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Mechanical engineering doctoral programs put a heavy emphasis on research and theory, so often engineers will
enroll in this degree program with an eye toward becoming an industry researcher or a college professor.
When students complete their degreeswhich can take about four to five yearsthey can expect to have the
following skills:

Research skills
Doctoral students are required to take the knowledge they have accumulated throughout
their educational and professional careers and apply it to an engineering problem or question.
As a result, Ph.D. students learn advanced research skills that allow them to understand
scientific literature, construct and execute a research study, as well as analyze, interpret, and
communicate findings.

Advanced mathematics skills

By the time students have completed a doctorate, their math skillsboth in theory and
applicationwill be top-notch. Students in Ph.D. programs gain an advanced understanding
of the principles of calculus, geometry and differential equations, and understand how to
apply them to practical problems.

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