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Antioxidants for healthy ageing
FREE radicals are unstable properties to help guard against health and protect vitamin A
molecules with an unpaired the effects of excessive free (retinol) from damage by free
electron that are in search of an radicals. radicals.
extra electron to achieve a stable AstaREAL astaxanthin is Certain groups of individuals are
state. manufactured by Fuji Chemical more exposed to the risk of free
This unstable state of free Industry from the one and only radical damage and the need for
radicals often results in cell natural source, Haematococcus great antioxidants such as
damage when electrons are pluvialis microalgae. astaxanthin never ceases.
stolen from our body cells or The microalgae are cultivated in These individuals include
molecules needed for cell closed photobioreactors in computer users, individuals who
metabolism. pollution-free environments in drive long distances, those who
While the free radical subject is Gustavsberg, Sweden. watch television and read for long
nothing new, its nature of The bilberry fruit is high in a hours, and the elderly with a
destroying our cells or disrupting substance called flavonoids, weaker defence system.
bodily functions remains chemically known as polyphenols. As the saying goes, prevention is
unavoidable as they are generated Bilberrys flavonoids are better than cure. Supplementation
by our bodies in various antioxidants known as becomes important as nutrients
endogenous systems and daily anthocyanosides, which give the are usually delivered in their
activities such as sun exposure, bilberry fruit its blue red colour. concentrated form, which you will
smoking, exercising and exposure MAL13115073NC Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, not be able to obtain as much from
to radiation from visual display preventing the damage done by diet alone.
terminals such as computers, oxidation of nutrients and other Vitamode Asta-i-Care is available
television and other electronic chemicals in the body. in selected pharmacies nationwide.
gadgets. Antioxidants such as vitamin
A balance between free radicals stress, which will lead to Astaxanthin is a naturally E are a major part of the bodys This is a supplement product
and antioxidants is necessary for destruction of cells and molecules occurring carotenoid extracted immune system. They provide advertisement.
proper physiological functions. in the body and then a disruption from the microalgae protection against diseases and
However, an excess of free of homeostatic balance. Haematococcus pluvialis that is conditions that are associated with n For more information, call
radicals will overwhelm the bodys Unfortunately, the effects of free able to withstand and survive ageing by preventing free radicals 1300 800 228 or e-mail
ability to regulate them, leading to radicals are often neglected until harsh conditions. from damaging cells.
a condition known as oxidative they cause physical symptoms. Astaxanthin has antioxidant They are essential to promote KKLIU No.0080/2017
2 Healthy Eyes SUNDAY STAR, 12 MARCH 2017

Window to your health

HEALTH plays a greater role than
ever before in todays active and
mobile society. Illnesses affecting
independence and mobility will be
a larger concern as our population
lives longer and, therefore, good
nutrition becomes important for is a formula that provides a natural
both our body and quality of life. source of clinically tested lutein
Eurobio Bio-Vizmax Soft and zeaxanthin, DHA and EPA
Capsule provides a natural
Nutrition maximises source of clinically tested
from fish oil, beta-carotene, zinc
and other antioxidation nutrients
Recent studies have found two lutein and zeaxanthin, DHA such as vitamin C and E, copper
very important types of and EPA from fish oil, plus selenium.
carotenoids, called lutein and beta-carotene, zinc and The product is registered and
zeaxanthin, which are responsible other antioxidation approved by the Health Ministry
for giving plants their yellow and nutrients such as vitamin for safe consumption, suitable for
red-orange pigment. C and E, copper plus long-term health supplementation,
Lutein and zeaxanthin are the selenium. and formulated without added
only carotenoids found in the eye preservatives, flavour, salt or
and they function as antioxidants sugars.
as well as filter out damaging blue It is also certified halal by the
light, the highly energetic portion Al-Iman Islamic Society, Australia,
of visible light. which is a recognised overseas
Lutein and zeaxanthin are found authority by Jakim.
abundantly in egg yolks and in
fruits and dark green leafy n This is a supplement product
vegetables such as spinach and advertisement. This article is
kale. brought to you by Medipharm
However, studies have shown Industries Sdn Bhd.
that a high percentage of people KKLIU No.0912/2016
are not meeting their daily
requirements of fruit and
vegetable intake. Dietary
supplements may help to
close up this dietary gap.
fatigued. Good practices include: Lutein has also been reported to retina and eye lens.
Fatigue and strain from l Taking breaks when driving
long distances to reduce strain and
protect against effects of long-term
computer display light exposure in
These carotenoids
help to reduce photo-
driving and digital devices fatigue healthy young adult subjects. oxidative damage to the
l Wearing sunglasses when Through its light-filtering eye by absorbing and
On average, nearly nine in 10 driving during daytime to prevent properties, it improves glare filtering out UV light.
adults spend more than two hours glare and protect from UV rays disability and photostress recovery. Fish oils provide
each day using digital devices, l Computer glasses can help essential fatty acids
which can result in physical
discomfort after prolonged
reduce glare and improve
Benefits of lutein and docosahexaenoic
acid (DHA) and
exposure to a digital screen. Lutein and zeaxanthin were zeaxanthin eicosapentaenoic acid
When driving, we are constantly found to improve contrast acuity (EPA), which are
focusing and refocusing as objects thresholds, suggesting Lutein and zeaxanthin are important for the cell
approach. All these strenuous improvements during activities naturally concentrated in the membranes.
activities cause us to become such as driving at night. macular region of the human Eurobio Bio-Vizmax Soft Capsule MAL09062169CXR
SUNDAY STAR, 12 MARCH 2017 Healthy Eyes 3

Fix your vision

VISION correction surgery, or refractive and
laser eye surgery, is a surgical procedure
performed to correct vision problems.
Extensive research has provided
invaluable refinements and advancements
of laser technology and diagnostic tools to
develop safe treatment options for refractive
disorders. Laser-assisted in situ
keratomileusis (Lasik) is presently the most
performed elective procedure.
In recent years, tremendous In ReLEx SMILE, the lenticule is removed
advancements have been made in this field. through a small incision.
A new procedure called ReLEx SMILE is
gaining popularity. With no flap created, flap displacement or
Unlike conventional Lasik, ReLEx SMILE dislodgement is not an issue. ReLEx SMILE is
does not create flap and involves the use of a good option for those involved in contact
only one laser (the femtosecond laser). sports.
Instead of vapourising cornea tissue to Most patients will experience a dramatic
correct the underlying short-sightedness and improvement in their vision a day after the
astigmatism, ReLEx SMILE carves out a small surgery and then remain stable days after.
piece of corneal tissue called a lenticule and If the present direction and volume of
removes it through a small keyhole incision research is any guide, a large proportion of
(about 2.5mm to 4mm). tomorrows femtosecond technological
This single-step, all-in-one-laser operation advances and discoveries will be based on
only takes about 30 seconds to correct one the mastery of treating refractive errors
eye and the entire procedure can be without even touching the cornea.
completed in about 15 minutes for both eyes. All treatment will be intrastromal and
This laser is fast and uses very low energy. ReLEx SMILE is currently one of the most
The procedure is odourless and silent, advanced procedures available.
causing minimal discomfort to patients. Choosing laser eye correction is not a
Patients also feel more comfortable decision you should take lightly. Keep in
because suction on the eye during treatment mind that it is still a surgical procedure that
is gentler. There is no frightening blackout carries surgical risk, although risk is very
or bleeding (no red eye) during the small and the success rate very high.
procedure or swelling of the eye after Have your eyes properly evaluated and
treatment. examined by the eye surgeon prior to
Due to the smaller wound caused by surgery and discuss all options and potential
minimally invasive surgery, ReLEx SMILE risks in detail before making any final
results in a much stronger eye and less choices.
immediate post-operative discomfort and
tearing. n For more information, call KPJ Pusat Pakar
A small incision also means fewer corneal Mata Centre for Sight at 03-4022 6222 (Kuala
nerves are severed during the procedure, Lumpur) or 03-7804 4051 (Petaling Jaya).
which means lower probability of dry eyes. KKLIU No.1416/2016
4 Healthy Eyes SUNDAY STAR, 12 MARCH 2017

Treating dry eyes An artificial eye

is used to
replace an
absent eye after
an enucleation
DRY eye syndrome is a common or evisceration.
Tears are a complex
condition that occurs when

Restoring structure
insufficient or poor-quality tears
are produced by the eyes.
Majority of dry eye patients only mixture of water, fatty
experience mild symptoms of
discomfort. However, some do
oils and mucous. This
experience pain or severe mixture helps make AN artificial eye, also known as Centre (ISEC) prides itself in
discomfort due to the burning or
stinging sensation. the surface of the eyes an ocular prosthesis or fake eye,
is a piece of ready-made or
offering comprehensive eyecare
to all patients. Its ocularist, a
The condition of patients with
dry eyes may worsen in certain
smooth and clear. It also customised hardened plastic.
It is used to replace an absent
trained professional in the art of
fitting, shaping, moulding and
situations such as on an airplane, protects the eyes from eye following an enucleation or colouring ocular prostheses,
in an air-conditioned room or after
spending long hours on digital infections. evisceration (removal of the
whole or part of the eye). Such a
works with consultant
ophthalmologists to make sure
devices. Dr Choong Yean Yaw. surgery is usually done when that once the job is done, it will
Tears are a complex mixture of the eye has been blinded by a be indistinguishable from the
water, fatty oils and mucous. This be uncomfortable, it does not advisable to seek recommendation trauma, infection or eye other eye in other words, the
mixture helps make the surface of usually cause any serious problems. from a pharmacist. tumours. perfect fit.
the eyes smooth and clear. It also The main complications associated If symptoms persist, you should see An artificial eye does not Dr Kamala Devi Lingam,
protects the eyes from infections. with dry eye syndrome are eye an eye doctor for a proper evaluation restore vision, it restores the MBBS (Mysore), MS (UKM), is a
Complications with any of the infections and damage to the surface and treatment. Some treatments focus structure and cosmesis of the senior consultant
three tear layers can cause dry of your eyes. on reversing or managing a condition eye socket following a surgery ophthalmologist with
eyes. For example, the oil film Since tears protect the surface of that is causing the dry eyes. by preventing soft tissues from subspecialty in orbital,
produced by small glands on the the eyes from infection, without an Other treatments can improve tear collapsing and the eyelids from ophthalmic plastic and
edge of your eyelids (meibomian adequate amount of tears, there is quality or stop tears from draining turning in. This is achieved as reconstructive surgery
glands) may become clogged or the an increased risk of eye infections. from the eyes. Artificial tears may be the artificial eye fits over the (oculoplastics).
quality of oil produced may be If left untreated, severe dry eyes all you need to control the mild orbital implant and under the Izzah Azreena Azizan,
poor (meibomian gland may lead to eye inflammation, symptoms of dry eyes. Some people eyelids. BSc (Hons) Optometry (UKM),
dysfunction). abrasion of the corneal surface, use eyedrops several times a day and The process of fitting an is ISECs resident optometrist
Blocked meibomian glands are corneal ulcer and vision problems. some only use them once daily. By artificial eye usually takes up to and ocularist. She is a qualified
more common in people with Treatments for dry eye may Dr Choong Yean Yaw, corneal and three days. It is usually done optometrist and a certified
inflammation along the edge include lifestyle changes and refractive surgeon at Tun Hussein two to three months after ocularist.
of their eyelids (blepharitis), eyedrops. For most people with Onn National Eye Hospital, surgery. Once a proper fit is
rosacea or other skin disorders. occasional or mild dry eye Malaysia made, the patient is taught how n For more information,
Contact-lens wearers also have a symptoms, it is enough to regularly to handle and maintain the call 03-2284 8989 or visit
higher risk of having dry eyes. use over-the-counter eyedrops n For more information, artificial eye.
Although dry eye syndrome may (artificial tears). However, it is call 03-8069 1033/012 2846177. International Specialist Eye KKLIU No.0517/2017

Glaucoma, cause of
blindness worldwide
THE clear liquid in the anterior
chamber of the eye is known as
aqueous humour. It is produced
in the ciliary body and absorbed
through the trabecular
meshwork situated in the angle
of the anterior chamber.
When there is imbalance
between the production and
absorption of aqueous humour,
pressure builds up inside the
If the intraocular pressure is
not controlled, the optic nerve
(the pathway through which
information is passed from
the eye to the brain) will be
damaged, leading to constriction
of the peripheral visual field and Dr Chuah Kay Leong.
eventually a permanent loss of
vision. chances of success in preventing
Glaucoma can be broadly visual loss. Since the majority
divided into open-angle of sufferers experience no
glaucoma and closed-angle symptoms, a regular check-up
glaucoma, depending on the with an ophthalmologist is
anatomy of the angle where the important.
trabecular meshwork is located. Treatment depends on the
In open-angle glaucoma, form of glaucoma one has. It
patients are usually unaware of comprises medication (eyedrops
their disease until their vision is and tablets), laser and surgery.
significantly impaired or the After intraocular pressures
visual field is greatly constricted. have been normalised, regular
In closed-angle glaucoma, follow-up is crucial to ensure
patients may experience ocular the optimum intraocular
ache, red eye with impaired pressure is maintained. By
vision associated with headache, Dr Chuah Kay Leong
nausea and vomiting. This is an
ocular emergency. n For more information,
The earlier the condition is call 1800 881 201.
diagnosed, the greater the KKLIU No.0365/2017

The vision
of a person

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