbage bins/tongs

Is there any waste management? If yes, how?

Local people here only burn their garbage since it is the only way they know how to get rid
of the garbage.

6. 8. Relationship of local community with the environment:

What does nature/environment means for you?
The nature is very important because without the nature, it would be impossible to have the
paddies or the cash crops for their livelihood.

Is the environment important for your daily life? Why?

The environment support the livelihood activity, like the water supply needs to be maintained to
water the ricefields. It has been very dependable for the locals with the nature since their great
grandfathers time.

What do you think will change if tourist visits this place?

Nothing will change, since they (Local people of Kampung Tebo) are very enthusiastic with
visitors coming to their place.

Type of relationship Remarks

Sacred places None

Dangerous places 1. Few meters from the waterfall, there was
landslide happened
2. river of Wae Rengkas, about 300 meters from
the first walkpoint. It will be dangerous during
rainfall or in rainy season


6. 9. Recommendations or improving advices concerning the environmental /nature (First

-There should be better waste management understanding and practices for the locals as more
local visitors from other region will also try to visit the place.

7. 1 Specific things that have to be prepared/brought along/done by visitors before or during the
visit: Drinking water, sun crme, sun glasses, hat, swimming material, etc.
Drinking water, sunglasses, trekking shoes, change clothes, binocular/telescope, meals/snack,
sun cream (sometime the weather is hot), better to prepare some tobacco for the locals.

7. 2 Things that are or should be forbidden for visitors to do during the visit:
It is forbidden to destroy anything surrounding the object, including destroying the farmland, do
not act violently, it is better to visit the Kampung Tebo for a permission.

7. 3 Minimum age of visitors (recommended): 10 years old

7. 4 Visitor data:
No. Visitor data Remarks
1. Visitor record system not available
2. Majority of visitors Domestic/foreign visitors
3. Way of traveling of visitors (majority) Individual/group
4. Nationality of visitors (majority) ..
5. Name of travel agent that send
visitors (majority)
6. Average age of visitors
7. The favorite day (s) for visitors to ..
8. The favorite month (s) for visitors to ..
9. Number of visitors per year Year Domestic Foreigners
2005 ......visitors ..............visitors
2006 ............ visitors ............. visitors
2007 ............. visitors ............. visitors

2008 ............. visitors ............. visitors
2009 ............. visitors ............. visitors
10. General comments from visitors
(compliment or complaint)
11. General comments from travel agent Spectacular and outstanding object
(Compliment or complaint) (separate comment from a travel agent
person who visited the object before)

7. 5 Readiness of local community to interact with visitors:

Do you have any experience to interact with foreign tourists? Yes No
If Yes, what kind of experiences?

7. 6 Expectation of the local community of tourism:

Local people of Kampung Tebo and Tengkulese village (represented by the Kepala Desa) are
hoping that from the tourism activity, they can make something out of it or tourism can really
contribute to their livelihood or income. They also want to their pride to be promoted as wide as

7.7 Enthusiasm/willingness/commitment of local community if the object is going to be better

developed in the future:
The locals are very enthusiastic and joy enough to interact with the visitors. It is their own
assumption if there are foreign tourist they can learn how to communicate with strangers or
learn themselves English.

7. 8 Fear of the local community of tourism:

No particular fear.

7.9 Importance of the object to the local community:

The object is really important as the integrated identitiy of Tengkulese inhabitants and as a
source for their livelihoods.

8. 1 Main strengths of the object:

Accessibility: the object is easily accessible by car or motorbike along through the asphalt road
from the city of Ruteng which take about about 28 km to the first point to walk. From the park
point in Nanu, visitors only need to walk about 2, 5 km which takes less than 1 hour, including
visiting RT/Kampung Tebo Atas, a small kampong near the waterfall.

Uniqueness: Roaring splashes sound of enormous amount of water dropping from the distance
and two levels of waterfall dominating the center of ricefield panorama is the reason why the
object becomes very unique. The falling waters from the two levels of waterfall are easily
noticed from the distance as the first minutes of walk toward the object is carried on. What
makes it easily seen from the distance is that the levels are approximately 100 meters and
gathered by greenish ricefields. Lucky the visitors if they visit the waterfall and when they walk
the irrigation channel, some farmers with their paddy planting activity in their ricefield will
decorate the nuance, moreover when they start to sing anonymous local songs from the
distance. The temperature of the objects region is also not quite cold however refreshing one.
The level two of the waterfalls pond is the most impressive spot to see and it is about how
interesting the magic colors of rainbow circling around the pond during the day. From the
waterfalls pond, visitors also can point their vision to whole things lying down like the big brown

stones shattered along the river of Wae Lega. Another interesting fact is that during the dry
season the water is not drastically slowing down, or the water discharge is still in large amount.
To change the view, visitors must hop from a stone to another which makes it a bit difficult to do
since of the slippery rocks. Flowing waters from the pond into the river of Wae Lega is a nice
visual effect as they flow across the slits of the brown rocks then coming down as the river
cascades. Several pools of the river also offer experience of swimming activities.
Tengkulese waterfall is still new for those locals living in the city of Ruteng, it means that its still
little of people knowing about the object.

Activities: Trekking to Tengkulese, starting from Nanu the place where the car usually parked
and starting point to walk, it will take only less than an hour. The trekking also can combined
with some visit to kampung Tebo where the nearest inhabitant living around the object. Visitors
can also drop by in a small hut where the local farmers usually take rest after whole day paddy
planting, this hut is right before the irrigation channel where leads to the waterfall.
Different path toward the waterfall also can be done than taking the irrigation channel path,
which is the first visit will lead to the river of Wae Lega to enjoy the panorama of the waterfall
from lower angle. From here visitors can start to swim on the cascading river with refreshing
water as well. After the swim visitors can climb up to the ricefield to reach the irrigation channel
toward the waterfall.
It is also potential to have more activities (extreme one) like canyoning from the top of the
waterfall into the bottom of the river of Cunca Lega, but this should be conduct in a special

8. 2 Main weaknesses/constraints to be solved:

Accessibility: easy access only from the capital city to the end of asphalt road in Nanu, however
during the assessment it was found that to go to the waterfall, visitors must walk into the narrow
irrigation channel which is slippery whole year since the humid weather. It should be also for the
visitors to watch their steps to be really careful to keep balanced or they would fall into the steep
ravine. The channel also would be flooded as rainy season comes. Before the channel ends,
some spots of dangerous potential landslide also become a threat to those who visit the object.
Some meters of the concrete channel is already broke by the event and it was covered by the
rocks and dirt.
Another weakness is that if visitors want to visit the river of Cunca Lega at the time of the
assessment, visitors only can follow the path of the ricefields like the farmers usually have.
Considering carrying capacity for the path, it would destroy the farmers path of even worse
stepping into locals ricefield and destroy their effort in planting the paddy seeds.

Facilities: there is no established facility as this object is still quite new for the Manggarai
tourism agency. No toilets, road signs, and cellular signal. It is also have to be thought that a
parking site for visitors as more marketing and promotions effect will soon full the object in the

Culture: local people of Kampong Tebo cannot provide information whether they have some
cultural or traditional events during a year. From the interview to one of local people there,
current time, traditional performance like Caci whip fighting dance is mostly held in the city for
an event reason, and not in their own village. It is also found that they dont have any particular
traditional culinary to keep.

8. 3 Carrying Capacity
Impact of visitors to local economy development:
There is still no impact as this object is quite new. However, local kampong like Kampong Tebo
can provide coffee and drinks for visitors with good price in return.

Impact of visitors to local culture:


Impact of visitors to the environment:

As visitors coming to the object during the assessment time, some identified potential negative
impact for the environment already seen. Some wet dikes or dried one of the ricefield is fragile
and can be easily destroyed as more people step on it.

Number of visitors recommended per day: 15 pax/day

Involvement and capacity building of local community in the tourism object management
(entrance guard/information center/ticket seller/guide/ food-drink-souvenir sellers, etc)

8. 4 Recommendations or improving advices in terms of a sustainable eco tourism

development: (First impression)

Local community (new business opportunities, cultural awareness raising, etc)

Local people of Tengkulese village are very enthusiastic in the objects development for
tourism activity in the future. Proper training for locals to prepare one of their traditional
houses to become an accommodation service will be potential to do as more potential
activities become much possible. As their cultural tradition activity is rarely done in their own
land, it needs to be revitalized as tourists coming to the waterfall can be welcomed
traditionally or can enjoy several traditional dancing as ordered before.
Local people should aware that they can manage the environment in simple ways. It is
already good that they have been depending so much to the nature they counted on so they
are fully aware of its importance and not trying to destroy it such burning a farmland, cutting
down trees, and other destructive actions. Even though the people claim only hunts wild
monkeys as the animal disturb their farmland, It is also already advised to their perspective
that hunting animals for are not good behavior as it will trigger more hunting by other people
from other region. Some simple waste management also would be better to be taught to the
locals like doing composting for their cash crop plantation. A code of conduct for visitors in
the first point of walk is better explained in brief visitor information board, such bringing back
the rubbish from their meals/snacks, even pack or butt of cigarettes filters.
Potential to reduce poverty
As more tourists coming to the object in the future, new business opportunity for the locals
is feasible. Training for locals to be good guides will be the first recommendation as more
enthusiastic youngsters of the kampong to get involved in the tourism activity. More
identification on interesting spots like cave or more canyon activities will create needs of
local guides.

8. 5 Other comments and recommendations:
The SWOT analysis based on the data collection and other imputes gives an overview
of the main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and treats. Out of these findings and
in close exchange with the local assessment team the recommendations have been

Main Strengths Main weaknesses

- easy access from the city into the- The irrigation channel as the walk
object access to the waterfall somewhat slippery and
- very unique waterfall with two levels there are some landslide spots. No different
approximately 100 meters high path other than the farmers path to the river of
surrounded with beautiful panorama of Wae lega.
ricefields and interesting cascading
river as the attraction support to the- No facilities
- the people are willing to develop the- No promotions
object into tourism attraction - Other village than Tengkulese
- the object is still much natural (Buar) is now disputing the road access which
is in between border of the two villages

Main opportunity Main threats

- initial ideas for future object - uncoordinated plan between the subdistrict
development as it still quite natural and authority with the district authority such tourism
no developed facilities from agency about the objects planning
government - soon as other locals know about the object and
- opportunity for locals to serve food do some visits, it is feared that waste littering will
and drinks for visitors, even happen since no trash bins or simple waste
accommodation and guiding service for management
their local knowledge but before that - potential conflict between one to another
they should be trained first village around the object about future retribution

Other recommendations:
Accessibility: different route from other point to reach the top of the waterfall will also
be pleasant to have which means different trekking route through the dense forest
(observed from google earth). In this accessibility recommendation, a fix trekking path
toward the waterfall will be somewhat helpful to get saver path than stepping into the
slippery irrigation channel which potential landslide waits in the end before the waterfall.
And it also meant to keep the farmlands dike away from the over capacity of passing
tourists to the river of Wae Lega.
Activities: more developed activity than just a common trekking, but sometime for
canyoning from the top of the waterfall into the pond would be an interesting product
which required more focused assessment and test. Improvised activities like canyoning
or waterfall rapelling and waterfall hiking which would be the market for special interest
excursion or for those who love extreme adventure.
Facilities: signboards to point out directions, some warnings for those who enter the
channel path and the potential landslide. Local people can be taught how to prepare
decent food and drinks for visitors since theres no warung. If more developed, the
object will give more opportunities of activities and visitors can spend days to enjoy the

object and surrounding, so it will be better if local peoples house can be trained as
accommodation service.
Local community: as more activities will be identified in the future, local people
especially youngsters can be prepared as local guides.
Cultural: an art workshop or cultural group which can perform a traditional attraction to
visitors is also will be a complement part to have the object an integrated experience, in
this issue is how the visitors can interact with local community by their traditional
performance like Caci and Dundundake dance.



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