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Kohinoor Techno Engineers Lirniied

(Prerr/brsty Known asAsian ndfenoefit Nehffik tiribd)

Reg. Ofice:'KOHINOOR HOUSE', Plot No.1, Gaiera lndustrid Estate,
lil E0 1001-1ffi Csrtifid
Opp. LC.Gandhi Mill, A. K. Road, SURAT,GUJARAT-INDIA
2#27ffi, Fax : 0261-2563650
Tel.: (+$l -9261\
Web : wrrrv.
Emai I : sale@kohinoormach

Ref No. Date

13th Febru ary,20L7

The General Manager-Listing
Corporate Relationship Department
The BSE Limited, Ground Floor,
P.|. Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai

Scrip Code:519485
Dear Sir,

Sub: Submission of Financial Result along with Limited Review Report

With reference to above, please find Unaudited Financial Results along with Limited
Review Report for the quarter ended on 31't December, 2076 in Compliance with the
Regulation 33 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,

You are requested to kindly take the same on record.

Thanking You

Yours faithfully,

For Kohinoor echno Limited

Kiritbhai Bhatt
Managing Director

Frtcl.: As nhoue
Kohinoor Techno Engineers Limited
(Previously Known as Asian independent Network Limited)
Reg. ffice:"KOHINOOR HOUSE', Plot No.1, Gajera lndustrial Estate'
At lS0 9001-2001 Ceriilied
Opp. l.C.Gandhi Mill, A. K. Road, SURAT-GUJAMT-INDIA'
Tel. : (+91-9261) 254.27 86, Fax : 0261 -2563650
Web : wwwkohinoormachineries'com
Email :

Ref No. Date:



StaGment of Standalone Audited Results for the Quarter Ended 3 I

3L-L2-L6 31-12-15 31-12-L6 31-12-15 31 -03-1 6

3 Months Ended

(a) Net sales/income from operations

Net of excise du&)

Cost of materials consumed

Purchase of stock-in{rade
o Chanoes in inventories of finished
work-in-orogress and stock-in-trade
d) Employee benefits
ion and amortisation
(fl Other expenses (Any item e
1 0% of the total expenses relating to
ations to be shown


Profit / (Loss) from operations before other

income, finance costs and e

Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities

before finance costs and exceptional items


finance costs but before exceptional items

'10 -ax expense Provision for taxation

{5 21)
1 1 Net Profit / {Loss) from ordinary activities

after tax {9 + 10)


13 | Net Prof it / for the 1+1 (2 8s)

14 Slare of profit ' ( of associates'
15 if,lincntv rnterest '
(0 91)
16 Net Profit / after taxes,
iinterest and share of profit / (loss) of
Paid-uo equilv share caPital 418 34 418.34
(Face Value of the Share shall be indicated)
Reserve excludinq Revaluation Reserves as 3346 i 3346
Kohinoor Techno Engineers Limited
(Previously Known as Asian independent Neturcrk Lin*Ed)
Reg. ffice: "KoHlNooR HoUSE", Plot No'1' eaiela !{ys!-{F.:F:"'
9001 -2008 Certilied Opp. LC.Gandhi Mill' A. K' Road, SURAT-GUJARAT-INDIA'
-9261) 254,2786, Fax : 0261 -2563450
' Web:www.kohinoormachineries'com
Tel.: (+91

Email :

Ref No.

rer balance sheet of previous accounting yeal

19.i Earninqs per share (before extraordinary
of R. ' Lr/- each) (not annualised): (0.12\
(0.07) (0 02) 0 0't (0.05) 001
(a) Basic
(0.02) 0.01 (0.05) 0.0'l (0 12)
(b) Diluted (0 07)
19. Earninqs per share (after extraordinary
lof R' l',/- each) (not annualised):
(0.05) (0.12)
(0 07) (0.02) 001 0.01
(a) Basic (0.1 2)
(0 07) (0.02) 001 (0.05) 0.01
b) Diluted
See accomoanvinq note to the financial results
Applicable in the case of consolidated results.

'l the Board ol'

N otcs: l . hc abor c resuhs l'erc rel ierved by A udit Corrrmitte c and taken on record bY
Directors at its mccting held on 13l02l2l)11
2. l-he Cohipany has tuo Reportable Business Segment i.e. Manufactulin-e of rnachineries &
related scrvices a1cl trading of diamonds in ternts of requirements ol Accounting Standard
3. During the quafier cndecl 3l/1212016. No complainls rvcre received anc'l attended.
prcvious quarter's fi-uures have been re-groupecl / re-arranged wherever neccssar)'.

ligurcs ot'lasr quarter are the balancing ligures betneen auditecl ligures in respect olthc
firll linancial year and
thc published )ear to date figures upto the thircl quartcl ol-the currcnt tjnancizrl 1'ear'
BY Order of the Board of Directors
Place : SURAT
Dale :13102120'17

'/;\ ,/S
t l.- ---l.'{$'
Chartered Accou ntants
CA. Bharat H. Gandhi

407, 4IH Floor, SANKALP, B/s Hondloom House, Nr Nonpuro police Chowky, Surol -395001
Fox & Tel. 0261-2460020 +919879240828 www.
Limited Revien'Report

Review Report to Kohinoor Techno Engineers Limitcd,

We have revierved the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results of Kohinoor

Techno Engineers Limited for the period ended 3l't December.2016. This statement is the
responsibilitl'of the Company's Managementand has been approved by the Board of Directors.
Our responsibility is to issue a report on these financial statements based on our review.

We conducted our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagement (SRE) 2400,
Engagements to Review Financial Statements issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India. This standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance
as to whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. A review is limited
primarily to inquiries of company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data
and thus provide less assurance than an audit. We have not performed an audit and accordingly,
we do not express an audit opinion.

Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to
believe that the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results prepared in accordance
with applicable accounting standards and other recognized accounting practices and policies has
not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of Regulation 33 of the SEBI
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 including the manner in
which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains an1 nraterial misstatement.

Date: 13th February, 2017

Place: Surat
arat H. Gandhi
M. No. 125227

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